PM hits out at We March Bahamas over plan to stop at his home, office

Some of those taking part in the We March Bahamas protest on Majority Rule Day.

Some of those taking part in the We March Bahamas protest on Majority Rule Day.


Tribune Staff Reporter


WITH We March Bahamas now finalising plans for its third protest march, one that will see the group make stops at his home and office, Prime Minister Perry Christie has warned that the organisation’s “poor judgment” could “ignite something that they least expect to happen”.

Mr Christie said yesterday that the personalised style of protest being employed by We March Bahamas was inviting a section of the public, unhappy with his administration and its policies, to speak of him and members of his family in a way that would cause large scale confrontations between them and his supporters.

On Sunday, We March lead organiser Ranard Henfield told The Tribune that members of his team, in conjunction with officials from the Raising Awareness of the Bahamas Landfill (RABL) group, had concluded plans to protest issues associated with the New Providence landfill on April 2.

Mr Henfield also told The Nassau Guardian that the groups intend to make at least two stops - at the office and home of the Prime Minister - in hopes of getting their concerns heard.

However, despite these indications, Mr Christie said yesterday he was still “unaware” of the true nature of the groups’ plan.

On being made aware of the proposed plans, the Centreville MP advocated that the groups “exercise the greatest care” in their attempts to get his attention, acknowledging that his status as Prime Minister does not allow for untethered access to his family and private life.

“I would advocate that they exercise the greatest care before they personalise marches and issues because I am a public figure – but I have a family. They cannot control the emotions of people who are a part of their members.

“When they do something, then they are actually inviting people to speak of me and all who live in my place in a way that could ignite something that they least expect to happen.

“I think it is in poor judgment that they are doing (this),” said Mr Christie.

“Most certainly it is something that may give them some thrills but I don’t think that they should take it (this) far because in public life, they cause people to see that the divisions are now becoming too deepened, too crazy.”

“I think we all have a duty in being able to understand what outcomes we will like when we demonstrate, and that is not a good outcome, to be able to do that and personalise it in such a way.”

As a part of its initial march on November 25, 2016, We March led more than a thousand people from Arawak Cay to downtown Nassau. Ultimately, a large group of protesters occupied Rawson Square for 12 hours as part of the demonstration.

Then, Mr Henfield publicly presented a list of demands to Mr Christie with the demand that he meet with the group on the steps of Parliament. It led to several weeks of intense dialogue between Mr Henfield and members of the Christie administration, resulting in a second march on the Majority Rule holiday in January.

The government has consistently argued that the existence of We March should be viewed as anti-government.

In February, We March announced that it planned to stage 12 more “events and protests” throughout the Bahamas before the next general election.

At that time, Mr Henfield said the group was still on a mission and would continue to “stay focused” despite “the tactics and anger of people that want to resist change”.


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 12 months ago

It is none other than Crooked Christie himself who has left the very public whom he has so severely oppressed with absolutely no choice but to take matters into their own hands.

ohdrap4 7 years, 12 months ago

somehow i do not like the tone of his observations.

these comments themselves can create unexpected or unpredictable consequences, but I reserve any further comments at this time.

realfreethinker 7 years, 12 months ago

This man is losing his mind. This is the time to speak up. This is absolutely crazy

licks2 7 years, 12 months ago

It does sound like a threat! But if he think that the people are afraid of him. . .he will only give them an excuse to "gee him he own". . .that man mussie really thinks he owns this nation aye?

Publius 7 years, 12 months ago

The organisers of We March said the last march was to present the "people's manifesto" to the Parliament. Where is it? It never materialized and this was supposed to be a cornerstone of the movement. On another note, it has become clear to me that there is another hand behind We March, and the hand appears to be foreign, not Bahamian.

DDK 7 years, 12 months ago

From which country does the foreign hand appear to come? Russia?

banker 7 years, 12 months ago

You know, if he had any guts and if he were a true leader, he would come out of his house and address the crowd and engage in dialogue. But alas, he is just a loquacious Crisco Butt with damaged head valves who leads a band of kleptocratic criminals who have raped the country. Just typical PLP garbage who are afraid of accountability due to their treasonous actions.

TalRussell 7 years, 12 months ago

Comrades! With only like 12 days reach before the big We March protest day, the organizers would attract thousands new marchers, if it promised the March's route would shimmied on over to the PM's office for a "Do Da PM's Shuffle” dance party - with the nation's Rt. Honourable Prime Minister - even maybe his Cabinet colleagues will come down to demonstrate their best shuffles? I mean, who among the thousands out there wouldn't show-up to catch a glimpse of Ministers Freddy, Brave and V.Alfred, doing their interpretations da PM's shuffle dance? You could tell citizens to come out and show fellow citizens - your own interpretation of the PM's shuffle dance.


sealice 7 years, 12 months ago

Betcha he'll have his goon squad with all the chingro riot gear lined up outside his house - more crap we have to pay for.

realfreethinker 7 years, 12 months ago

Who the fuck Christie think he is. he is advocating violence against Bahamians. People prostest in the front of the white all the time and the president dont talk fuck about his family and himself.

birdiestrachan 7 years, 12 months ago

We march has no reason to stop by Mr: Christie's house. They are out of order. They should know that a thousand or two persons is only a small portion of the population of the Bahamas. They should also know that when you dig a ditch. Dig two. what part is the disgruntled Dame playing in this.

realfreethinker 7 years, 12 months ago

They have every reason to stop there. He is the " leader" of the country. He needs to put on his big boy pants and stop being a pussy cat. But i guess that's how ya'll like um birdie. "weak and ineffective blaming everyone else "for his problem

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 12 months ago

We March has had several incident free, well attended marches. If something out of the ordinary happens you can rest assured it didn't originate with them

I'm sure the criminals know exactly where the Prime Minister's house is, they don't need assistance from we March . They did quite well in finding the DPM and tying him and his family up.

The_Oracle 7 years, 12 months ago

If the heat cannot be withstood, Stand down. No one has threatened your family, or yourself, but you are deserving of protest. If anyone will "Ignite" anything it is you. You hold the riot gear. The Grenades. The armored Personel carriers.
Governments the world over have pre-empted violence with violence, which has never worked out in their favor.

birdiestrachan 7 years, 12 months ago

It is his private residence, There is no need for them to go there, And this would be true for any PM. What goes around comes around. The bullett man is in the midst of this.. If only they can find out who is bringing the guns into this Country. It would be a great help in solving and preventing murders.

DillyTree 7 years, 12 months ago

Birdie, your point is totally invalid. Perry Christie is the Prime Minister and as such has no such thing as a "private residence". Do you think leaders of other countries get to cry foul at their "private residences"? The fact that we the people pay the bills at that "private residence" means we have every right to peacefully assemble outside and make our voices heard. No one is suggesting that they are going to enter the premises or trespass, but then again, that's the way you think, isn't it?

Christie needs to stop hiding behind the skirts of his family and man up and face the nation and answer why he and his government have failed the people so miserably. If that means going to his house to do so, then so be it!

licks2 7 years, 12 months ago

It is not a private while the PM is using it as our state house. . .and tax payers are paying for its resources and upkeep right down to paying for his cook! It is not a private residence. . .it will revert to private home after the election. . .if he lose this election!! That home is taken over by the Bahamas government. . .thats the deal the tax payer have with any man/woman who becomes PM. . .THAT HOME IS PUBLIC HOUSING. . .PAID FOR FROM THE CONSOLIDATED FUND OF THE BAHAMAS!!!

TalRussell 7 years, 12 months ago

Comrades! Do you think the public should have the right to know what few want talk about, and that is - if any 'dark money' makes it way into helping to finance and organize any 'politically organized' protest, or whatever movement?
There seems be none to weak main street media reporting on this very serious topic?

banker 7 years, 12 months ago

LOL. This is just like the Donald Trump wiretap allegation. There is no evidence at all, so he asks Congress to investigate. There is no evidence in your allegation, so you ask the press to investigate.

The only dark money around, is that tiefed by the PLP.

Sickened 7 years, 12 months ago

I heard that none other than Bernadette herself is funding We March!

banker 7 years, 12 months ago

Last I heard, she doesn't even live at home -- either with her mum Trixie next door (if she is still alive) or with her daughter in Atlanta.

reverendrichlkemp 7 years, 12 months ago

This Henfield is total misguided and totally wrong for plan to march to the PM home and office. March as much as you want, but there are some things off limit...The PM HOME and OFFICE is off limit. I dare say, there's more to this than he's telling. There are some " UN-BAHAMIAN " tones. We know, the PM knows, the Opposition Leader know what you are all about...or, are there some other evil motivation? REPENT HENFIELD, REPENT !

banker 7 years, 12 months ago

You een read da bible eh? The part of separation of church and state where you render unto Caesar what is Caesars?

My father's kingdom is not of this world. Repent Reverend Kemp, Repent.

TalRussell 7 years, 12 months ago

Comrade Banker, I thinks had Jesus been shown a coin with an image Banker's inscribed and not that of Caesar - to this 2017 day, we all would be rendering our taxes to Banker - so before you let this one go ya head, I wouldn't take this biblical story too serious, okay.

banker 7 years, 12 months ago

I don't take any biblical story seriously. Especially the main one. What the bible is telling me is that God sent His boy to His people so that His people could kill His Boy in order to save them from the wrath of.....God. Yep. Makes total sense to me, but only because I understand mathematical recursion.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 12 months ago

WeMarch ........... start prepping your eggs and tomatoes today for the march ....... Perry should be made to answer to the mess he has created at Bahamar, the dump, BOB and BEC

Perry is saying that Bahamar is opening ......... but Bahamians are still awaiting the agreement between the PLP government and CTFE .................. A disgraceful, unBahamian crooked liar

Greentea 7 years, 12 months ago

I am not so amazed how Christie and Minnis draw on the words, phrases and tactics of that Cheeto to the north. Alas it will come to bite both of these fellas with profound lack of imagination in the arse. My fervent prayer is for both Minnis and Christie to lose their seats in the upcoming election- making sure the PLP and FNM do what the wider Bahamian people have called for and what they seem to refuse to listen to- Change ya leadership. Change ya crooked tactics. There is no reason why the country is where it is except for 50 years of piss poor governance. I wouldnt let Christie or Minnis lead me to the flickin corner if the choice was mine. This sounds like a reason for the police to use their Chinese riot gear. If Christie wants to awaken a quiet people, let's see where he is willing to take it.

Cobalt 7 years, 12 months ago

To a certain degree, I agree with Perry Christie.

Demanding accountability on a civic platform is one thing....... going to the man's home is another. Perry Christie's house is the private domain of him and his family. Heinfield is going too far.

We have demanded accountability from Perry and his government. They have adamantly refused. So the proper and decent thing to do is to vote he and his party out of office. That's how a democracy works.

Don't resort to bush-league tactics by invading the mans privacy. That's not respectable behavior.

licks2 7 years, 12 months ago


Cobalt 7 years, 12 months ago

If one of your colleagues disagreed with you on a particular set of matters and told you that they were coming to protest their concerns in the road in the front of your residence..... I'm sure your talk would be different.

Alex_Charles 7 years, 12 months ago

I sincerely hope this remains 100% peaceful

Craig 7 years, 12 months ago

The people are totally fed up with the PM and his crew. Keep the protest peacefully, which I have no doubt it will be. More power to We March!!! Keep their feet to fire. They deserve it for the god awful job they have done over the past 5 years.

OldFort2012 7 years, 12 months ago

People demonstrate outside 10 Downing Street all the time. That is where the Prime Minister lives with his/her family. Nothing odd about it.

John 7 years, 12 months ago

First off I don't see the necessity or the purpose of the march at this point when elections are right around the corner. How many persons on the march will be registered voters? That is where your actions are needed. At the ballot box. While marching and protesting in public settings is fine, confrontational protests at a private residence that may involve persons that are not a part of the protestations is not a good idea. It will have more affect on the persons not the target than those who it is intended for. Again if you feel you must march on Christie's house then set the criteria that every one on the march has a voters card (and bail money).

licks2 7 years, 12 months ago

Bail money for what? If yinna PLP s them resort to violence it will be the biggest mistake yall ever made in yall whole time in office. . .yall better NOT GIVE THIS PISSED OFF NATION OF HURTING PEOPLE AN EXCUSE TO COME AFTER YINNA FOR DOING FOOLISHNESS. . .THIS POWDER KEG OUT HERE IS BOILING OVER AT THIS GOVERNMENT. . .IF ONE PERSON GETS HURT BECAUSE OF OUR PM DUMBNESS. . .THE BLAME FOR WHAT WILL HAPPEN IS ON HIS HEAD!!! TAKE A LOOK AT YINNA RALLIES. . .NOBODY LIKES YINNA ANYMORE. . .DON'T GIVE THEM AN EXCUSE TO CHAP YINNA IN YALL HEADS NOW! I suggests that yall stop the PM from sending vailed threats from his frustrated mind. . .perhaps yinna better let more level heads in that party speak to the public. . .yall leader een making much sense right up in noow! Most people even don't want to hear his voice. . .much less take vailed threats from him! Lol!

John 7 years, 12 months ago

@ Licks2..just look up at the photo above. Do you think in all honesty you can stop that size crowd in front of the pm's or anyone's house without something getting out of control? What about the persons who live in the immediate area of the pm's house or those who work in that area? While they may tolerate a march, per se, they may not take kindly to the roads being blocked for long periods denying them access to their homes or to and from work. Remember they threw peanuts and beer on PM Hubert Ingraham, in the public square, during the BTC protest. What will be accomplished by blocking the road in front of the pm's hous as opposed to a continuous march and back to some public place?

DDK 7 years, 12 months ago

When they tried to march and congregate around the HOA were they not discouraged or indeed forbidden?

John 7 years, 12 months ago

Always let common sense prevail. Don't break down and do more damage in an effort to fix the things that are broken.

Sickened 7 years, 12 months ago

Common sense will prevail. We March supporters aren't your typical PLP rally supporters. We March supporters are the sensible thinkers among us from all parties and of all skin colors. Unfortunately, we always think of the large, boisterous, drunk and highly agitated masses that frequent the loud, screaming PLP rallies, when we think of large crowds. Society is maturing now and we would much rather hear the message than to hear people yell in-between loud music.

TalRussell 7 years, 12 months ago

Comrades! Strange that We Political Protest (WPP) would threaten a march in front the PM's 'private' residence - when the protest group's mastermind - had previously rejected the PM's offer to meet with representatives from his group?
There is also that other political protest group out their - pretending that they too are far from a political unseat this PLP government, movement.
I mean, how can people respect you, if you're masquerading as something that is suspect to many people?
One can be left to wonder if there been any private strategic planning meetings between the two protest groups that the public should be made aware of?
I mean, how much does the public really know about the internal affairs of the two most vocal of the protest groups?
Shouldn't the public know more?
How can members of the public become involved with the Board of Directors, and who exactly selected present BOD members?

John 7 years, 12 months ago



TalRussell 7 years, 12 months ago

Comrades! The PM would have create an entire separate press office to respond to the many manifestos from We March lead organiser Ranard Henfield.
Isn't it fair comment that the public's anger to the dumps fires have been loud well expressed and there's nothing new We Protest can add to the dump's fires?
Really now, does Renard thinks the anger expressed by the neighbouring residents and public in general are not being heard up in the PLP cabinet room?
He must really think he's important if he thinks the PLP cabinet are stone deaf.
The PLP cabinet know they've screwed up royally over their neglect the many dump fires and there's going to soon be an election price to pay - we just don't know if it will be a repeat of the 1967 UBP/PLP General Election, or worse?
I think 67.2% of all registered voters have already made up their minds who NOT to vote for. The flip side is they're pretty damn uncertain whether to just stay home on election day, or vote while squeezing their their noses to vote to keep out the stench originating from embattled oppositions bunch of equal political misfits?

banker 7 years, 12 months ago

He must really think he's important if he thinks the PLP cabinet are stone deaf.

Nope. The PLP cabinet are stone deaf because they think that Bahamians are unimportant. Bahamians to the back of the line please. Chinks, front-sellers and PLP warts to the da front.

TalRussell 7 years, 12 months ago

Comrade Banker, I never said I don't understand deafness: Just that not everyone wants their hearing be 'fixed'.
If any them did hear the peoples cries, it be them hearing for the first time since 1967 to 2012- into 2017, tis be's a miracle.

themessenger 7 years, 12 months ago

I wit you banker, this government has shown beyond a shadow of doubt their complete and utter contempt for the Bahamian people, the Judiciary and the Rule of Law as well. Minnis and the FNM are a bunch of choirboys compared to Christie & Co.

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