Deputy PM: FNM representing interests of ‘Bay Street Boys’

Philip Davis, Deputy Prime Minister, giving remarks at the meeting at CV Bethel Senior High School. Photo: Shawn Hanna

Philip Davis, Deputy Prime Minister, giving remarks at the meeting at CV Bethel Senior High School. Photo: Shawn Hanna


Tribune Staff Reporter


DEPUTY Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis last night cautioned voters to be wary of voting for the Free National Movement (FNM), claiming that former Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette’s return to frontline politics is proof that the party is representing the interests of the “Bay Street Boys” as opposed to “ordinary people”.

Mr Davis, speaking to a crowd of supporters during a town hall meeting at the CV Bethel High School last night, hit out at the FNM’s slogan “It’s the People’s Time”, suggesting that even though the Hubert Minnis-led party is trying to “present themselves different this time”, the return of Mr Symonette, the son of United Bahamian Party (UBP) Leader Roland T Symonette, is proof that the FNM “ain’t got no love for our people”.

Mr Davis also surmised that Mr Symonette’s return was due to the latter sensing “a weak leader” in Dr Hubert Minnis, and that Mr Symonette consequently “thinks it’s his time to get in.”

The Cat Island MP also suggested that the ringing of the election bell could come “very soon”, charging that “soon and very soon” Mr Christie is “going to do that thing”. “He has been dropping hints here and there,” Mr Davis said. “He has advised it is only a short time now, just a small window and time to get registered.”

Mr Davis also excoriated Dr Minnis for his tumultuous tenure as leader of the FNM, calling the Killarney MP a “fellow who don’t know what to say unless someone tells him what to say”.

Mr Davis further said it would be a “joke” if “someone who is hiding from debates in Parliament, someone who can’t keep his party together, someone whose senators have had to resign in disgrace because of scandal after scandal, that someone like that should be considered to run this country.”

“With (Dr Minnis) and the FNM you would get change, but you wouldn’t get progress,” Mr Davis told supporters. “On the one hand you have an experienced, wise leader who knows how to represent the Bahamas in turbulent times. And on the other hand you have a fellow who don’t know what to say unless someone tell him what to say. Hubert Minnis ain’t no leader. He’s always been a follower, and he’s still following. And in times like these we need real leadership.

“His own colleagues have said the most terrible things about him. They call him incompetent and complained that he just can’t be trusted. They say that he can’t be trusted, and then they are asking you to trust him now that it’s election time. Boy, they must think we’re foolish. It would be a joke, that someone who is hiding from debates in Parliament, someone who can’t keep his party together, someone whose senators have had to resign in disgrace because of scandal after scandal, that someone like that should be considered to run this country. That is not a joke. It’s dead serious.”

Turning his attention towards Mr Symonette, Mr Davis said the former Deputy Prime Minister’s re-entry into politcs, along with the FNM’s ratification of another candidate, Dionisio D’Aguilar, for the Free Town constituency, suggests the party is seeking to appeal to the interests of the “Bay Street Boys” and other elitist factions within the country.

“They try to present themselves different this time,” Mr Davis continued. “This time they say it’s the people’s time. I don’t think they mean regular Bahamians. When they say that it is people’s time, they can’t be talking to us ordinary Bahamians. Which people you think they talking about?

“To me, I see the Bay Street Boys. That’s what I see. Who you see back there? Brent Symonette. He’s back. He sensed a weak leader in (Dr Minnis), and he thinks it is his time to get in.

“While he was in retirement, he was like the buzzard hovering, waiting for the carcass to lay out, and now he sees the carcass is sputtering, he is now landing. That’s why he’s back, after saying he was resigning from politics. Now you know how he got there, and you know how he goes.”

Mr Davis added: “Now along with Brent, you got (Mr D’Aguilar), who throw rocks at the PLP for spending money on the people for Urban Renewal and Social Services. That’s what he’s done, that’s what he does. They ain’t got no love for our people, so I don’t know whose people’s time they’re talking about. But the PLP has always been about the people and, in particular, us ordinary people.”

Mr Davis added: “(Dr Minnis) is nothing but a puppet, one being used to fool the Bahamians.”

Last night also saw speeches from several other PLP members, including the Prime Minister and PLP Leader Perry Christie, party Chairman Bradley Roberts, Pinewood MP Khaalis Rolle, Bamboo Town candidate Greg Burrows, and South Beach MP Cleola Hamilton.

Mr Christie, during his remarks, said the PLP is the best option to lead the country, boasting of members and candidates who are “the best in the country.”

“We are a fantastic team, made up of good candidates,” he said. “So as you move around this island, as you talk about the coming general elections, the one fact that is beyond debate: we, the PLP, have the best team. And we have no evidence that the FNM has a team. They have not demonstrated it. In fact, it’s difficult to determine whether they have a real leader.”


Sickened 7 years, 12 months ago

Ah! PLP playing that white slave master card again. Now I know it's election time.

I assume Perry gave Philip (can't call him Brave anymore) permission to speak. That's nice. Too bad Philip was too scared to run for leader. Most short people are over confident and secure enough in themselves to go after what they want. I guess Philip is the exception. He needs a good pat on the head for being so obedient though. Good Philip! Now sit!

banker 7 years, 12 months ago

Bay Street Boys are all retired and gone. They have been replaced by the criminal Pingdomites. Need some serious smiting here, and Mr. White Booger-Nose pictured above needs to be turned into a pillar of salt.

Vex the Pingdomites, And smite them.

Numbers 25:17

reverendrichlkemp 7 years, 12 months ago

here's one of those racist white slave loyalist I referred to.

banker 7 years, 12 months ago

If I were to pick 5 of the most ignorant, racist people here, you would be at least three of them. God Bless you, you need it.

Publius 7 years, 12 months ago

Deputy Pm: Fnm Representing Interests Of ‘Bay Street Boys’

At least the Bay Street Boys are Bahamians....

DillyTree 7 years, 12 months ago

Wow, for a reverend and supposedly a man of learning, you sure are ignorant of your own history! Of course, you probably wouldn't know better, as that's the only Bahamian history taught in schools -- the one where the Bahamas began in 1967 and there were no white Bahamians. Keep telling yourself that and revel in blissful ignorance.

And I suppose it's all the white people's fault too, hmmm?

Will you show "Roots" for your next church sermon as well? The ignorance of so many supposedly learned people continues to astound me -- but what else can we expect in a country where a D+ national average is celebrated?

Hogfish 7 years, 12 months ago

yes, good point, as opposed to the stink plp own Chinese Masters !

Naughtydread 7 years, 12 months ago

Lets get Roots going on the old ZNS again! Gaddamn white people, don't you just hate them all!?

clawdad 7 years, 12 months ago

naughtydread its people like you who got this Bahamas where it is most white people struggle to make a living in the Bahamas just like you.you need to get you face out of pgc backside an see what is going down in the bahamas

Naughtydread 7 years, 12 months ago

I was assuming you could sense the sarcasm in that comment, lol come on buddy, you cannot think I was being serious with tha statement now.

ohdrap4 7 years, 12 months ago

i see your true colors shining through....

pablojay 7 years, 12 months ago

If " reverendrichikemp " is a man of the cloth, then his god died in the year 2000 and his god's wife resides on Mt. Fitzwilliam. He and birdiestrachan can pray for his resurrection to lead the blind and mindless minions.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 12 months ago

And whose interests does Brave represent????? ....... Toogie, Bobo, Die, and Nygard???????

Why was the criminal who held Brave and his wife hostage in their home given a Nolle?????

Seaman 7 years, 12 months ago

reverendrichkemp........... I don't own any slaves..... And you didn't pick cotton so shut the fook up . Raciest a$$..

Craig 7 years, 12 months ago

I must give the PLP one thing, they know how to appeal to their base. All they have to do is play the race card. That trumps all the evil they do. This is evident in the remarks from the reverend above. The PLP can wreck to economy, let's crime escalate out of control, overlook corruption to the highest levels in government, pay lip service to the plight of the very people that elected them and I could go on and on. But all is forgiven when they start spewing that nonsense about the Bay Street Boys, racism, slavery, and the like and all is forgiven. If they are reelected then they will get the government they deserve. I just hope that, speaking as a Bahamian that worked very hard to get what little I have, the PLP does not cause a devaluation in our currency and allow the debt to rise to unmanagible levels, which of course would be an unmitigated disaster. The scary thing is this is almost inevitable if they are reelected. Lord inspire our people to kick them out!!!

Zakary 7 years, 12 months ago

Indeed. It is also useful for the PLP that we do not record history in any objective way, so a lot of people are ignorant, including the older ones. Spout a little something something about racism, mention the UBP, and you just have an bunch of Bahamians like putty in your hands to do with as you please. Too easy.

Seaman 7 years, 12 months ago

Anyone who believes the hate coming out of the DPM mouth is already enslaved in their mind and their hearts. It's not about any Bay Street Boys..... It's about now. Most of the Bay Street Boys already in lala land. Only Big Bradley Roberts left. He's one of them dark boys or as you would say.... He's a Damn Uncle Tom.

alfalfa 7 years, 12 months ago

Bay Street Boys my behind. The oppressors of the people are the same who brag about fifty years of majority rule, and grin at the cameras everyday. Brave et al have benefited at the expense of the country and the "grass roots" they loudly proclaim to care about. They are all millionaires and will live in the lap of luxury whether they win or lose the election, while the people who put them in will be in deep sh-t.

Gotoutintime 7 years, 12 months ago

Fifty years of Majority rule and Brave still wants to blame the "Bay Street Boys"??

SP 7 years, 12 months ago

.................... The Bay Street Boys vs The Sunshine Boys & Both Are Pirates .....................

We need to put them ALL behind lock and key where they belong!

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