PM: Sears has had a fair shot in leadership challenge

Alfred Sears and Prime Minister Perry Christie.

Alfred Sears and Prime Minister Perry Christie.


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Perry Christie said that former Attorney General Alfred Sears has been given a fair shot to lead the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), despite concern that the party’s late convention may discourage delegates and party stalwarts from approving a change of leadership so close to the next general election.

The PLP’s convention will be held in the final week of this month. It was postponed several times, most recently from November because the staging of a major political event so soon after the passage of Hurricane Matthew was a concern to some members of the party.

Some have criticised the PLP for the convention’s postponement, believing it encourages members to rubber-stamp Mr Christie as leader out of fear that choosing a new leader now will bring too much disruption to a party that plans to portray itself this year as the only stable party in the country.

When asked yesterday if the January convention is fair to his challenger, Mr Christie said: “I know he’s done a lot of work. I know he’s covered a lot of areas, I know he’s called people over and over again, so he’s had a fair opportunity to sell himself and make his case.”

Mr Christie added that Mr Sears’ challenge to his leadership of the PLP raises constitutional issues since his rival is not a member of Parliament.

“I have a view as to how people react to these things,” he said. “I have a view as to the constitutional implications if someone tries to run when they’re not even a member of Parliament. The Constitution clearly governs the process and he doesn’t qualify as a member of Parliament to be a leader in the House of Assembly. The fact of the matter is he’s tried to explain it. I have not commented at all on his candidacy. I will in fact be engaged in the coming week before the convention to ensure that I give the people the benefit of knowing who I am and knowing what I stand for, lest there be some doubt as to who I am and what I stand for.”

This is not the first time Mr Sears’ absence from Parliament has been cited as a hindrance to his ambitions.

In 2016, Marathon MP Jerome Fitzgerald said Mr Sears would find difficulty receiving support from PLP parliamentarians who would be apprehensive about someone who is not a sitting MP.

The Constitution mandates that the Governor General appoints as Prime Minister the member of Parliament who “is the leader of the party which commands the support of the majority of the members of that House”.

It adds: “If it appears to him that party does not have an undisputed leader in the House or that no party commands the support of such a majority, the member of the House of Assembly who, in his judgment, is most likely to command the support of the majority of members of that House, and who is willing to accept the office of Prime Minister” will be chosen.

When contacted by The Tribune yesterday, Mr Sears insisted his challenge raises no constitutional concerns.

“The constitution of the PLP controls the party and the constitution basically lays out who is eligible to run for any position in the party,” he said. “The convention is controlled by the constitution of the PLP. I’ve read that constitution numerous times and there are no disabilities that would prevent me from contesting for the leadership.”

If he were to win the race, Mr Sears said Prime Minister Perry Christie would still continue to lead the government inside Parliament. “Things would still be as normal,” he said. “Throughout the Commonwealth we’ve had ruling parties change leadership while holding government.”

As for his bid to unseat Mr Christie, he said: “The preparations have been going better than I could ever imagine. It’s been very encouraging.”


Emac 8 years, 2 months ago

"I will in fact be engaged in the coming week before the convention to ensure that I give the people the benefit of knowing who I am and knowing what I stand for"

Oh, but we the people already know who you are and what you stand for! That is one of the main reasons why we will be voting your arse out come next election! By the way, it doesn't matter who is leading the PLP, the same tired arse politicians would still be at the helm wreaking havoc on our society. Time for the PLP to go, forever!

NassauBoy77 8 years, 2 months ago

Mr. Christie knows quite well that there is no "constitutional issue." Mr. Sears is running for Party Leader. The Party Leader is a very different office from that of Party Leader. He understands this quite well.

TalRussell 8 years, 2 months ago

Comrades! The Rt. Honourable Prime Minister exhibits some kinds psychological disconnect as being outside one's body and watching things happen - it's likes... Hello, is this the PM, cause he comes-off sounding more likes he has this imaginary image that it ain't really him as the PM... but some third person.
Bless you, Rt. Honourable PM, cause it's likes you is but a servant who passes the buck on to the third person whenever it comes time to answer for some kinds governing accountability since the 2012 General.


licks2 8 years, 2 months ago

He also knows that he is done. . .he seem to just be shooting the breeze. . .his mountain is how is he going to persuade the people to give him a chance because he has some ideas!! "Dat hoss done dead" . . . the PLP is a cancer that needs to be cut-out from any form of government in this nation. . .or should I say. . .PM Christie's PLP is the cancer that needs to be cut out. . .perhaps a PLP under Mr. Sears, minus all of the old guard may have a ghost of a chance to be re-elected!

sheeprunner12 8 years, 2 months ago

Make no mistake .......... there will be NO leadership controversy in the PLP Mafia ....... To be real, Sears will quietly slink away and say he supports Perry before the convention ....... the PLP will the use the convention to launch its campaign for the election in March ....... BEWARE!!!!

TalRussell 8 years, 2 months ago

Comrades! But unlike the public all low below the belt exchanges following the pre Christmas Coup under the red tent, where Minnis and Loretta are viciously and publicly reaching for control over a government issued car and policeman's driver, reserved parking spot, increase in salary and expense allowances, office space, House seating arrangements, it wouldn't be much struggle visualize a more civilized fight for the PLP's leadership in no way resembles the red shirts public front pages media warfare. And, that while the prime minister and his only challenger, Alfred Sears, may not have exchanged Christmas lists, both men could have very well exchanged A Merry Christmas & Happy New Year's cards....something just not possible under the red tent once you understand how the Seven-Coup members have deserted all positions of respect for the red party's 410 Voting Convention Delegates, as well as their party's Supreme Council rulings.
Comrades, you would think that just because the PLP are the governing party they would be far more subject to voter punishment.... But the 2017 General will not be conducted under normal times when it's expected the voters will deliver some serious realignment ass kicking to the candidates of not only the governing PLP but the now merged Red/Green all wrecked-up party.
A sad and sorry state of affairs that unless they wake-up - come the 2017 General, no one but the red shirts will be able lay blame at the feet of anyone but their own membership for tolerating such nonsense as the 2017 General approaches...and it ain't be long before the PM rungs the bell.
Who' to say if it might not be time for Papa Hubert, to give-up fishing to return to fight the 2017 General?

Alex_Charles 8 years, 2 months ago

MR. Christie is the best man to save this country from this disaster. All he has to do is jump in a bus with his fellow cabinet members and careen off of P.I. bridge right onto the dock into a grand fiery fashion.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 2 months ago

Yep ........... this is January 3, 2017......... and he is still alive ......... smt

Greentea 8 years, 2 months ago

Y'all here what this man said? :“I have a view as to how people react to these things,” he said. “I have a view as to the constitutional implications if someone tries to run when they’re not even a member of Parliament. The Constitution clearly governs the process and he doesn’t qualify as a member of Parliament to be a leader in the House of Assembly."

Is he completely absent? Did he not witness that masterclass in the difference between constitutional law and party rules displayed by the FNM? If we want any more evidence of the lack of difference between PGC and Minnis, this is it folks. Serve up two super dunce caps one in yellow and one in red for each of them. Sears isn't running for leader in the House of Assembly but the leader of the PLP! I want everything changed so I sure hope he wins and send some folks into retirement. Please start with some of those PLPs supposedly representing those southern islands and end in Marathon!

John 8 years, 2 months ago

It is obvious the PLP don't want da woman dem to vote!!! It was the women who defeated the referendum and it will be the woman dem who vote this lame a$$, corrupt, vision less government out of office. Go suck a lemon if you don't like brestess

John 8 years, 2 months ago

Perry can't control he own wife.. less da woman dem

Jetflt 8 years, 2 months ago

Time is drawing near my brothers and sisters when we will vote Christie and his cronies out of office for good! It's time to drain the Bahamian swamp! The PLP hasn't done a damn thing for this Country except set us back 50 years. Time to go.......ship out......one and all!

TalRussell 8 years, 2 months ago

Comrades! Why not have The Tribune change these hereto pages to the Pessimists Blog Pages. Pages about people and their many unfounded fears about a nation on the decline. Some you may have take the time machine back 5000 years to find a time when you could begin to feel safe, happy, fulfilled, content and at peace.

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