UPDATED: Female MPs blast Lightbourn over "shocking and despicable" sterilisation speech

Richard Lightbourn

Richard Lightbourn

UPDATE: This statement was released by the office of Richard Lightbourn this afternoon, with regards to his comments last night that drew fierce criticism.

“I would like to sincerely apologize to the Bahamian public and women in particular for my comments made last night at the Free National Movement convention.

“It was never my intention to offend anyone but to speak to the need for effective parenting and the support for a strong family structure which will go a long way toward solving many of our country’s social ills.

“It is a woman’s right to decide what to do with her body.

“I received immediate and justified criticism for my comments. It was an extremely poor decision on my part.

“My comments in no way shape or form reflect the position of the FNM.”


Tribune Chief Reporter


LEADING Progressive Liberal Party women MPs have called for the resignation of Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn over his contentious proposal for state-sponsored sterilisation of women as an anti-crime initiative.

Mr Lightbourn's ill-fated comments were made on the second night of the Free National Movement's national convention at the Melia resort, and have since gone viral on social media with many vilifying the parliamentarian.

The FNM immediately distanced the party from the Montagu MP's proposal, stating that the party did not believe in restricting the reproductive rights of anyone.

In a joint statement issued on Friday morning, three government ministers - Yamacraw MP Melanie Griffin, Englerston MP Glenys Hanna Martin, and Seabreeze MP Hope Strachan - branded his remarks as "despicable".

"We were shocked and disgusted to hear the offensive suggestion of Mr Richard Lightbourn, MP for Montagu, that the State should cause for Bahamian women  to be sterilised after giving birth to two children to prohibit them from having any more children thereafter," the statement read.

"While these kinds of outrageous comments have come to typify the positionings of Mr Lightbourn, his comments last night show  that he is unfit for public office and he should immediately apologise  to all Bahamian women. In fact, he should tender his resignation from Parliament."

It continued: "We condemn Mr Lightbourn outrightly on behalf of every Bahamian woman."

During his convention speech, Mr Lightbourn set out initiatives that he felt could form part of his party's crime plan if they become the next government. Making his case, he pointed out that children born in unstable family environments were high-risk to become involved in crime.

He posited that it was necessary to consider "adopting the lead of several countries in the world which result in unwed mother having her tubes tied after having more than two children". Mr Lightbourn said the result would be less children, essentially reducing the burden of the state in terms of social care, education, and employment.

He also suggested that an FNM government would introduce legislation that would enable a court to deduct child support from a father's pay to be paid directly to the unwed mother of his child.

Following his late-running speech on Thursday night, Mr Lightbourn admitted to The Tribune that it had been a "poor statement", and sought to clarify his position.

He explained that he intended to use the position adopted by several countries in a bid to illustrate that the country needed "to develop a position to address the number of children born to teenage women".

The FNM's Tourchbearers Youth Association described the comments as "not only careless but insensitive".

Female candidates of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) also released a joint statement on Friday to condemn the Montagu MP and called for both him and his party to issue an apology to Bahamian women.

"The idea that sterilising Bahamian women is the answer to classroom overcrowding and high unemployment is beyond offensive," the DNA statement said.

"Rather than attempting to intervene in matters which he clearly knows nothing about, Mr Lightbourn and the FNM should instead be creating the kind of legislation that empowers young Bahamian mothers in a way that allows them to take care of themselves and their children.

It added: "If this is truly the spineless, visionless and misogynistic approach to governance that the FNM is bringing to the table, then they can keep it! Bahamian mothers want no part of the FNM’s sexist and anti-feminist mentality."


licks2 8 years, 7 months ago

Boy. . .I told you that this statement will cause this man big time! I suggest that he just "say sorry" and keep his head low. . .

TalRussell 8 years, 7 months ago

Comrades! We can but pray there will be no shortage of leveled headed thinking red shirts stepping forward to drive the member from Montagu - first to the Bahamas Humane Society for chopping off sterilization his balls - then up the hill to Mount Fritzwilliam to tender his immediate MP's resignation to Her Excellency The Dame.
No, I will not be talking a third car drive for a head checkups toward Sandilands, cause certain things best to remain private on the table for discussion by close family members.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 7 months ago

He is also a proponent of having the d_i_c_k_s of rapists surgically removed immediately before they are sent to Fox Hill Prison to serve their sentence!

Sickened 8 years, 7 months ago

That is something I can agree with. Although rapists and murderers shouldn't even get the luxury of prison. When I was younger I thought that they should be tortured but now that I am a grown man, I think that they should go straight to the noose after leaving the courthouse.

Reality_Check 8 years, 7 months ago

I detect a note of hearty cynicism here.

Sickened 8 years, 7 months ago

It may be offensive but something needs to be done about our social ills. And, lots of children by young, single, unemployed and unemployable woman are a problem. What is the solution?? It's a tough one because who gets to make the decision of who is not deserving of having and caring for children. There were similar issues I believe in the states where mentally ill (retarded) woman wanted to have children but obviously couldn't take care of them. The mother and child would then depend on family or the government to provide this care. Let's take the issue to an extreme. What if there was a known crack addict woman who had a kid every year because she's prostituting herself out. Something has to be done. Tie her tubes, force her on birth control, take her children or appoint social services to go to her home everyday to check up on the kids? Which option is best. Now what if there were 5,000 woman in the same situation? Would your answer be different? The point is a solution that may be good for one or two people may not be manageable for hundreds or thousands of people. We have a big, BIG social problem in our country and something has to be done.

DillyTree 8 years, 7 months ago

This is an outrageous suggestion, Mr. Lightbourn! Women have the right to control their own bodies, and sterilisation should never be forced upon anyone. This has shades of Nazi Germany all over it.

That said, Mr. Lightbourne acknowledges the stunning fact that so many children in the Bahamas are born out of wedlock to mothers who cannot support or nurture them -- perhaps leading to a variety of the social ills we face today -- crime, gangs, overcrowded schools, socially inept children, youth unemployment, etc.

Clearly something must be done. How about this solution?

  1. Two children max will be supported by the government. After that, you're on your own. Why should the public pay for your indiscretions? Assistance to be contingent on finding a job within 1 year, with job training available if needed. No working, no pay. Simple.

  2. Birth control must be made available to women free of charge (remember this amazing National Health Insurance program we're supposed to be getting?) Tubal sterilisation would also be available to women who request it at a modest cost. Ditto on young men opting for vasectomies. But NEVER forced!

Fitmiss 8 years, 7 months ago

The sad thing is free or not birth control pills are under $5 a prescription. That is cheaper than pampers, bottles and I won't even mention educating a child.

jackbnimble 8 years, 7 months ago

I see his point although the delivery may have been off. Why have a bunch of children that you can't feed and then constantly run to social services or your MP for help?

He should have suggested stronger education or birth control but I do see his point.

KareemC9 8 years, 7 months ago

While I may not like the way in which Richard Lightbourn delivered his message I do get where he's coming from. it's obvious that there are to many unwed, uneducated, unemployed, unemployable young girls having too many children that they can not care for and 9 times out of 10 these kids do become a burden on society in one way or they other. Maybe it is time that we as a country take a serious look at how we can stop or fix this situation.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 7 months ago

For Pete's sake, Lightbourn's is only talking about the black mothers in our country. Why are all of the white mother's also getting so upset about his sterilization remark?!

EasternGate 8 years, 7 months ago

As usual, we kill the messenger because we don't like the message. He has a valid point!

licks2 8 years, 7 months ago

So how about we kill everybody in this country who has more than 1000,000 in the bank and is over 50 years old. . .this is the most effective way to bring balance to a "lopsided" economic society where the prospect of the low socio-economic masses owing 1000,000 by the time they reach 50 years old! So if we kill everybody who own that amount of money and has already lived a fairly good life to aged 50. . .then give that money to one of the poor chosen through random selection we will be able to balance every persons getting a fair shake in their society. . .this Bahamas!

Sickened 8 years, 7 months ago

I think your suggestion would be more effective and better for the country if you said anyone with less than 1,000,000 in the bank.

themessenger 8 years, 7 months ago

Great idea! Why don't we start with Perry, Brave, Shane, Allyson and crew and see where we go from there.

DreamerX 8 years, 7 months ago

He isn't wrong. It's just too close to other despicable practices and calls to questions how can the process of selection be truly fair and can a permanent thing be justified if we allow people who commit themselves heinous crimes a set amount of time...it's tough to swallow.

Legalizing abortion with ease of access is a better alternative. There are purported studies showing some correlation between the prevalence of abortion clinics to the overall reduction in crime with some communities receiving a spike.

Bahamianpride 8 years, 7 months ago

Lightbourne is somewhat on point but took it to far with forced sterilization. He should have also included men getting vesectomies but it should all be voluntary. He is only speaking to those who irresponsibly bring children into this world which to me means those lacking the emotional & financial ability to care & provide for children & continue having more. This to me is child abuse. We live on a island nation that is infested with crime & we all know poverty & ignorance is the driving force. Irresponsible babby making breeds crime & destruction, I respect this man for addressing this. I think voluntary vesectomies & tubal ligation should be offered free 24/7 in this country & around the world we're destroying our planet with overpopulation/polution.

jackbnimble 8 years, 7 months ago

I concur. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. I don't doubt for a minute that Lightbourn sees a lot of unwed mothers with deadbeat babies in his constituency relying on his help of that of the state. He's just suggesting that if you curb the irresponsible baby-making then it will alleviate the poverty and the burden on the taxpayers.

The_Oracle 8 years, 7 months ago

In a country where the wife needs the Husbands permission to tie her tubes? Get real people, sure he put his foot in his mouth, and that is on him. but there is an underlying situation which drives the errant stupidity coming out of politicians and their blind and rabid supporters, and that is the almost complete breakdown of polite, self accountable society. Both parties claim progressive outlooks but suffer from total regression and myopia, both parties members expect personal reward, appointments and contracts for support and service and via position, all exit worth more than at their political entrance. We are right where we belong given our long standing deplorable behavior both personal and condoned and to a man. What upstanding citizen would waste his or her personal ethics, standards and good name to be embroiled in the gutters of power? Meanwhile the power brokers who bred this contentious freak show are horrified by the unknown, the apparent loss of control. Laughable, disgraceful, myopic, and oh so Bahamian.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 7 months ago

If you're a registered voter or intend to register to vote in the next general election, I respectfully suggest you do like most us will be doing......vote for the independent candidate who will be running in your constituency if you know him or her to be reputable, honest and literate....or not bother to vote at all. That's the sad and harsh reality of the situation those of us fearful of another PLP five year term find ourselves in. Minnis should be left alone to attend to the official bereavement service and burial of the FNM party for all time to come. You need to wrap your head around the fact that the FNM party no longer exists....and that is rightfully the legacy of one Hubert Alexander Ingraham, more affectionately known as "Hubiggity'. For decades we, the Bahamian people, have been played as fools by Ingraham and Christie alike....taking our country to the very brink of financial ruination!

Sickened 8 years, 7 months ago

I would tend to whole heartedly agree with your suggestion except that I am literally terrified that the PLP may come back into power. If we can get all sensible Bahamians to vote FNM then we just may be able to save our country - the truly ignorant will always vote PLP... and there are A LOT of them.

Bahamianpride 8 years, 7 months ago

Vesectomies on men would be the quickest way because the procedure is quick, easy, and more effective an population control. One man can impregnate many women at a time so I would suggest we encourage men to get vesectomies if they keep having kids they don't want or cannot afford to care for. Even those men married or in long term relationships with Kids it's a good permanent birth control option. After I had my 2 kids I did it because I believe it was the responsible family planning measure to take. The procedure takes about 30 minutes under local anaesthetic or u can be put to sleep. I choose local. They do no scalpel nowadays, recovery is quick, has no effect on sexual performance. Hats off to lightbourn his thinking is in the right direction on this.

Reality_Check 8 years, 7 months ago

Start with Richard Lightbourn!

Fitmiss 8 years, 7 months ago

Thank you for a very wise and informative post @Bahamianpride.

banker 8 years, 7 months ago

Everyone is missing the obvious solution here. Open free abortion clinics in every area of Nassau. Give out loyalty cards, frequent flier points, Air Miles, turkeys, hams, cell phone minutes, payment of one-months rent and double your coupon values for two or more abortions. After your third scratch-and-win post-abortion prize is revealed is revealed, you can have a free voluntary sterilization with a trip to Florida as an enticement. PLP supporters get an automatic lobotomy as well to improve their thinking processes by taking away all harmful thoughts of voting for their party.

For men, you get a free Glock 9 millimeter if you have a vasectomy. Bring a friend and you get some bullets to go with it.

It would be a helluva lot cheaper than putting all of these people on welfare. And it would cure the problem.

themessenger 8 years, 7 months ago

Hahahahah, banker you really gatta stop................

jusscool 8 years, 7 months ago

Political Sabotage of hatred and bigotry! Don't be surprised if you see more political sabotage by those who have changed their mines! Bahamian's beware!

realfreethinker 8 years, 7 months ago

So where were these female "gov" Mps when Leslie "potcake " Miller spoke of beating his girl friend ?

TalRussell 8 years, 7 months ago

Comrade RealFreeThinker if the woman's PLP's had taken your advice to have stood every time the "Pot cake" Leslie, had uttered something stupid, they'd all still be standing. Thanks be Jesus for the Emancipation Day Holiday break, away from the media reporting anything more stupider the reds might utter. Plus Loretta gone in hiding, right after she eats her lunch. Although the 410 red delegates would like eat her for their lunch.

UserOne 8 years, 7 months ago

So right. I saw one of them laughing in the background when he made that comment. Not one of them spoke up at that time. They are just trying to score political points. They are hypocrites.

B_I_D___ 8 years, 7 months ago

If you are going to tie the tubes...you need to be castrating the dead beat "dads" as well...

Sickened 8 years, 7 months ago

You got that right. That should the first things that happens to criminals before they enter Fox Hill - mandatory castration with blunt and rusty instruments and no anesthesia. Gangs would be dissolved the same day this vote passes.

afficianado 8 years, 7 months ago

He's a caucasian. His remarks doesn't surprise me. I think he just besmirched the image of FNM the election with his careless remarks.

realfreethinker 8 years, 7 months ago

Where have you all this time The FNM besmirched it's own image. They are now a failed party,about to implode and self destruct

Fitmiss 8 years, 7 months ago

Am I the only one who thought of the movie series The Purge when they read or heard about this? I guess his next suggestion would be 24 hours where murder is legal and geared towards the poor. I understand what he is trying to say but there has to be a better suggestion. Better educating of males and females about sex and its repercussions. Provide more pamphlets and free birth control items at clinics and even in the workplace about planned parenting. Parents themselves are also needed in order to set a better example and speak to their kids especially teenagers on being transparent but to protect themselves. There is a lot more we can do before sterilization legislature is passed or even discussed towards females and males alike.

TalRussell 8 years, 7 months ago

Comrades! You shame your fellow human beings when you must know that where it's legal for woman's be sterilized by the government, there are serious questions about why many woman's will undergo forced tubal ligation procedures and without their knowledge while they were in a hospital for other unrelated to pregnancy reasons?
Good lord, does this mean a red movement government would maintain a list of woman's for hospitals to be on the lookout for doctors perform forced medical procedures on their female tubes?
I guess it was lost on you that Montagu's MP Richard, just happens to be the red movement party's shadow attorney general crown minister? The red government's officially designated list keeper for the crown?

themessenger 8 years, 7 months ago

@aficianado. How many caucasians you know scattering chirren round the place like rice?? And while you at it take a hard look at alla dem caucasian chirren livin in Her Majesties prison. Free condoms and birth control should be available free in all schools and ova da hill communities cause you know our people can't keep dey leg together or da dog on da leash.

MonkeeDoo 8 years, 7 months ago

I once heard an audio recording, circa 1964, of Rusty Bethel of ZNS fame, and he was remarking on the population of the Bahamas at that time being about 60,000. So in 50 years to 2015 our population has grown about six times to what it is now - 360,000. The land mass has not grown even by an inch ( except at Simms point ). Where in the name of God the Almighty do you naysayers think that the people can be housed and or employed in the next fifty years when our population gets to TWO MILLION ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY THOUSAND PEOPLE ? We cannot house them, employ them, feed them, educate them, or employ them but its quite alright to GO ON MAKING THEM ? On balance its not the D minus grades that are a problem in the Bahamas, it is the total lack of consciousness of the average and not so average Bahamian that is tragic. Go to Haiti and see what overpopulation does for a country and they have ten thousand times the land mass of the Bahamas. And it is all arable. ( can grow shit there ) . No, brother Lightbourn is not so stupid. Norman Solomon proposed this in the 60,s I think and was accused of proposing genocide.

MonkeeDoo 8 years, 7 months ago

afficianado: Since you introduce race into the discussion, please tell us of one black majority populated country, any where in the world, that has a working, or even functioning, economy ? White people are not keeping pace with their population and it is in fact declining. They can't afford to look after more than two children and most are married. Black Africa is an unmitigated disaster and except for oil in Nigeria, and despite gold in South Africa, it is an impoverished continent.

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago

Oh PLEASE ... Tell us where the money stolen from the post office, road traffic and social services is and who was locked up, fired or having their salary deducted to pay back the money. Let's get a speedy reply on that.

SP 8 years, 7 months ago

Richard Lightbourn views typical white Bahamians who ignore the elephant in the room

I am not at all surprised at this racist lunatic statements any more than I am surprised of white Bahamians constant berating President Obama, despite his saving America from the worst recession in living memory, enormous, undeniable, recorded accomplishments and official recognition as one of the most consequential presidents in American history!


Lightbourn and his white Bahamian brothers have nothing but pure disdain for black Bahamians, but have no problem with uncle tom, ass kissing, Haitians who "yes boss" and flash all 32 teeth at them all day!

Everybody know Haitians breed like rabbits, not Bahamians! How many times has it been said Bahamians are out numbered 6 to 1 in PMH maternity ward?

NEVER have we heard a white Bahamian complain about the Haitian infestation!

Why is that?

My personal experience with Lightbouns slave master mentality grouping is most white Bahamians will not do business with black Bahamians with enough sense and backbone to look them in the eye and refuse to suck up, bow and kiss their backsides.

NEWS FLASH ....UBP days are GONE for black Bahamians and will NEVER return!

Richard Lightbourn's apology is totally politically motivated and means NOTHING to anyone with an ounce of gray matter between their ears.

He said what is in his heart based on common consensus of majority of people of his hue.

Sterilize biggity black Bahamians and flood the country with grinning, kiss ass Haitian slaves. That's what "they" want and that is exactly what "they" have done.

The proof is literally all around us!

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago

There's a flaw in the argument. They do what they have to to survive, doesn't make them slaves or passive. They do what thousands of people of every race do everyday if they work for obnoxious bosses, they bite their tongue and do their work until such time as they can do better. There's someone in a law firm, accounting firm, offshore bank! hospital doing that right now. Probably 99% of them.

SP 8 years, 7 months ago

Haitians can go "DO" what they have to to survive somewhere else

Bahamas cannot afford to educate, provide health care and jobs for Haiti! Get them out and focus on helping Bahamians and building the Bahamas for a change!

DEDDIE 8 years, 7 months ago

Black people in general breed a lot. Something need to be done. Why should I be tax to take care of irresponsible behavior. I only had enough kids that I could financially maintain.

SP 8 years, 7 months ago

Case in point. No reference to the "tax burden" caused by Haitian parasites

If Haitians were taken out of the equation, Bahamians would have massive opportunities for employment, they would use more private education, private doctors and health care thereby decreasing the tax burden.

Haitians on the other hand are like ticks on a dog. All they do is "take, use, abuse and corrupt every government agency". The passport mess we endure is directly attributed to corruption involving massive fraud by Haitians!

Ever heard of Haitians contributing to any humanitarian or other national self help efforts here or anywhere else?

Alternatively, self sustaining working Bahamians are too proud to look for handouts and quite willing to pay their own way. They spend liberally keeping money flowing through the financial system and have no need for "YOUR" tax support to survive.

DEDDIE 8 years, 7 months ago

SP, I could only assume that you live adjacent to the mud and your only interaction is with your neighbors next door. In New Providence we have communities that were design to move the average Bahamian from the so call ghetto areas to modern day trendy environments. Guess what happen, the ghetto came along to Yellow Elder Garden, Elizabeth Estates and the like.These areas don't have Haitians living in them but have evolve into a bee hive of crime. It is also obvious that you are elderly and speaking of a Bahamas that once existed but this current generation have absolutely no problem with the government taking care of them. Case and point "the public service". Oh! you thought they were actually working".

Cas0072 8 years, 7 months ago

The faux feminists are being willfully dense, as if he proposed kidnapping and forcing single women to undergo an unwanted procedure. Yes, he should have thought his comment through to address how penalties for having more children than you can afford would be realistically implemented and to include ALL who have more children than they can afford, regardless of gender or marital status. Instead of the usual placating of these culprits as heroes who deserve more and more handouts at the expense of crumbling schools, continuously declining quality of healthcare, and skyrocketing national debt I agree that these professional procreators should be called out and held accountable in some way.

Bahamianpride 8 years, 7 months ago

Agreed, many like to take some moral high ground or spin truth by injecting race and other explosive issues but the reality is this irresponsible behavior is destroying us and the planet. I'm a black Bahamian & not offended at all. This is the 21st century & with all the technology & preventative measures there's no need for unwanted pregnancy. Sterilisation for free would be a platform I would happily support at home & globally.

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