Tribune Chief Reporter
ACTING Free National Movement (FNM) Chairman Brensil Rolle has reaffirmed the party's support of its leader in the face of public calls for his resignation.
"The party accepted and took its position on Dr Minnis this week and that position still stands," Mr Rolle said on Friday.
Former Bamboo Town candidate Cassius Stuart called for the “immediate resignation” of party Leader Dr Hubert Minnis, saying the Killarney MP has not proven he can lead the party or the country. In a scathing critique posted on his Facebook page on Thursday, Mr Stuart said he was "disgusted and disheartened" by Dr Minnis' leadership.
Mr Rolle said: "He's (Mr Stuart) taken the position that he's had to do some things himself, after having a hard political fight since the last election. He (Mr Stuart) said he had to retrench, to do something, to settle down and do some work."
"Any comment that is negative will hurt a political party," he said.
"Cassius is entitled to his personal opinion, he has not left the party, but the party as a whole has indicated its decision and we support that decision."
Mr Rolle said Mr Stuart did not express his dissatisfaction with him, but suspected that he may have talked with other individuals like fellow former candidates.
"Cassius has made a personal statement," he said. "He has his reasons but the party has made a determination to stand with its leader."
The party has decided to hold its full convention in November in support of recommendations made by Dr Minnis at a council meeting on Thursday night.
The party last held a convention in November 2014. At that time, Dr Minnis was re-elected after a landslide victory over Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner in the leadership contest.
Insiders have reported that there has been immense pressure for the Killarney MP to step down as party leader with calls for an early convention in May or June.
The pressure intensified following the revelation that Dr Minnis met three times with Livingston “Toggie” Bullard, one of the men involved in the alleged murder for hire plot allegedly orchestrated by Lyford Cay resident Peter Nygard.
One insider said on Friday: "The reality is (Cassius) has said what many FNMs know in their hearts but while they have the courage to say it they don't want to say it publicly because they don't want to totally destroy the party's leader."
The insider said: "Unfortunately the level of damage that has been done has been so extensive as a result of Dr Minnis' recklessness, selfishness and gross incompetence that people who share Stuart's view would have no choice but to wrestle control of the organisation from him."
This week, Mr Nygard has sued The Tribune, Save the Bays, as well as Dr Minnis, Mr Pintard, and others, for “libel” as well as “abuse” of the Supreme Court and Parliament.
When asked whether the party had discussed the lawsuit against Dr Minnis filed by Mr Nygard, Mr Rolle said the matter had not come before the party yet.
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 11 months ago
Who is this brain dead and politically tone deaf Brensil Rolle? Minnis may have in recent years embedded many dumb minions like Rolle throughout the governing apparatus of the FNM, including possibly the FNM's Central Council. Minnis's apparent ability to have stacked the deck in his favour is a direct result of the very vulnerable and fragile state of chaos that Hubert A. Ingraham (better known as "Hubiggity") so irresponsibly left the FNM party in immediately after it was bludgeoned by the PLP during the last general election. It will simply be impossible to ever again breath new life into the FNM if Minnis is not soon removed from his leadership position, a position that he has already clearly failed in. The voting public will never allow Minnis to become PM and Christie deservedly should be comforted by that reality if the Central Council of the FNM remains hell bent in seeing the party's ruination under Minnis. Time and time again I have heard previous staunch supporters of the FNM say they will starve the FNM of campaign funding and even vote PLP in the next general election if that is what it will take to keep Minnis from ever becoming PM and to send a clear message to the Central Council of the FNM. Only a foolish member of the FNM's Central Council would tie their own future in Bahamian politics to a man like Minnis who is so despised by so many Bahamian voters.
NassauBoy77 8 years, 11 months ago
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Mr. Ingraham was a very wise leader. He left the leadership of the party with enough time for them to find their way. The fault is in Hubert Minnis for alienating HAI and the FNM Council for not recognizing weak leadership and removing it in November of 2014.
proudloudandfnm 8 years, 11 months ago
We will not get rid of Minnis unless FNMs stand publically and demand his resignation. This nonsense about keeping quiet must stop. Minnis is destroying the party stop worrying about destroying him....
Stand and fight.
Minnis must go.
shaboy 8 years, 11 months ago
you plp needs to advise the plp on leadership .
sheeprunner12 8 years, 11 months ago
................. and that is why Brensil Rolle should not be elected Chairman on April 14th
NassauBoy77 8 years, 11 months ago
FNMs, you had better decide if you are interested in saving Minnis or ensuring the party forms the next government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. You cannot accomplish both!
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