A MAN has died after being hit by a car around midnight last night on Sir Milo Butler Highway, New Providence.
Police report that a man was driving his 2006 Honda Inspire vehicle north on Sir Milo Butler Highway between Carmichael and Fire Trail Roads when he struck a pedestrian who ran into his pathway. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene.
Investigations are ongoing.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 1 month ago
Condolences to the family. Road Traffic needs to do a 1000% better job on educating pedestrians. It used to be silly school kids who didn't know the value of life taking chances on the road, now you see (as a regular occurrence) grown men and women daring cars to hit them. Some are clueless to the fact they there are people driving without due care and attention and they can't brake in time to account for your foolishness
solejordan 10 years, 1 month ago
sorry to hear of the victims loss of life. People these days think they own the road while walking( school children or adults) and jogging(people on the cable beach strip in the morning).
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