Bahamian runs for US Congress

Calvin Turnquest

Calvin Turnquest

CALVIN Turnquest, a Bahamian-American is in a heated race in Florida’s 18th District for the United States House of Representatives. Florida’s 18th District Congressional contest promises to be one of the nation’s most important campaigns in the 2014 mid-term elections.

Mr Turnquest, who is reported to have a high crossover appeal among voters in the district, is a leading candidate for the Republican nomination, and most believe he is the Republican most likely to unseat the Democratic incumbent. In the 2012 national elections the 18th Congressional District, a mostly Republican district, was one of the most expensive and hotly contested seats in US election history. In the 2014 mid-term elections, Republicans are geared up to take back this historic seat that they believe should be in the Republican column.

Mr Turnquest, who was born in the Bahamas, is described as a conservative Republican.


Guy 11 years ago

All the best. Do well.

proudloudandfnm 11 years ago

Ah well he's a republican. No animal on earth dumber than a black republican....

proudloudandfnm 11 years ago

Here's hoping he loses every election he runs in... Last thing we need on this earth is another dumb ass republican congressman....

potcake69 11 years ago

Sorry to disappoint you but he has won quite a few. I have been following him and his career.

USAhelp 11 years ago

Typical you must vote for a party not the person. What a idiot.

proudloudandfnm 11 years ago

When it comes to that lil R after his name? Yep you bet. Vote the other guy. If you see an R it means two things only. Stupidity, pure unadulterated stupidity. And war. Dumb ass wars for no reason. That is all that R stands for...

So logic dictates that you have to vote for the other guy...

Unless of course you're an idiot..

potcake69 11 years ago

You sir are what's wrong with our country. You complain about everything, have nothing positive to say and you wonder why the country is the way it is. Politicians emulate what the public does. If we cannot get along, even within our own community, how do you expect our leaders change. You're being hypocritical. You talk about the TEA Party being extreme, how are you any different than an extreme liberal?

Stapedius 11 years ago

The guys with lil 'R' after their name as you put it do have an affinity for war. So is he American or Bahamian? I just don't want to see another mix up like the guy in Abaco or the Ryan Pinder drama. When you look in a few years time he's running in Yamacraw for a seat.

proudloudandfnm 11 years ago

Yeah be interesting to see what Bahamian party he'd run for.....

pablojay 11 years ago

And i would bet my house that "proudloud" is a PLP and has no problem voting for Ryan Pinder

SP 11 years ago

Hold on a damn minute......How come you idiots recognize a "Bahamian- American" but you cry foul when we use the term "Haitian- Bahamian"?

Typical two faceted hypocritical bullshyters,........SHUT UP!

pat242 11 years ago

(proudloudandfnm) you are nothing but a ass. How can you down one of your own. A Bahamian running for U.S. congress is a good thing. It shows that Bahamians are striving people who are willing to accomplish anything they set their minds to. I hope he does well and succeed and i hope u eat shit.

Stapedius 11 years ago

@SP who says he was recognized? That is why I asked the question what is he? Is a Bahamian or an American? I don't believe in this bull about Bahamian-American etc.Now turn your head and take the huge chip off your shoulder.

potcake69 11 years ago

I'm sorry but you don't have to "believe" in it. It's just the way it is... People feel a need to place labels. I don't think Calvin ever claimed to be "Bahamian-American." And I know he hates being called "African-American." But that's how the media labels him. I think he would classify himself as Bahamian with US Citizenship, living in America or if you ask him, he would say that after 25 years living in America, that he is American of Bahamian Heritage.

suckstobeyou 11 years ago

Wish him the best, and it is good to know he is not running for the party of dummies, the "Dummercrats", which are just a bunch of worthless idiots with no brains. Odumma will be ousted in the next election, and some common sense will be finally be reinstated back into the US government. God Bless America, The Bahamas, and this smart man who has more courage to do what is right than any of the morons posting hateful comments above

concernedcitizen 11 years ago

@suckstobeyou ,turn down the volume on Fox news ,maybe then you will hear the news that Obama won two presidential elections by large margins ,,,guess that means the majority of people like his leadership ,,There were no "hanging chads " ,no terrorist attacks ,to whip people into an emotional frenzy ,,just two hard fought elections where President Obama w/ the help of the American people ,white black and brown , won by large majorities ,,Turn off Fox news for a weekend and go outside and get some air ,Obamas enviormental ,and gas milage regs ,are even making fresh air sweeter

SP 11 years ago

@ Stapedius - Obviously you are in the group of blind people that never heard of Irish-American, Italian-American and dozens of others globally that acknowledge both their heritage and present citizenship.

You Bahamian geniuses are reinventing the wheel at every level in this country...And routinely falling on your ass's.

The Bahamas has gone full speed reverse the last 40 years......With no end in sight!

Questionmark 11 years ago

How can a Bahamian run for another country's government?! He isn't Bahamian, he is AMERICAN with bahamian parentage or of bahamian decent. Get it correct. This is a dumb headline because even Ryan Pinder had to give up one of his citizenships to be eligible to run in our elections. I doubt America wouldn't do the same. Kudos to him even though i missed the point of this article.

potcake69 11 years ago

If you read the Bahamian Constitution you would know that the Bahamas does not allow one to hold dual citizenship and run for office. However, other countries do not hold to that. For instance, an African woman was elected to Parliament in Italy. The only position necessary for you to be BORN in America for you to hold, is the Presidency. If Calvin is ambitious, blessed and fortunate enough, he can go as high as the vice President but never President. Please learn world politics and history before making snide remarks. BTW, the point of this article is to inform the public of the historic nature of Mr Turnquest's campaign. If he is elected, he will be the first Caribbean born, not just Bahamian born, to be elected to US Congress. We all can't be leaders but when you don't step up, don't tear down those who make the sacrifice.

SP 11 years ago

@ Stapedius - Case in point

The Bahamas economy continue on a steady downward spiral with banks and business's announcing closures weekly. The country is flat broke & deep in debt with absolutely no real clue of how to resolve it's financial woes, grabbing at straws i.e. VAT, carnival etc..

While the legalization of marijuana an obvious proven solution stares them in the face the Bahamian geniuses continue reinventing the wheel.



We have gone nowhere and will continue going nowhere but backwards with blind backward leadership while our people are forced to become criminals just to survive.

SP 11 years ago

The country that started the so called "war on drugs" under Richard Nixon is now embracing marijuana, cashing in on it's legalization and making preparations to saving Billions annually by clearing untold 1000's on marijuana related charges from prisons.


Guess what the backward Bumba's in The Bahamas are doing?

Stapedius 11 years ago

SP you are too angry dude. Take it down a notch. No need to go crazy on the issue. Recognize whatever you want. I don't see the need for the recognition that he is of Bahamian heritage. He's an American.The question was a rhetorical one, so no need to get yourself all wound up.

proudloudandfnm 11 years ago

Man I could care less if he's Bahamian. Republicans are the greatest threat to peace on this planet. Add to that the fact that they have dived head first into pure stupid. This dude should be ashamed of himself joining that crap party... I'd have much more respect for him if he joined the PLP, but repugs?!? No sorry. That just makes him a part of this planets problems...

Bahamianpride 11 years ago

There are 2 types of productive Bahamians living in the U.S. I have ran into. Those from affluent or upper middle class backgrounds who have belonged to the privileged class and were able to go off to school and get a education paid for by mom and pap.. perfectly fine.. Then there are people like me born in the Bain Town area, no running water, or indoor plumbing, went to government schools and earned my way through scholarships to come here and get the same education. We are not the same people, I can identify with all Bahamians even though i live in the U.S now. I can tell you any caring person would never touch the Republican party of today with a 100 foot pool. I certainly would never run for politics, but U want people with similar backgrounds or who have the best interest of the Country to return home and run for Politics, not the same old elitist nonsense or those that will add to the list of corrupt politicians we have..

proudloudandfnm 11 years ago

Exactly right Bahamianpride. Republicans are scum. War mongering scum. I have no respect for anyone in that party.

proudloudandfnm 11 years ago

Oh and by the way Pat242. I have better Bahamian heroes in the USA doing amazing things. Like Xavier Briggs, Sydney Poitier and Lenny Kravitz...

This dude is a politician. And for the repugs no less. By definition he is not worth praise....

proudloudandfnm 11 years ago

Tribune you guys need to research Xavier Briggs. You wanna do a piece on Bahamians doing amazing things? Research Xavier Briggs....

SP 11 years ago

@ Stapedius - I'm not angry, just frustrated knowing that we followed these buffoons for 40 years. They do not understand the concept that a country has to be run as a business.

They continue playing dumb games while our people suffer needlessly......Meanwhile......


pat242 11 years ago

(proudloudandfnm). Did you know Sidney Poitier was born in the U.S.A but never denounced his Bahamian heritage. Did you also know that in order for him to get a acting gig he had to drop his Bahamian accent and adopt an American way of speaking. But he never denounced his Bahamian heritage. I have lived in Cat Island and know his daughter very well so i am not guessing i no this. Yes legal statues is American, but he was born in the Bahamas and climb the American social, political and racial standings and had the courage to challenge fellow Americans for U.S. congress. That is amazing. Regardless if he is a Democrat or Republican the fact is he went ahead and did it. Who knows this may be a avenue where more Bahamians or persons of Bahamian decent will rise to the occasion and show the world what we have to offer. I bet if that person was your relative you would support him. So do not be a asshole and down your own. This man is a born Bahamian. Bahamian Pride runs in his vain. I hope he becomes successful and you eat the shit out my toilet. You need to get off Being Negative And Aint Doing Shit Avenue and go on Support Your Own Blvd. The Haitians doing it. What happen to you.

pat242 11 years ago

oh and for you little research project. Sidney Poitier born in Miami, Florida, U.S.A. Xavier Briggs born in Miami. Florida U.S.A, Lenny Kravitz born in New York City, U.S.A and Calvin Turnquest born in The Bahamas. Calvin Turnquest climbed up the American system and about to make history in the political word in the U.S.A.

sheeprunner12 11 years ago

Go Cuz Calvin!!!!!!!! Proud a you boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bahamianpride 11 years ago

Pat242, sheeprunner , this guy is not a moderate republican or fiscal Republican.. He's a active Tea Party Radical.. I support Bahamian's but he is to far gone...These are the people who parade President Obama around with Hitler Mustache, make racial radical statements constantly, he's an extremist.. He's not one of us anymore, he sold his soul.. Everyone that's Bahamian is not on our team, the same way everyone that's family is not always for u.. I read his bio and tried to connect or be proud but other than graduating college, marrying a doctor, & serving in civic groups, he has done nothing, another career politician..My background make him look like a welfare recipient & I'm from the Ghetto in Nassau..

pat242 11 years ago

If the things you say are fact then you are in tittle to your views. However none of that negates the fact that he has gotten where he got. Irregardless to how he may or may not have gotten there. On the other hand, i do not know these things to be fact so for that matter my views remains unchanged. on the intrem if what you claim is so, substantiate your claim with verifiable fact.

elleng20 11 years ago

I am a Bahamian American and I will vote Republican when Sir LOP comes back and vote UBP. Any Bahamian that runs on a Republican ticket need to go back and read from whence he came. when you will boost about knocking bread out of the poor mouth and stand in the way of peoples rights to vote then you have sank to an all time low and is no different than the hate mongers on the right.

potcake69 11 years ago

Here are some facts: 1: He was born in Nassau at PMH, so he IS Bahamian not Bahamian decent. 2: He attended St Johns College for prep 3: He graduated from Hawksbill High School on Grand Bahama and was the Head-boy 4: He worked his way through College, paid his tuition and Graduated from the University of Miami. 5: He did not marry a doctor. He married his college girlfriend and worked to support them while she attended medical school. 6: He worked and started three businesses which he was able to sell. 7: He was elected to his town Council for three terms (a term is two years) and was Vice-Mayor, even though he IS the only black man in his town. 8: He is a conservative, a TEA Party member and a Republican. 9: He does not believe that your ideology should preclude you from serving all. 10: He is not a crab, not every black Republican tears down his own to get ahead. 11: His brother, cousins and uncles serve in the Royal Bahamas Police Force and his father retired last year from Force. 12: If he was still in the Bahamas, he would be FNM and serve all Bahamians equally. 13: He owns a home in Nassau, rental property in Nassau, Freeport and Abaco. 14: He has invested in multiple businesses in the Bahamas, trying to support Bahamians. 15: He is Christian and serves in the Church of God.

God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen twice as much as you speak and you just might learn something.

bullah 11 years ago

HA! 'HE'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ told yinna!!!! -- lmao - 'potcake' go!!

idk… WE are all republicans sooooo idk what the 'real' problem is…

Bahamianpride 11 years ago

Fiction, name these bahamian business he ran.. He is a kid from good Bahamian upbringing who forgot where he came from & joined the KKK of American politics as a token. No christian man would join the tea party, there beliefs go against the teachings of Christ. Would God be on the side of anyone who fights against providing health care for the poor & working class. Rand Paul, made statements in support of Jim CROWE laws. Once u join the KKk of American politic u lose credibility. His father & family sounds like respectable Bahamian people, time to bring him home before he is too far gone. Do your research on American politics before u make comment, I live here & vote here, I know what the Tea Party stands for, my hope for my Bahamian Brother is that he wakes up, denounce the Tea party & run as an independent. He does that & he will not only get my moral support, but my financial support as well. His association with those klans men will only shame us..

proudloudandfnm 11 years ago

Pat242 sounds like a real republican... Yes Pat they were all born in the USA. Xavier grew up in Palmdale. I know cause he and I were school mates. Sydney was a black actor thaty refused to play stereotype roles. Lenny is an amazing musician. They are doing things.

This dude is republican. They give nothing to this planet but war. I could care less what his nationality is he is still a problem to the planet. Period...

proudloudandfnm 11 years ago

Potcake mussee don't know what a republican is hey? He has no choice but to go with party line Potcake. So you could take that crap about serving everyone and sit on it. Republicans serve big business. Period...

doubleh 10 years, 11 months ago

If running as a Republican makes Mr. Turnquest a dumb ass, then having ran as a Democrat would make Mr. Obama a smart ass. Indeed, it requires the smartest of asses to shell out over $300Million via an out sourced, NO-BID contract to a college acquaintance of the president’s wife, for a $100Million Healthcare.gov website working at half capacity - still incomplete even months after its initial launch! The world’s greatest hacker Kevin Mitnick deemed it an unmitigated security disaster! To put this in perspective, consider that the 100Million active-user Instagram phenomenon spent just $500,000 to get started back in 2010. What Instagram accomplished with $500Thousand Big Government has failed to equal spending $300MILLION – SIX HUNDRED TIMES AS MUCH! This is just one example of the incompetence of Big Government, which Conservatives like Mr. Turnquest seek to curtail for that very reason. In the history of the Bahamas, no Government has done more to curtail the growth of Big Government than the FNM. Remember the Ingraham Administration’s efforts to establish Local Government thereby decentralizing / shrinking Central Government? Like Conservatives abroad therefore, INFORMED, loud and proud FNM’s everywhere embrace this ideology but the similarities do not end there……. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article… http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/10/…

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