Lawyer criticises PM for threat to sue FNM chairman

Attorney Fred Smith, QC

Attorney Fred Smith, QC


Tribune Staff Reporter


LAWYER Fred Smith criticised Prime Minister Perry Christie for using “aggressive tactics” against his client Michael Pintard on a claim that “does not behoove his office”.

In a legal letter sent to Mr Christie’s lawyer, and obtained by The Tribune, Mr Smith also accused the prime minister of issuing “defamatory” statements against his client.

This came nearly a week after Mr Christie threatened to sue Mr Pintard, FNM chairman, for defamation for allegations made regarding the arrest and release of Randy Rolle, Bahamas consul general to Atlanta on April 3.

Mr Smith said Mr Christie’s “unreasonably aggressive reaction” to Mr Pintard’s statements was “entirely misplaced” and his legal threat “groundless.” He added that as prime minister, Mr Christie is subject to criticism and scrutiny in order to foster political debate and transparency.

Mr Smith said Mr Pintard is “not prepared to submit to a thinly veiled and unfounded threat” and requested that Mr Christie withdraw the complaint. In the meantime, Mr Smith said Mr Pintard is seeking “disclosure from BTC of all relevant telephone records”.

“(Mr Christie’s) claim is unmeritorious and does not behoove his office,” Mr Smith, QC, said. “Our client’s press release of April 8 posed serious questions on matters of grave national concern, namely improper interference with police business. Senator Pintard felt a duty to air his concerns, which the public had an interest in hearing, and shall robustly defend any litigation.

“(Mr Christie’s) unreasonably aggressive reaction to our client’s requests is entirely misplaced and his legal complaint is groundless,” Mr Smith claimed.

He added: “Our client is, therefore, considering his options against (Mr Christie) and we reserve all his rights in this regard.”

Last week, Mr Pintard said Mr Christie was duty bound to explain the circumstances surrounding Mr Rolle’s arrest and subsequent release. Mr Pintard claimed that while Mr Rolle was in police custody he was allowed a phone call that led to his eventual release.

Last Thursday, Mr Christie issued a statement saying that he would sue Mr Pintard for defamation over the allegations.

Mr Christie claimed that Mr Pintard had “falsely and maliciously” accused him of interfering in Mr Rolle’s release from police detention in Bimini.

Yesterday, Mr Smith argued that calling for an investigation or an explanation from Mr Christie is “not the same as saying that (Mr Christie) has categorically abused his office.”

“It is trite law that politicians must exercise a greater degree of tolerance of criticism of their conduct than is required of private individuals,” Mr Smith argued. “The law affords greater flexibility to matters of political criticism in the interests of freedom of expression and open political debate.

“(Mr Christie) is the leader of his party and in the highest position of public office. These principles must therefore be accentuated against his position.”

On Sunday FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis accused Mr Christie of trying to suppress freedom of speech in his attempts to take legal action against Mr Pintard.

Mr Rolle, meanwhile, who was called to Nassau to give a report of the incident, has maintained that he is confident he will remain in his diplomatic post.


thephoenix562 9 years, 11 months ago

Mr Rolle lost his composure and disrespected the police officers pure and simple, We have all done and said things we regret later.He should be man enough and admit it ,apologize and he and the country can move on.I recall an incident at Jack Tar hotel in West End as retold by the late Sir Lynden Pindling where a security officer demanded that he get his butt out of the pool because the Prime Minister was coming to use it.Sir Lynden didnt throw a fit or demand that the security officer be fired he stated later I thank the young man for his diligence but but perhaps he should have known who i was.

birdiestrachan 9 years, 11 months ago

Just look who is talking Fred Smith who tries to sue every thing and every one. Smith is suing the Bahamas Government for a Haitian woman By Pintard's choice of lawyers, one knows where he is coming from. Pintard was doing his best to compare what happened with Mr:.Gray to Mr: Christie Pintard and Smith are just alike their motor mouth goes much faster than their brains.

GrassRoot 9 years, 11 months ago

for once, I bow my head birdie and concur generally with you the core of your message. having said this though, it needs to be considered that SUEING is what a LAWYER does all day, whereas it is unclear to me what the PM PGC does all day. Sueing others is clearly not part of his job description.

duppyVAT 9 years, 11 months ago

Wayne backing VAG, Fred backing Pintard, ..... Lord whats next???????????

ispeakthetruth 9 years, 11 months ago

So it takes a glorified 'ambulance chaser' who takes on baseless cases as long as it opposes the government, to let PIntard know that Christie does not have a case? And Christie is a little more absurd because as a politician of 40+ years, Prime Minister no less, he should have much thicker skin. Allegations are made against politicians all the time..it comes with the territory.

GrassRoot 9 years, 11 months ago

Vision, and the lack thereof is the biggest of our challenges. we have leaders that were educated in the past under a system from the past. our leaders have not travelled, lived abroad, our leaders were not exposed to the rough realities of trade and commerce. our leaders speak only English and are not world citizens. our leaders have no network they would have gained from working in international organizations such as World Bank, WHO, IMF, UNO. It is difficult to know or try to see what we don't know or don't see. Our leaders are not even trying. They are coin operated, have no education required to run a country, they fear educated people, have developed a distinct status anxiety, which results in them doing anything (cheating, lying, backstabbing) to stay in power and in "good" social standing, they are corrupt and complacent. Our leaders are not leaders. Make them go away

Cas0072 9 years, 11 months ago

This is a very interesting choice of representation by the FNM senator. And by interesting, I mean curious. It makes me even more uncomfortable with the notion of the FNM returning to power. And by uncomfortable, I mean even more uncomfortable than having the PLP return to power.

John 9 years, 11 months ago

If Fred Smith was a pilot he would be declared unfit to fly

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