Tribune Staff Reporter
LONG Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner said she will sue Minister of State for Legal Affairs Damian Gomez for criminal defamation of character following revelations that Mr Gomez intends to file Election Court petitions to declare both her seat and that of Killarney MP Dr Hubert Minnis vacant for alleged violation of the Constitution’s conflict of interest rules.
The former FNM deputy leader told The Tribune yesterday that Mr Gomez will “see me and my attorneys in court,” adding that she will not rest until she “unequivocally” proves that she is innocent of those accusations.
Yesterday, Dr Minnis – who was in Grand Bahama – told The Tribune that he had advised his lawyer to review Mr Gomez’s claims.
In response, Mr Gomez fired back insisting that “something is wrong” with Mrs Butler-Turner’s “defensiveness” because his bid to remove her and the FNM leader from the House of Assembly was not to prove that they were guilty of “skullduggery” but to show that they are in contravention of Article 49 of the Constitution.
That clause states that if a member of Parliament does not get approval from the House of Assembly or the Senate through a resolution to have a contract with the government, his/her seat should be declared vacated by the Election Court.
Mr Gomez said if it was brought to his attention that PLP MPs have government contracts that they have not disclosed or sought approval from Parliament to engage in, they too will face the same course of action.
The Central and South Eleuthera MP added that he resorted to this action following a private meeting with Dr Minnis advising him to bring resolutions to the House of Assembly seeking approval for the contracts to continue.
The agreements in question are the Stat Care contract signed between a company which Dr Minnis has interests in and the Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) in 2005, before he entered politics. The arrangement was continued while Dr Minnis served as health minister from 2007 to 2012 and continues on a month-to-month basis.
Dr Minnis has said the issue is a moot point because he disclosed the matter after he was elected. He has also said that while he was minister of health he ordered the PHA to move its facility, however the agency has not yet done so.
The alleged conflict with Mrs Butler-Turner reportedly centres on a government department renting space from the Milo B Butler and Sons building.
Mrs Butler-Turner told The Tribune yesterday that she was not involved with this in any way. Mr Gomez claims he has documents to prove otherwise, but he did not make them public.
“This is criminal defamation of character and he will see me and my attorneys in court over this foolishness as I have instructed them to prepare a criminal defamation case,” she said.
“I am not in breach and I am not guilty of any conflict. I will prove it unequivocally. I can tell you here and now that there is no question mark about this. I will show that I have the moral authority to deal with this. He will see.”
Later in a press statement, Mrs Butler-Turner maintained that Mr Gomez was “absolutely false” with his assertions.
“I categorically deny that I have any shares in any company which has a contract with the government.
“The false and defamatory statement by Damian Gomez, minister of state and Queens Counsel, concerning any shares I allegedly have in a company which has a contract with the government are absolutely false.
“I do not and I have never held shares in any company which has a contract with the government,” the statement read.
Meanwhile, Mr Gomez said the actions against the two FNM MPs were a part of his stance to tackle corruption at the government level.
Asked if Progressive Liberal Party MPs were on his radar, Mr Gomez suggested that they were not, but added that if issues were brought to his attention he would deal with them.
“If it comes to my attention that there are members of the PLP in the same boat they will be told to do the same thing,” he said.
“We have a system which requires members who have an interest to disclose it. To have the House (of Assembly) by resolution approve of it. (Tall Pines MP) Leslie Miller was required to do this. All I am saying is there is one rule for everyone.”
Mr Miller has said he sought approval from the House three years ago for the contracts he currently has with the government.
Meanwhile, Mr Gomez insisted that this was not a distraction from the government’s failings, but an attempt to make MPs comply with the rules.
BDN 9 years, 6 months ago
What is going on in this little country... They row each other yet nothing comes out of it. Are they filing the same for the Attorney General? What about Perry and his son with the pool contracts? All of this is just hot air and nothing will result from it. We don't care either.. We cuss and complain (myself included) yet when another election comes, we allow the same shit to happen again. I guess we try to vote for the lesser of two evils..
MajorTom 9 years, 6 months ago
I really hope this is a ploy by Gomez to shine a light on PGC and AMG. If so, well played Mr. Gomez. Well played indeed.
Wideawake 9 years, 6 months ago
Having previous suggested that government should sue PLP members of government, isn't he simply brown-nosing to re-gain some of his lost "PLP credibility"??
Economist 9 years, 6 months ago
There is also the question of a certain Social Services Department that moved in Freeport to another location purported to be owned by a Ministers brother.
Although details were requested none were given.
Wideawake 9 years, 6 months ago
Give Gomez the names!!
Economist 9 years, 6 months ago
All he has to do is look at the lease, The lease would be available to him.
BMW 9 years, 6 months ago
Does owner of old wendys building jog memories?
Wideawake 9 years, 6 months ago
Give Gomez these names too!!
Economist 9 years, 6 months ago
Gomez can access the names any time he wants.
John 9 years, 6 months ago
Gomez fell on his face even before he got out of the gate with his 'holier than thou' anti-corruption campaign. The disclosure law in the spirit it was written would reveal more PLP cronies and conflicts than anyone else. How many did Gomez name? The intention is not to vilify persons with good intention and genuine contracts but to identify and weed out cronies and crooked politicians who looking out for friends, lovers and family. The government moved into the Butler building just a few weeks ago. And Gomez is a part of the government that signed the lease.
Zakary 9 years, 6 months ago
Gomez fell on his face even before he got out of the gate with his 'holier than thou' anti-corruption campaign.
Ah, political rhetoric, it works every time. I’m no fan of any of the political parties, so let the chips fall where they may.
The State Minister looks like he wants to ‘release the kraken’, so not only will they be fighting over how to rearrange the deck chairs on this sinking titanic, but we just might see a rendition of musical chairs too.
banker 9 years, 6 months ago
Proof that Perry has lost control of his senses and his caucus. The human garbage in the PLP, not a single one with a moral compass, are running rampant, out of control. From Mitchell, to Gibson, to Maynard Gibson, to Gomez, to Perry, to Brave, to Obie, to Brad, there is not a shred of human decency anywhere. How did we manage to breed and elect these animals?
The_Oracle 9 years, 6 months ago
If we are going down this road, we will end up with a constitutional crisis as there will be nobody left in the House! well, maybe a couple.
TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago
Comrades, in Loretta's business dealings, the best way to have understood her core business behavior was to have observed her over a number of years.
Minister Damian in this finger-pointing matter, gives me NO reason to detect there may be signs of Loretta lying. In fact, unless he can produce creditable evidence to the contrary. he should forthwith do the honourabe thing - resign his cabinet post and House of Assembly seat.
pablojay 9 years, 6 months ago
A PLP cabinet minister pretends to be honest and unbiased and for a minute some of us believes that he is ,and the first two members of the House that he goes after are the leader of the Opposition and the former deputy leader, whom many FNM voters wish was the leader. At least he could have gone after one of his government colleagues first if he were serious since he knows definitely that many are in the position that he claims the two FNM MP's are in. His (political) house is burning down and he goes about trying to burn his neighbour's house in the hope that it would quench the fire in his house. Silly little boy!
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 6 months ago
Very well put.
Sickened 9 years, 6 months ago
Yup. Brave has set him up for a very big fall. Rollins fell for this type of crap and now Gomez has fallen for it as well. This is his punishment for speaking bad of the PLP last week. Gomez truly is a fool.
TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago
My Comrades, under the Papa Hubert's regime, whenever a red minister had to reply to a question they can no longer avoid answering - they would say, the file is "under cabinet confidentiality consideration. Under PM Christie's - it's "we've lost the damn file."
Wideawake 9 years, 6 months ago
LBT should welcome this attack on her integrity, and has responded in the best possible manner...sue Gomez to clear her name and then, if there are, NO skeletons in her closet, she would emerge as the ONLY squeaky clean candidate vying for Leadership of the FNM.
If Hubert "Minimus" follows the same route, and he too is seen to be above reproach, then the Bahamian voters know exactly where they stand, and the FNM can make corruption, as well as gross incompetence, the two pronged focus of their election campaign!!!
TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago
Comrade Wideawake, I don't think Loretta should lower herself to sue anyone. The ball is in the minister's court to Put up or Shut up.
On the flip side, I am having great difficulty with Minni's reported explanation, that there can be no personal conflict, cuz the cheques were payable to a company - that he has not denied owning.
Paul Adderley reminded me some years back that i was the beneficial owner of my company's shares, and that I was the only arms and legs responsibly for walking and steering the company around, that I should just accept responsibility and save his thousands dollars in legal fees. I settled the case out court.
Wideawake 9 years, 6 months ago
Gomez has attacked LBT in a clearly partisan manner. If LBT does nothing, he wins by smearing her good name, which maybe all he wants to achieve! If we wait for Gomez or government to make good on his threat, we might get tired of waiting! By taking immediate action to clear her name, LBT now controls the situation. She sets the agenda and her lawyer can immediately start proceedings and get this accusation cleared a timely manner!
TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago
Comrade, is the court going restore someone's character, let's hope not. To base one's character on emotions or what a judge has to say, is not the way I personally would go. Loretta has built herself a rock-solid character and I would leave it and the political playing minister at that. If she really wants to lead the red party into the 2017 General, her primary focus should be on doing just that.
asiseeit 9 years, 6 months ago
This is what they want to do? Political games while the country is in free fall? This is what statesmanship looks like? What a bunch of sorry individuals. Pointing fingers, bullying, name calling, and in general acting like children on the school playground. A sure recipe for a great nation.
John 9 years, 6 months ago
Lets see what of interest around the world : The Apple company lost $183 BILLION dollars over the past few weeks as stocks continue to plummet in reaction to Chinas declining economy (they say it is a decline and not a recession) $183 billion dollars vanished in thin air, that's enough to build Bah Mar 52 times! Also GAS prices have fallen especially in the US as oil prices continue to tumble. While some expect gas to cost around $2.00 a gallon by Christmas, prices may trend back upwards as refineries are claiming their operations to refine oil are becoming more expensive and gas prices may no longer follow the declining oil prices. Some models predict that the Central and Southern Bahamas may experience the winds and rains of Erika by this weekend, before the system turns north and skirts towards Bermuda. Some say it is not China's declining economy that is causing the stock market crash, but it is Donald Trump's motor mouth. Trump is pushing for exclusivity by wanting to deport all illegals from the USA. He wants to build a wall between Mexico and The US and bill Mexico for the cost. He also wants to start a war with ISIS and take the oil they are pumping in the Middle East This is causing jitters around the world markets if not an all out panic. Finally our local police has shot 7 suspects in the past two weeks, killing five and it seems to have stalled the number of murders being committed.
Economist 9 years, 6 months ago
Woe now, you are in The Bahamas. We so "we Bahamian" that we don't pay any attention to that place, what you call it?... the world???.....we got The what?... the rest of the world affects can't be Bahamian.....not a true, true Bahamian.
Craig 9 years, 6 months ago
This is clearly a politically motivated witch hunt in a pathetic attempt to deflect the public's attention away from the Baha Mar disaster. And if he and the PLP expects the public to believe otherwise they must think we are all idiots!!!
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 6 months ago
Precisely put. But sadly thin skinned LBT took the bait and now the story is all about her big family name (no pun intended). LBT, like Minnis, cannot stay on point. They are much too easily distracted. The much much much bigger story is about all of the unreported or undisclosed conflicts of interest that our past and present corrupt parliamentarians have and have had whereby they have committed illegal acts for their own greedy self-gain, which gain they have shared with their family members, political friends, business cronies, sweet hearts outside of their marriage, and so on.
John 9 years, 6 months ago
As we prepare for tropical storm Erika remember you don't have to buy candles. BEC gat us use to living in da dark
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 6 months ago
Deflect and distract as they may from the much much much bigger conflicts of interest issue endemic among our parliamentarians (both past and present), the Bahamian people must press this matter at every opportunity. You would think our parliamentarians like Christie, Maynard-Gibson, Minnis et al would know that today you cannot hide the proceeds of crime anywhere in the world. They can't even bury gold in the mountains of Tibet without it being traced and recovered! Their family members, political friends, business cronies, lovers, related entities and so on will all be forced to disgorge whatever share of the proceeds of crime they may have received. We have some corrupt fat cats walking around whose disgorged ill-gotten wealth will put a real dent in our National Debt!
Abaconian 9 years, 6 months ago
The PLP are playing games here. On one hand, they wish to defame Dr Minnis so as to deflect attention away from their own wrong-doings and show that the FNM is also involved in conflict of interest matters; on the other hand, they don't want Dr. Minnis to lose his position as leader of the FNM because they don't want Ms. Loretta Butler-Turner to emerge as the party leader. I've said it before and I will say it again, Ms. Loretta Butler-Turner poses a threat to the PLP. She is of true leadership quality, and the PLP know it. This is why the PLP, particularly Fred Mitchell, are going out of their way to combine any attack against Dr. Minnis with an attack against Ms. Loretta Butler-Turner. The PLP's ultimate goal is to have Dr. Minnis' integrity destroyed, but not to the point where he is no longer the party leader come election time. It's so damn obvious what the PLP are trying to do. Sly dogs.
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