Fitzgerald: Minnis must resign when Baha Mar opens

EDUCATION Minister Jerome Fitzgerald speaks in the House of Assembly.

EDUCATION Minister Jerome Fitzgerald speaks in the House of Assembly.


Deputy Chief Reporter


WHEN the $3.5bn mega resort Baha Mar opens on April 21, Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis must resign because of his continued negative pronouncements - particularly that the West Bay Street project would not open, Marathon MP Jerome Fitzgerald said yesterday.

Speaking to reporters following the morning session of Cabinet, the Education Minister said previous comments attributed to Dr Minnis regarding Baha Mar were “unfortunate” and had a negative impact on the progress of the development and its employees.

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts echoed similar sentiments, questioning whether Dr Minnis would issue a statement of congratulations to the government and the new owner of  Baha Mar.

Mr Roberts said failing to do so would affirm that former developer Sarkis Izmirilian still has Dr Minnis “on the leash”.

“At the end of the day, I understand Dr Minnis and the FNM has been really pulling and rooting against the Bahamian people although they say it’s the people’s time,” Mr Fitzgerald told reporters.

“If they do believe it’s the people’s time then they will be supporting this opening and, at the end of the day, I hope now after all Dr Minnis has said when this property does open on April 21st that he will resign because he should resign if he is that positive that the resort will not open.

“It’s unfortunate the things that he has said. It has really had a negative impact on the development and on the employees who are going to be working there. Many of them who are supporters I’m sure of the Free National Movement and are wondering why he is making these ridiculous statements. Obviously, he has no appreciation of the work and the co-ordination that went into ensuring that this day came about or he absolutely does not care and is saying what he says strictly for political reasons.”

He said as far as the government is concerned, everything regarding Baha Mar was exactly the way it was put to the public over the last several months.

“There has been no deviation and, if there was, we would have been the first to come forward and say ‘listen something has happened that gives us concern with regard to what we’ve said earlier with the scheduled roll out and what we said’, but as it is now everything has worked exactly the way we have said it.”

For his part, Mr Roberts said to have reached the transfer of Baha Mar from China Construction America to Chow Tai Fook Enterprises is expected to send “naysayers’ tongues wagging”.

He said: “In life, while they ‘march,’ you work. While they talk, you act. Two powerful lessons taught and things I’ve grown to love about our Prime Minister (Perry Christie) is that, everyone doesn’t deserve a response and the best leaders are the ones who speak through action (one of the many reasons for my reduction in political commentary this year).

“When Chapter 11 was filed, they criticised, he stayed silent. When the winding up petition was filed, they criticised, he stayed silent. When receivership was filed, they criticised, he stayed silent. The media demanded he speak, they criticised, and he stayed silent. However, his silence wasn’t because he didn’t have anything to say, but rather, because he and his government were hard at work, getting the job done.”

He added: “Today, the construction company handed over the keys to the operator, paving the way for Baha Mar to finally open. In one single act, the PM has now silenced his critics, and spoke louder than any press conference or release ever could. To achieve your life’s goals, avoid distractions, and stay focused; while humbly and quietly making moves. Your work and results will speak for you.”

Earlier this month Dr Minnis pledged that his party will “engage and execute a real sale” of Baha Mar “to a qualified and respectable purchaser who believes in Bahamians,” should the Opposition party win the next general election.

Dr Minnis also said this buyer would use only Bahamian labour to complete the beleaguered resort, while again promising that his party would make public the details relating to the Baha Mar deal and any other government dealings with Chinese investors.

He said despite pronouncements from the Christie administration, the $3.5bn resort is not open and it is uncertain when this will occur.

“The reality, my dear friends, is that the resort, sadly remains unsold, despite the many, many pronouncements by our delusional Prime Minister to the contrary,” Dr Minnis said at the time.

“Yet, the government, in the lead up to the general election continues in its charade. This week it was revealed that the new ‘alleged purchaser’ of the resort had only hired 650 of their promised 1,500 Bahamian employees, with little over a month to go before its ‘soft opening’ on April 21. We remind the public that there has been no marketing of this resort or room inventory being brought online for this ‘soft opening,’ which only confirms the true political motives behind this opening date, just weeks ahead of what will be our general election,” Dr Minnis said.


sealice 7 years, 12 months ago

This is what our politicians get paid to do - whine about each other's childish antics??? When are the gangstas gonna start "sorting out" people that we wouldn't mind so much to not have to listen to any more????

Sickened 7 years, 12 months ago

I heard in a news report Fitzgerald saying that the project is moving along exactly as planned and as scheduled. REALLY! The government's plan was to not have a casino license issued yet and to facilitate the breaking of the law by allowing Baha Mar to land slot machines in the country without a license. AND the plan was to hold a public meeting about the issuing of the casino license 3 weeks before the 'opening' of a $4 billion resort and to wait until the very last minute to issue said license for the biggest casino in the Caribbean and in the entire world? That really was the plan???

Economist 7 years, 12 months ago

Mr. "Rubis" "D average" Fitzgerald has a lot to answers for.

reverendrichlkemp 7 years, 12 months ago


Cobalt 7 years, 12 months ago

Resign for what????

Because members of the failed PLP government said so????? Get real.

ohdrap4 7 years, 12 months ago

i see your true colors shining through

themessenger 7 years, 12 months ago

Brother Fitzgerald, with your record you of all people should not be telling other people to resign, you need to sit small for a while. But it don't matter, alla yinna ga be gone next two months so enjoy it while it lasts.

concernedcitizen 7 years, 12 months ago

Considering most people book now online ,,go on line and try to book a room for Baha mar ...1 month from opening ,lmao, and you can,t book online lol

TalRussell 7 years, 12 months ago

Comrades! Take it as the next verse of the gospel of Paul, that the PM has only two who can call on you to delivery the PM's message and you don't have say - let me get back to you on that one. Them two are Ministers Jerome and Allyson. When either one these two tells you they've been sent to see you as the emissary of the PM - best you pay close attention to what they have say.


banker 7 years, 12 months ago

Sigh, some people need to open their small minds instead of their big mouths. Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people. Your PLP support has atrophied your brain.


sp1nks 7 years, 12 months ago


viewersmatters 7 years, 12 months ago

Mr. fitzgerald insisted that minnis must resign, indeed Minnis isnt likable but how can the MP find the nerve calling on anyone to resign after hiding the Rubis oil spill from his very own Constituents, the people who voted him in and trusted him and then have more nerves to say he didnt wanted to tell his people that they were at health risk because he was afraid of losing his DAMN JOB!!!!!! its becoming very sicken watching careless Government play with people lives and sit in HOA making jokes while the people suffering every day and to hear MP say 0.25 cents out of very VAT dollar goes towards Government expense..... no wonder why the educational system the way it is now.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 12 months ago

Fitzgerald doesnot have to resign ........... he is going to be FIRED in 2 months!!!!!!!!

Minnis will have the last laugh on this score!!!!!!!!!

sheeprunner12 7 years, 12 months ago

This ugly albatross on Cable Beach should not be allowed to remain standing ........... Minnis should not just call for a (real) sale of the hunk of concrete ......... he should call for it to be torn down ............. The PLP has discredited out tourism product and FDI for the foreseeable future

Cobalt 7 years, 12 months ago

I swear........ this PLP government has to go down as the biggest disaster EVER in Bahamian history.

Perry Christie clearly has early onset dementia. His mental process appers convoluted and shrouded in confusion and senselessness.

Trying to use Bahamar as a political ploy in order to secure votes in the upcoming general elections is an exercise in futility, Mr Christie. Bahamar has failed, and so has your government. Making empty promises to the Bahamian public that you cannot fulfill is only going to gain you less popularity. The pathetic nature in which you are grasping at straws in order to delude the public into thinking you and your government have accomplished anything worthwhile is embarrassing to watch. Telling the public that Bahamar will be opening soon is like a contractor telling a potential homebuyer that he will build the roof before pouring the foundation and the belt! That makes absolutely no sense!

Just give it up Mr. Christie. You're a failed, antiquated, hapless buffoon. Step aside and let someone else lead our country.

Craig 7 years, 12 months ago

I take what Fitzgerald says with a grain of salt. I saw him being interviewed in a report on ZNS news last night spewing a bunch of Fake News about Baha Mar. A man in his position should know the true status of the project. These people would say anything, do anything to stay in power. And about his comments regarding Baha Mar employees who are supporter of the FNM, who is he to speak for them? Keep your comments to yourself!!

John 7 years, 12 months ago

Did y'all hear that when Bah Mar opens fully, it will give every adult Bahamian man and woman a free weekend at the resort, meals and gaming chips and a full body massage included? Ok so if you don't believe me, why are you listening to Fritz-gerrymander?

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 12 months ago

The people have you in their crosshair Mr. Toxic Fumes Fitz.

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