THE BIG QUESTION: What would you do to solve the Cabbage Beach access problem?

The entrance to Cabbage Beach.

The entrance to Cabbage Beach.

This week saw beach vendors angrily protesting over the closure of an access point to Cabbage Beach. What would YOU do to solve the problem of beach access on Paradise Island?

Leave your answers in the comments section below . . .


lkalikl 9 years ago

Vote out the current set of idiots in our government who sold the land in the first place without a plan to address the issue and then pretended that foreigners did this to their people. The dishonesty of their position is simply astounding. Their ability to lie with a straight face is unbelievable. Disgraceful and shameful, good for nothing PLP! Vote them out Bahamas, before it is too late.

Moving forward, constructively and with a new government, find another solution where vendors can access the beach and parking without causing a major disturbance. It's a long beach and there is sufficient land to figure something out. Fairly sure that Brookfield and a new and sensible Bahamas government can figure something out if they actually plan something out that solves the issue and keeps everyone happy.

The problem is the government is never proactive, it is always reactive and full of bluster and nationalism for no good reason whatsoever. With a little planning, a lot of unnecessary, jingoistic and xenophobic flag waving could be avoided. Tourist nations should be a little smarter when it comes to how they publicly discuss foreigners in official channels. Our government idiots are frightfully amateurish, case in point, Gibson's psych evaluations for foreigners or Mitchell calling Izmirlian's status in the Bahamas into question. These moves were the height of stupidity and a sensible tourist nation would have charged these men with negligent stupidity by a government official and reckless damage to the economic progress of the Bahamas.

Furthermore, vet the vendors better. Check for criminal records, first. Second, if multiple complaints against individuals are filed, their ability to operate on PI must be revoked. People who know how to behave will then have a shot at securing one of the licenses and bad apples will be weeded out.

Finally, make sure these people have proof of a business license and are registered for VAT and NIB as appropriate. If they are not, ban them from the beach. The era of two sets of rules depending on which type of Bahamian you are must end. There are only Bahamians now, someone please explain that to the blatantly racist PLP. Blatant racial favoritism must be relegated to the past and everyone must be made to follow the law. Calling your MP for a favor must end that is what is killing the Bahamas. We all live under the same laws or we don't, but if we don't, don't pretend that we have justice or democracy, we don't and don't pretend that the government is legitimate if it doesn't enforce the laws equally, it isn't. This mentality is what is at the heart of what keeps us a third world nation and prevents our transition to first world status. If we could solve this and invest in education and energy security, we might, emphasis on might, have a country to be proud of again one day. Oh what could be Bahamas!

asiseeit 9 years ago

One of the most truthful and thoughtful posts I have seen on this site. Makes allot of sense, but who ever said our politicians can learn.

cmiller 9 years ago

Leave that access open, and whichever government is responsible for the beach accesses should make sure there are sufficient of them for all Bahamians to enjoy our beaches.

We have a lot of beautiful beaches, but high walls and fences have blocked about 98% of access to the beaches.

sheeprunner12 9 years ago

Put the vendors in the National Training Agency 12 week boot-camp to teach them manners, cleanliness, honesty, work ethic, morals, etc ......... because the owners are tired of them making the Cabbage beach environment a nasty and unpleasant site for the tourists ....... that is what happen when "mentally unwashed" Over the Hill people are turned loose on a 5-star property/beach

jackbnimble 9 years ago

  1. If the access was "sold" "granted" or "promised" to the developer, then the Government must immediately get it back and retain it as a public right of way.

  2. If the vendors are the issue, then they need to go to training school.

  3. Have the beach manned by at least one officer. There should be sign posted that any harassment by the vendors is to be immediately reported and after the first warning the vendor will be put off the beach.

First and foremost, however, the access should NOT be closed.

TalRussell 9 years ago

Comrades will da Cabbage Beach fence brings the red & green shirts together as one? After all, isn't they's first and second political party cousins? A possibility if Minnis remains in charge but not so favourable, if Papa Hubert returns?


bullah 9 years ago

open the beach/ allow access... immediately introduce legislation to regulate ALL 'activities' assign regular inspectors to monitor said regulations on trafficked 'vendor' beaches penalize those in violation of said 'regulation' adjust regulation as needed

truetruebahamian 9 years ago

I remember when Brewers Ltd which was just west of the straw market would put an ad in the papers saying that the roadway that belonged to them would be blocked and chained off for twenty four hours once a year so that they could retain ownership, otherwise they would lose it as it would be considered public access. This closing it for twenty four hours was usually done on a Sunday so as to cause least inconvenience and insure that they would maintain ownership. If the need to do this is still in effect and this closure once a year was advertised and done then the property owners maintain ownership, otherwise it becomes a public access and right of way.

MonkeeDoo 8 years, 11 months ago

Well, I want to get to the beach at Simms Point ( Nygard Cay ) so they better get rid of that security gate at Lyford Cay entrance. Yeah, and I want to go swim at Old Fort Bay beach and I don't want anyone to be stopping me at any gate or asking me any questions. And I wouldn't talk about Albany - going there too. And I used to go camping at Long Beach at the east end of PI so they better get rid of that bloody gate at the Ocean Club Golf course and allow me to go across the property of all those damned expensive houses built right behind the high water mark. And why can't I get out to swim in the harbor like I used to at Prince George Dock by the cruise ships. ? Get rid of that security gate so I could go through please. And Arawak Cay want to se my driver's license before they let me through to go swim out there. Come now Government - open it ALL for we Bahamian people. Make Trespass lawful wherever the sea and beach has to be accessed. We gotta get our shit together Bahamas !

Emilio26 3 years, 11 months ago

MonkeeDoo those gated communities don't want any stragglers coming on or near their communities.

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