Crowds march in support of Nygard

SCORES of supporters of Lyford Cay billionaire Peter Nygard marched noisily through downtown Nassau yesterday in defence of the fashion designer over the criticism he has received from environmentalists and other Lyford Cay residents concerning his controversial development plans.

Several of the protesters carried placards which read “No selective environmentalists here – keep out” and “The high water mark! No trespassing.”

The protestors carried musical instruments and were outfitted with t-shirts; one shirt claimed that the Save The Bays environmental group was a “cover” for Lyford Cay resident Louis Bacon.

Supporter Clement Chea told reporters that Mr Nygard should be treated fairly because of his years of philanthropy.

“We’re here in support of him, not just because he is (rich) but because of what he has done over the years with the Golden Girls, even donating money to the Bahamas over the years,” Mr Chea said.

“We don’t understand the rift between Mr Nygard and the people in Lyford Cay but that’s not our concern. Our concern is that Mr Nygard needs to be treated as a Bahamian and as someone who has actually given to the Bahamas.”

He added: “He understands the plight of the less fortunate. I had an opportunity to walk through Bain Town (with him) and the love he received from Bain Town ... you would think he lives in Bain Town. Mr Nygard doesn’t care about where you’re from, his thing is I want to do whatever is best for the Bahamas and Bahamians.”

The Canadian has been embroiled in a dispute with environmentalists and residents of Lyford Cay over his expansion of his property, Nygard Cay.

The dispute has also drawn international attention. Lawsuits were filed last week against the government by Save The Bays (STB) and wealthy Lyford Cay property owners, including Baha Mar Chairman Sarkis Izmirlian and retired British actor Sir Sean Connery, seeking a judicial review of the planning process for Mr Nygard’s expansion.

Over the weekend, Mr Nygard responded to the lawsuits against his proposed expansion plans at Simms Point/Nygard Cay and claimed they are “legal stalling tactics” and present no new environmental assessments.

In a statement released by his Canadian lawyer, Mr Nygard expressed his shock at the allegations, maintaining that he “has always been environmentally conscious” and that recent media reports regarding his “efforts to rebuild Nygard Cay have not been presented accurately”.


asiseeit 10 years, 8 months ago

I shed a tear for my country, has this man really brought (bought) The Bahamas to this. The question people should be asking is why does this man think he can do as he pleases in our country? If you or I wanted to dredge the seabed are we not required to get a permit first? The man has broken the law of the land over the last decade, will he be held accountable, like you or i would be? If not then is the law of the land just for some and not for others? It is fantastic that he has donated but does that in itself give him a free pass? Is this a nation of law and order or is this a land of anarchy? One wonders with what is happening these days. What a sad situation our supposed leaders have gotten us into, beyond sad!

Revolutionary 10 years, 8 months ago

Bahamians, Our country is sick with corruption. The blame climbs up the ladder from person to minister to prime minister, but to find the true culprit, you need only look in a mirror. We know what is happening, yet we do nothing. Some feel they are alone, they have none to face this government with them. Most are scared - scared that if they raise their voice, they will be detained; political power will be exerted on them. If you are fine with what you see around you, what you see happening to this country, stay home the 26th. But, if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, I ask that you join us on July 26th outside of Parliament for a call for action, for accountability and for justice.

ChaosObserver 10 years, 8 months ago

well said....it's time local, regardless of where they live, start getting their priorities set straight....march to clean up your neighborhood! March to get rid of thug drug dealers! March to get needed food/water supplies! March to get governments attention on VAT! March agains high electrical bills! Quit whining and bellyaching and do something instead of expecting others to do it for you....

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 8 months ago

Free T-shirt, Kentucky, beers, TV, stove, $. While Nygard gets 6 acres of land worth MILLIONS for nothing. How cheaply we sell ourselves, while they laugh all the way to the bank.

Purcell 10 years, 8 months ago

Dear Lord Bahamians will march to their death if given a few bucks. Shameful and sad.

Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 8 months ago

Dese people need ta take dere march ta da front door of 007's house in Lyford Cay an' den on ta da front door of da Lyford Cay home of dat almost white massa of dem unpaid Chinaman slaves workin' at Baha Mar.....maybe dem unpaid Chinaman will join in dere march.

eyeswideopen 10 years, 8 months ago

Donated money to the Bahamas???? I think not. He donated to the present government... MILLIONS!!!!!!!!!!! Wake up Bahamas. You are allowing your country to be taken from you..... The Bahamas is being destroyed and it's people along with!!!!!!!!!! Look at the way most of us are living while the CHOSEN few are raping this country!!!!!!!!! MANY OF YOU voted them in and you have the power to take them out! And at the same time get rid of nygard and all those like him. Stop thinking of TODAY and think of the future....... For your children and grandchildren.. Don't blame the people of Lyford Cay..... They done a lot for this country but unlike nygard, they don't brag about it!!!! WAKE UP BAHAMAS'!!!!!!!!!!

proudloudandfnm 10 years, 8 months ago

Breaks my heart to see how easily our people can be bought. $25.00 to sell your soul to Nygard. They should all be ashamed of themselves....

asiseeit 10 years, 8 months ago

This is no laughing matter, Nygard is making a mockery of the law of the land. This is about as serious as you can get. This is about law and order. This is about weather or not our nation is for sale to the highest bidder. This is about weather or not our leaders are for sale. This is about the future of our Nation. Can a billionair come to our shores and do what he wants without obeying the law of the land because he donates some money to various charity's and Political party's? Would you want to invest in a country that seems to be lawless? Do you want to live in a country where people can do as they please with no accountablity? What a sad day for the Bahamas. What a shameful day for our leaders to have this man make such a mockery of the entire Nation.

Solomon 10 years, 8 months ago

The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends.

jujutreeclub 10 years, 8 months ago

What have our country come to. These people here marching can't even go near lyford cay nor Nygard cay. These peops are being exploited and need to realize that when this man pick up and kick them on the curve only C B Moss and other bahamians will be there to pick them up. This man ain noboby friend especially people of colour and overweight folks. Ask the folks who work for him and how they are treated.

Think on these things.

jujutreeclub 10 years, 8 months ago

I can guarantee you that not one of his staff is on that march

sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago

Whats going on down in Little Nassau???????? or is it now Little Nygard???????

TalRussell 10 years, 8 months ago

Looks likes some of we's don't even knows how to behave in public likes real Bahamalanders. Comrades first, we witnessed the taxpayers ZNS TV's Comrade "Talkie Host" Darrold, most obliviously under the guidance the the Crown Minister for ZNS, along with the ZNS Broadcasting Network Management Team, showing no shame as they was carrying the propaganda bucket for the most controversial Nygard, with the airing of what amounted to not one but two back to back self-promoting Nygard info-commercials, featuring all the good deeds of this man they call Nygard. But even ZNS's Nygard propagandizing could not have prepared me for what was to follow days later on Bay Street. Comrades I never thought the day would come when I would see a bunch of Comrades who would put on such public display, proving to me and hopefully many others that this our beloved, tiny Bahamaland is too damn good for some amongst us to co-exist with the rest of we. This solidifies in my mind that we must now move past an out-dated time when political parties supporters are identified by the colour of a party's free T-shirts. Comrade marchers is this really your proud way to think inside the-self-serving interests of a Nygard box, rather than demonstrate your commitment, respect and true love for all we "own peoples" and Homeland?

justthefactsplease 10 years, 8 months ago

Does any body know how much they were paid and who was the organizer of this march?

proudloudandfnm 10 years, 8 months ago

Word is they got $25.00 per person. And obviously Nygard organized the march...

ohdrap4 10 years, 8 months ago

if he wanted me to march, i require an iphone and a kfc mega meal

sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago

This is the problem............. Bahamians can be bought cheaply from Ping down to the ghetto rat

SP 10 years, 8 months ago

Dumb jackass's marching for Nygard while Haitians have rendered them unemployed and second class citizens in their own country.

blackcat 10 years, 8 months ago

haitians aint half the problem, hunny. You need to get real and look in the mirror. WE as bahamians are the problem. As you quite rightly say, we are the jackasses.

eyeswideopen 10 years, 8 months ago

Well said and right on point blackcat..

sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago

QUESTION: Why would any right-thinking Bahamian defend or support Nygard????????? Lyford Cay doesn't want him here................. much less the regular Joe Blow. He is a pariah.

Bahamianpride 10 years, 8 months ago

Colonial slave mentalities on display, each one should be photographed individually, identified and shamed for having the morals of a $10.00 whore.

Regardless 10 years, 8 months ago

This illustrates that there is not only a major deficiency of character, integrity and morality in Nassau, it also confirms a very serious deficiency in the gene pool.

TalRussell 10 years, 8 months ago

Comrades Nygad prepare yourself cause I done got's up in me creative head some really juicy lyrics to best describe how many of us really see you. Some years back I had the great honour to have corroborated with a dear Calypsonian friend in the writing of the lyrics of a song which was to later go on to become a top Bahamaland song hit in its day. Now, here I am many years later rekindling me creative juices, all thanks to this embarrassing for Bahamaland, the Bay Street Nygard T-shirts thing, and after the shameless taxpayers funded ZNS's airing of their "Nygard propaganda Info Commercials charade. So much embarrassment being felt across we tiny and beloved Bahamaland, it has motivated me to be's thinking seriously about putting pen to an all new Calypso song, dedicated to my Dear Comrade Nygard. First, I will start with just the song's long working title; "Da Day in 2014 When Bay Street Was Tak'en Over By Marcher's Carrying Nuisance Comrade Fashion Tycoon Nygard's Propaganda Bucket."

DillyTree 10 years, 8 months ago

You may be onto something, Tal. The title needs to be a little catchier though. Or maybe we could just work over the "Who put the pepper in the vaseline" to reflect the general shafting of the Bahamian people by Nygard.

Reality_Check 10 years, 8 months ago

Actually, Christie has them desperate which is exactly where he wants all but his close circle of thieving cronies who have drained our Public Treasury and hawked us in eternal debt! Ingraham was no different though.

jackbnimble 10 years, 8 months ago

@general. More like probably unemployed and DESPERATE!

DillyTree 10 years, 8 months ago

Here's a solution. Let Nygard buy up all the derelict properties in Bain Town and let him move there. He could have a whole village made for his beloved people to live next to him and he could pay them each $40/day to stand around and cheer at his every word. T-shirts would be available for purchase and optional.

killemwitdakno 10 years, 8 months ago

“We don’t understand the rift between Mr Nygard and the people in Lyford Cay but that’s not our concern. Our concern is that Mr Nygard needs to be treated as a Bahamian and as someone who has actually given to the Bahamas.”

Donations is how the world elite controls everyone

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 8 months ago

Also how drug dealers and underworld bosses insure their right to operate in the neighbourhood.

eyeswideopen 10 years, 8 months ago

Are you crazy????? First off, many of the residents in Lyford Cay have donated much to this country and not said a word because they don't seek glory and love this country.. Nygard on the other hand is buying the present government and a few other chosen ones while so many others suffer.. WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!!!!

SP 10 years, 8 months ago

This Bahamians first ting ain't working......Bring Hubert Ingraham back......At least we knew he hated Bahamians. We enjoy getting kicked HARD in the ass.

Vote for Hubert.....And learn Creole!

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 8 months ago

You gonna vote for Hubert!??

killemwitdakno 10 years, 8 months ago

What about when he pays $25,000 for egg donations needed in stem cell research. Who doesn't know that eggs are needed, but PLP kept promoting that it was all about the patient's own stem cells and hid the bill. The founder admitted himself that he didn't realize stem cells can create new stem cells and therefore embryos for science. This foolishness affects the rest of the world. You are harboring the world's most corrupt elite. Look what you have done.

Did you ever hear about the clone named "Eve"? guess what government gave her research company a license..........YEH

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 8 months ago

Anyone ever wondered why Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of mutton souse? That must be the most weird Bible story ever. Who in their right mind would give up their birthright to an inheritance of acres of prime land just because someone offered them one plate of some really good tasting food?

Bungatuffy 10 years, 8 months ago

Nygard! ,,, instead take a look at this Cuban millionaire Peter Vasquez doing a major dredging project at Leaf Cay exumas. Can't believe that the Bahamain government would approve such a environmental disaster! Destroying our gem, the most beautiful place in the world the Exumas. Once again the rich paying off our stupid government! Who knows maybe Nygard is an investor!!

SP 10 years, 8 months ago

@ ThisIsOurs.....BLT would sell "all a we" for a bowl of mutton souse and said as much when she was in the FNM Cabinet!

If you throw in some Dunken donuts and a few buckets of KFC......No telling what else she will do!

DillyTree 10 years, 8 months ago

SP, if the best you can do is make fat jokes, then best stay out of the conversation. Your ignorance and prejudice is showing.

jackbnimble 10 years, 8 months ago

Our Government has been purchased by crooks. Numbers Boys and Nygard. Our birthright has been sold for a meal.

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