Wells and Rollins join the FNM

Renward Wells and Andre Rollins

Renward Wells and Andre Rollins

BAMBOO Town MP Renward Wells and Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins both revealed in the House of Assembly on Wednesday that they have crossed the floor and joined the Free National Movement (FNM).

In announcing that he had quit the governing Progressive Liberal Party to join the Official Opposition, Mr Wells said: “I choose to formally disassociate myself from the PLP . . .I am joining forces with the members of the Free National Movement and request to be reseated in this honorable House.”

Dr Rollins quit the PLP in June, after government members made several attempts to block him from contributing to the budget debate in the House of Assembly.

On Wednesday, the Ft Charlotte MP lamented the fact that the party which had helped him get elected to the House of Assembly made “hollow” promises of change to the electorate.

After making their respective speeches in Parliament, both men relocated from the PLP’s backbench in the House of Assembly to sit with the FNM MPs on the opposition’s bench.

For more on this story, see Thursday’s Tribune.


Regardless 9 years, 4 months ago

...are we supposed to be impressed? Wells has proven he is a stooge. I guess we can look forward to Butler and Rollins wrestling matches.

TruePeople 9 years, 4 months ago

We can be impressed with the fact that if a PLP MP want's to actually contribute something meaningful to the country, they are sabotaged and ostracised.

I don't seen anyone crossing the floor to join with the Peoples Least-effective Party

Regardless 9 years, 4 months ago

The big joke will be if the FNM have another convention prior to the next election and if either or both contest the leadership. LOL

Sickened 9 years, 4 months ago

FNM better not be eyeing any more PLP's to come over, 'cause the rest of them ain't no good.

asiseeit 9 years, 4 months ago

Can Mr. Wells now tell us the truth as to what went down with the LOI?

vinceP 9 years, 4 months ago

@ Sickened, you correct! Its so sad to see who you would think are sensible Bahamians, supporting this corrupt PLP,and doing it with a straight face. This country will NEVER be any better as along as the PLP are in power.

TalRussell 9 years, 4 months ago

Comrades now that the two PLP MP's have crossed over to the FNM side of the House of Assembly to sit alongside Abaco's Edison another PLP, my question for Minnis has to be. Now that he has achieved his ambition to have his sitting MP's to be looking more like the PLP MP's sitting opposite them in House, how does this make the opposition leader feel about his party's winning chances come the 2017 General?
I cannot even begin to picture in my mind that Long Island's Loretta stooped to help these two with the heavy dragging of their baggage's across the isles of House, containing their many accumulated contents of negativity during their short times as constituencies ineffective PLP MP's.
Finally, Her Majesty's Official Opposition can sift through all the papers in the PLP trunk of the former ministry of works parliamentary secretary Renward to uncover his “ill advised” signing of that $650 million Letter of Intent with Stellar Waste to Energy Bahamas, to build a facility at the city dump.
How come Minnis left the one-really bad apple still seated on PLP House bench, cuz he too been long ready jump ship?
Or should I say, PLP MP's tossed overboard to swim over to Minnis.
You knows what I keen on saying. No need make this stuff up. It for real, played out in real Bahamaland's politicians time.


banker 9 years, 4 months ago

LOL. The mirth never ends with you, even if you have to struggle to figure out what you are saying.

I find your spin particularly amusing as well as particularly unconnected to the truth. Please keep up the irrationale conjecture. It is the only mirth available from the demons of darkness of the PLP.


TalRussell 9 years, 4 months ago

Comrade Banker ain't just you alone cuz occasionally right after reading what I blogged, me myself struggles within understand what I had just blogged. Sometimes my words only made sense when I wrote them - or let's say they made more sense.

SP 9 years, 4 months ago

.................... Jumping out of the fire into the frying pan is futile ........................

Wells and Rollins have both lost their minds! Worst possible move ever guys!

The FNM have equally shared 43 years of systemic corruption with the PLP. They have their own hidden UBP power base which only surfaces as deputy PM or leader of the senate AFTER a win. FNM cannot begin to deny decades of mutual agendas with the PLP that negatively affect Bahamians i.e. immigration, migration, business for the good old boys only, Bahamians need not apply, $600,000.00 to FNM Cabinet etc.

Perry Christie, Hubert Ingraham and Brave Davis were found to be coconspirators with oil exploration deals, and GOD only knows what else.

WHY would we want to vote for the PLP and FNM ever again??

We need a 3rd option mandated to aggressively tackle corruption starting with the office of Prime Minister!

The FNM and PLP CAN NEVER, AND WILL NEVER address corruption among themselves because they are all intertwined up to their eyeballs with corruption.

No apologies.........They WILL NOT be getting my vote!

shortpants 9 years, 4 months ago

SP: you are just like most Bahamians only looking backwards whom did this who did that. This is the very reasons why Bahamians cannot help but FAIL .Move forward and give people a chance if they join the FNM so what ,Mr. Wells is a very intelligent man and so is Rollins but they were not ever given the chance to prove their worth. Dr. Minnis even out the gate yet and most Bahamians just about ready to destroy him ,Why would you do that to a man whom want to make things right with us and our country .What honesty most Bahamians don't like,but would like to be told countless lies ,we need honest people running our country .Do you think he made his money from being dishonest hell no.

SP 9 years, 4 months ago

...............................Forward Ever - Backward Never ............................

shortpants: It is a total oxymoron telling me not to look backwards but move forward with the FNM. They'er just as guilty for causing as much damage to Bahamas as the PLP!

Regardless of Rollins and Wells level of intelligence. Fact is they will never be allowed to properly address corruption, which is the countries biggest problem and root cause of every social and political ill in Bahamas today.

If your IGNORANT ENOUGH to think FNM power base would allow Wells and Rollins to cause an investigation into corruption against Perry Christie, Head Witch Maynard, Hubert Ingraham, Brent Symonette, White Witch Holowesko, Frank Watson, Michael Lightbourn and others YOUR BEYOND CRAZY!

I like Wells and Rollins but I WILL NOT support them, or anyone else as part of the FNM or PLP

themessenger 9 years, 4 months ago

I got news for you shortpants, regardless of their affiliation politician & honesty are NOT synonymous!!

TruePeople 9 years, 4 months ago

The Garrison is the third option

birdiestrachan 9 years, 4 months ago

It is good that they have gone the FNM will use them, Abuse them and drop them like hot potatoes. Now Dr: Minnis has to have more sense than he is using at this time. Rollins for sure is like putting a rattle snake in your bosom and not expecting it to bite and inject venom. But then again the doctor may not be to smart. Now Butler Turner can slap Rollins around some more. That should be great fun I look forward to it.

TruePeople 9 years, 4 months ago

Birds they done used to that treatment from dey time a PLP

digimagination 9 years, 4 months ago

Red shirt, yellow shirt? Two sides of the same coin!

SP 9 years, 4 months ago

Exactly my point...PLP & FNM are FNM & PLP....WHY, WHY, WHY, FLIPPIN WHY would we vote for either one again???

Sickened 9 years, 4 months ago

I really, REALLY hate to say it (it actually makes me puke in my own mouth) but it's looking like we HAVE to vote FNM just to ensure that this totally corrupt PLP don't get back in. There I said it and I feel sick!

realfreethinker 9 years, 4 months ago

Lol I feel ya. Just hold your nose and mark ya x

birdiestrachan 9 years, 4 months ago

Remember the Gibson Man .Where is he?>, some place drinking crazy water. Those fellows have no place to go. If some one double cross Peter it is only a matter of time before they double cross John . They have no loyalty. It is all about Rollins Rude he has no respect for any one and he will have none for Dr: Minns a four year old child could have told the DR: that. He may rejoice now. but it will be short lived.

themessenger 9 years, 4 months ago

Birdie, they may not be pure as the driven snow but the fact that they have remained standing after a three year sojourn learning the fine art of double cross and double speak in the nest of vipers they have just emerged from speaks highly of their political survival skills if nothing else.

banker 9 years, 4 months ago

That Gibson man is living the luxurious life on PI. He has an absolutely drop dead gorgeous woman who is the mother of his child.

Regardless 9 years, 4 months ago

...and your point is? Since when is it difficult to have DDG woman bear your child in this part of the world with a couple of dollars? Wow!

banker 9 years, 4 months ago

My point was answering birdie. She intimated that Gibson had no place to go, and was drinking crazy water. Whenever I see him, he is the picture of sartorial splendor and not at all like false characterization that birdie is promulgating. Like all PLP's, they make up lies, believe them themselves and then preach them like the gospel. My point was to educate birdie as to the whereabouts of the Gibson man. Didn't like him until I actually talked to him, and it must be embarrassing to have your azz whupped by a little man in the Cabinet room, but he still seemed like a nice guy.

TruePeople 9 years, 4 months ago

what kills me is they believe a lie they made up.........!!!!! like.... "a cat is a dog" and they'll with argue you about it till you just throw up ya hands and sey yea whatever you say

John 9 years, 4 months ago

Politics is so much like the NBA. You spend many seasons, hating on a player and his team, routing for your own and praying for other players to lose or even sustain injuries. Then next season that player is the star on your teamhttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-FRuiZLgFj…

John 9 years, 4 months ago

Politics is so much like the NBA. You spend many seasons, hating on a player and his team, routing for your own and praying for other players to lose or even sustain injuries. Then next season that player is the star on your team http ://4.bp.blogspot.com/-FRuiZLgFjVI/UHkEJYEbD8I/AAAAAAAB-Ek/GwUu1BXU7iU/s1600/Magazines-24+(1).jpg

TalRussell 9 years, 4 months ago

Comrades Dr. Andre and Renard could very well be political strategist at work. Is it going be much easier to effect change in the red party's leadership, than say one Pindling engineered. With a "helping hand" from Loretta, they might just be onto change.

SP 9 years, 4 months ago

........................Change my ass! ........................

I wouldn't vote PLP or FNM again if Jesus himself was their candidate!

TalRussell 9 years, 4 months ago

Comrade SP, Romans 13:1-7, just happens be the longest New Testament passage, cuz it attempts to explain Christians and the government.

banker 9 years, 4 months ago

Ephesians 6:5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.

TruePeople 9 years, 4 months ago

Obviously some part of the Bible is written by man alone.... otherwise god appointed Pharaoh to mash up his people just so he could come through generations later to free them through alot of dramatic spectacle, and make them forever grateful for being 'saved'.

Like wise god must have appointed ISIS as they also hold a position of power.... ?

God appointed Politicians in the US and Canada that promote homosexuality over heterosexuality.... While actually saying that such behaviours is wrong in the Bible

Romans = Doubtful

Wideawake 9 years, 4 months ago

WHAT GREAT NEWS!! Now there are nine voices in the Official Opposition in the HOA!!!! Whom, I wonder will be next to leave the sinking SS PLP???

If the overwhelming sentiment in the country is that this wretched PLP government must go, then each and everyone who agrees with that sentiment must join together to "throw the rascals out".

If I were Mr. Minnis, I would embrace every single person who opposes Mr. Christie's government; I would take em all; eight to eighty, ogly, smelly, stupid and crazy!!!!!!

I would forgive them all of their faults and happily accept them into the FNM fold. Now if they already hold a seat in the HOA; ...then I would jump for joy; THEY WERE ELECTED!!! THEY HAVE CONSTITUENTS!!! THEY ARE OPPOSITION MEMBERS IN THE HOA!!!! Can't do better than that!!! They will add their considerable zeal to the party, and add their voices to the protests!! ..........WHAT GREAT NEWS!!!

TruePeople 9 years, 4 months ago

A Rose is a rose is a rose A PLP is a FNM is a DNA

TalRussell 9 years, 4 months ago

Comrade Banker it is important you understand it was because of the outlawed Christianity why Paul’s letters often mention slavery. Many slaves converted to Christianity because of Christianity’s message of justice and freedom. Paul counseled the slaves to be peaceable and obedient so that further oppression would not be brought down on the heads of slaves as well as upon the Church. The verses were never intended to condone slavery but as practical matters to try to prevent further suffering of Christians, whether they be slaves or free.

concernedcitizen 9 years, 4 months ago

So what about ,if a brides not a virgin her family should stone her to death ,or don,t eat shellfish ,or one man and many wifes ,or a 150 yard long boat held two of every animal and all the innocent children were drowned ,,Buhdda was also a "virgin birth " etc etc

Sickened 9 years, 4 months ago

I say; stone the believers as they know not of what they speak! Religion is so passe. Soon there will only be radicals, and they for sure must be stoned.

banker 9 years, 4 months ago

Whatever floats your boat and gets you through the night -- or through life for that matter. Moi -- I can't buy a religion that was used to justify the enslavement of my ancestors. Religion is a societal tool of control. It is actually quite funny to see men dressed in robes, muttering incantations, thinking that they have influence over temporal matters and eschatological things that don't even exist. I prefer to try and overcome the animalistic nature of humans, solely because it ennobles us and lifts us on a higher plane than the animals. Unfortunately not all of my fellow countrymen and woman buy into enlightenment and altruism.

Cobalt 9 years, 4 months ago

Everyone seems so intrigued by this story. 30+ comments and counting.

But what will this change for the average everyday Bahamian citizen? Absolutely nothing. Renward Wells and Andre Rollins are only satisfying their own personal interests. Just like Hubert Ingraham did when he had a fall-out with Pindling back in the 80s and joined the FNM.

All these fellas do is play politics, align their pockets, and preserve their own personal interest. Meanwhile, everyone's getting all excited like this actually means something for the rest of us. Well folks..... it doesn't. Behind the PLP or the FNM, the Bahamas will continue to regress.

TalRussell 9 years, 4 months ago

Comrade Cobalt if the bloggers knew what their red leader Minnis is really doing making any deal with Dr. Andre and Renward, there would have been several hundred posts, not the 30+. Take it as gospel there was and never will be NO welcoming committee photographs of the two PLP MP's being welcomed under the big red tent featuring red MPs Loretta and Chippie & Richard.
Now, what will these three red MP's do with the rumoured letter all drafted at the ready for delivery up to the governor-general's big pink house to unseat Minnis as leader Her Majesty's official opposition party in the House of Assembly?
Did Minnis just outsmart three red somebodies?
'Tis your move "money bags" former DPM Brent!

banker 9 years, 4 months ago

Pure conjecture -- interesting -- but with a 99.9 percent probability of being untrue.

TalRussell 9 years, 4 months ago

Comrade you know truth leans toward what I think Minnis was up to in rushing to recruit the two PLP MP's, and the Tribune knows but won't report there ain't no such thing as it even being close to a1% probability of being untrue.
The one question I am not sure about is - Papa's role being played out behind the scene?

banker 9 years, 4 months ago

Last I heard, Papa was fishing most days, and then drinking his rum and cokes, smoking big Havanas and betting a few dollars over the cards. Every once in a while, he sends out for a couple of two t'igh chicken snacks from Bamboo Shack to be delivered to Abaco for Dolores and him. His belly has grown bigger, his laugh can be heard further, and the witless monkey called Perry Gladsone Christie is a huge source of mirth for him.

TalRussell 9 years, 4 months ago

Comrade you might be onto something there cuz just last week I heard how Papa won big time $$$$$$$ on the 4 ball. Makes sense why he's so relaxed at putting Baha Mar's many troubles so distant from his earlier bad decisions whilst PM. Maybe, unlike the thousands sent home and the unpaid creditors, he has erased Baha Mar from he head along with the nightmare he left behind for his former law partner to deal with.

TruePeople 9 years, 4 months ago

He left behind a promising investment to the PLP.... and the rest is history....

Emac 9 years, 4 months ago

Nothing to gloat about FNMs. As long as we keep juggling these two jokey parties, the status quo will remain the same in this dreadful countryy. Besides, these two clowns remind me of the fox and the sour grapes. Just because they were nobodies and couldn't get any of the cookie from the PLP they decided to switch to the FNM. Further, I would never trust anyone who joins the PLP. The PLP did not just turn corrupt over night. This party has been contributing to the downfall of the Bahamas since Pindling was leader. So anyone that joins the PLP looking for something: Plain and simple!

proudloudandfnm 9 years, 4 months ago

I actually agree with Birdie. It won't be long before Rollins is blasting Minnis in the HOA.....

No way Rollins can still under Minnis. No way....

Minnis made a huge mistake. He better pray Rollins keeps quiet until elections at least. But I doubt it....

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