The car that was pulled from the sea last night, in which three people - a woman and two young girls - died after it was driven off the end of Montagu ramp. Photos: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff
THREE people - believed to be a mother and her two young daughters - died last night after their car plunged into the waters off Montagu Ramp.
Police were at the scene last night investigating what was feared to be a suicide by the mother.
The vehicle - a green Toyota Avalon - was driven off the fish ramp at Montagu.
It is believed that two children, both thought to be under ten, were in the vehicle at the time.
Assistant Commissioner of Police Stephen Dean last night confirmed police were investigating “a very tragic incident”.
He said: “Shortly after 10pm, police on patrol in the Montagu area were alerted to a car in the water. Officers went into the water and found three people inside - an adult female and two small female children.
“The officers rendered CPR and EMS also rendered CPR and tried to revive them.”
While he could not say definitively, he said police would probably come to the conclusion that they drowned.
He said police had launched an investigation but had no specific information and no motive as to what might have happened.
He said the car went “directly off the ramp” and that it was “an open investigation”.
Mr Dean extended deepest sympathy to relatives and asked for the public’s assistance in contacting the next of kin.
He said “there were no visible signs of trauma” and that police were trying to trace family members.
A child’s car seat was seen in the vehicle as it was pulled from the water by a tow truck. The car was eventually removed shortly after midnight.
One eyewitness said the woman had driven to the edge of the ramp, stopped and turned around. She then later returned and the car went into the water.
Anyone with information about family members can contact police on 919 or 328-TIPS (8477) (New Providence) or 300-8476 (Family Islands).
Earlier in the evening, a tow truck was called to the area to retrieve a Toyota Yaris which had collided with a wall in a separate incident.
Police have in the past urged people to be on the lookout for warning signs of suicide, such as talking about it or having feelings of helplessness or worthlessness. In a column featuring in The Tribune, Corporal Makelle Pinder urged people to listen without judgement, offer hope, refuse to be sworn to secrecy where a life is at stake and to help the person make a plan for life. She urged those having suicidal thoughts to “talk to a pastor, a family member, or the police, and develop a prayer life. Help is available.”
Should you need more information on suicide, do not hesitate to contact the police at ‘919’ or Crime Stoppers at 328-tips (New Providence), 1-300-8476 (Family Island) or if you know of individuals who may be in need of counselling and emotional support, contact the Department of Social Services hotline number at 322-2763 or The Crisis Centre on 328-0922 or 322-4999.
J360 10 years ago
Very sad situation, especially with the children...
TalRussell 10 years ago
Comrades I was privileged to attend a lecture and meet in person, the dynamic traditional scholar and lecturer of the Islamic sciences, Sheikh Sulaiman Moola.
I believe these (62) minutes to be a timely message at this sad time, to offer Tribune readers an option to view decision-making and life in general differently.
It is not necessary to focus on Allah. Choose instead to allow your God, Creator or whatever Higher Power you believe in, to speak directly to your heart.
Depression vs Contentment- Sheikh Sulaiman Moola
DreamerX 10 years ago
Tal, I can't always see your point of view, but you got me here. There is always a way people!
TalRussell 10 years ago
Comrade DreamX, poverty comes to all of us under many disguises including economic poverty.. But the ones that drives us to the most unspeakable of acts, are emotional, mental and spiritual poverty.
"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." - I Peter 5:5
Emac 10 years ago
Wow very sad
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