Diving controversy

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I want to compliment The Tribune and Denise Maycock for the article on the controversy raised by the recent death of diver John Petty during a shark dive off Grand Bahama.

I am a member of the same underwater photographic club to which John belonged, and I and other members have followed this story closely. The article by Denise is by far the most informative on the issues raised on each side of this issue, and we look forward to follow-up articles on this topic. As you can imagine, this is a topic of great interest to us, and several of our members have been on this dive in the past and at least one has a booking on a future trip, should it occur. Thanks again.


Houston, Texas.

July 21,2014.


captjohnr3 10 years, 8 months ago

Florida passed laws to prohibit shark rodeos in 2002 and it has protected divers and sharks,,,

Petitions Against Shark Feeding and Shark Baiting

Continue the prohibition of shark feeding in state waters Fla. Admin. Reg. 68B-5.005. Stop Baiting-Feeding of Sharks: increase fines,

protect federal waters and punish offenders. http://chn.ge/1lyxhtG

Continue the prohibition of shark feeding in state waters Fla. Admin. Reg. 68B-5.005.


Stop Baiting-Feeding of Sharks outside of Florida’s territorial waters. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeacti…

John Russell Detective and Dive Industry Professional http://www.RussellPI.com

captjohnr3 8 years, 2 months ago

Stop Shark Feeding Tours Please contact your US Representatives bit.ly/2ixq2vf and US Senator bit.ly/2ioSEs5 and ask them to vote YES on S.3099 http://bit.ly/2jvKta2 By U.S. Senator Bill Nelson bit.ly/2isEv86

Shark Detective John Russell http://bit.ly/sharkdetective

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