Tribune Staff Reporter
THE government plans to deal with the discriminatory clauses that prevent Bahamians from gambling in casinos, according to Prime Minister Perry Christie.
Mr Christie said that although proposed changes to legislation were intended to mordernise gaming primarily for non Bahamians in the country, there were obvious issues with regard to the rights of locals within existing law.
He was speaking to reporters yesterday outside of the House of Assembly ahead of next week’s highly anticipated debate on Gaming provisions. He added that his party had not reached a consensus on the Bill or the direction that it should ultimately take.
Mr Christie said: “The issue of discrimination will come up and I am saying right now it exists. We will deal with it. For example If I am sitting in there and all the Members of Parliament get up or the great majority of them get up and say we are against this what do you expect me to do?
“We have to listen to the Members of Parliament when they speak.
“I am saying that the country wants a government that is able to listen to the people and respond positively with respect to what is taking place.
“There are some people who feel very strongly that we ought not to discriminate against Bahamians. I know that there are all sorts of contradictions.”
The Gaming Bill attracted much attention earlier this week when a clause was discovered that would permit permanent residents and work permit holders to gamble in casinos.
The new Bill was tabled in the House of Assembly last week and contained recommendations made by the gaming committee. It is expected to allow casino operators to offer mobile gaming to visitors.
The present Bill prohibits gaming for any person ordinarily living in the country, a permanent resident, a work permit holder or the spouse of any of those persons.
justthefactsplease 11 years, 4 months ago
PGC, "I am saying that the country wants a government that is able to listen to the people and respond positively with respect to what is taking place." So since your are so attentive and responsive to the people, what happen to the NO vote in the recent opinion pole or that doesn't count since it does not suit your agenda?
HolandObserver 11 years, 4 months ago
@ justthefactsplease...I agree with you completely. I found the PM's comment quite contradictory.
watcher 11 years, 4 months ago
Well said justthefacts. I can't say Christie is two-faced when it comes to gambling, as he seems to talk out of about 8 sides of his mouth.
countryfirst 11 years, 4 months ago
We Bahamians are being discriminated against in regards to gambling but I don't think Christie has the BALLS to change it.
banker 11 years, 4 months ago
Christie can't change it because he is a puppet of the numbers bosses. If Bahamians can go to the casino, then the numbers bosses lose out on their down payment that they made to the PLP.
henny 11 years, 4 months ago
Permanent residents and work permit holders are not Bahamian citizens. Therefore, should be able to gamble if they want.
banker 11 years, 4 months ago
They do.
Josie 11 years, 4 months ago
It's a shame. I cannot go into a casino and play slots when family/friends comes to visit, all because someone else may go right from work to gamble their pay away should gambling be "legal" for Bahamians. That person still finds a way to gamble their pay away.
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