Foreign dive operators 'add nothing to the Bahamas economy'


FOREIGN dive operators running trips in the Bahamas contribute nothing to the economy and compete at an unfair advantage against local outfits, Neal Watson, the president of Bahamas Dive Association (BDA), said yesterday.


Tribune Freeport Reporter


FOREIGN dive operators running trips in the Bahamas contribute nothing to the economy and compete at an unfair advantage against local outfits, Neal Watson, the president of Bahamas Dive Association (BDA), said yesterday.

Mr Watson said US dive companies are able to come to the Bahamas and run full service dive operations due to a loophole in the Charter Boat Legislation passed in 1991.

“This is a very controversial issue,” he said. “It was never designed for that purpose. The legislation was designed to encourage yacht owners to cruise to the Bahamas and base their vessels here,” he said.

The BDA president said US dive companies bring groups of 10 to 20 divers on their vessels to the Bahamas. “They clear Customs and Immigration and then they go out and dive, utilising resources in the Bahamas for a week. They are literally floating self-contained dive resorts,” he explained.

“They are the hotel, restaurant, bar, gift shop, and they operate their dive operations competing with local Bahamian businesses and contributing next to nothing.”

Mr Watson said they do not pay duty on their vessels or equipment and they purchase fuel at a cheaper rate in the US. He stated that they have all foreign crews and do not employ one Bahamian.

“They do not have to pay for work permits and so it has created a situation where dive businesses owned and operated by Bahamians are operating at a financial disadvantage to businesses based in the US.”

The BDA has no control over the activities of US dive operators, Mr Watson said. He noted that the fatality off Grand Bahama last week is a prime example of what can happen when foreign dive operators do not follow proper protocols.

Dr John Petty, 63, of Longview, Texas, disappeared while scuba diving on July 13 with tiger sharks off West End. He was with eight other divers aboard the Shear Water, which is operated by Jim Abernethy Scuba Adventures based in Lake Park, Florida.

A three-day search for Dr Petty by US Coast Guard and Bahamian authorities recovered shredded dive gear and a camera. He is believed to have been a victim of a shark attack and an investigation is continuing.

The BDA is in discussions with government to establish guidelines and procedures to ensure proper safe diving procedures are followed by foreign-based operators. Mr Watson believes that if a foreign vessel wants to operate in the Bahamas they should be required to base their business in the country.

“We suggest at least nine months of the year,” he said. “Why should they be able to bring a boat and equipment in and not pay duty on it when a Bahamian has to? They should be required to hire Bahamians or get work permits for their crew.”

According to Mr Watson, another advantage is that the foreign dive vessels are able to move throughout the 100,000 square miles of the Bahamas.

“They are self-contained live-aboard vessels and their sales pitch is that they can take divers to all the remote areas that land-based dive operations can’t take their customers. There is a lot of truth to that – the only problem is they don’t do that. They anchor on our moorings and on our dive sites,” he said.

The BDA president believes that foreign boats should be prohibited from diving within a ten-mile radius of land-based Bahamian dive operations. They would still have 90,000 square miles to take their customers, he said.

Mr Watson was also concerned about the tax advantage foreign operators have. “They are required to pay four per cent gross and this is not verifiable, it is almost voluntary. Now, Bahamian dive operators or a dive operation that is owned by a hotel, is paying 18 or 20 per cent.

“The hotel taxes and promotion board fees we would like to re-address – and the four per cent they pay. We are not trying to stop them from coming in; we need them on an even playing field with Bahamian operators,” Mr Watson said.


sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! and they are our "friends"............... so much for friendship. We are being exploited from North (US/Canada) and South (Caribbean)....... East (TCI &China) and West (Mexico & Havana) ................... How long can we really expect to survive without honest and nationalistic leadership???????????

Clamshell 10 years, 8 months ago

Yes, always play the victim card. Doesn't it feel good ...

proudloudandfnm 10 years, 8 months ago

Well then we need specific legislation on the books. Written to deal specifically with foreign dive companies operating their product in the Bahamas. They most definitely should not be allowed to run dive tours. The Charter Boat Legislation allows foreign yachts to take their passengers boating/diving/fishing. It needs to be amended to not allow dive companies to operate here...

sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago

Sooooo, whats the difference between American fishermen and Dominican fishermen?????? They are all poachers!!!!!!!!

Clamshell 10 years, 8 months ago

A good point ... the American scuba divers only take pictures; the Dominican fishing boats are stripping the Bahamas of a precious natural resource, with no regard whatever for the consequences. Which should we be more worried about?

sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago

Are you that naive to believe that Americans are only taking pictures of our fisheries resources??????? We have seen numerous documentaries showing that substantial quantities of pelagic fish and deep water fish are harvested within our 200 mile economic zone ................. what can we do???

asiseeit 10 years, 8 months ago

Maybe the wizards in government should listen to the stakeholders/dive operators in the Bahamas. Government knows next to nothing about the dive situation, you think even half of the M.P,s can swim?

ayatollah 10 years, 8 months ago

I swear this country is a big joke..thanks H.A.I,L.O.P and P.G.C.

sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago

Clamshell............Are you that naive to believe that Americans are only taking pictures of our fisheries resources??????? We have seen numerous documentaries showing that substantial quantities of pelagic fish and deep water fish are harvested within our 200 mile economic zone ................. what can we do??? These couple little RBDF boats cant stop poachers ....................... and then there is systemic corruption

captjohnr3 10 years, 8 months ago

Petitions Against Shark Feeding and Shark Baiting

Continue the prohibition of shark feeding in state waters Fla. Admin. Reg. 68B-5.005. Stop Baiting-Feeding of Sharks: increase fines, protect federal waters and punish offenders. http://chn.ge/1lyxhtG

Continue the prohibition of shark feeding in state waters Fla. Admin. Reg. 68B-5.005. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeacti…

Stop Baiting-Feeding of Sharks outside of Florida’s territorial waters. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeacti…

John Russell Detective and Dive Industry Professional http://www.RussellPI.com


captjohnr3 8 years, 2 months ago

'Stop Shark Feeding Tours' Published on July 19, 2016

A Bill that would ban SCUBA divers from feeding sharks in U.S. waters introduced in Congress

Some SCUBA diving operators use bait or chum to attract sharks so that their customers can get an up close and personal encounter. A new bill that would make this practice illegal in all U.S. waters has just been introduced into Congress. Section 3 of S. 3099, the “Access for Sportfishing Act of 2016”


Stop Shark Feeding Tours

Please contact your US Representatives bit.ly/2ixq2vf and US Senator bit.ly/2ioSEs5 and ask them to vote YES on S.3099 http://bit.ly/2jvKta2 By U.S. Senator Bill Nelson bit.ly/2isEv86

Shark Detective John Russell http://bit.ly/sharkdetective


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