Bahamians ‘should pay $200 fee’ to gamble

Andre Rollins

Andre Rollins


Tribune Staff Reporter


GAMING Board Chairman Dr Andre Rollins says he will soon recommend that Bahamians be allowed to gamble in casinos for a fee of $200.

The fee, he told The Big T yesterday, would deter people from gambling and help finance research into gambling addiction and programmes that treat it.

He said imposing the fee would ensure the government could not only stop discrimination against Bahamians, but also lessen the negative social effects of gambling legalisation.

His comments come at a time when the government, church leaders and the wider community continue to debate legalising casino gambling and web shop operations, despite the outcome of the referendum in January last year that voted no to regularising and taxing web shops.

“The entry levy fee would be a deterrent to those persons hoping to participate in casino gambling,” he said, adding that such a fee is already being imposed in Singapore, where he visited in 2012 as part of a Bahamian delegation.

He said: “Singapore obviously thought they had a moral or social obligation to discourage people from gambling and that is why they imposed an entry fee.”

Noting that gambling “has inherent dangers”, he said: “An entry fee is something that would perhaps cause people to think twice and would assuage those who fear the government is going hastily into a policy that could have negative ramifications for the Bahamian public.”

Tourists, he said, would not have to pay the fee.

 “The tourists have, in effect, paid an entry levy fee because they’ve had to pay to enter the country,” he added. “Their fee to enter the country via plane or boat exceeds the entry levy fee Bahamians would have to pay to enter casinos.”

He said in Singapore “the money made from the entry levy fee goes towards research intro problem gambling behavior and treatment for people who have that problem”.

He said: “Singapore’s system works because it’s a very well-regulated jurisdiction. Prior to entry, say you are a non-Singaporean, when you go into the casino, you have to show proof of your citizenship. A passport is needed to gain entry. But if you are a citizen, you pay a daily entry fee. It shows that they are not running a slack operation.”

Asked why Bahamians would have to pay a $200 fee, he said the number was not chosen randomly.

“$200 exceeds the minimum wage,” he said. “If, in order to just access a game, somebody has to pay a sum that would result in them losing more money than they can afford to lose, it would be a major deterrent to them. Paying $200 would result in a person losing more than they would make in a week if, in fact, they are someone who is making a minimum wage salary.”

Dr Rollins said the entry levy should not be imposed on people entering web shops.

“I have a bias that allows Bahamians a chance to be more empowered,” he said, adding: “Not charging entry levy fees for web shops would give Bahamians an incentive to develop gaming operations that are able to justify further investment in their operation. That could not happen if people are allowed to choose the hotel-based casinos and see them as far more attractive because they have a lot more capital to invest in a high-end product.”

Dr Rollins said imposing a $200 entry fee on Bahamians wishing to gamble in both casinos and web shops would put the Bahamian-owned web shops at a disadvantage.

Dr Rollins said his views do not reflect those of the Tourism Minister or the Cabinet. He said his proposal could not be possible “if the status quo is maintained”.

He said: “We could not have the hotel or web shops come into play unless the government decides to change the law that relates to Lotteries and Gaming Act.”


242Wow 11 years ago

What in the hell is he smoking?! So Bahamians in our own country must pay $200 while visitors to our country do not have to pay? How is it that imposing this fee will ensure that the government will stop discrimination against the Bahamians? I mean, how does he come up with this shit (that is the only thing I can call it)?!

The sad part about his comments is that he is really serious!

realfreethinker 11 years ago

242wow you are so right. Will the fee apply to persons who gamble in the web shop when they make them legal ? This government is heading for a complete train wreck

Josie 11 years ago

So, you're not going to interfere with the Bahamian that gambles his/her wage away at a web shop but will discriminate against someone who may want to enjoy an evening at the casino with visiting family/friends. Government cannot control everything - the person who is addicted to gambling is going to find a way to blow his/her money.

TalRussell 11 years ago

Comrades have a heart it's not fair game to come down so hard on Comrade Andre, cause it's hard make any sense when they talk after deputy leader Loretta in House of Assembly slap him up one side of he head and slide her clenched hand down other side. Even he mouth looks touch twisted out to the left of he face. I am right?


sheeprunner12 11 years ago

Why u all poking fun at Doc Rollins............ at least he has a plan unlike Cabinet

The_Oracle 11 years ago

From discrimination on one form to discrimination in another. But still exempting webs shops. Damn, they must really contribute plenty money to the political coffers for that kind of immunity! The need to Protect Bahamians from themselves has become secondary to protecting us from our elected!

Bahamianpride 11 years ago

Idiot, in a free society people should be treated the same & what happened to individual responsibility.. what his logic they should fine people $50.00 for eating McDonald's & kfc to prevent obesity...

antiignorance 11 years ago

Again ignorance reigns. Mr. Rollins why not impose a $200 fee for drinking, a $2000 fee for Sexing, a $5000 fee for smoking crack, and so forth and so on

nationbuilder 11 years ago

stupid is as stupid does

Honestman 11 years ago

Look let's get one thing straight. If gambling were to be made legal for all, do you think BAHAMAR would have any intention of letting ordinary Bahamians onto their casino floor without any control or vetting? Bahamians should be allowed to gamble like anyone else; however, casinos like BAHAMAR and Atlantis would have to take steps to protect their product from the unruly. I would imagine that they would require local residents to either take out a membership or insist that they take a room for a minimum of two nights. Rollins suggestion that Bahamians should be charged $200 to gamble us just plain stupid however.

TalRussell 11 years ago

Comrade Gaming Chairman Andre even if the government of the day legalizes gambling for locals, be it casinos or web shops there should be stiff fines and penalties levied against any gaming establishment who allows entry to any person, if they are currently unemployed, applied or have collected unemployment benefits, welfare or any other social benefits, including subsidized housing within the previous three years. If you have even filed for personal/corporate bankruptcy protection you should be bared from gambling for life.

Bahamianpride 11 years ago

Governments only responsibility should be as a referee, not daddy or mommy.. Gambling addiction is a moral problem that destroys lives & its the responsibility of that individual & there family to get help.. The government should offer help if that person cannot afford it but enough with this socialized communist mentality of government managing every aspect of peoples lives... Adults are responsible for themselves and there own actions and where a person legally decides to spend there money, it's non of our business... Bahamians should be insulted by this nonsense, F him.. Manage your own life...

Bahamianpride 11 years ago

What in essence he is saying is that Bahamians are a bunch of dumb out of control savages and we the few geniuses in government must control the idiots because they are not smart enough to exist without us putting limits on them... Yet any foreigners can come to the land and gamble because they are smarter and have more self control... They continue to discriminate against their own people keeping them poor and ignorant, from his comment one would conclude, he thiinks what Bahamians they do without his brilliance... Time for another slap from LBT...

realfreethinker 11 years ago

I endorse this message

BahamianDiaspora 11 years ago

Along with the inarticulate DPM, seems as if Rollins also had a piece of Fox's birthday cake. Talk about the hypocrisy here. Rollins is now following the PLP folly.

Liberty 11 years ago

I say we accept Mr. Rollins plan!Principally because we know we won't be paying no $200 but after the legislation is passed for us to gamble; we all would be very happy! Bahamians don't pay no fees or taxes except bank fees.

TalRussell 11 years ago

Comrades rather than tax poor people who done living a catch'in enough-hell-now-life with another $200 they ain't got and Fox Hill done full poor folks who can't raise bail money to be sprung from government imposed confinement, lets pray that Comrade Gaming Chairman Andre has the will and he investigative manpower and tools at his ready to make sure we never repeat the earlier payola days which energized the expansion of casino gambling in Bahamaland. Unfortunately, Sir Stafford expanded casino gambling beyond the old Bahamian Club on West Bay Street while enriching the personal greedy money pockets of Wallace Groves along with highly ranking/connected UBP politicians. The public records remain open for all to read as a ugly reminder for every Bahamalander of how easily it was to corrupt even those who once held powerful voices against casino gambling. Many of the influential were stone-faced into silence, by the payments into the many thousands of under-the-table monthly cash payola dollars. Back then they called them " shut your damn mouth up" and enjoy your "illegal" monthly cash envelope filled with payola consultancy fees. One Bay Street lawyer had testified when asked about a $700,000 cash deposit to his bank account to explain its source and you know what he said in response; that he never even noticed the $700,000 deposited into his account and was unaware who put it there, or how it got there.

SP 11 years ago

Dr. Rollins has been hanging around PLP jackass's too long.

We pay the same "FEE" as tourist to travel EVERYTIME we go anywhere. In fact Bahamians traveling more than once a year would be paying "MULTIPLE FEES" exceeding that of tourists even if we don't gamble.....So Roliins has his head deep up his azz on this one!

This idea of the PLP hiding behind and using Singapore as an example does not hold water.

JACKASS'S do not understand it is totally unacceptable for them to try to "cherry pick dis & dat" from Singapore whenever convenient, while ignoring other PROVEN best practices from Singapore i.e. crime fighting, transparency, death penalty, political accountability, etc. etc. etc.

JACKASS PLP's needs to simply stop half stepping and wasting time on gambling, marijuana legalization, transparency etc, etc, etc, etc AND GET THEM PHUCKING DONE.

No PLP JACKASS better not come to my door prior to 2017 general election talking bout vote if the above are not implemented at least two years before May 2017.....That means THIS YEAR!

We are not as JACKASS as they think we are!

sheeprunner12 11 years ago

So to ALL of you fine contributors above................ what is YOUR plan to solve the present casino/webshop inequality as it exists............. you all sound just like the politicians that you poke fun at ................... much talk and no solutions


TalRussell 11 years ago

Comrade SP there you go giving Comrade "Flagellation" Bran fresh ideas with the mere mention of anything Singaporean. Bran has made it clear that one his priority acts once he becomes Bahamaland's 5th PM is public flogg'in in Rawson Square. Let me remind Bran that Singaporean females are limited to receiving no more than 6 strokes when being canned. Hopefully, even a PM Bran will be much too smart to want to consider some kind taxpayers funding, for handing out little canes to parents when disciplining they's unruly children? Why not, after all even some them preacherman's be calling out from churches Sunday morning pulpits for canning them little ones backsides bright fire engine red?

proudloudandfnm 11 years ago

Wow. This is just stupid.....

TalRussell 11 years ago

Tis true there are some them philosophers who will say when you is talk'in sense you is responding correctly to common sense reasons. When it comes to Comrade Andre, I can't wait for the PM to ask his gaming chairman to please explain he reason for wanting be taxing he Bahamalandler's $200? Do you think PM will ask for an common sense explanation?

bullah 11 years ago

i REALLY wanna know how he came up with magical number $200..

The economic & social scope of Singapore varies drastically from that of the Bahamas… like New Zealand and VAT- this too is an apples to oranges comparison.

More so, noting that $200 is in excess of minimum wage- exactly who is he anticipating to pay this?

IDK…. LBT need to slap him again… like on the other side--- his neurones aint 'blinking' it seems.

jusscoolin 11 years ago

Are you sitting on your brain again Negro! Someone should pay you $200 to shut your mouth for the rest of your term. If you last that long!

TalRussell 11 years ago

Wow! If right out mouth of PM Christie's appointed Gaming Comrade Chairman Andre you have that it be "minimum wages" clientele who'll be patronizing them gambling casinos, then how damn broke is broke below minimum wages are the numbers wagering clientele go'in be walki'in into them nondescript without any fancy chandlers web shops?

bnewbold 11 years ago

So lets see, Bahamians are gambling either way whether it is legal or not. When Bahamians travel outside the Bahamas they gamble. Now, from what I see the web shops are still operating under a clause in the law which the Government do not intend to fix. Legalize gambling and make money. Bahamians are still paying their bills and making money from the number houses. If they are afraid that the days of the hubby horse racing will return do not. This is a new generation of people who have learned from those mistakes. Andre Rollins has to be on some type of drugs that has no name as yet but I'll call it the great "Stupid Juice". Bahamians should not have to pay to gamble. Now as for the churches, I want someone from the church tell me what is a raffle? Last I checked it was gambling, taking a chance to buy a ticket between $1.00-$5.00 and winning a $30,000 car or a fancy cruise. Raffling is GAMBLING.

242in404 11 years ago

Doesn't Aura charge an inflated cover charge for Bahamians to patron the nightclub? That would be kind of the same thing. The amenities of the resort are there for the paying guests. If you're not a paying guest staying at the hotel, then you pay an entry fee. The same with the water park. That is the logic.

SP 11 years ago

Since when has the PLP or FNM done anything based on logic?

Dey "TINKIN" bout gambling, transparency, immigration, finance, marijuana legalization, transit system, capital punishment, police brutality, WTO and most of all lining their own pockets.

Two to one & block the 4 ball, I bet they will only decide on lining their own pockets before 2016 comes and miraculously they'll have all the solutions for everything above, which they will expose on the 2017 campaign trail.


sheeprunner12 11 years ago

Thankyou 242in404........................ Bahamians (above comments) seem unable to think outside of the box ........... Doc has a viable plan you dimwits...... get pass the messenger and discuss the merits of the proposal

BahamasGamingAssociation 10 years, 8 months ago



The Bahamas Lottery and Gaming Act Chapter 387 Section 50 Persons prohibited from Gaming


The Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Chapter III – Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedom of the Individual. Section 26 Protection from Discrimination on grounds of Race, Place of Origin etc.

The Bahamas Gaming Association stands by the Ideology that all human beings who are 18 years or older should be treated equally in all sectors of the Bahamian Economy which is enshrined in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

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