Bishop: Tell Haitians to respect the law

Bishop Simeon Hall

Bishop Simeon Hall


Tribune Staff Reporter


A PROMINENT religious leader yesterday called on Haitian pastors in the country to urge their members not to follow anyone who encourages a “blatant disrespect” of the laws of the Bahamas.

Simeon Hall, pastor emeritus of New Covenant Baptist Church, said given the attention that US representative Daphne Campbell has received in her call for a boycott of the Bahamas, the country must position itself for serious national confrontation in the coming weeks. 

Mrs Campbell held a press conference in Florida last week, vowing to stop at nothing until tourists and international businesses boycott the Bahamas because of new immigration policies that came into effect on November 1. Immigration officials conducted raids and arrests in parts of New Providence the day the policies came into effect.

Mrs Campbell, who was born in Haiti, is a Democratic member of the Florida House of Representatives.

Bishop Hall said: “I want to call on pastors in the Haitian community to encourage their members to obey the Bahamas’ laws. 

“I don’t think they should follow anyone who would incite the spirit of ingratitude in the Bahamas. This country has been kind to the Haitian community. Any assessments done at this point would show that we have been accommodating to them. They should not follow anyone who would blatantly disrespect our laws or us.

“This should go for not only Haitians, but Europeans, Jamaicans and whomever else comes here illegally.”

The bishop added: “If some members of the Haitian community, be they here in the Bahamas or in the United States, were to continue to do and say things that shows disrespect for Bahamian law, then I believe we are headed for serious national confrontations.”

He said the Bahamas government should continue to enforce the law while making every effort to operate humanely.

On Monday, Mrs Campbell, who proclaimed to be a “voice for the voiceless,” said she took her position after seeing a video showing Haitian children facing deportation to Haiti being led away during recent immigration arrests.

She said Bahamian government officials have one week to apologise and reverse the new policies, or she will travel here with a delegation to address them face-to-face.

However, Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell shot back, dismissing the threat, when contacted by The Tribune for comment earlier this week.

“She’s a fool,” he said. “Anyone who talks about boycotting the Bahamas, I can’t have any time for them. That’s absolute rot. It’s amazing the stupidity that’s circulating around this. It’s just astounding.”

Opposition Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister Hubert Chipman also sided with the government saying the Florida politician was “totally out of order”.

However, Jetta Baptiste, president of the Haitian Bahamian Society of the Bahamas, has said that she supports Mrs Campbell “1,000 per cent” because the Haitian community is tired of the political games that have been played over the years.


Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 3 months ago

Seems bad cop leaders of illegal Haitians (including those with some Bahamian blood) are now going to have both their favourite church leaders and politicians play good cop for them. All true Bahamians know they must now take a very hard stance on illegal immigration or risk becoming second or third class citizens as a result of the willingness of our corrupt politicians (be they FNM, PLP or DNA) to sell our country to the Haitians or Chinese for any currency other than the Bahamian dollar that they have effectively made worthless!

countryfirst 10 years, 3 months ago

The Haitians are only following our corrupt politicians who have no respect for our laws but just continue to enrich themselves and their cronies.Every few years we have a so called mass deportation and then it stops and we see more HAITIANS than before but we continue to be fooled by these lousy politicians who always claim this time it is real a year from now we are going to have more Haiians on our shores thanks for nothing PLP FNM.It would be nice if we could deport all the members of the house of assembly past and present they caused this problem.

Observer 10 years, 3 months ago

Does anyone remember the statement of a senior Bahamas government minister that Haitians born in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas are STATELESS? Total confusion was exhibited then, but, very FEW BAHAMIANS took exception to that LIE. He played politics and now the chickens have come home to roost. It was a dumb thing to say because it could not and cannot be supported by any law of the BAHAMAS.

The_Oracle 10 years, 3 months ago

Start first by getting Bahamians to obey the law! That includes politicians! It is Bahamians who have enjoyed the Haitian labor, Work ethic, It is Bahamians who rubber stamp or sell work permits. It is Bahamians who shun Haitians, abuse them, prevent them from integrating. It is Bahamians who are xenophobic at large! For the U.S. Democratic representative, it is Bahamians who spend over 2 billion a year in Florida! A boycott can work both ways.......

TalRussell 10 years, 3 months ago

Comrades is it just by some strange coincidence over past week that these guest host "Talkie More English" modified version shows is the norm of the language you will now hear whenever you tune-in Guardian Talk Radio’s Monday to Friday 7:30 to 10 PM time slot? Could the bending have resulted from a backlash over past weeks that the stations owners have been receiving from even airing these programs? Regardless, in Haitian Creole or English - there is no masquerading what true intent of message is. You listen and tell me?

  • Haitian Kreyol Connection 12 November, 2014


TalRussell 10 years, 3 months ago

Please My Dear Comrades click on to 5th show clip listed of shows listen to options and and hear what Comrade Lady Russell has to say about how corrupt many Bahamaland documents were issued and why officials must go to jail. Never once heard jail time officials mentioned on any Tribune blog page. Why not?


Emac 10 years, 3 months ago

Listened to all of the audio playbacks. What has happened to Georges? Was he just absent for that one segment or do they feel that his stance on this matter is too pro Haitian?

duppyVAT 10 years, 3 months ago

Simeon Hall and his fellow Turks Island immigrants can give the Haitians good advice ........ when you cant beat the Bahamians .......... join them (peacefully).

wngriff 10 years, 3 months ago

Daphne Campbell is VERY DISRESPECTFUL to the Bahamas. The Bahamian Government are not targeting just Haitians, they are after those who are living here in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas illegally. Unfortunately the Government has been too lenient on this issue for a long time, and now they are cracking down on their illegal immigration problem...point blank!! I'm American, a foreign national, married to a Bahamian, who is here legally as a Permanent Resident, even though I'm not born here, I have the UPMOST respect for this country!! Romans 13:1-7 says, "1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. 4 For he is God’s servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. 6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor." Again, the Commonwealth of the Bahamas are just enforcing their laws, and those who are residing here illegally have to respect the laws here. If they want to stay here, they need to get their status straight, if not, they are LAW BREAKERS and deserve punishment. The punishment is to send their hip back to their home country, that is not discrimination!! If a person is living in my home country, the United States of America illegally, Uncle Sam would send them back quickly. The USA don't play when it comes to immigration!! Now let her say that to America when the Department of Immigration sends a boat load of her people back to her homeland and cry out "Boycott America, Boycott America!!" You know what will happen to her? Her hip would be right there on that same little boat!

Duarte 10 years, 3 months ago

Just as they are doing Haitians to the Bahamas also the Dominican Republic are doing and keep us a dirty campaign internationally and with the blackmail of racism have tried to corral Dominican Republic, but the Dominicans are not going to allow We will defend our country from this invasion haitina regardless, our schools are filled with Haitians, our hospitals are full of pregnant Haitian almost to the point of our hospital system to collapse due to the high volume of pregnant Haitian, etc etc¡¡ sorry my english is not very good.

SP 10 years, 3 months ago

We sympathize and totally relate to what the Haitian parasites are doing to Dominican Republic.

You can be happy that your government recognizes the danger and has proven by their actions that they will rid your country of Haitian parasites. We envy you!

Bahamas government has yet implement laws like Bermuda that would secure our country for future generations of Bahamians.


spoitier 10 years, 3 months ago

It is had to reach Bermuda on a boat, so the illegals that Bermuda have is mostly Jamaicans that travel there legally and decided to stay.

lojuste1979 10 years, 3 months ago

Well the immigration laws in the Bahamas changes any immigration officer who in Place i beart lot of peaple became illegale like that been paying work permit for 10 15 yyear Years national insurance immigration send deportation leter whit out no reason some of have the bank account because they permit just up the have no acces to the account like that a lot of poor people enjoy that i saw a lady in camp-road her wk permit just ou she didn't receive the next on immigration still took her to detention center they chek her file they let her go in the way back she saw someone whit matres another on whit tv another on whit radio when got to the house the house enpty this trhut in the Bahamas brother and sister is legal at 12:59 pm at 1 am illegal a couple years from shan Gibson no immigration officer go by the law The go by they heart they feeling and what they want that set

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 3 months ago

Lots of immigrants are probably taken advantage of, it happens because they are here outside the protection of the law. If anyone harms them, including law officers, who do they turn to? We hear of injustices against Bahamians quite frequently how much worse could it be for illegal migrants? This is not an easy problem, the Bahamas is in trouble right now, we cannot continue to support the influx of illegal immigrants from everywhere, mostly Haiti. Our capital is overcrowded. Like a life raft, everybody perishes if too many people try to get on board, the humane thing is not to abandon the people outside the raft, you tie them to you so you don't lose them and you help them where they are. Your countrymen need to go back to Haiti, the solution is for the world to help you there, but you must help yourselves, the first approach is to control the population, do not bring so many children into this world that you have no hope of taking care of.

Duarte 10 years, 3 months ago

The Dominican Republic is using more than $ 100 million in services Haitian illegal, over 20% of our national budget, are offered all totally free medical and educational services, not to mention that the state of Dominican Republic used over RD $ 1,800 billion to regularize illegal Haitians free and however well not grateful. Haitians do not respect anything in Dominican Republic, do not respect our laws, do not respect our culture and constantly claim that Dominican Republic is theirs.

lojuste1979 10 years, 3 months ago

This what you believe Trujillo still living stop the revenge wy the Haitian donot respekte the laws in dom rupublik because dominican rep government don't want to give them the right document to invest and work the samething Bahamas still find Haitian bying property those contry wy canada etats-unis don't say that Haitian don't respect the laws the Dominican poor people 100 times worse than Bahamian poor people me i lose my house my truck leaving my boy in the Bahamas because of jalous agry poor people

SP 10 years, 3 months ago


Don't leave your boy here! We do NOT WANT HIM!

We will find and send ALL the little Haitians and the big Haitians back to their BELOVED Haiti!

santaec 10 years, 3 months ago

It is happening in Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominican Republic, little Haiti in Florida this people do not respect the laws. They come illegally to any country and they demand citizenship. They do not want or like to follow rules of any society. They come with their own rules of disobedient. When the pressure is against them because the laws have to be respect it. them they become the victims. Haitian know how to play the game of manipulation and victimization and oppression. I am just waiting for them to call Bahamians racist. This is their favorite word to defend themselves from breaking any country's law. They are ungrateful and they believe that you have to change your laws and constitution to accommodate theirs needs. Do what you need to do and follow the immigration laws without other people tells you that you are wrong like the woman Campbell's in Florida. It is your rigths as a democratic country to enforce your laws.

Att. I am an angry Dominican's citizen with the Haitian's manipulations in my country.

SP 10 years, 3 months ago

...................... I Will Happily Oblige Them To Save Them The Effort ..............

WE THE PEOPLE of the Bahamas hereby declare that we are unwaveringly RACIST against Haitian parasites.

THIS DECLARATION, however, is not limited to Haitian parasites, and is inclusive of all other parasitism of all colors and nationalities be they from any other territory, North, East, South or West of the Commonwealth Of The Bahamas.

Muckracker 10 years, 3 months ago

Get over it all blacks are native to Africa not Caribbean and so dont waste time with self hate ok. Haitians are as much Bahamians as any one. Why are you buying into the Eurocentric values??

We are all slave descendants and as long as we understand we have have to come together and not self hate because of money i.e Haitians are using hospitals, schools, taking jobs then we will continue to be nothing as a people. Again help each other out as black people period.

SP 10 years, 3 months ago

............................Pure unadulterated BULLSHIT FOR IDIOTS .......................

This is about sovereignty, not a black or white issue.

Corrupt Haitians destroyed their country centuries ago.

We are not going to allow them to take what we built for future generations of Bahamians or give them our country.

Haitians are good at revolt and revolutions. They need to revolt against the corrupt mulatto class that rendered them to economic slavery and take control of their country.

They WILL NOT come here to take our country!

SP 10 years, 3 months ago


TalRussell 10 years, 3 months ago

I d not reject my Comrade Haitians because they are Haitian. I reject those in this present government and all previous administrations for ignoring that it was 'never the intent of the framers of our Nation's Constitution' that the granting of any citizenship would have ever become as "easy as as they have become" Yes, there are in place that under certain strict conditions the ability for government to revoke ANY Bahamaland Citizenship and regardless, if granted by a government or born on Bahamaland's soil on in our waters. For those who may be one of them waving their Bahamaland passports as proof you are one of Bahamaland's people, knowing damn well you willingly used or allowed the use of forged documents to support your application, let this not fall far from you, that Passport belongs to the nation and can be revoked at anytime, this year or in 25 years. My advice, sleep one eye open - focused on your fake passport.

DEDDIE 10 years, 3 months ago

Its always been about black and white. You are fooling yourself to believe otherwise.This what Frederick Douglas had to say on the matter.Haiti is black, and we have not yet forgiven Haiti for being black or forgiven the Almighty for making her black.Until Haiti struck for freedom, the conscience of the Christian world slept profoundly over slavery. It was scarcely troubled even by a dream of this crime against justice and liberty. The Negro was in its estimation a sheep like creature, having no rights which white men were bound to respect, a docile animal, a kind of ass, capable of bearing burdens, and receiving strips from a white master without resentment, and without resistance. The mission of Haiti was to dispel this degradation and dangerous delusion, and to give to the world a new and true revelation of the black man's character. This mission she has performed and performed it well. (end quote)Haiti and its people struggle because of a world wide embargo place on it that was 10 times worst than what Cuba experienced all because she wanted freedom. Yes some of it is of her making but as a black man I also show my gratitude for what Haiti did. Yes I agree that immigration needs to be controlled but I will not demean a people when no-one else spoke, she said, the negro will be free.

SP 10 years, 3 months ago

............................................... WTF is with you? ......................................

Frederick Douglas writings and thinking were applicable in 1845 but the man wasn't Jesus.

This is 2014! Frederic Douglas couldn't even possibly begin to fathom modern circumstances, geopolitical advances and changes that exist in our modern society.

The inordinate shear numbers of Haitians here are unquestionably dragging the Bahamas down to Haiti's level with inadequate education, health care, social service and job opportunities.

Our economy has not grown proportionately to support the population of Bahamians let alone 10's of 1000's of Haitians and other parasites.

Imagine another 50,000 Haitians coming here. Ultimately we too will become a failed totally state if this illegal migration situation in not brought under control.

Get the dam Haitian parasites and others out of our country!

Emac 10 years, 3 months ago

"The mission of Haiti was to dispel this degradation and dangerous delusion, and to give to the world a new and true revelation of the black man's character. " MISSION FAILED!!!...For those of you who see this as a black and white issue, that's your prerogative. Fight the good fight and do your thing. IF you truly believe in what you believe in then go back to Africa and fight from where your roots lie. Ya see, mouth can say anything. Don't sit in your air-conditioned room and talk about the roots of slavery and how it is applicable to this situation-Get up and demonstrate if you truly believe what you say you believe. In the mean time, no foreigner can dictate to Bahamians what the laws should be regarding illegal migrants or even demand us to respect those who have invaded our country for years. Respect begat respect. In other words, you can only respect those who respect you. And trust me, trespassing on someone else's property is definitely showing lack of respect.

If you look around you and if you read then you would see that the Bahamas is not the only place that is making drastic changes regarding laws and policies relative to illegal immigrants-USA, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominican Republic are all trying to get rid of access baggage (not to be taken literally). So skin color is irrelevant. You are held accountable for everything you do in another man's country. And by the way I believe Bahamians have done more than show gratitude. Shit! We have opened our doors and shared everything we gat over 40 years. The thing is though, as soon as you cross the line by disrespecting a country's sovereignty and laws, all the privileges you once enjoyed should immediately revoked.

duppyVAT 10 years, 3 months ago


SP 10 years, 3 months ago

...................................In Jesus name......AMEN! .........................................

DEDDIE 10 years, 3 months ago

SP I am actually surprise you even now that name. You seem to have a deep seated hate in most of your post.

SP 10 years, 3 months ago

DEDDIE....Thanks. You can remain an ignorant, judgmental, self-righteous jackass.

SP 10 years, 3 months ago

I assure you, should Haitians succeed in the infiltration and inundation of the Bahamas you will be forced to pull your head out of your ass and take a look around to find out what stinks!

Emac 10 years, 3 months ago

DEDDIE is a so called Haitian-Bahamian so she has a hard time deciding where to pledge her allegiance right now.

SP 10 years, 3 months ago

Your point is exactly why the Bahamas must replicate Bermudas' citizenship laws.

Naturalized citizens like DEDDIE are not, and cannot be expected to be loyal to the Bahamas and Bahamians when their roots, family and culture are Haitian or otherwise.

This category of "paper citizenship" individuals should not have voting rights or a voice in our country as their "TRUE" allegiance" will always be with the land of their heritage.


DEDDIE 10 years, 3 months ago

What Haiti dispel was this "The Negro was in its estimation a sheep like creature, having no rights which white men were bound to respect, a docile animal, a kind of ass, capable of bearing burdens, and receiving strips from a white master without resentment, and without resistance". Emac I hope you are not an English Language teacher. I told my Senorita a couple of months ago, we need a slave.I wonder what in the world would cause me to free my slave. The only conclusion I could come up with is Haiti, not the abolitionist they told us about in school.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 3 months ago

Maybe they didn't say it in the most diplomatic way, but what people are saying is true, if the infiltration is not arrested, it will destroy the Bahamas. We do not have the space and we do not have the resources inclusive of health care facilities to prop up another nation. Yes we have our own monumental challenges outside of immigration issue, but we don't need them compounded.

Emac 10 years, 3 months ago

Sorry Thisisours, but some people do not understand diplomacy. Even the bible says do not cast your pearls to swine. My mother always used to give the ultimatum of living by her rules or else move out from under her roof. I never rebel against her because of her stance- I knew she cared and I always appreciated everything she did for me. This analogy can be applied to the situation with the illegal immigrants in the Bahamas who are told to get their house in order or leave. Most choose to rebel, use threats or question authorities.

Sickened 10 years, 3 months ago

Perfectly said. I think we have met, or even succeeded, our quota of immigrants. Different countries can absorb different amounts of immigrants. We probably have around 20% of our population as immigrants, mostly illegal. We simply cannot sustain any more and need to remove many thousands. Illegal immigrants and government greed and corruption are rapidly destroying our country. We are so close to losing our middle class, and once that happens, mark my words, we are doomed.

Emac 10 years, 3 months ago

Doesn't matter what type of teacher I am DEDDIE, It still does not change the fact that you are talking a bunch of shyte! As I posted somewhere else, you are trying your best to be the objective voice. But that Haitian heritage in you is pulling you steadfast into the banana field. Sorry this is cut and dry. The only way to solve this problem is to get rid of the Haitian masses. This may sound ugly, but the grim reality is there is no getting around what needs to be done now.

Emac 10 years, 3 months ago

P.S-Stop smoking chronic and you might be able to think more clearly.Lol

DEDDIE 10 years, 3 months ago

Am a bit lost, what the hell is chronic. Chronic is usually associated with pain.

SP 10 years, 3 months ago

November 15th, Nassau Guardian page A7 "Deal Locator" advertises a 70' vessel just out of the boatyard with a 150 passenger capacity delivered to the Bahamas for $29,500.00

Bahamasair charges $37,000.00 per movement to repatriate 130 Haitians each time.

Government could purchase this vessel or something similar, step up roundups, expedite deportations on a sustainable level and save the treasury ton of money in the process.

Why aren't government capable of rational thinking?

duppyVAT 10 years, 3 months ago

I am convinced that $2 Billion of our national debt is directly tied to the Haitian population explosion in The Bahamas since 1973........... look at what we had to prop up in our country in terms of crime/immigration, healthcare, public education, social services and road and defense infrastructure and look at who are the main contributors & beneficiaries of these in Nassau.

The Family Islands have seen very little public infrastructure investment as compared to Nassau ............... and thats where the Haitians and other illegals predominate.

Check the islands with the least public investment and there are hardly any Haitians there.

Thats my theory on the link between public debt and illegal immigration.

Emac 10 years, 3 months ago

As far fetch as your comments may seem, there is a lot of truth to your statement. Anyone with commonsense can see this. People who do not see the connection between our dwindling economy and the cost associated dealing with the illegal immigrant dilemma are either playing the fool or ignorant to how widespread this problem really is.

The_Oracle 10 years, 3 months ago

The Ignorance swilling around here is astounding, Firstly, The Haitian people revolted for their independence, and were made to pay the french for it. A price they met in full, and in doing so depleted and destroyed their own country. Bahamians didn't fight for anything, it was given to them for free, irrespective of what garbage is being fed in schools. Therefore the destruction of the Bahamas, islands culture and society could only be considered voluntary and irresponsible. At least the Haitians had a purpose. The national debt is ours, we own it, we pissed money away in our new found "Sovereign nation" which we were given but we did not take the responsibility that goes with it. The IMF who lent us the money now want responsibility from us. Targeting the Haitians is a side show at best, and a serious indictment of our xenophobia and sense of entitlement.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 3 months ago

Not targeting the Haitians, not being xenophobic, we have huge problems as I said earlier, they are being compounded by illegal migrants. If illegal immigration stops today our problems will not disappear or become any easier, . Our biggest problem is political corruption, I'd venture to say it's the source of ALL of our other problems including illegal immigration. Nevertheless, illegal immigration is one roadblock we have to overcome

DEDDIE 10 years, 3 months ago

It is pure folly to keep trying to solve the Haitian problem in the same manner we have. I rented a place(no shanty town) to a Haitian man who was deported. He send a message to me not to rent out the place because he will be right back. He was back in the Bahamas one month later. I had the good fortune to visit quite a few family island and it is shocking the amount of undeveloped land. Use the Haitians to farm it. Every single time a politician wants the limelight he uses immigration.They go on raids with immigration officers. Fred is to cute to go on a raid but he knows who to garnished publicity.Fred Mitchel was the person who protested in the front of HMP the raids under Loftus Roker. Remember Fred Mitchel annual review under the tree,Remember Fred and the People Democratic Force, remember Fredmitcheluncensored.com. This is strictly about Fred Mitchel move to be leader of the PLP but you'll too foolish to recognize it.

spoitier 10 years, 3 months ago

I might not agree with a lot of your comments but using the Haitians to farm undeveloped land is something I had posted a long time ago. At least you can get equal compensation for the work they did before deportation and if they prove to be worthy or the country can afford to keep them, then it is a win-win situation for them and the Bahamas. Bringing down the cost of fruits, vegetables and meat could help the economy.

Stapedius 10 years, 3 months ago

@ThisIsOurs. Its always good to see people who tend to observe and listen before speaking. I absoulutely agree with you that we have issues in this country that are inclusive of illegal immigration. We cannot continue to bury our heads and pretend it doesn't exist. When we do mount a response we are called xenophobes. Many Bahamians are well aware of the historic signifigance of the revolution in Haiti and what it meant for people of colour in this part of the world. Yes, the French screwed them and they have been dealt some pretty messed up cards. But the modern history of Haiti shows a leadership that has been corrupt and terrible to its own people and these were black men. See many people love to go back to the revolution story and not think about the opportunities for development that Haiti has had. If we as a people keep going on and using slavery as an excuse for our corrupt politicians and lack of development then we do ourselves a disservice. We should not forget our past, but we cannot continue to use it as an excuse for our own failures today.

TalRussell 10 years, 3 months ago

Comrades this is Nola's boy so be nice.

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