THE funeral of Dr Myles Munroe and his wife, Ruth, on Thursday will be state-recognised, the Cabinet Office announced yesterday.
The funeral will be held at the Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) Diplomat Centre, Carmichael Road, at 10am. Dr Munroe, the senior pastor of BFMI, and eight others died on November 9 when the plane carrying them to Grand Bahama hit a shipyard crane and crashed on approach to the airport.
The bodies of Dr Munroe and his wife will lie-in-repose on Wednesday at the Diplomat Centre from 9am to 5pm and the public is invited to sign the Book of Condolences.
bollux2u 10 years, 3 months ago
Does this mean we the tax payers will be footing some of the bill to bury a man who has a personal wealth of millions? Something wrong there
Jengill 10 years, 3 months ago
Have you ever stopped to think what an International Treasure Dr. Myles Munroe was and Kingdom building besides, how many millions his mission contributed and will continue to contribute to the Bahamian community. To my mind he was more influential than Nelson Mandela and he had a state funeral. Don't count the pennies when the fruits of his labours are out of this world. Bear in mind , this funeral is not for him - he's home and dry - it's for those left behind who mourn his passing.
illum 10 years, 2 months ago
I do not wish to sound disrespectful or rude, but on what planet is Dr. Myles Munroe more influential than Nelson Mandela, an individual who sacrificed his own personal freedom by remaining in prison for 27 years on Robben Island and is generally regarded throughout the world as one of the most important people who has ever lived... I think you need to be more careful expressing your views on a public forum such as this as they reflect an extreme bias and might I add, a certain level of ignorance...
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 3 months ago
Just more vote buying by the PLP leadership and now BFM executives on the backs of us poor struggling Bahamian taxpayers who have had our country's finances raped, pillaged and plundered, ensuring that our quality of life is destined to remain one of squalor and fear! Even Myles's soul should be crying out against the impending expense of his funeral being heaved onto the backs of us poor destitute Bahamians for none other than political purposes at the behest of Brave Davis and friends (not even with the blessing of the usual evil one, namely Perry "Vomit Christie!)
TalRussell 10 years, 3 months ago
Bahamaland's State Funerals are categorized by cabinet at (3) levels, with (3) being the lowest level, where no Funeral expenses are to be incurred to taxpayers. Cabinet has decided,only to grant the late Dr. Myles a State Recognized but not a State or Official Funeral. Makes sense for taxpayers, considering the Funeral Services are to be held for both Dr. & Mrs. Myles.
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 3 months ago
Right, no cost to taxpayers - what a joke! And by the way, just who is it that will be paying for all the muck-a-muck luxury vehicles, chauffeurs, security personnel and other ceremonial trappings of grandeur that our corrupt political elite insist on having whenever they go to public functions, not to mention the expensive new dresses, hats and handbags their spouses will be expected to show off for the first time at a public spectacle, assuming the spouse of the politico muck-a-muck is a woman?!!! Bernadette's new funeral attire alone bought and paid for from her wardrobe allowance account established at the taxpayer's expense will only be surpassed by that of Mrs Poodling who likes to take from Public Treasury but never put a dollar of her own in Public Treasury by way of fees and taxes that she feels she, as a member of the ruling class, ought to be exempt from!!! Poor Myles is looking up and saying: "Man, I mussey done sumtin' wrong 'cause I now is lookin' up prayin' to get in rather than lookin' down sayin' 'Amen' I has arrived!"
TalRussell 10 years, 3 months ago
Comrades I'm genuinely all for "Sate Recognized Funerals" cause can you think of a better way when "no taxpayers dollars are by law allowed to be involved, to create a venue for all the hypocrite politicians from both sides Lower House of Assembly and Upper Senate Chamber isles to assemble in one place. They can all pose for the cameras as the attempted canonization of Comrade Preacherman's Myles gets underway. Who know, maybe the red robbed members Judiciary will be in be in attendance.
jamaicaproud 10 years, 3 months ago
Wow nothing is sacred.
ohdrap4 10 years, 3 months ago
well the myles himself collected a paycheck from the treasury and never did meaningful work at the mistry of education. all he did was to plan how to open BFM.
also he left BFM deeply in debt.
the dead man with the baton was himself.
duppyVAT 10 years, 3 months ago
I am glad that yall are beginning to understand how the Bahamian political & religious elite continue to exploit the small man ................. in life and death. add outrageous memorials, public edifices, and pensions etc. While the small man has to beg someone or go in debt to get a decent burial ............................ $3000 for a cremation
jamaicaproud 10 years, 3 months ago
Its worse in Jamaica, my brother. but we survive.
TalRussell 10 years, 3 months ago
Comrade Dr. Myles and the other 8 lives lost would want us turn their untimely deaths into a positive. We will forgo the flag-draped coffin, marching police band and live ZNS TV coverage.. All we the people ask of this PM, is for this PLP government to announce at this "State Recognized Funeral Service" that they will introduce a Bill in da House of Assembly, making it that every citizen Bahamaland, will receive a "Funeral Grant" to help with funeral costs. This one-time payment eligibility should not be related to ability to pay for funeral costs. It can be tied into your NIB contributions. A sum of $3500 would be payable upon your death.
duppyVAT 10 years, 3 months ago
Its a part of your NIB benefits now ............. what else you want from a broke Government?????
MaLambee 10 years, 3 months ago
I am so deeply saddened by the loss of so many lives..But could someone kindly advise what Mr Munroe did for the Bahamian people? Am not talking about his parishioners! Am talking about the residents in The Bahamas. Please dont cuss me out, am not being cynical, I just wondering.
ohdrap4 10 years, 3 months ago
As far as I can tell from articles, no one lists what he did for the Bahamian people. He was a very successful showman.
As for his parishioners, he beaqueathed them several million dollars in debt. He failed to teach them the management and leadership skills with which he acquired great wealth for himself,
Very few people in the media dare say anything.
Andrewharris 10 years, 3 months ago
At last someone is calling it like it is. He's just a rich man that died. He had is positives and negative just live anyone else. Can't imagine why the hoopla.Can't recall him saying or doing anything that was really profound...but I might be wrong. He failed to impress me so I didn't listen to him.
duppyVAT 10 years, 3 months ago
I have been saying this from Day 1, BUT THERE ARE THOSE WHO DARE NOT SPEAK ILL OF THE DEAD.
In The Bahamas, all who die go to heaven.
Straight_Talk_Bahamas 10 years, 3 months ago
I am surprise it took this long for Bahamians to start tearing this man down. Yall did good, I expected this much sooner.
Nevertheless the level of pettiness and negativity is disappointing.
On another note, I spoke to a member of BFM about the several million in debt, they informed me that Dr. Myles was very open about the churches finances and even had public accounting once a year during services. The financial position was explained to the congregation by accountants and the word was they were close to paying off the debt.
CommonSense 10 years, 3 months ago
Maybe he should have sold that private jet to pay off the debts.
duppyVAT 10 years, 3 months ago
Myles was a good businessman, his MMI company made money but the church (BFM) was broke ........... he admitted that he was not in the church business ................ at least he was honest. Now let Davey B clean up the mess.
MaLambee 10 years, 3 months ago
Thanks all am glad I asked the question. As someone said, we dare not speak ill of the dead. One of the many problems we have as a people is that we close our eyes and allow those in authority to take advantage... thus our politicians no matter of uninformed they are continue to bring our country down and we do nothing. .
CatIslandBoy 10 years, 3 months ago
I am always amazed at the level of ignorance and pettiness that continue to abound in this tiny island nation. Some of your outrageous comments are reflective of a backwards people who fully deserve the political establishment that you currently enjoy. To posthumously denigrate a man who has single handedly done more for the Bahamas on the international stage than any other Bahamian in history, is disgusting and despicable. Dr. Munroe should be lauded and held in high esteem, as a role model for our troubled youth to mimic. Every penny that he received was earned from his intellectual reservoir. In sheer numbers, he probably wrote more books than many of his naysayers have bothered to read. Through him, and because of his numerous conferences and fledgling ministry,thousands of visitors have flocked to Nassau, and spent thousands of dollars in hotels, restaurants, and shopping. I can go on to list the positive impact that Myles Munroe has infected upon the Bahamas, where he always proclaimed "God lives", but his public record speaks loud and clear and is very audible to all those except the jealous naysayers.
Finally, the government is to be commended for declaring a state-recognized funeral, even though many of you babbling idiots do not understand the difference between a State Funeral and a State-recognized funeral. As a recipient of the Order of The British Empire (OBE), and in recognition of his work on behalf of this country this recognition is most fitting. I hope more Bahamians will rise to the occasion, filling the void created by this tragedy, and continuing to showcase our Bahamian talent in the international arena.
duppyVAT 10 years, 3 months ago
Cat Island, I understand your dilemma ................. maybe if the great teacher had given some of his precious teachings and famous leadership retreats to our government .... we would have seen some of his impact ............ he gave his all to Africa .................. LMAO
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