DNA protests BEC prices - and Miller says he wants to join the protest too!


Tribune Staff Reporter


BEC Executive Chairman Leslie Miller said yesterday that despite the steep drop in global oil prices, Bahamians should not expect to see decreases in electricity bills until “at least January”.

Speaking to The Tribune on the heels of a Democratic National Alliance (DNA) protest outside the corporation, Mr Miller said BEC’s massive fuel debt to Shell Western was preventing “the people from experiencing some relief”.

Yesterday morning, dozens of DNA members, including leader Branville McCartney, marched to BEC’s headquarters protesting about the country’s “extremely high bills.”

DNA Chairman Andrew Wilson has said the party will stage a series of demonstrations until the cost of electricity is lowered.

Mr Wilson said at a time when fuel prices are going down all over the world, it is nonsense that electricity bills in the Bahamas remain so high.

“The truth is that in the Bahamas, the cost of electricity is too high,” Mr Wilson told The Tribune. “This at a time when the cost of oil is at an all-time low. You would have noticed that the surcharge on your electricity bill continues to escalate and businesses are being forced to close and lay off employees just to pay their electricity bill.”

Mr Miller said he agrees that light bills are too high and will protest with the DNA if it means cheaper bills for Bahamians.

“I have no problem with them protesting,” he said. “In fact I would like to protest with them. They came here peacefully and I explained to them exactly why there has been only little relief.”

“More Bahamians should protest at the high cost of fuel. It has been reduced by at least 40 per cent in America and elsewhere, but only here slightly. The only way the government can help Bahamians is to get another fuel contract but we can not do that because we owe Shell so much money. In January we should be in a much better position, we would have serviced our debt and the RFP (requests for proposals) would have been completed.

“We spend $385 million on fuel and we owe shell $128 million so we cannot cut them off until we give them all their money up front. I will march with whoever because I feel the way everyone else feels. My light bill is too high too. All Bahamians need to raise hell about it, every Bahamian has a right to protest and I am with them 1,000 per cent.

“So I have no problem with peaceful protests, in fact they need to bring some more people next time.”

Oil prices have hit their lowest levels in years since June, driven largely by what experts have deemed a supply glut. US prices have fallen 25 per cent to around $80 a barrel.


Paula 10 years, 4 months ago

Bunch of crap!!! In January they will have another excuse why they can't lower the bills.

DonAnthony 10 years, 4 months ago

Does Mr. miller think we are stupid enough to believe this nonsense? Fuel surcharge is supposed to vary up or down based on the price of oil and amount of oil consumed. The govt has never said they have a fixed priced contract with shell, and suddenly in January the contract will revert to a fluctuating one based on lower world prices? Absolute hogwash. Be honest and stop ripping off the Bahamian public. What is clearly happening is for months B.EC has been paying far lees for oil and not passing on the savings to a long suffering Bahamian public. These savings are being used by the corporation to pay back bills and cover wasteful, corruption.

asiseeit 10 years, 4 months ago

^^^People are starting to realize the amount that we as a people are paying for the corruption in the system^^. Every last Bahamian is being held down and being abused because our public officials are corrupt. This goes from the civil servant who gets paid but does not work to the theft of anything government owned, to kickbacks, bribes, and the list goes on. WE ALL PAY! This is why we need a Freedom of Information act and there needs to be a whistle blower act as well where people are rewarded for turning in those that steal from the nation! What amazes me is the fact that if a person steals from government they will pay for that theft in the end though higher taxes, fuel surcharges, or shoddy services. Think about it people, you are stealing from yourself!

TheMadHatter 10 years, 4 months ago

That is correct. We will pay or we won't play. Bahamians have realize that you MUST pay what is owed to the foreign persons who sell us oil. If we don't then our currency will be devalued and the money will be paid back one bahamian-to-US conversion at a time.

I assure you it won't be any fun living with a non-par dollar. Anybody who thinks so ought to move to Jamaica - or ask any of the thousands of Jamaicans here whether it played any part in their decision to come here.

Dont' take my word for it - look at the exchange rate on Jamaican dollars at www.xe.com which has all global currencies.

We don't make oil in the Bahamas. In fact we don't make much of anything except babies.

You watch, there won't be any VAT on baby food. Govt just loves to encourage people to have plenty of children that they can't afford so that they can keep them poor and uneducated - so they can be good slaves.

No more white slave masters, but black ones have taken their place.

However, the people want to be slaves - and so the masters are just serving a needed purpose.

People are always saying "things are slow man". Obviously they have not visited the delivery room at the PMH.


licks2 10 years, 4 months ago

Bouy. . .I een wan say dis. . .but I gone down ta see bran them do they thing and dem buncha hoodlum looking fellas dem are enough to make one berlic dog wan run behind somebody!!! Look like a RENT-A-PROTESTER crowd ta me!!!

BoopaDoop 10 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, I wonder if any of the protestors know what a B.E.C. bill look like.

countryfirst 10 years, 4 months ago

BEC will not lower its prices because it will cut into the profits of Frankie Wilson and his boys.

Tommy77 10 years, 4 months ago

Hope this goes well.http://s04.flagcounter.com/mini/kfoW/bg…" style="display:none">

SP 10 years, 4 months ago

...................................................I Second That 100% .....................................

Never mind the naysayers that complain and bitch about everything but never lift a finger to help any situation or have anything positive to contribute.

John 10 years, 4 months ago

IF you OWE a company money and you are continuing to buy from them and their prices are reduced, when does the fact that you owe them money stop you from buying at the new lower price? Lelsie miller is talking wholesale crap...BUT who is Franky Wilson? Why is Shell in the West?

duppyVAT 10 years, 4 months ago

Bran needs to set up his gallows in Rawson Square and hang Leslie Miller first...... LOL

duppyVAT 10 years, 4 months ago

Where does SHELL get its fuel?????????? USA or Venezuela???????? Because if its down South its only 25 cents per gallon. While we pay on average $6.00 per gallon.

What do you call that????????????

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