UPDATE: The US Embassy released a security message on Tuesday morning urging its citizens and US visitors in Nassau and Paradise Island to exercise heightened personal security awareness, pointing out that armed robberies and violent crime remain primary criminal threats- FULL STORY HERE
Tribune Staff Reporter
FOREIGN Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell said yesterday there has been “absolutely” no fall out from diplomats in the United States after his ministry issued a travel warning advising Bahamians, young men in particular, to exercise caution in their dealings with police in US cities.
Mr Mitchell told The Tribune that the advisory released on Friday was “nothing out of the ordinary” as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued similar advisories warning Bahamians travelling to the US on several occasions.
The advisory was issued on July 8 in the wake of police-related shootings in the United States that have resulted in the deaths of black men.
Five police officers were killed and seven wounded on Thursday night during a protest in Dallas, Texas, over recent fatal shootings of black men by police in Louisiana and Minnesota.
The statement warned Bahamian citizens to “exercise appropriate caution” especially in cities affected by “tensions ... over shootings of young black males by police officers.”
“In particular young males are asked to exercise extreme caution in affected cities in their interactions with the police,” the travel warning said.
“Do not be confrontational, and cooperate. Do not get involved in political or other demonstrations under any circumstances and avoid crowds.”
Yesterday, Mr Mitchell denied that the advisory was “politically motived” as was suggested in a news report on CNN, an American cable news network, on Saturday.
“There is no basis for this allegation,” Mr Mitchell said. “The notice is quite clear in its terms. It means no more or less than what it says.
“The travel advisory is directed at Bahamian citizens who are in the United States or plan to travel there soon, that given recent tragic events, we caution our citizens to exercise good judgment, awareness, and respect for US laws and law enforcement officials. This notification is similar to others we have issued in the past and is part of our duty and legal obligation we have to our citizens. It is also similar to advisories that other countries have issued when necessary.”
The advisory was picked up by several international media outlets, with some calling the warning “rare”.
Online magazine slate.com urged persons to “ignore” the travel advisory because it is “more dangerous in the Bahamas than in the United States”.
The article claimed that “on average, a Bahamian who leaves his country to travel to the United States would decrease his chances of being murdered”.
The article also compared the Bahamas’ murder rate to cities in the United States and said the murder rate in this country “is approximately 10 times the murder rate of New York City and of the United States as a whole.”
“A nod should also be given to the fact that the Bahamas warning is, to some degree, simply common sense,” the article said.
“But just as warnings of ‘stranger danger’ or advice to look out for domestic terrorists have some degree of common sense, they also greatly exaggerate threats and to some degree distract us from more acute problems. Therefore, if we want to be accurate, statistical, and factual, it should be noted that Bahamians are not imperiling their safety by travelling to the US. They’re probably enhancing it, however minutely.”
When asked for comment on the article, Mr Mitchell dismissed it as nonsense.
Two other countries have also warned their citizens travelling to the US to be careful in view of the incidents, according to international reports.
On Sunday, the Huffington Post reported that Bahrain, a tiny Middle Eastern island nation, on Saturday urged citizens via Twitter to “be cautious of protests or crowded areas occurring around the US”.
The United Arab Emirates also warned students and citizens in the US to be careful, “aware of their immediate surroundings and avoid crowded places when possible”.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago
"FOREIGN Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell said yesterday there has been “absolutely” no fall out from diplomats in the United States after his ministry issued a travel warning advising Bahamians, young men in particular, to exercise caution in their dealings with police in US cities."
Why are these people so short sighted.???????????????????????????????????????????? . ~"US issues travel advisory warning citizens to be careful at ATM's and of armed car jackings"
SERIOUSLY??? Who is at the wheel in the Bahamas?? This was predictable.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago
Let's see how long it takes for the US media to pick this up and to focus the laser on us.
Honestman 8 years, 8 months ago
It's just happened! Probably the most lengthy Bahamas travel advisory ever issued by the USA. Sure, no fall-out Fred. Nice work!
harri 8 years, 8 months ago
Greta Van Susteran blasted the advisory last night on Fox!
My2cents 8 years, 8 months ago
Great Van Susteran. Fox news. Did you expect any different?
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago
The real news here is, last week she hadn't said anything. *On Sunday the popular refrain was "the US media has moved on". Which was exactly why FM was so ready to say "no fallout". You know what I believe? I believe it may have been over until he said "there's no fallout". The PM should have moved him ages ago, he has "poke them in the eye" syndrome, especially against the US, it's a diplomatic disaster waiting to happen. I think he's still mad about that wiki leaks US communique that described him as a puffed up political wannabe
killemwitdakno 8 years, 8 months ago
How dare we. Her white privilege finds it annoying that we did so.
Dig through these offshore accounts and there'd be no FOX news for her to have a job.
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 8 months ago
THE APPROPRIATE U.S. RESPONSE WILL EVENTUALLY BE: Cease operation of pre-clearance facilities in the Bahamas; issue a directive for all U.S. banking institutions to cease direct and intermediary correspondent banking relationships with all Bahamian based financial institutions whether resident or non-resident for Bahamas exchange control purposes; restrict the number of education visas granted to Bahamians and residents of the Bahamas; introduce a tariff on all goods exported to the Bahamas via U.S. cargo ports sufficient to cover the added national security costs incurred by U.S. taxpayers as a result of the increased risks of terrorism for Americans (especially cruise ship visitors) caused by the dimwitted corrupt Bahamian government; limit access of Bahamas based passenger carrying airlines to U.S. airports and limit air lift from U.S. airports to all airports in the Bahamas; significantly increase both the requirements and costs for Bahamians and other residents of the Bahamas to obtain B1/B2 visitor visas; suspend Fweddy Boy Mitchell's diplomatic standing in the U.S.; introduce a tariff on all goods imported to the U.S. via Freeport cargo shipment facilities owned and operated by "privately owned" agents of the government of mainland China; significantly increase foreign aid and funding to Cuba to expand hotel and cruise ship facilities; support domestic and international banking facilities in Cuba with suitable restrictions on Cuban based financial institutions engaging in such activities with Bahamian based financial institutions; etc. etc. etc. IF YOU ARE FOOL ENOUGH TO POKE THE U.S. IN THE EYE, YOU DESERVE THE EVENTUAL CONSEQUENCES!
BMW 8 years, 8 months ago
There is no end to stupidity in this government.
kaytaz 8 years, 8 months ago
Was waiting on this to happen.....Freddy is a jack@$$ ....we depend on tourism not the USA......sure no fallout for politicians thier friends family and lovers
birdiestrachan 8 years, 8 months ago
There is nothing wrong with Mr: Mitchell's statement, It is a known Fact that many black men have lost their lives from Police shootings.. It is so strange that so many Bahamians lack a sense of pride. and believe they are less than the US Citizens who write these articles .It is their view. It is not the voice of God nor is it written in the Bible.
realfreethinker 8 years, 8 months ago
birdie birdie please just go away THANKS
BaronInvest 8 years, 8 months ago
This is pure comedy. Freddie is not missing a single opportunity to look like a moron...
quietone 8 years, 8 months ago
I think Mr Mitchell was completely correct in what he did. He is simply encouraging us Bahamians to behave and show proper respect for the US police as well as themselves so that they won't get into any trouble. Considering the amount of antisocial behaviour carried on right here on the tiny island of New Providence almost every day, bad behaviour could well be a way of life among some of us.
birdiestrachan 8 years, 8 months ago
Greta Van Susteran of Fox News ? she blast The President of the USA all the time.. If you all do not know why she does this, telling you folks why will not help you all at all..Most of those folks on Fox news think just like her.
birdiestrachan 8 years, 8 months ago
Greta did not blast the Police officers who stopped and killed Philando Castile because he had a "Wide Set Nose>.
The_Oracle 8 years, 8 months ago
Wide set nose which matched a robbery suspect on video a short while before being pulled over.(matching hand gun included) The narrative is severely twisted, in Freds case also.
Reality_Check 8 years, 8 months ago
Most Bahamians foolishly believe our politicians when they claim the U.S. needs the Bahamas as much as the Bahamas needs the U.S. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are no longer viewed by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. foreign policy "think tank" experts as a friendly ally of the U.S., but rather as an opportunistic little nation whose corrupt politicians will always put their own interests above those of the Bahamian people and the U.S.A. In fact, we have become over the past 20+ years nothing but an irritating inflamed pimple on the backside of the U.S. This view of the Bahamas now holds true for the U.S. government no matter whether the Democrats or the Republicans have the upper hand at any point in time. With the opening up of Cuba to U.S. business interests, Florida (in particular the South Florida economy) will quickly pivot away from the Bahamas towards Cuba where there will be infinitely more lucrative business opportunities. As for the U.S. government "looking after the Bahamas" because of our geographical proximity to the U.S., that too is going to wane as the U.S. negotiates with Cuba greater levels of military cooperation and presence in the Caribbean/West Indian region. Between Puerto Rico and a much friendlier Cuba to come, the U.S. will see the Bahamas as more of a nuisance than any kind of geo-political risk. Bahamians had better wake up to these rapidly evolving changes because the thinned skinned likes of Fred Mitchell fail to realize the Bahamas has fewer poker chips to play today combined with the worst possible hand it has ever been dealt when it comes to the game of international influence. Hubert Ingraham opened our door to mainland China and Perry Christie has take our relationship with mainland China to new heights.....but the U.S. knows only too well how this will all play out for the Bahamas and Bahamians....and it ain't gonna be a pretty picture at the end of the day!
banker 8 years, 8 months ago
Cosign this opinion. Cogent, well-thought out and true!
banker 8 years, 8 months ago
Here are some WikiLeak excerpts about the inept Fred Mitchell:
birdiestrachan 8 years, 8 months ago
Yes Banker you god has spoken so just kneel down and say Amen. The persons mentioned are just men expressing their views They are no better than Mr: Mitchell
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