Bimini developer: we did submit EIA


Tribune Business Reporter


RESORTS World Bimini has confirmed it has submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for its marina hotel and cruise ship dock development, a spokesperson telling Tribune Business that approvals relating to the EIA had been granted based on certain conditions.

Addressing recent reports that the developer had provided no EIA and had been granted no approvals, Michelle Malcolm, director of public affairs for the developer, Genting, told Tribune Business: “I wish to advise that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been submitted, and approvals to the EIA were granted based on certain conditions, including submission of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) that has also been submitted.

“Due to a tight construction schedule, the developer is mobilising teams in anticipation of receiving the construction permits any day now.”

Resorts World Bimini, operated by the Genting Group, announced last week that site preparation and preliminary work is underway for the construction of Resorts World Bimini’s new marina hotel, and that it has also mobilised personnel and equipment to support works for its new cruise pier to accommodate its Superfast Bimini vessel.

Resorts World Bimini said in its statement last week that it would work closely with the Ministry of Environment, the Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology (BEST) Commission and other government agencies to ensure best practices are followed, and that there is minimal impact on the surrounding environment.


proudloudandfnm 11 years, 5 months ago

The location where the hotel is being built is now a water way, reclamation has to be done. Would that not require a seabed lease? Would that not require permission to fill in? Would that not require all kinds of studies and impact reports? And they wanna tell us all of that was done in less than three months?

Somehow I doubt it....

Guy 11 years, 5 months ago

Goodness me! Not more than 96 hours have passed since the Minister of Tourism (after consultation with the OPM) indicated that NO EIA has been submitted. Who is telling the truth here?

WardKelly 11 years, 5 months ago

Florida threw away an ideal opportunity for tourist dollars and tax revenue when they nixed Genting’s plans to build a resort casino. I’d like to keep an optimistic view of Genting’s plans for the expansion of Resorts World Bimini. The Bahamas needs revenue too and I think the governing bodies there as well as Genting are making good choices for the islands.

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