AG’s husband has Baha Mar leases

Former Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson.

Former Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson.


Tribune Staff Reporter


ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson has revealed that her husband Maxwell Gibson owns the retail jewellery store chain that has been granted storefront leases in Baha Mar, while rejecting accusations that she has a conflict of interests due to her role as government negotiator for the stalled resort.

She stressed that she had no interest or control of any business with a stake in the $3.5 billion resort. However, she also said she makes “no apologies” for her husband having a business venture with Baha Mar.

Mrs Maynard-Gibson’s revelation came in a statement released yesterday, four days after she initially said her two daughters, 28 and 30, had leases to operate stores in Baha Mar.

Her initial statement prompted FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis to accuse her of being caught up in an “overt conflict of interest.”

On Sunday, Dr Minnis went further and called on Mrs Maynard-Gibson to do the honourable thing and resign over the controversy.

Yesterday, Mrs Maynard-Gibson said Dr Minnis is “merely seeking to manufacture an issue where none exists.”

“I do so to the best of my ability, regardless of the implications that such service could have for me personally, or for my loved ones,” she said. “As such, I categorically reject Dr Hubert Minnis’ suggestion that I am in a position of conflict of interest with regard to Baha Mar.

“The leader of the opposition is merely seeking to manufacture an issue where none exists. One objective alone has informed my actions: facilitating the opening of Baha Mar so that it may fulfil its promise and serve the interest of all Bahamians.”

Further expanding on her family’s involvement in Baha Mar, Mrs Maynard-Gibson said: “My husband, Maxwell Gibson, is the owner and CEO of one of the country’s leading 100 per cent Bahamian family owned retail jewellery businesses. About two years ago, Baha Mar announced to much media coverage that he, Fred Hazelwood and Wayne Chee-A-Tow – owners of two other leading Bahamian family owned retail businesses – had been granted leases for retail space in Baha Mar.

“The government of the Bahamas played absolutely no role in this commercial transaction. Pending the opening of the resort, my husband’s company alone – as are so many other Bahamian businesses waiting on Baha Mar’s completion – is shouldering liability for the risks related to the delay.”

“These facts are easily available to Dr Minnis,” she added. “Nonetheless, as a warrant of my transparency, I reminded the prime minister of them prior to leading our government’s delegation to Baha Mar negotiations in China.”

She continued: “There is no conflict of interest. Baha Mar’s opening will serve all Bahamian businesses hoping to work within, or for, the resort – including my husband’s – and I make no apologies for this. In the meantime, I pray that history will record that my driving purpose as attorney general is to approach each day with humility and integrity, seeking justice, excellence and the best interest for Bahamians, and all those living within our borders.”

Last week, while a guest on the More 94 FM talk show Real Talk Live, Mrs Maynard-Gibson revealed her daughters’ connection to the resort and Prime Minister Perry Christie’s knowledge of the matter.

When contacted by The Tribune about the conflict of interest concerns last week, the attorney general brushed off those worries, saying she would never do anything to compromise the confidence Mr Christie and the Bahamian people have placed in her.

At the time, Mrs Maynard-Gibson said her daughters, like other Bahamians who invested in the project are suffering due to Baha Mar’s woes.

Meanwhile, Dr Minnis has questioned if others in the PLP have links to businesses connected to Baha Mar, saying last week: “How high does it go?”

Before Mrs Maynard-Gibson’s revelation last week, independent Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins said it would be an indictment on the Christie administration if a sitting member of Cabinet had ownership interest in Baha Mar.

His comments were among a variety of reports suggesting that some Cabinet ministers have interests related to Baha Mar that have not been declared.

As attorney general, Mrs Maynard-Gibson has often been the government’s chief liaison with Baha Mar, the Export-Import Bank of China and the China State Construction Company as those parties attempt to work through their differences to push the project forward.


Bahamian_in_London 9 years, 7 months ago

"the attorney general brushed off those worries, saying she would never do anything to compromise the confidence Mr Christie and the Bahamian people have placed in her."

So she is directly saying that in her case, we should just trust her to do the right thing. You heard it from the AG - if anyone ever gives you a hard time about a conflict of interest, just say "it won't affect me" and you will be fine!

In all seriousness, her husband and daughters both have a commercial interest in Baha Mar. This is a direct conflict. End of story.

newcitizen 9 years, 7 months ago

She is a lawyer and the Attorney General for the country and she doesn't understand what a conflict of interest is. She doesn't grasp that it does not matter if she is 100% above board or not. The conflict of interest exists regardless of her actions. The conflict is the situation, not the outcome.

TruePeople 9 years, 7 months ago

Bey it piss me off cus as a lawyer she MUST know. Therefore, by her saying otherwise, she honestly thinks the BAHAMIAN PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS!

Don't stop at just make her resign, get freddy boy go chase her out the country cus she ein for bahamians

Wideawake 9 years, 7 months ago

I thought the Bahamian voters did NOT have confidence in our AG! Wasn't she soundly REJECTED at the polls during the last General Election?

Islandgirl 9 years, 7 months ago

And just like the "leader" he is, perry brought her back and placed her in a position of extraordinary power. Go figure.

Cobalt 9 years, 7 months ago

Classic PLP.

No decency. No integrity. No standards. No ethics. No honesty. No principals. No contrition. Only a legacy of thievery and corruption.

How can this woman sit there and claim that this is not a conflict of interest, when any intelligent person can see that this is the "textbook definition" of a conflict of interest. This PLP government really believes that all of us are stupid.

sheeprunner12 9 years, 7 months ago

What can be done under the Constitution to bring Perry and his rogue Cabinet to account for abusing the Westminster system??????

Emac 9 years, 7 months ago

Forget the Constitution, Bahamians don't know anything about it. How about another Burma Road Riot, but this time in Rawson Square/Parliament Square?

TruePeople 9 years, 7 months ago

Bey dats what i sayin'! the administrators of law and order themselves are criminals so you can't look to the law for justice. Bahamar want sort out it's issues and look how the gov't can't even talk with them reasonably, instead dey just lash out like rabid dog. They are bullies and they need get some bully back

TalRussell 9 years, 7 months ago

Comrades, not sure just yet, if it goin take a 'Scorecard' or a 'Top 10 Family List,' just to keep up with each new family Baha Mar involvement revelation, by the AG?
Comrades, now you should have a better appreciation, why I keep reminding readers, this stuff is not made-up in my head, it for genuine.


newcitizen 9 years, 7 months ago

Welcome back Tal. Nice to see you holding everyone to the same standard again.

TalRussell 9 years, 7 months ago

Comrade it is by the AG's own admissions she must be judged. I believe even the highly respected by the current AG, former AG, Paul Adderley, would have been equally disappointed in her reoccurring Baha Mar statements. The nation comes first, not my politics.

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 7 months ago

And knowing she had a serious conflict of interest, she still went ahead and caused upwards of $600,000 of the honest hardworking Bahamian taxpayers money to be spent on two luxurious trips to China with delegation in tow, including one of the key conspirators behind the government's efforts to defraud the Izmirlian family, namely Baltron Bethel. The entire delegation apparently flew first class on the two trips and stayed at the five-star Ritz Carlton in Beijing on each occasion; in fact the Wicked Witch made it a point to book the Royal Suite at the Ritz! Meanwhile we have many children in our public education system who will soon be returning to school from their summer break only to find that there are serious shortages of text books and other school supplies, not to mention school rooms, water fountains, bathrooms, etc. in a state of disrepair. That $600,000 this grotesquely evil woman wrongly spent in looking out for her and her family's own greedy and highly conflicted self interests could have gone a long ways towards much more useful and necessary things that are so desperately needed by the less fortunate and more vulnerable ones in our society!

Wideawake 9 years, 7 months ago

Thank goodness "Bagman" Baltron Bethel let the cat out of the bag!

Regardless 9 years, 7 months ago

I would not be surprised to learn Sir Clement having leases in his name at the hotel as well!

John 9 years, 7 months ago

If you wake up at 2 o'clock in the morning and the PLP tell you the light you see in your window is the sun they want you to believe them. If they tell you the moon is the sun you also have to believe them.

TruePeople 9 years, 7 months ago

Like they say the black claw on a conch is the sun bey,

CatIslandBoy 9 years, 7 months ago

This Attorney General needs to resign, but we know this will never happen. The Prime Minister also does not have the necessary fortitude to fire her. They are all a bunch of crooks. What a shame!

birdiestrachan 9 years, 7 months ago

No such comments when Brent Symonette awarded himself Government contracts. for millions. Her husband and children have a right to do business in the Bahamas . All things considered she must be on Mr: Sarkis side and not on the China Construction side. Now it is clear to me. Why most persons from over the hill do not have economic power in the Bahamas it is because of the way persons think on this site. They are to busy trying to keep each other down , While persons who have just arrived are better off than the born Bahamians. Her Family has not stolen anything they are trying to earn a living and cost other to be employed. My only sin is the colour of my skin

BDN 9 years, 7 months ago

Reading this tells me what is wrong with this country.

Cobalt 9 years, 7 months ago

Ummm..... you've brought up this nonsense before.... and I've corrected you on it before.

Hubert Ingraham made Brent Symonette either relinquish that contract, or step down. Brent Symonette chose to relinquish the contract instead of being fired. This is a stark example of the many differences between the FNM and the PLP.

In classic PLP style, you try and turn this issue into a black and white issue or an issue relating to the "black crab" syndrome. But I regret to inform you that it's not. It's simply a case of our AG being in a position that conflicts with the office that she is now holding. If she had any integrity and respect for the office of the AG, she would know that she needs to abdicate her office.

So just stop talking foolishness, birdie.

realfreethinker 9 years, 7 months ago

They don't have economic power because it is all going to the maynards,gibsons,wilchombes,wilsons,roberts,pindlings and others of their ilk

newcitizen 9 years, 7 months ago

Birdie, stop saying it's ok because someone else did it before. That does not make it ok. Don't be obtuse.

Her family has all the right in the world to do business. The issue is that she has a conflict of interest. That's not a problem either, but it does mean that she needs to recuse herself from the Bahamar dealings.

Sickened 9 years, 7 months ago

On the positive side it is good to know that although Birdie is one of our many D average students he has continued learning as is capable of using a computer and expressing his thoughts. With a little more effort Birdie will one day also be able to think logically and work through moral issues. I for one am proud of your achievements thus far Birdie and wish you continued improvements in all aspects of life.

Please continue to write in as we all need to be reminded of the challenges that still face so many in your position. For it is we that have failed you.

crabman 9 years, 7 months ago

the apple does not fall far from the tree, all for me baby all for me

afficianado 9 years, 7 months ago

The attorney general has no integrity or character-she should be ashamed. Like the famous quote says ,"Don't let your talent take you where your character can't keep you"

MonkeeDoo 9 years, 7 months ago

birdiestrachan: Why don't you read the Tribune Editorial of today. The matter of Brent Symonette and Airport Authority was resolved correctly and he resigned his position. You must have an inside track, so why don't you tell the A.G. what is the right and proper thing to do. The colur of your skin aint got a damned thing to do with it. Its the colour of you mind. Recall this: You shall not covet" means that we should banish our desires for whatever does not belong to us. Never having enough money is regarded as a symptom of the love of money. Obedience to the tenth commandment requires that envy be banished from the human heart.

PKMShack 9 years, 7 months ago

birdie is part of the nation problem,,,, there is nothing wrong with slackness according to birdie,,, may you are the AG in hiding. Next election you will be voted out of the Tribune post

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 7 months ago

Re-post: The types of unseemly matters thus far unearthed about our government in connection with the Baha Mar project cannot be solved only by allowing the Chapter 11 bankruptcy to proceed and run its course. Much more will need to be done within our own legal system as regards the apparent criminal/fraudulent activities that have occurred as a result of the many side deals and quid pro quo arrangements involving senior officials within the corrupt Christie-led PLP government. If the U.S. government does not perceive that we can mete out the punishment warranted by certain politically exposed persons who have crossed the line under our own laws, then U.S. law enforcement agencies will be inclined to take things into their own hands alla FIFA style! Keep in mind that the covert operation known as "Yellow Bird" has now been put in play by the U.S. government as a result of its own national security concerns about mainland China establishing a significant outpost on the door step of Florida. Christie can pat himself on the back for triggering the U.S. government's pivot to Cuba in our small region of the world. Up until now, and largely due to our dimwittedly blind, ignorant and belligerent Minister of Foreign Affairs, the corrupt Christie-led PLP government had no inkling whatsoever of the serious geopolitical implications associated with allowing the Yellow Bird to land on our shores and climb into bed with the Bahamian government in such a big way.

Islandgirl 9 years, 7 months ago

perry's legacy: a single, stupid individual who brought the whole country down.

Wideawake 9 years, 7 months ago

Not a single, stupid individual; collective responsibility, collective stupidity, collective corruption by power, collective greed, collective arrogance, collective narcissism, and a collective fantasy that "the Bahamian voters will never know what we doin'"

MajorTom 9 years, 7 months ago

The AG is lamenting that her husband’s company is shouldering liability. That indicates that it would be in his best interest to get Baha Mar up and running, so that his company may begin to reap the profits that Baha Mar has to offer. The AG is heading government negotiations to get Baha Mar up and running as soon as possible to reap the profits that Baha Mar has to offer. Until the AG provides conclusive evidence that all assets of her family are exclusive from one another, serious questions about impropriety shall remain unanswered. I believe it to be paramount that Allyson Maynard Gibson prove to the people of The Bahamas that her finances have been, and shall always remain untethered from those of any family member in regard to any investment in Baha Mar.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 7 months ago

What a mess, everybody n the family has an interest in the outcome, but the AG says none of that is affecting her judgement. And the PM believes her!!! Conflict of interest has nothing to do with the goodness of your heart or how fair YOU believe you are

TruePeople 9 years, 7 months ago

bey das it! it ein just a daughter, or both daughters, but THE WHOLE FAMILY! .... bey! the WHOLE family!!!

Wideawake 9 years, 7 months ago

That's what happens when the electorate is stupid enough to elect rats to guard our cheese!! What a tragic, tragic mistake was made in 2012.

pablojay 9 years, 7 months ago

This one is for BIRDIE, as a gentle reminder of what your beloved PLP and its rich politicians think of poor black Bahamians. One of the things that brought the Brent Symonette/Airport Authority saga to the fore was that Bradley Roberts knew about the conflict of interest but only brought it to the public's attention when Brent kept asking him to make payments on the huge amount of money that his catering operation owed to the Authority. At the same time that Brent was 'harassing' him, Bradley was 'harassing' Brent to do his job. You see BIRDIE, Bradley wanted Brent to stop the poor black woman from selling breakfast from the back of her car to the taxi drivers,but Brent kept ignoring him. The mega rich PLP's motto was then,as it now, "ALL FOR ME,BABY!"

Bahamianpride 9 years, 7 months ago

If the project fails everyone will suffer a lost. Her family is caught in the middle because of their investment. The bigger issue is our politicians have leveraged this country so heavily to the Chinese and so many have received personal favors that objective moral & business decision making for the best interest of the country is not happening. Let's face it, China is now running the show. The u.s bankruptcy courts was the best objective option to move this project forward, now all we have is a total mess and compromised individuals in leadership with no integrity that are suppose to be decision makers and address the problem.

TalRussell 9 years, 7 months ago

Comrade let me give you a - leaves bad Izmarlin taste in ya mouth Baha Ma candy chew on.
IF the project fails? Lets review; taxpayers paying workers salaries, developer filed bankruptcy 'protection,' project declared incomplete, facilities does not qualify for fire and saftey occupancy certificates, no operational cash left in the kitty, some 5,000 creditors remain unpaid, court cases pending in USA, United Kingdom and Bahamaland. project's Banker NO longer trusts Izmarlin, and 5000 Chinese work permit workers relocated to where only the Chinese and Bahamland governments, knows their secret whereabouts.
Comrade the project is in a fuc%ing chaos. And, from what I've read, the only request made to the Delaware judge to pay any creditor, was to request pay millions owing to lawyers to represent izmarlin's interests.
Did I get it right?
Did I forget that extravagance of a 'dock,' that has no damn nighttime lights?

sheeprunner12 9 years, 7 months ago

Tal, lets talk some real talk (forget Bahamar) ............ Fweddy was singing Redemption Song in the House and at Fox Hill ............. does that mean that he endorses Rastafari and Back to Africa??? .............. that will be a good thing for us to send him and all of the PLPs back to Mother Africa

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