Tribune Staff Reporter
SAVE Our Bahamas has called for the cancellation of Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival’s “kick off” festivities scheduled for today in downtown Nassau on the grounds that the event coincides with Maundy Thursday - the religious observance of the Last Supper.
The group of pastors said they were dismayed by the Bahamas National Festival Commission’s (BNFC) announcement that it would hold its launch event during Holy Week. The BNFC is planning a block party in Pompey Square today.
Pastor Mario Moxey called on the BNFC to reschedule the event in observance of Holy Thursday.
Pastor Moxey said: “Holy Week is one of the most and perhaps for some, the most sacred observance for the Christian church due to the number of significant holy days celebrated in one week starting with Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.
“On this basis, we publicly appeal to the moral sensibilities of the government and the Bahamas National Festival Commission to cancel the carnival kick-off festivities planned for (today), Maundy Thursday.
“As national leaders, whether we are church leaders, governmental leaders, civic leaders or business leaders, we all have a corporate responsibility to preserve that which has been entrusted to us by guiding and shaping the moral narrative of our country.
“We should have the courage to teach those among us the importance of preserving and maintaining all that is sacred. This is not solely the responsibility of church leaders. This is all of our responsibility.
“Let us as a people respect the holy days and religious customs of our island nation to preserve our values for generations.”
Save Our Bahamas has been opposed to Junkanoo Carnival since its introduction, insisting that the festival brought overt sexual behaviour to the streets of the country.
Save Our Bahamas consists of Mr Moxey, senior pastor of Bahamas Harvest Church; Lyall Bethel, pastor of Grace Community Church; Minister Kevin Harris; Alfred Stewart, senior pastor at New Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church; and Geoffrey Wood, senior pastor of Temple Baptist Church.
Junkanoo Carnival’s official launch will not take place until April 28 and 29 in Grand Bahama when the Music Masters semi-finals competition will be held.
BNFC has been under fire over the last two weeks as a result of the decision for a last-minute delay and ultimate revision of dates for this year’s festival.
A source at the BNFC said due to previous mishaps, plans have to proceed as scheduled.
However, that source did not specify if officials were aware of the pastors’ complaints.
On Tuesday, Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe insisted that there has not been any “negative” feedback associated with the festival due the drama surrounding this year’s dates.
242613 7 years, 11 months ago
Wow! I thought they only came our for gay "issues"! I'm glad to see their delirium has no bounds!
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