Increase MP salaries & allowances

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It has come to my attention, and it also disturbs me greatly that the government of The Bahamas has deemed it fit to compensate Members of Parliament only a meagre $28,000 annually.

As I am certain you will be able to appreciate, sir, an MP’s job oftentimes would include alienating almost half of his community (if not half the country) by his actions in his parliamentary capacity. As you well know, that is the nature of politics in The Bahamas. I am not suggesting that it should remain that way, but that it is that way presently.

However, I was encouraged only just recently that the Members of Parliament were considering raising the salary cap for themselves. I don’t know what the status is of that consideration.

With regards to this alienation to alleviate any undue financial strain on these persons who have sacrificed their anonymity to answer the call to service of country, I call on you and the government of The Bahamas to expedite presenting to Parliament legislation with the effect of increasing the salaries of Members of Parliament to $150,000 a year. That amount should be sufficient to compensate any person who would offer themselves for widespread ridicule, gossip and ostracisation by some members of the public as well as representing an adequate amount for sound financial planning for at least five years.  

MPs are targeted individuals. And because of that, unless one is self-employed, the office of Member of Parliament does not seem attractive.

What is also unattractive is the allowance of $1,500 a month to operate an office. Any sensible person knows that that amount is not even enough to hire a competent secretary.

In addition to a secretary, other operating costs would include (1) messenger/janitorial services (2) Office rental payments (3) Electricity supply expenses (4) Water supply expenses (5) Telephone service expenses (including overseas calls allowances)  (6) Internet connection charges (7) Office Supplies (8) Cleaning supplies  (9) Travelling allowances (10) Gas (petrol) allowances (11) Cooking gas expenses (12) Vehicles repair & maintenance expenses (13) Contingencies.

How can the government of The Bahamas expect MPs to perform their duties properly without adequate finances being provided. I am satisfied that Members of Parliament are considering augmenting that amount also.  

Additionally, there should be certain assets in place on day one of matriculating to the office of MP.

They include (1) Telephone (cell & land) (2) MP vehicle (3) Messenger car or motor scooter (4) Computer (5) Fax machine (6) Photocopier  (7) Refrigerator (8) Stove (9) Microwave (10) Kitchen (cooking) paraphernalia (11) Office Space (12) Office furniture (13) Others.

It seems patently clear to me, as well as it should to you, sir, that what the government has provided for in the past is wholly inadequate. And, therefore, I again call on you and the government to take the necessary steps to ensure that (1) Members of Parliament are remunerated satisfactorily and (2) Provisions for the office of MP are sufficient.



April 8, 2015.


themessenger 9 years, 11 months ago

Another supporter of the DPM's position, If you pay us more we wouldn't have to tief.....get it??? On the whole most of them aren't worth the $28,000 per anum we pay them now, so why piss away more good money after bad??

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 11 months ago

I did wonder if Marvin Lightbourne was one of his aliases

asiseeit 9 years, 11 months ago

Fine, but we want some things in return. Freedom of Information, Fiscal responseabilty act, a CORRUPTION task force with powers to prosecute and jail, All government contracts must be transparent and open, M.P. must obey THEIR laws (public discloser), Campaign Finance laws and discloser, just to start. These M.p.'s may have a STARTING salery of $28,000 but only a fool would think that is all they carry home, each government board they sit on gives them a paycheck, cabinet gives a paycheck, and on and on. One other thing, it is usual to give a raise for outstanding service and a job well done, with the state of the country, who deserves a raise? Who has done an outstanding job and who really has made this country a better place for you and I? NOBODY!

duppyVAT 9 years, 11 months ago

Why do we have MPs in the first place??????? Its a post of service ........ not a career.

The average Bahamian MP is well off and about 50% are millionnaires .......... once they "retire" they get 100% of the measly salary as a pension while the average civil servant gets a 4% gratuity and NO full pension until serving 40 years or at 65.


TheMadHatter 9 years, 11 months ago

That's the point - that people like Diaguilar (spelling?) would not take the job because it doesn't pay anything.

We need higher pay for MPs and I also feel we should have 200 MPs instead of 39. There are just too few people now to keep secrets and secretly carve up Crown Land and play tricks with quieting titles etc etc.

pablojay 9 years, 11 months ago

I think the learned Mr. Lightbourn is mixed up, for he gives us the impression that one cannot be a MP and have a job or profession simultaneously. He is also mixed up because in many cases,being a MP is an ego trip,one that THEY WOULD PAY HANDSOMELY FOR. He is also neglecting to see all the perks that go with being a MP ( I could write a whole page on them). If our successive governments were serious about Public Disclosure,he would see how asinine his letter is.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 11 months ago

Get out of here with that absolute CRAP. and just to think I said I will no longer get upset in my posts and here comes the Devil with this slick trap. Say what??!!! These people can't spell LIBRARY and you want me to pay them 150,000???? If you ran a business, you had an employee who couldn't manage any project, who was always late, who was giving away your company supplies to their friends unbeknownst to you, who was stealing money from the company bank account, who are ill-qualified for the posts they're in would you raise their salary?

Let me tell you something, these people will NEVER be satisfied, they are stealing literally MILLIONS NOW and still want MORE, 150,000 is a drop in the bucket. GET OUT OF HERE WITH THIS FOOLISHNESS. REWARDING THEIVES.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 11 months ago

Btw I am all in favour of granting ministers free utilities that a standard family would consume anything over they pay for. But cooking gas?? This writer is an idiot. Sorry writer I don't normally use that word but you must be crazy

Emac 9 years, 11 months ago

Whew! All this time I was thinking you were not human, because I never sense in anger in your comments. I am glad though, because the angrier people become, the more difficult it would be for these unscrupulous politicians to bamboozle the Bahamian people again with empty promises and a lil gas money.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 11 months ago

Take. me. to. your. leader. :)

Emac 9 years, 11 months ago

So sorry to have to disappoint you, oh extraterrestrial one. But the Bahamas has not seen a leader for years now.

sansoucireader 9 years, 11 months ago

Too jokey. This letter must be a distraction ploy so the public will have something else to talk about besides the usual lousy politicians, crime, VAT etc. The writer cannot truly believe what he wrote (can he?)

ispeakthetruth 9 years, 11 months ago

I don't think Mr. Lightburn is serious. He must be closely affiliated with an MP...a relative, spouse or lover. Because his suggested increase sounds outlandish. If the MPs should make that much, what does he suggest for the PM and the Ministers?

How can he seriously advocate for such a huge bump in salary for these MPs without outlining what they are going to do differently, more efficiently, and beneficial for Bahamians that would make them worthy of this? What measures of accountability and persecution will they receive for breach of the public trust, and misuse of funds? As it stands these issues quickly become distant memories for the public, courtesy of these MPs.

Considering what the US President makes with all of his responsibilities, critcisms and income tax responsbilities...these MPs would make almost half of his net salary with very little responsibility and zero accountability. At least the US President and others can be challenged, and the information is available for those feeling the need to do so. Bahamian politicians are too thin skinned...criticism, gossip, public disdain comes with the territory. Perhaps politics is not for some of them?

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