LGBT attack 'is hate speech'

Erin Greene

Erin Greene


Tribune Staff Reporter


HUMAN rights activist Erin Greene yesterday branded prominent pastor Dr Myles Munroe’s recent verbal attack on the LGBT community as a “hate speech” that may incite violence against law-abiding citizens who are gay or transgender.

Ms Greene told The Tribune yesterday that the Bahamas Faith Ministries International leader and author had, with his fierce condemnation of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, created an environment where Bahamians no longer feel safe. She said the LGBT community faces risks of harm or even death from those who view the group as unnatural and an abomination.

“I believe that his speech should be appropriately called a hate speech,” she said. “It encourages a community with strong Christian values to believe that they have a moral duty to not only ensure LGBT citizens do not have equal and equitable access to rights, protections and justice under the law, but it can also encourage them to believe that they have a duty to annihilate the community.

“That type of speech by Dr Munroe not only encourages them to behave immorally and unlawfully, but his speech creates an environment that makes citizens feel unsafe and that they are at risk of harm or even death by those that view them as unnatural and an abomination or as second class citizens.”

She was responding to Dr Munroe’s six-page press statement which was released on Saturday that criticized a gay pride celebration in Grand Bahama. 

Dr Munroe referred to the event as a “massive deception ... dismantling the very core of the natural existence of humanity.”

Ms Greene said Bahamians must come to a point where they understand the concepts of citizenship and that no individual or group of individuals should be denied freedom expression.

She was not the only one to hit out at Dr Munroe, as human rights activist and entertainer Terneille Burrows also questioned the priorities of religious leaders in the Bahamas who constantly lambast gays and publicly detest gambling among other issues.

Ms Burrows, also known as “TaDa”, declared in a press statement yesterday that she is a member of the LGBT community and encouraged Dr Munroe to redirect his efforts toward launching a far-reaching campaign strategy with a view to eradicating the abuse of minors in the country instead of promoting viewpoints related to the private lives of law-abiding adults.

“I must ask if Dr Munroe describes statutory rape and child molestation as unnatural human behaviour, as he does homosexuality?” Ms Burrows said. “Should LGBT people that have not committed sex crimes be treated the same as – or worse than – those that have? Perhaps I am unaware of Dr Munroe’s response to other issues of national concern related to a number of men of the cloth over the decades that have been convicted of sexual crimes against minors in their care. It causes me to wonder about the priorities and intentions of those religious leaders in the Bahamas that consistently speak out against particular issues related to gays, gambling and the like.

“Would it be too much to ask for those that claim to be leaders of the Christian church to actively lobby for legislation that protects against marital rape and the like? Will the next campaign spearheaded by the Christian community in the Bahamas be the promotion of a ‘vote Yes’ campaign in support of equal rights for men, women, boys and girls in the Bahamas, or is the extensive campaigning reserved exclusively for pushing a ‘No’ vote against gaming? Transparency, accountability and responsibility is not only required of government, but religious and community leaders as well.

“I encourage you, as a kingdom citizen, to seriously consider redirecting your efforts toward launching a far-reaching highly publicised campaign strategy toward the eradication of the abuse and assault of minors in the Bahamas instead of promoting your viewpoints related to the private practices of law-abiding adults.”

She highlighted Dr Munroe’s admission that he was afraid of any lifestyle, orientation, preference or behaviour that threatens the survival of the human race.

“Those that choose to be celibate, undergo sterilisation, use contraceptives or cannot conceive naturally are also abnormal, but should not be blamed for the feared extinction of the human race,” Ms Burrows said. “I also guarantee that many of your faithful congregation, international counterparts, family, friends and yes, other high profile men of the cloth, whether known to you or not, have varying sexual practices or preferences they hold privately that you and the church would disapprove of.”

On Saturday, Dr Munroe suggested that forces are deceptively working to convince people that homosexuality is normal. Regarding the LGBT event in Grand Bahama, Dr Munroe said the issue must be addressed from a position that goes beyond religion. He further questioned what role government and tourism officials may have had in furthering the event and noted that the celebrations attracted the international press.


Altalk 10 years, 6 months ago

Say "Hate Speech".. This insidious person always deflecting.. There will never be gay rights in the Bahamas.

HarryWyckoff 10 years, 6 months ago

There will be, but like everything that (slowly) advances The Bahamas towards becoming something close to a civilised nation, it will be at least 10 years after the rest of the entire world has done away with insidious, ancient prejudice, hate and bigotry such as that spouted by this 'man of god'.

The rest of the world is pretty much there... we can only hope this nation will be one day too.

mangogirl01 10 years, 6 months ago

Probably during our grand/great grand children life time but not today, the majority of Bahamians are not ready for that. I can support a civil union but gay marriage, that's a no. Too, I think our country is too small for such a radical change and we don't have to follow everything that is happening worldwide, our differences is what makes us unique.

TalRussell 10 years, 6 months ago

Obliviously, misguided but I wouldn't go as far as to agree with the comment, if it means branding Comrade "Preacherman's" recent statement on the LGBT community, as an intentional “hate speech” that may incite violence against law-abiding citizens who are gay or transgender. I don't believe it has anything to do with hate in his own heart but he is more than intelligent enough to recognize that all one had to have done over past days is to have read the many hateful comments on the Tribune's and other blog pages or have tuned-in to the various talk shows to appreciate his comments attracts the most angry and hateful responses from those who will jump to the defense of his position. What I think Comrade Erin is saying is, why would such a prominent ranking member of the clergy want to run the risk of encouraging the Gay-Basher's and crazies among them.

hurricane 10 years, 6 months ago

If you would drop the stupid comrade references perhaps people would take your posts serioulsy. Ever thought of using Dr Munroe instead of the asinine "comrade preacherman"? You're an idiot...hopeless.

TalRussell 10 years, 6 months ago

Comrade Hurricane may Peace join you at some place and time in your life. Obviously, the Son of a Preacherman's, has never?

Son of a Preacherman's


mangogirl01 10 years, 6 months ago

Lol, I like TalRussell 'comrade' references - a different take on expressing his/her point.

Altalk 10 years, 6 months ago

obviously comrade russell...is a gingok....

Dob 10 years, 6 months ago

Thank you for standing up to your belief Dr. Munroe and the principles of the Bible. What two adults do in private is their own concern and they do not have to make it the public's business or expect for the public to condone it. What is going to be next, are the pedophiles going to be having a parade and insisting on their rights and claiming that they were born that way?

DreamerX 10 years, 6 months ago

Essentially, you can be whatever you want to be, just don't talk about it, don't expect to be treated fairly, don't expect to receive couple treatments under law, don't expect to receive the basic access others of the "normal" and proper group have access to. This is the motto of the ignorant black christian Bahamian. It's rather alluding historically like such of the Nazi party and the Hutu Hate Groups of recent history.

First, make it clear the others don't deserve to be treated fairly, then make it clear that they are doing is wrong and should be ashamed, then spread rumors of trying to hurt others or 'convert' others, and finally spark the fuse.

Regardless 10 years, 6 months ago

It is all very boring indeed. I am tired of reading about people who apparently are not able to attract the opposite sex go on and on about their lifestyles. Do what you want to do and stop making so much noise. Just discontinue the relentless recruiting exercises your kind seem to relish.

GrassRoot 10 years, 6 months ago

lets deal with the real issues in this country, like taxing the churches.

Bahamianpride 10 years, 6 months ago

Since all men and women have the same basic rights in the Bahamas the only thing homosexuals are missing is certain legally recognized protections government gives to married couples. Marriage is not chocolate cake, and in many cases it ends poorly with one person becoming a financial slave for years. I think allowing gays to get married is more torturous than denying them that right. Let them experience signing over their house, car, 1/2 pension or money u been saving to settle some divorce claim. Erin Greene doesnt get that she's fighting for the right to be tortured. I say let them suffer like the rest of us. Dr. Monroes speech doesnt even touch the surfice of hateful, its more wasteful and hypocritical with all the nonsense going on in the church and around the country that needs to be address immediately. I would like to see Dr. Monroe and Erin focus energy into dealing with this crime problem and education. Until i feel generally safe walking down the streets of Nassau, I could care less about either of these individuals or their agenda's.

Bahamianpride 10 years, 6 months ago

I could just see a homosexual divorce hearing " U mean I have to pay another grown man $$$ a month for the next 10 years", "Judge, yes he has to be maintained to the standard of living he is accustomed to." They can have that b.s..

jt 10 years, 6 months ago

I agree 100% with what Mr. Wyckoff said. Also, anyone claiming that there is "recruitment" going on, or that desiring equal rights constitutes an agenda is hopelessly ignorant. It is no coincidence that those nations with the highest happiness indices are the ones that support equal rights for their citizens, including their LGBT citizens. Take a look at the countries that allow gay marriage, and then the ones that don't and have a think about which set of countries we should strive to be more like.

Regardless 10 years, 6 months ago

Yes. Recruitment. How many times has an ugly dyke been spied trying to seduce some sweet attractive young woman due to the fact she realized years ago men were not checking. Leave the women who can get men alone and stick with your ugly, outcast sisters,

Altalk 10 years, 6 months ago

truth.....funny as hell

Publius 10 years, 6 months ago

Your argument regarding happiness indices is fallacious. Those global indices are rated on a broad category of factors. It is fallacious to assert that the happiness ratings of those indices are directly correlated to gay rights.

NICNEE 10 years, 6 months ago

People please, you should be ashamed to say that you are gay, just like the fornicators, and persons who have extra marital affairs, it is a sin. The bible spoke of these days. As a Bahamian you are entitled to fair and just treatment, like all others, a marriage is between a man and a woman, which is law in this country, so how about you guys becoming law abiding citizens and respect it. You don't see the persons who have extra marital affairs asking to have more than one wife, at least not yet, who knows after this foolishness they may think its possible! You deserve love and respect as a Bahamian, that's it, point blank! I am happy that this country is not like many others, what some persons call peace and growth is not necessarily that! Why not buy a one way ticket to one of those countries then! Foolishness is comfort to a fool! It is hard for mankind to see their own sins, especially if its comforting to them, that is why we have the Bible, to point them out to us!

HarryWyckoff 10 years, 6 months ago

The bible is a book you choose to believe in. You choose to live your life by it's words.

That does not make it a requirement, or fact, or real, nor does it give you the right to tell others how to live their lives. In fact, you are in the minority, with only 30% of the planet having any interest in your book.

Please - keep your 'religious agenda' to your self. What you believe is your business, but keep it in the privacy of your own home and don't try and ram it down everyone else's throats.

Altalk 10 years, 6 months ago

so you happy with the 70% of ppl who going to hell....yall gays need yall own planet....

TalRussell 10 years, 6 months ago

Comrades despite the outlandish statements being made by Bahamaland's Preacherman's, politicians and a small group of "OK go sexual anyways or positions you desire but not if it's the gay way" citizens, we still does ranks way up there as being a religiously diverse country. Believe it or not - Pope Francis Vatican ranks LAST.

asiseeit 10 years, 6 months ago

Pay attention to the price of fish! This is all just to deflect from what the government is really doing, VAT. I know I ain't no sissy so who gives a crabs leg. Now I also know I can't afford VAT. Lets talk about putting VAT on the CHURCH, it is after all a service.

Publius 10 years, 6 months ago

Erin Greene is full of you-know-what. While I was not at all impressed with the quality of Munroe's press release from a purely academic and literary standpoint, she is being just as illogical as he was in some of the arguments he made. No true Christian is going to read Myles' press release and decide they need to go out and harm or kill gay people because that is God's will. We are not under Sharia Law, nor are we radical fundamentalists about essentially anything in this country. The biggest so-called Christian in this country does not faithfully abide by the most fundamental of commandments. The conclusion she draws from what she perceives as Munroe's influence is by and large, a fallacy.

HarryWyckoff 10 years, 6 months ago

no true Christian is going to read Myles' press release

I don't think you'll actually find any 'true Christians' in the Bahamas (you know, the ones who believe forgiveness and tolerance, and living their own lives in line with the teaching of the bible), which is why it is so concerning.

Altalk 10 years, 6 months ago

you should know....we shouldnt tolerate...yall lifestyle...

DEDDIE 10 years, 6 months ago

The CDC website states that men who have sex with men although making up 7% of the male population in the US accounts for 78% of the new cases of HIV. Even without the religious arguments it is not wise to have sex with men. Yes and it also leaves that part of a male anatomy that they so intensely cherish smelling like pooh.

TalRussell 10 years, 6 months ago

Keeping them honest. My, my Comrade Diddie why did you delete the part which also included the % of "bisexual" men's in the same CDC's website having sex sex other men's? The CDC report you are quoting, clearly lists "bisexual" man's who be on Sunday morning's sitting right up front in them church pews with they wives right alongside them. Why didn't you report on the growing percentages of woman's who have become HIV infected, not from some lesbian relationship but from they own 'bisexual" husbands and boyfriends sperms?

DEDDIE 10 years, 6 months ago

The report simply says "men who have sex with men," that definition includes bisexual men. The point is that if you enter that part of the anatomy you have a higher chance of contracting HIV..

TalRussell 10 years, 6 months ago

Deddie, Deddie leave that delete key alone. Below is exactly what Icopied directly from the CDC's website moments ago:

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are more severely affected by HIV than any other group in the United States. Read more about prevention challenges for MSM and what CDC is doing to address them in HIV Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men."

TalRussell 10 years, 6 months ago

Comrade I just finished reading the full report and I challenge you to point me to anywhere where gay and bisexual men are not mentioned jointly? It does not single out gay men from bisexual men anywhere in the CDC's report as you would like readers to believe. ALL % HIV infected you have given are joint gay and bisexual statics. Am I correct?

abacogrouper 10 years, 6 months ago

Dr. Myles Munroe, I applaud you sir. I thank God for you. I respect you. You are a MAN among men. The truth cannot be denied, hidden or obliterated. Truth, right and common sense will always prevail. One day, this mess and evil WILL end.

TalRussell 10 years, 6 months ago

Bridget Gordon, HIV-Positive 'Oprah Show' Guest, Addresses Her Decision To Get Pregnant .


jusscoolin 10 years, 6 months ago

All Dr. Myles said was the LGBT Fairy Tale held was a “massive deception…dismantling the very core of the natural existence of humanity.” If those words hurt then you must be apart of the LGBT Pajama party. What da hell do you think this is Alice in wonderland? Get a real life . Stop making excuses for yourselves , hiding behind the walls of evil this person or pastor does and show them different . Let's just get this clear .....Federico Vaccari, Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach Resort resident manager said:

“Here at Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach Resort no bookings were made by any group or organization to conduct events for Bahamas Pride ‘Freedom Weekend’ 2014. Lies... and ....Royal Bahamas Police Force Superintendent David Deveaux, said no contact was made with the police by the organizers and neither was an application made for a march to take place. Their just looking for attention .

concernedcitizen014 10 years, 5 months ago

No way was Dr Munroe's response a "hate speech". Dr Munroe does not deserve all these accusations and name-calling. He is much bigger than these childish antics that put him down for what he boldly stood for. He is a man of principles who had the guts to stand up for the truth while most leaders chose to be politically correct or remain silent. For the love of his country and his people, he fought to preserve the moral values and traditions that keep families strong. The Bible is a book of love, not hate and that is the foundation Dr Munroe's response is based on. No way would he wish to incite violence and hatred on any human being. Read his books and you will understand where he is coming from.

CSM 10 years, 4 months ago

If LGBT IS A "private practice" then keep it PRIVATE IN YOUR HOME not in the streets of the Bahamas. You people who wanted a parade are the ones who brought it public.

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