Tribune Staff Reporter
PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party stalwart councillors and delegates expect that Prime Minister Perry Christie will not only emerge from November’s convention as party leader once again, but that he will lead the PLP into the next general election as well.
The Tribune interviewed several of the delegates who will vote in the PLP’s convention and none of them expressed an interest in seeing Deputy Prime Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis challenge Mr Christie.
In fact, most said they do not expect a leadership race to take place at the convention at all. Some of the PLP delegates revealed that those who may wish to take on Mr Christie, 72, would encounter great difficulties if they do so.
According to the delegates interviewed by The Tribune, concerns about Mr Christie’s age and record in office have not dimmed their impression of the prime minister, with many describing him as an “energetic” man with much to give who works hard.
For some PLP members, their greatest concern appears to be ensuring that the party emerges from the convention with a unified front, not with seeing Mr Christie’s position challenged.
“We need to remain focused,” said Bradley Kemp, an officer for logistics within the PLP. “We’re trying to build a first world country. There is no time for arguments.”
Mr Christie has faced criticism over his administration’s record thus far, at a time when Baha Mar’s future is uncertain and this year’s murder rate is on pace to break the 2011 record of 127 killings.
Despite this, PLP delegates said they have faith in the prime minister.
“People who are not a part of the organisation in the first place are the ones who have a problem with him leading,” one delegate said. “People in the party are prepared to win the election the same way the party is now.”
Another delegate said: “What choice do we currently have but to choose Mr Christie? (Philip) Davis won’t win. He doesn’t have what it takes.”
Meanwhile, Mr Kemp had some advice to Mr Christie’s naysayers.
“For the critics that speak so negatively about the prime minister, I would say compare your life to his. This man gets up early in the mornings, travels back and forth from meetings to meetings doing what he has to do as leader. I respect that he doesn’t allow critics to upset his train of thought with what he needs to do. All who want to speak ill of him, I say that if that’s what you want to do, then align your life with his and see if you can keep up.
“He has energy from I don’t know where,” Mr Kemp added. “Many critics, if put in that position, would fold up but he still keeps on going. If we had any doubt that his age at this time would affect his governance, I’m sure we would come and say ‘we think your age is a factor’ and we would be set enough to tell him we don’t think he should proceed and go any further. But we don’t have any problem with him continuing.”
As for Mr Davis, Mr Kemp said: “I really wouldn’t encourage Mr Davis to challenge the prime minister. I would encourage him to allow Mr Christie to complete Baha Mar (the mega resort on Cable Beach) and National Health Insurance so when he bows off he (Mr Davis) would be in a position to ascend to that position if need be.”
Although Mr Christie has declared his intentions to run for leader again, he has not yet said whether he will lead the party into the general election.
Cabinet sources say Mr Christie intends to hold on to the reins of power until the end of this term, after which he will throw his support behind a chosen successor ahead of the 2017 election.
However, some PLP stalwarts said the party is unlikely to hold a convention again next year because it will be focused on the general election.
“This will be our last convention so hope we can galvanise our supporters behind us and that any leadership issue will also be settled and dealt with,” one high ranking member, who did not want to be named, said. “The person who comes out as leader will most likely lead us into the next general election. Conventions happen in November and next November would be few short months before the next general election. I don’t think we would have another convention because we would be preparing for the election.”
Regarding the leadership issue, the insider said: “Mr Christie is in full control and will come out as leader. The main concern is that we come out united.”
Another stalwart councillor who spoke to The Tribune on the condition of anonymity said “the foregone conclusion” is that the person who emerges as leader in November will lead the party into the general election.
In January, Mr Christie said that he told his family during the lead-up to the last general election, that the 2012 race would be his final one. At that time, Mr Christie said he needed a “compelling, tangible” reason to stay on as PLP leader.
jackbnimble 9 years, 6 months ago
Nobody is denying Christie has energy. Lots of 70-plus-year-olds do. What these foolish delegates fail to realize is his lack of "vision". He's fresh out of ideas and needs to retire! Give us someone who can get a grip on crime, the economy and immigration. Give us someone who can govern our country please!!
arussell 9 years, 6 months ago
We had someone they choose to vote him out. What not even a strong opposition smh....
Cobalt 9 years, 6 months ago
Yeah but the problem with HAI is that he seemed apathetic when it came to the immediate concerns of the people. He was dismissive, bullheaded and care-less about the things Bahamians deemed important.
The simple truth is that Bahamians suffered immensely under the FNM. In my opinion, Hubert Ingraham was on the opposite end of the spectrum of Perry Christie.
One leader is too hot..... the other is too cold!
Honestman 9 years, 6 months ago
“We need to remain focused,” said Bradley Kemp, an officer for logistics within the PLP. “We’re trying to build a first world country.
Sorry but you can't build a first world country using a third world mentality.
asiseeit 9 years, 6 months ago
No first world nation would accept the level of corruption that exists in The Bahamas today. Yinna PLP's love to milk the public treasury and see doing so as your right. If you want to build a first world country maybe start by having the attitude and expectations of a first world population. Educating your people would be a great help as well! As JFK said so well "ask not what your country can do for you, ask instead what you can do for your country." Stop stealing the peoples money to enrich greedy PLP's!
Wideawake 9 years, 6 months ago
Wideawake 9 years, 6 months ago
PGC is less likely to be defeated by his geriatric Stalwart Councillors than by the Bahamian electorate. Either defeat will be fitting and appropriate, but a defeat at the polls will take out, not just the PM, but also the rest of his hapless crew!........... I prefer defeat by the electorate!!!
jackbnimble 9 years, 6 months ago
I agree. He's drunk with power and has deluded himself into thinking that with a "lackluster" Minnis at the helm of the FNM, it guarantees his party another term in office never mind all the bullsh** they've done. I trust he has underestimated the electorate.
TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago
Comrade PM, never once mentioned he'd lead the PLP into the 2017 General. Nice try Shirley & Deveaux.
Facts remain that when PM Christie commenced the first working day of his government's 2012 - 2017 mandate, there was NO money in the public treasury. That checks which had already been sent out would have bounced had Papa Hubert's regime been reelected. Factual that the red regime had borrowed. all they could borrow and there were no additional lenders willing extend loans - meaning the red regime had exhausted any and all lenders willing to loan them a single red penny in new loans.
Proof is when Papa caved in to the Chinese cuz his government were bankrupt (even a quick trip Delaware would not have forestalled their certain and pending financial crash) and he flew back with 8100 Chinese work permits in his prime ministerial briefcase.
Go ask Minnis - how financially bankrupt Papa had left the red party. Minnis inherited millions dollars burried deep under dirt poor financial management by Papa's regime. How in the hell can you run the big business of government but not your own damn red party. Am I speaking truths?
newcitizen 9 years, 6 months ago
What are you going on about now? The country is more in debt than ever with out credit rating about to hit junk status and yet we are spending money like it's about to go bad.
You're not speaking any truths, you're just going on about which colour is responsible. Guess what, it's both, now stop being obtuse and actually come up with something that betters the conversation.
TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago
Comrade New citizen, did I miss the part in factual blog where I mentioned "colour?" Factual it is so much so that even you are incapable of denial of the financial facts as I outlined. Maybe it's only the "fact: how Papa Hubert walked away leaving the red party burred grave deep in debts - lots them that you are willing to admit to?
Or, maybe you forget how during the 2012 General, it was a family member of Papa's, he presented to replace - after firing the red in charge to look after PAYING all the bills for the red party. "Did someone say - "paying?"
If there's one fault I have with PM Christie. it probably has to do with, why is it he lets his dear friend and former law party, escape unaccountably for 15 years in power?
The same dear friend that was so nasty to him leading up to and during the 2012 General. Maybe even nastier than he was with not only the living and sick Pindling, but even after he was six feets in he grave.
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 6 months ago
He didn't mention that no, but he ain't taking any chance on anyone getting him locked up for what has taken place in this country. Baha Mar, Hilton Pointe - just to name two and I am sure there are more.
Why do you think Comrade Tal that all of these murders are going on ? Accident, or do the people on bail want to eliminate the witnesses, and get even with their adversaries.
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 6 months ago
Christie can't afford to be less than a PM.
proudloudandfnm 9 years, 6 months ago
Brave get boungy!!!
Emac 9 years, 6 months ago
Tal, you wouldn't know truth if it hit you square in the face. At least not when it comes to good governance. Either you are remarkably naïve or you too are getting milk from the fat cow. This comparing the red team to the yellow team is frankly quite childish-I can't see why an adult would rant on with these types of frivolity in the midst of so much turmoil. You don't seem to get it that the PLP is currently in power, The present state of this country has nothing to do with any other party but the PLP. They made promises that they would change certain things and that they will put Bahamians first. Yet they have failed us from day one. They have failed Bahamians, not reds, yellow or green. But then again, failing is the PLP's Modus operandi - So don't tell me that the treasury was broke when they came in power or crime was already on the rise. The PLP promised that they would tackle this problem head on. Urban Renewal 2.0. Hello, remember that nifty commercial????The problem we have in this country is that we have too many loyal fans attached to these parties for the wrong reasons. In the end everyone suffers because you misguided people keep running back to the PLP and they keep juicing yall and sending yall back home empty handed every! If ya gon lie on ya back to get grind by this wutless party at least try to get something in return! SMFT
realfreethinker 9 years, 6 months ago
Well said
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 6 months ago
What do these acronyms mean ? SMFT
Emac 9 years, 6 months ago
suck my f------ teeth!
arussell 9 years, 6 months ago
I still can't get how the people voted NO to gambling and they (PLP) choose to legalize it. SMT
bullah 9 years, 6 months ago
bring back the QUEEN!
sheeprunner12 9 years, 6 months ago
Someone needs to post the names of every PLP convention delegate & stalwart councillor so Loretta can bitch slap them into the reality of their upcoming folly ......... I trust Perry already promised them the sun,moon, stars and Bahamar if they vote for him again ......... SMFT
Wideawake 9 years, 6 months ago
There is quite an art to retiring! A humble skill in stepping down at exactly the right time.
I always felt that it was better to "BOW OUT" gracefully than to be "DRAGGED OUT" kicking and screaming!! To leave the room, and not get hit by the door on the way out!! To exit while still appreciated!! to quit while still ahead!!
Like many "aging performers", PGC is addicted to the power, the perks and the special treatment the office of Prime Minister provides. He probably cannot live without the accolades of his adoring political fan club!! It's an energy thing! The smell of the greasepaint and the roar of the crowd energies the fading and aging performer, lifts his self esteem, boosts his confidence and put a spring in his step. Even if the applause is muted, even if the accolades are not sincere, it is still music to his ears.
sheeprunner12 9 years, 6 months ago
I cannot wait for the House to meet in session and watch the facial expressions and body language on Perry's front benchers and backbenchers ................ BOL
This will be a perfect environment for those who specialize in studying body language at CDU
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 6 months ago
My God, this is one sorry state of affairs this little country has come to. Because one man has lost his marbles we are all in the quagmire of his creation!
TruePeople 9 years, 6 months ago
More like Lead -> Lead (/lɛd/) is a chemical element in the carbon group with symbol Pb (from Latin: plumbum) and atomic number 82. Lead is a soft, malleable and heavy post-transition metal.
as in, he's sinking the country wit he lead head
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 6 months ago
bullah: I wit you. When Turks Island get take back by the Crown they cleaned right up, they under budget and got money in the bank. They prosecute anyone for crime including conflict of interest and benefiting one self. Who called Alyson name ? Yeah we have lost our way !
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