Tribune Staff Reporter
RESIDENTS across New Providence suffered through disruptions in power supply Thursday as the Bahamas Electricity Corporation continued load shedding.
BEC’s Executive Chairman Leslie Miller said he hoped the situation would be fixed Friday, but suggested that people could expect further power cuts until BEC is able to rectify serious problems at both of its New Providence power plants.
Mr Miller said he hoped all of BEC’s engines would be up and running Friday. However, he said, once the engines are back on line, there is no guarantee they won’t fail again because they are old and unreliable.
This is the second time this week BEC has had power generation problems. Two engines at Clifton Pier and two at Blue Hills failed Wednesday morning, forcing BEC to load shed for the majority of the day.
Mr Miller said BEC is 40 megawatts of power short and so every time an engine fails there is no “extra” to make up for the loss, causing the frequent power outages. However, he said BEC has rush ordered rental generators that will arrive in the capital just before peak season.
“We are still load shedding because all of the engines are not back up, but we should be fine for this evening, if something else does not happen,” Mr Miller said.
“The generators should be here in the time frame needed for us to be okay. I called the company and spoke with the president myself and he said he would ensure we get the generators here a lot sooner than normally promised. So the first week in May we will be getting all instead of just one. Until then, we just have to go day-by-day and hope nothing goes wrong. Hopefully by the end of the week, the load shedding will stop and we can go back to normal.”
Last week, Mr Miller said BEC recently completed negotiations with Aggreko – the world’s largest temporary power generation company – for the rental of equipment that would provide an additional 40 megawatts of power, which he said would be in place by the first week in May.
The move, which he called a “short-term fix,” would cost the corporation about $8m for a rental period of six to eight months. However, he said, the corporation might seek to extend the rental period.
On March 13, there was an island-wide blackout in New Providence and subsequent load shedding over the following weekend after a “fire in the trenches” at the Blue Hills Power Station caused a meltdown.
TalRussell 9 years, 12 months ago
Comrades I did not make this up cuz I borrowed it right off BEC's website.
Report a Street Light Outage
Thank you for helping BEC locate faulty or inoperable street lights. We have a program that covers the entire New Providence Island and our repair crews are working diligently to repair and service streetlights in a timely manner.
Hallelujah Jesus!!
sansoucireader 9 years, 12 months ago
Believe it or not, it works. Called them about three weeks ago about a neighbourhood street-light that was out on a Wednesday or Thursday and left a message. An actual LIVE person called me back on the Friday for directions. Tuesday I had to drive by that light-pole and the light was ON, FIXED, REPAIRED! Couldn't believe it! Apparently this is a section of BEC that works quickly. WOW!
GrassRoot 9 years, 12 months ago
street lights are overrated. who needs a street lamp to begin with, if there is no power?
John 9 years, 12 months ago
Aren't you convinced that potcake Leslie Miller is Bipolar? He he's tell gonna ta prepare for a long hot summer, then he turn rite around in front of the same camera and says "tongs fer be fix by tomorra ". I say buy candles an make one paper fan
GrassRoot 9 years, 12 months ago
when he refers to a long hot summer, I can only guess he meant the season starting with him dancing @ BahamaCarnivankanoo in May, disputes with the Unions, the announced wrestling match between him and union leaders on Rawson Square, continuous carpet bagging by the PLP on the Power Crisis in the Bahamas, Mario's Bowling not paying its BEC bills, some wife slapping, and him leaving the PLP - or not.
GrassRoot 9 years, 12 months ago
I am glad, that we finally found some rock bottom with hoping and praying for electricity. good basis to rebuild the next pile of shit.
GrassRoot 9 years, 12 months ago
fingers crossed, Mr. Miller!!
GrassRoot 9 years, 12 months ago
40 MW short BEFORE Baha Mar comes fully onto the grid. What is he and the management of BEC as well as the leadership of this Country thinking? Good luck and good night. At least we don't need anybody to turn off the lights at night.
Paula 9 years, 12 months ago
Speaking of "CARNIVAL"..... Why is millions of dollars being spent on carnival when that money can be used to buy new generators and other soooo much needed equipment for BEC? This government need to get their priorities in order for once man!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sickened 9 years, 12 months ago
A party is always a priority for the PLP. How else can they get votes is they don't have a party and hand out shirts with cash?
ThisIsOurs 9 years, 12 months ago
I don't know about carnival. How will they have it without power? Will they give us refunds on our passes if the 24hr cultural village is only open 5 hrs?
duppyVAT 9 years, 12 months ago
I just want to know where Carnival will be held in Nassau ............... BOL
duppyVAT 9 years, 12 months ago
Why would anyone even respond to Leslie's dumb remarks about BEC anymore????
joey 9 years, 12 months ago
Think about it.leslie Miller has made a bad situation worst at BEC.last year he send back rental generators because it was costing to much money, we end up having the worst summer in living memory,now he is negotiating with the same company to get the generators back.This man is a total reck.He brags about how much money he saved the corporation on overtime, but we have yet to see any financial statements or audits to prove this,he just keep throwing out these million dollar numbers.I see a major improvement to the head office and parking lot at the administration building, but the money need to be spend on technical areas.We will continue to have power outage for extended hours once Leslie Miller is at the Helm.
sansoucireader 9 years, 12 months ago
I really hope this is not going to become 'normal' for New Providence. How can people believe this is acceptable? A regular event that is just part of daily life in New Providence? Nooooo man! Fourth world not even Third. No wonder more people are considering migrating.
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