Christie and Mitchell stress the importance of PM’s Office

Senator Fred Mitchell.

Senator Fred Mitchell.

PRIME Minister Perry Christie and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Fred Mitchell both stressed the importance of respecting the Office of the Prime Minister yesterday, in a veiled reference to controversial statements made by Baha Mar CEO Sarkis Izmirlian.

“I want to say that the prime minister is the holder of the most important executive office in this country,” Mr Mitchell said at a ceremony to celebrate the Fox Hill Day.

“In that, he is the defender of all the power and majesty that is reposed in the Bahamian state.

“No one should disrespect him. You would notice that when the prime minister enters the room, we all stand, there is only one office for which that honour is afforded and as a matter of protocol to the governor general.”

Speaking after Mr Mitchell, Mr Christie echoed his sentiments.

“He is right in that regard, when he speaks about the respect for the Office of the Prime Minister, sometimes we forget it is not the individual we are talking about, we are talking about the office that person holds. And that person could be the pastor of the church, it’s the office the pastor has that will be passed on to eternity where other individuals will come in and hold that office and for the good order of our country whether it’s in the church, in the school, whether it’s the prime minister, respect, respect, respect.”

Their statements came about a week after Mr Mitchell criticised Mr Izmirlian for what he termed were “attacks” on Mr Christie and his unacceptable behaviour as an “economic guest” in this country.

Last week, while speaking at an Emancipation Day event, Mr Mitchell also warned Mr Izmirlian that his permanent residency status could be revoked.

Days later, Minister of Labour Shane Gibson defended Mr Mitchell’s stance and went further – suggesting that psychological evaluations should become standard for all foreign investors seeking to do business in this country.

Mr Izmirlian and the Christie administration have been at odds since his resort filed for bankruptcy in the United States in June.

The government has since filed a winding up petition in the Supreme Court to have liquidators appointed to oversee the $3.5 billion property and take it out of the control of the developer.

Mr Izmirlian has lashed out at the government in recent weeks, most notably calling the Christie administration’s decision not to pay Baha Mar’s expatriate workers their salaries “deplorable.” The government has paid the wages for the resort’s Bahamian workers since the property filed for bankruptcy.

Mr Izmirlian has also said the project has been “usurped” for political reasons and that it is his opinion that Mr Christie is not doing what is best for the country as it relates to the resort.

The Supreme Court will hear the government’s winding up petition on August 19.


newcitizen 9 years, 7 months ago

These are the rantings of a wannabe Supreme Dictator. This is a democracy. Respect is earned, not required. The majority of Bahamians didn't even vote PLP and even the ones that did only voted for their MP. The PM is simply the leader of the party with the most seats. He has the same, one vote, in parliament as the rest of the MP's and is not a dictator who gets to make all the decisions. While his office holds some prestige, his actions dictate how much respect or criticism he is entitled to.

TruePeople 9 years, 7 months ago

“No one should disrespect him. You would notice that when the prime minister enters the room, we all stand, there is only one office for which that honour is afforded and as a matter of protocol to the governor general.”

I want to use the double meaning of stand when i want to say freddy standing up too much for the PM, but instead i just gone say dey act like they wouldn't even stand up for Jesus if he entered the room. No respect

TruePeople 9 years, 7 months ago

Freddy don't remember when he was dissing Pindling back in the 90s

banker 9 years, 7 months ago

Wow, Fweddie is now Christie's puppetmaster. Christie moves his lips and Fweddie does the talking.

Someone should point out to these bozos, that respect is earned in inches and lost in yards. But more bluntly, respect is earned. According to the fallacious argument of these country-wreckers, if Adolf Hitler ran the Bahamas, we should respect him.

The office of Prime Minister is like a mantle or a cape. It confers the power on a person, but if that person is just a pile of human excrement, then it doesn't reserve respect. It is just an idiot who got himself elected.

Respect needs something to land on -- either integrity or patriotism or both. All of that is lacking from both Fweddy and Crisco-Butt.

Economist 9 years, 7 months ago

The office of Prime Minister is one that comes with respect. Only the holder can destroy that.

The backhanded dealings that have been going on between his trusted advisor and the Chinese, the lack of control over the statements made by various ministers, behavior unbecoming of the post are all valid reasons for the loss of respect.

moncurcool 9 years, 7 months ago

It is very interesting that they talk about respecting the office of the prime minister. In 2012 Prime Minister did a walk about in the ghetto area in Grand Bahama, and the PLP had all their minions there disrespecting the prime minister and shouting in his face. I never heard them once say anything about respecting the office of the prime minister. Yet, now that the shoe is on the other foot, the cries about respecting the office. My parents always said, when you spit in the wind, it comes right back in your face. What goes around does come back around. However, their baloney about respecting the office is just that, as Izmirlian never did that. He just had the testicles to speak up. That is sad in our country. You speak up and it is called disrespect. Go figure.

asiseeit 9 years, 7 months ago

I do not respect the P.M. as he does not respect me or any other Bahamian that disagrees with him. Resign, go, get, be gone, you are destroying our country! All for me is no longer acceptable!

EasternGate 9 years, 7 months ago

I approve all of the above

Wideawake 9 years, 7 months ago

There is no default position which says that he or she who occupies the highly respected Office of Prime Minister is to be respected, no matter what. We judge him or her on their performance and if their performance makes us lose respect for them as a person, then they, not us, have brought the Office of Prime Minister into disrespect. THEY have disappointed us, THEY have let us down, THEY have betrayed our trust and THEY have besmirched and damaged the, formerly, highly respected Office of Prime Minister.

We jus' noticing what's going on.

MonkeeDoo 9 years, 7 months ago

The sanctity of the Office of the Prime Minister Reposted:

Did Steffan Christie's realty firm also help with Baha Mar Pools and Waterways development

Did Daddy help to open the doors ? Is Daddy conflicted on this deal too ? Did Daddy do any favours for the buyers ?



MonkeeDoo 9 years, 7 months ago

The further you dig the more shit you will find in the OOPM

TalRussell 9 years, 7 months ago

My Comrades, to get a better understanding, will the red shirts ever respect the office of the prime minister, that would depend solely on, if the 'they're.' just happens be from the reds political party. No red should ever be misunderstood on this point. And, when a red tells you, they have and will always respect the office of the prime minister but just not the current office holder; they are lying on out’s both sides they’s red mouth’s.
But I could be proven wrong on this one cuz, if Minnis gets lots 'disenchanted PLP votes' come 2017, becomes PM over a minority government, that red respect ain't got's no assurance, it goin be still there.
You see, i knows too well, how them reds mentality does operates. Lots them done made up their minds, if it's Minnis, they're voting PLP - all da way, away from Minnis.

TruePeople 9 years, 7 months ago

Commraide Tally. I ein red or yellow or whateva shirt colour yinno... ise Bahamian. When we does run under red or yellow frock it's only the same corrupt politricktians we does empower to disenfranchise us. PM does not equal respect. FNM does not equal right. PLP does not equal wrong. Like said already, is ya action that dictate them things, not ya status or ya colour

TalRussell 9 years, 7 months ago

Comrade not for me lecture you on the missteps it has been alleged the former long serving prime minister Pindling, may have taken during his long and difficult journey to remaking Bahamaland. The evidence, unlike the allegations, are all around for you to see, if you care to look.
When it comes PM Christie's ethics and integrity, might I remind you that even his former law partner Papa Hubert, never once suggested the PM was corrupt or dishonest. Do you know PM Christie, better than his 'close and dear friend,' former prime minister Papa?
In fact, to the contrary, I am in possession of audio evidence directly out mouth of Papa Hubert, to prove you couldn't be more wrong.
Comrade, I leave the decency corrective door wide open, either for you to continue with your attempt entertain readers, or apologize to the PM.

ourmaninnassau 9 years, 7 months ago

Remaking bahamaland, it was never broken......

banker 9 years, 7 months ago

Question: Tal, why are the yellows so corrupt. Tal Answer: The reds were a lil corrupt too.

Question: Tal, why can't the yellows tell the truth. Tal Answer: The reds told lies sometimes too.

Question: Tal, why is it dark at night? Tal Answer: It was dark at night when the reds were in power as well.

This is pure comedy. Cannot stay on topic without bringing up the FNM. But the most hilarious phrase is Swindling's long and difficult journey to remake the Bahamas. Look around. He sure remade it all right. We were the most civilised, educated, literate and law-abiding people in the Caribbean Basin. And now, we have truth deniers like you, and we shoot people while they are buying breakfast, and ... oh by the way... we have sold ourselves to the Chinese, who are racist against Blacks. Yes, thank God for the piss yellow. I am voting for them for the first time (even though my cousin was AG for them), because the only way to hurry and end this misery, is to give them full reign to blow this country apart completely, so that even the stupidest PLP partisans, will revile their party, as long as there is a Bahamas on this earth.

TalRussell 9 years, 7 months ago

Comrade, if you're a real Banker, you more than most are the positive evidence of Pindling's remaking of Bahamaland. But if you still want to act-up all red. likes you not know what in hell I am talking about, its probably best. Readers knows better. I am sure you are one of the majority of "colonial red coats," who still fell all embarrassed on we nation's independence cerebration days.


banker 9 years, 7 months ago

What sophistry! Because I have a tertiary education, I owe it all to Swindling, because I am of a pigmented persuasion in terms of skin colour? Are you saying that if we were still under British rule, like say the Cayman Islands, then we would still be repressed and kept as slaves? You PLPs are still slaves and have the slave mentality, as demonstrated by Fweddie. As a matter of fact, you act like a more female version of Fweddie, except Fweddie is not as obfuscated with cryptic loquaciousness, and is a lot more understandable.

The Caymanis aren't held back and they never got independence. They have a higher standard of living than we do -- comparable to Switzerland, so says the UN Human Development Index. Us -- we live in a war zone full of illiterate, unenlightened people.

Are you saying that I owe my professional career to a dubious Bahamian (a Pendalane name origin, who may not have not even been born in the Bahamas, a Jamaican of Hatian origin who raped our patrimony by selling out to the Medellin cartels)? What bosh! What BS! We do read the papers, and know of the value of an education, and stuff of enlightenment beyond this parochial piece of limestone, and how Loftus Roker made a mockery of Bahamian education. I toiled by sweat of my own brow and the labours of my back to save money for my foreign education. I owe nothing to Black Judas Pindling. He owes us the millions that his family has locked away in Swiss and Caymani banks.

If there is a hell, you will rot and burn in it, for your lies are not the lies of ignorance, but rather the slick lies greased by the filthy lucre of the criminal organisation that you defend.

Wideawake 9 years, 7 months ago

Scalding hot truth, Banker!

TalRussell 9 years, 7 months ago

Yep Comrade Banker, you is all pigmented alright that is except for the red that is overshadowing ya pink.

banker 9 years, 7 months ago

You have shown your true colours. Not Black enough for you because I'm educated and have a good job? Or I'm not Black enough to be gullible to believe what the PLP tells me to believe. Or to participate in the revisionist lies of the PLP on how the natives were liberated under Black Judas? Or maybe next you will call me Hyshun because of my skin pigmentation? Lowest of the low -- racist -- and you pretend to follow Christianity as well? My cousin Paul, whom you once mentioned, and was a PLP stalwart, would say that you were suffering from n**geritis. You are part of the problem that caused this beautiful country to go to pot.

Zags 9 years, 7 months ago

This is how a political administration behaves when it knows that it is circling the drain...

Wideawake 9 years, 7 months ago

Zags, If they really are " circling the drain" who and what will be carried down the drain with them? Baha Mar,? the Bahamian economy?, the international reputation of The Bahamas?, Bahamian jobs? , the PLP???

Zags 9 years, 7 months ago

Wideawake, I believe in justice and as I said in an earlier post: "Let the chips fall where they may."

This event is playing out on the world stage and, thankfully, the corrupt system of The Bahamas will not be the final arbiter. Consequently, there is a much greater chance that those who have done wrong will ultimately have to pay the price.

It may take years, but justice is not always swift.

N.B. This in no way means that the Baha Mar cannot be completed, and up and running, in a timely fashion. These two issues, while connected, run on totally different trajectories...

sheeprunner12 9 years, 7 months ago

It een long now for these PLP clowns to strut around talking hot air about respect and love for country .............. we will retire all of them in 2017

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 7 months ago

Better Christie than Minnis win in 2017. Trust me!

MonkeeDoo 9 years, 7 months ago

Minnis has to retire now and yreat sick people

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 7 months ago

that, he is the defender of all the power and majesty that is reposed in the Bahamian state

Power and majesty? Majesty? Never heard that word used for anyone other than Jesus or the Queen. Is this how Mr Mitchell sees himself? Majestic? Cause he certainly isn't associating the word with Mr Christie, that much is clear. Fred Mitchell is trying to show everybody how prime ministerial and "majestic" he is. Funny enough he's even doing it when he launches those disgraceful attacks, he's saying, look at me, look how I can lead the fight through the gutter slime.

Chucky 9 years, 7 months ago

I predict that this government is going to allow the chapter 11 filing to go through in the USA and be approved and accepted here. The government is now basically back peddling and soon will be conceding to Izmerlian.

They are doing a poor job of back peddling perhaps, but they want to try and appear as tough as they can during the process.

We soon see them put a different spin on things............

Wideawake 9 years, 7 months ago

Whether the government likes it or not, the information regarding the wheelings and dealing that went into the mess called Baha Mar will probably be revealed by Chapter 11 in Delaware. If "all is revealed" , in spite of the objections of the CCA and CEXIM legal team, then government may be forced to back-pedal regarding their stance towards Izmirlian. If wrong doing is revealed in Delaware how can The Bahamas government ignore these facts? This information will be known to the Bahamian people who will demand accountability.....won't they?

newcitizen 9 years, 7 months ago

The BAMSI fire, BOB's loan write down, the dump fire and Brave's involvement in RENEW Bahamas contracts, record murder rates, Alfred Gray's judicial meddling, the wasted money from Carnival, failure to have the equality referendum, disregarding the web shop referendum, and on and on.

I'm really not sure what else the government could do that would finally cause the Bahamian people to demand accountability.

Wideawake 9 years, 7 months ago


P.........no longer Progressive....., now they are Regressive!

L........no longer Liberal....., now they are xenophobic and hoggish!

P.........O boy!! but they can STILL PARTY; Carnival and Christie Shuffle!

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