Mitchell lashes out at FNM win

Former Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell.

Former Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell.


Tribune Staff Reporter


FORMER Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell yesterday downplayed the Free National Movement’s landslide victory over the Progressive Liberal Party, claiming that the FNM’s victory was due in part to “the money of foreign interests,” the “turn of clever phrases” and the manipulation of “a population suffering from the ill-effects of the economic recession”.

Mr Mitchell, in a statement, completely dismissed the “propaganda” and “rubbish” surrounding the reasons for the PLP’s crushing defeat at the polls on May 10, as he said there is “nothing revolutionary” or “far-reaching” about the FNM’s “simple election victory which can be reversed in five years”.

In response, however, Deputy Prime Minister Peter Turnquest said Mr Mitchell’s statement “smacks of sour grapes” and that the Bahamian people’s decision to vote the PLP out of office was largely due to them being “tired” of the same kind of “arrogance” and “disrespect” from the PLP that Mr Mitchell’s statement exuded.

The FNM won 35 out of 39 seats in the House of Assembly while the PLP won four, only one of which was in New Providence. The election wiped out a number of senior PLP members and saw former Prime Minister Perry Christie lose his long held Centreville seat.

On Sunday, Mr Mitchell sent out a rallying cry of sorts to PLP supporters feeling dismayed in the wake of the Christie administration’s defeat, charging that there is no time to “get caught up in silly sentimentality and believe the FNM’s propaganda about ourselves.”

In his statement, Mr Mitchell mentioned attorney Fred Smith, QC, Lyford Cay billionaire Louis Bacon, Baha Mar original developer Sarkis Izmirlian and Tribune Publisher and CEO Eileen Carron as the “rich and powerful monied interests” that the PLP is up against.

“I have read a lot of rubbish over the past few days since the election from the FNM leadership and its supporters,” Mr Mitchell’s statement noted.

“My take on it is this. The FNM and its supporters should not believe their own propaganda.

The objective reality is that they simply have a mandate to govern for five years. There is nothing revolutionary about their victory or far-reaching. They were able to manipulate a population suffering from the ill effects of the economic recession which was never overcome and the turn of clever phrases plus the money of foreign interests to accomplish what they have and the failure of the PLP to correct the problem.”

He added: “Let us not get caught up in silly sentimentality, and believe the FNM’s propaganda about ourselves. It is simply rubbish. This is not the second coming but a simple election victory which can be reversed in five years. Emphasis on ‘can.’ We have got to move quickly though and put this past behind us.

“The problems are glaring and obvious but we will need professionals to guide us through the process.

The road will be difficult because these people in the FNM are especially vicious and vindictive. They have no moral or ethical underpinnings which will prevent them from doing anything that they can get away with. That is the reality.

“. . . Politics is not a crying game. It is a competition for power. Power is the only fact. They have it, we want it and need it to govern and protect the poor in this country. The rich are now in charge. Eileen Carron, Louis Bacon. Fred Smith, Sarkis Izmirlian. That is the fight now against rich and powerful monied interests,” Mr Mitchell noted, also thanking those who voted for him in Fox Hill.

In response, however, Mr Turnquest said: “It is incredibly hypocritical of Mr Mitchell to speak about the recession and the Free National Movement benefitting from the effects of the recession, when in 2012 they ran a campaign that exploited the fact that we were in the greatest recession since the Great Depression. The period from 2010 to 2017 was seen as a period of recovery globally, so for him to reference the recession is incredibly disingenuous of Mr Mitchell. “Mr Mitchell is in no position to talk about the rich being in charge,” Mr Turnquest continued. “When we look at the families that have been in control of the Progressive Liberal Party for time immemorial. Very wealthy individuals. When you look at the foreign interests that have backed them and have benefited, and have been proven to have benefited, from their administration, he’s in no position to speak.

“...And so again, his entire statements smacks of sour grapes. The reality is the Bahamian people were tired, they had enough of the arrogance, the same kind of arrogance displayed in this statement, tired of that arrogance and disrespect, tired of the appearance of conflicts and misuse of the treasury and all these special interests.

“The Bahamian people would have voted in favour of a government that will respect them, a government that has their best interests (at heart), a government that will seek to empower a broad base of Bahamians outside the traditional scope of the elite families that the PLP has been supporting (and) sustaining for many years.

“It is the people’s time, and the Bahamian electorate, after evaluating all that has been done and presented in this election, voted for a change, voted for a new direction, they voted for themselves. So no sour grapes statement can take away from the victory of the Bahamian people.”

Mr Mitchell was one of many senior PLP politicians, some considered powerhouses in party strongholds, to lose his seat to an FNM candidate in last Wednesday’s election. Mr Mitchell had represented the Fox Hill constituency since 2002.


CuriousAbaconian 7 years, 10 months ago

Poor Fred. Sour grapes indeed.

Fly away little starling - fly, fly, fly...

MassExodus 7 years, 10 months ago

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realfreethinker 7 years, 10 months ago

Fred CYC bahamians are tired of you. You are all played out.

JohnDoes 7 years, 10 months ago

Fred, I could see if you won your seat. You just sound like a cry baby, you don't even have a place in an official opposition. The old regime is finished. Go back to Life as usual 'without' the politics. Do you even have a life or was politics one that the 'people' took away from you? You're going to miss that egg in the foreign affairs chair that you tried to keep so warm. Its the peoples time! The people are tired of this old regime & their ludicrous keep the people dumb tactics. New day & age.

sp1nks 7 years, 10 months ago

Fred Mitchell = in denial and dizzied by a swift fall from relevance.

jackbnimble 7 years, 10 months ago

Flying Fred must now be scared

His frequent flying spends

Have come to an end

Auditor General will show us soon

Why millions of dollars were spend

On flying this Fool!

thephoenix562 7 years, 10 months ago

Mr Mitchell please sit down.My mistake just realized you don't have a seat.

banker 7 years, 10 months ago

The weekly dose of lies from Fweddy has just begun. He will now drop the charade that his toilet piece was independently written, and start his poison pen attack for the next five years.

In retrospect, I can see why he is a bitter old crone. He never got what he wanted ever in life. He didn't get any rewards for being Swindling's Blue Eyed Boy. He never went anywhere with his independent political party that quickly folded. He thought that he would emulate throwing out the mace episode with his public burning of the Constitution. It never went anywhere. His law practice is virtually non-existent. Once he swallowed his pride and re-joined the PLP, he was never on the inside. He consoled himself with extensive international travel and trying to give the USA a black eye at every turn. Poor Fweddy is a failure, and he can't take it.

If he had taken the high road as MOFA, he could have been on the international lecture circuit, after his electoral defeat. Instead he will be living in ignominy and obscurity, consigned to the dustbin of history.

The_Oracle 7 years, 10 months ago

“the money of foreign interests,” the “turn of clever phrases” and the manipulation of “a population suffering from the ill-effects of the economic recession” sounds like he has revealed the PLP playbook. Foreign interests as in a foreign Government! Wholesale! And why shouldn't FNM supporters believe their parties Propaganda? It is what PLP's are expected to do whole heartedly, blindly, the difference of course being content and the truth! As to needing professionals, uh, you had those, it didn't help. Who saves a rotten apple, rotten to the core? You throw it away, and think twice before buying them again! All this drivel reinforces the appearances of a deluded individual, one who believes his own propaganda! Delusions of grandeur in the extreme.

BMW 7 years, 10 months ago

C.Y.A. you wutless P.O.S. You and all of your corrupt Plunder loot pillage are history!

TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago

Comrades! While I may disagree with the tone of the former minister's critiques - he has a long way to go to match the lopsidedness, long-winded 'opinion' monologues being uttered by the Guardian's Talk Show Host Carlton Smith. What a waste of a radio station's live on on-air - hot air.
My, my - how Carlton fails at pretending to be non-political - so much so - he keeps his political and party's positions - from his wife.....Too damn bad Carlton - doesn't respect his talk show's listeners in the same way.
When Carlton isn't lecturing his guests and callers on what they need think - he's interrupting their thoughts with his own - but he keeps saying he has no politicalparty's leaning positions?

proudloudandfnm 7 years, 10 months ago

The PLP is the party of arrogant incompetence. And this fool is the epitome of that....

Publius 7 years, 10 months ago

Go straight to hell Mitchell

MassExodus 7 years, 10 months ago

First Class with all the miles he dun rack up on our dime...

Sickened 7 years, 10 months ago

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MassExodus 7 years, 10 months ago

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Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 10 months ago

Fweddy Boy is a racist idiot whose political career has thankfully come to an end. He has always displayed an innate tendency to blame any and everyone whose skin is lighter than his for all of his woes no matter what those woes might be. He's now nothing but a pathetic whining imbecile of a time long gone who has yet to realize that most Bahamians today, no matter what their skin colour may be, do not pre-judge people by their skin colour. As a Bahamian as dark as Fweddy Boy, I wish to commend the majority of the voters in the Fox Hill constituency for finally saying good riddance to this self-righteous ignoramus who is a lot dumber than he cares to think.

DDK 7 years, 10 months ago

Rancid grapes! Rancid Party! Be gone!

Alex_Charles 7 years, 10 months ago

thing is Mr. Mitchel is correct in his assertion of foreign financing helped the FNM campaign (largely indirectly through third party ads).

thing is though... in 2012 the PLP did the same flipping thing!

the PLP needs reform, Fred is showing why he can't and shouldn't play any role in that.

TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago

Comrades! The former minister has stated a simple fact....That the Bahamaland remains a democracy... And that - no political party is ever granted a ‘permanent majority’ from the voting public.
The same democracy the red shirts politicians wanted voters to believe - no longer existed in the Bahamaland...And even though they knew it couldn’t be further from the truth - they kept going from constituency to constituency- while repeating it.
Now that they've won the government on the democracy they said was long gone from the polling stations....Just maybe the red shirts will do the right thing - by apologizing to the people for their deception.

OMG 7 years, 10 months ago

Deception ???? you really are sniffing the glue. On Eleuthera and many other islands your ilk were handing out jobs and money like fresh air. The FNM needs to expose the mismanagement of public funds, corruption, mass hiring's and then maybe you will see who needs to apologize.

banker 7 years, 10 months ago

by apologizing to the people for their deception.

Now you are showing your true lying PLP colours. You are just as bad as mudda for making shiite up. And I thought that you was one of the good PLP. I guess once you had the chip implanted there is no going back to being human and filled with the good stuff of humanity again.

jujutreeclub 7 years, 10 months ago

Turnquest those have no need to answer this seatless wonder. He now has verbal diahrhhea.

Clamshell 7 years, 10 months ago

Fred Mitchell is gonna lecture people about morality, ethics -- and taking money from foreigners? Really? Really? That's like satan lecturing us about the heat ...

viewersmatters 7 years, 10 months ago

Two failed referendums Failed economy Failed VAT Missing treasure money Missing road traffic money Social services money missing Secret Rubis oil leak Conficts of interest Highly corruption Land fill Plp minister BAMSI secret Contract deal leading to no insurance and a burn building PM ignoring courts with a S order MP calings magistrate Not a single corrupted mp being dealt with for breaching or breaking Constitution laws And the list goes on.....................

OMG 7 years, 10 months ago

Sad little man. I can quote names and places on Eleuthera where political PLP victimization took place. What about the mass hirings, the money and bills being paid out just before the election ,Fred??? The vote for the FNM was not only by supporters but members of your own party fed up with the lies, corruption, cronyism and lack of accountability. The country will save a fortune now that you have to travel at your own expense. Goof riddance little man.

Clamshell 7 years, 10 months ago

Gotta love Fred -- thinks white people are the devil, then dives into bed with Chen Ho Fook.

proudloudandfnm 7 years, 10 months ago

He is right about us not getting over the recession. Only not the global recrssion, we got over that before his group of amateurs were sworn in. It was the recession the PLP created that we couldn't get over...

TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago

Comrades! The sick, poor, elderly and socially disenfranchised - does have good cause be alarmed....The emerging names on the proposed list red cabinet ministers - they is for real.

banker 7 years, 10 months ago

Honour yourself please by telling the truth. You don't have to lie anymore. Your masters have been defeated and cosigned to ignominy.

MassExodus 7 years, 10 months ago

Tal you are so full of shit... If these guys are bad, then what the fuck did you think of the PLP corrupt ministers????

PastorTroy 7 years, 10 months ago

Why are we even responding to these arrogant, sore losers? WE THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN SIR!! That's what DEMOCRACY is all about!! Respectfully Sir, GET OVER YOUR ARROGANCE!! Humbleness is not weakness, but strength, to be vulnerable, yet maintain great character.

cmiller 7 years, 10 months ago

What part of 'carry your behind!!!' doesn't Fred understand?????? Adios, scram, beat it,get lost, goodbye!!!!!!!!!! Hell!!!!!!!

Economist 7 years, 10 months ago

If the FNM had so much money why were they calling around, only two weeks before the election, for donations saying that the party was desperate for money.

TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago

Comrade Economist, just proves their insensitivity towards the most socially disenfranchised citizens.

EasternGate 7 years, 10 months ago

This little lizard is so delusional! No ones wants to see or hear from his pitiful ass!

birdiestrachan 7 years, 10 months ago

M r : Mitchell is correct in what he has said. "Paid for by by transparency in politics" who are those responsible for all of those adds. there were a whole lot of mean spirited adds. one had to be a strong PLP to resist them also the Editorial pages. the question is what now??

The FNM government is in charge and their proof will be in the pudding which those who voted for them will have to eat the excitement will be short lived and reailty will set in. so go ahead and enjoy this time it will be short lived. in the meantime life goes on.

MassExodus 7 years, 10 months ago

I have been hearing unconfirmed rumors that both Perry Christie and Fred Mitchell are GAY. I just find it hard to believe that the 'average Bahamian' would vote for them based on how homophobic the 'average Bahamian' is. I wonder....

banker 7 years, 10 months ago

Actually, it goes right to the root of the PLP. Swindling used to enjoy mandriving his underlings.

Honestman 7 years, 10 months ago

A desperate and sore loser, Mitchell will spend the next five years trying to stay relevant. I really hope the Tribune doesn't give him space to spew his useless and unwanted propaganda. Mitchell thinks that five years from now, at age 69, he will have one last chance of ruling the Bahamas. Message to Freddie: It ain't gonna happen. You are yesterday's man. The People have had enough of you. Your globetrotting days at taxpayers' expense are over. Adios!

TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago

Comrades! It's obvious the former minister's restrained critique of the red party's 2017 campaign - with a large swoop has succeeded at rattling the guilt nerves.
I guess it's good somebody is speaking up for the former PM's post election silence.

Boydie 7 years, 10 months ago

Fred's teaming with Gomez to back that little guy for opposition leader. Whilst we be on that subject, can the newspapers in town come to a collective agreement to drop the "brave" moniker. It's of no relevance and tiresome to read in print. Pretty, pretty, sure Fred will be in the Senate in no time.

Sickened 7 years, 10 months ago

COMPLETELY agree! Mr. Davis is a little chicken shit! Such an embarassement!

MassExodus 7 years, 10 months ago

Is the widespread rumors that Fred Mitchell and Perry Christie are both GAY true?

If so,or even if this is a pure rumor, I find it hard to believe that the 'average Bahamian' would vote for either of them knowing this, because as has been proven the 'average Bahamian' is generally homophobic. The ones that are not homophobic, are diehard Christians, that would never accept a homo relationship as acceptable. Has this trend changed??

Economist 7 years, 10 months ago

Social media played a much larger part in this election than most seem prepared to admit. The young Bahamians were at it 24/7.

There may have been adds in the newspaper, but you had to see the social media to see that there was a strong under current.

Boydie 7 years, 10 months ago

The FNM used sponsored web page ads effectively too. Ebay, YouTube etc. they were everywhere.

Greentea 7 years, 10 months ago

If the PLP put any of those defeated ministers in the senate besides Alfred Sears - they ain't serious. Sears is one of the few critical thinkers they have. This silly diatribe just shows that Fred doesn't get it. Tone deaf and outta touch with the average Bahamian. I hope whoever is in charge of Foreign Affairs bring back all of those unqualified "diplomats" he assigned ASAP!

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 10 months ago

For someone who is supposedly well educated, Alfred Sears is about as slow a thinker as they come......he takes his time thinking everything to death....and still usually ends up making the wrong decision! His alliance and continued lucrative dalliance with the racketeering numbers' bosses is but one classic example of his inability to crisply think through just about anything!!!

bullah 7 years, 10 months ago

are there pictures of mr. mitchell as a citizen? he's no longer an MP. can we portray his status, position and rant accordingly?

TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago

Comrades! Yes, Bahamalandes in the vast majority would elect a gay or lesbian prime minister, come 2022.

MassExodus 7 years, 10 months ago

Would it matter if the candidate was openly gay, or if he hid/deceived his sexual preference? Just curious Tal.

TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago

Comrade, it would be a low priority according to 68.75 percent those polled

themessenger 7 years, 10 months ago

Tal, The impossible has happened, Fred finally came face to face with a salami he didn't like.

MassExodus 7 years, 10 months ago

Lo... That is the funniest thing I have read all day.

ohdrap4 7 years, 10 months ago

he now needs to pontificate beneath that tree again.

banker 7 years, 10 months ago

Oh frig no! Not that stupid dilly tree shiite again !!

TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago

Comrades! Personally, I fell the former minister is giving far too much credit to the red shirts.
Everybody and they mommy has a theory when it comes down to why the PLP government were so badly destroyed.....But did the red shirts have much of a role in the execution the fatal blow?

MassExodus 7 years, 10 months ago

Tal what is your point. They lost, so now they can get lost, or as we Bahamians like to say CARRY YA ASS. As the messenger rightly brought to my attention "The impossible has happened, Fred finally came face to face with a salami he didn't like." KML

John 7 years, 10 months ago

DON'T LET THIS HEARTBREAK DESTROY YOU: “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18 (NIV) - . . There are people who make things happen. Others who watch it happen and there are people who wonder what happened. Fred Mitchell is still trying to figure out what happened. How did he lose his seat when he was considered an automatic 'shoe in', a safe seat. But the people have spoken and not only did they outright REJECT Fred Mitchell and the PLP, but the people overwhelmingly chose the FNM to be their government. That is why the FNM had a resounding, unmistakable, unquestionable, irrevocable VICTORY. That is why no independent candidate got elected. That is why the number of persons voting for the DNA declined by 30%. NOW ABOUT FREDDIE's CLAIM THAT THE PLP WILL BOUNCE BACK IN 2022: First F`reddy has two problems: (!) The FNM will have to mess up big time to get kicked out of office in 5 years. And if they follow the people's mandate and govern to the best of their ability, the people of the Bahamas will not take a chance and vote for the PLP. (2) The PLP has to go through a dismembering process, a cleansing period, a regrouping process and a trial and test period. When Perry Christie Resigns and steps down as leader of the PLP (as he is expected to do tonite) many of the high rank and file of the PLP will walk away with him. Many who provide financing to the party will also disappear. And even though, because of his present position as deputy leader and a sitting member of parliament, Brave Davis will be the one most likely to become leader, this will not sit well with many. His selection of a deputy leader will create even more dissent. So there will be a power struggle, with the Alfred Sears, The Fred Mitchells, The Obie Wilchcombes among others. This will lead to more infighting and maybe even the fractioning of the PLP. And if it is not controlled and settled in a reasonable time, it coold lead to the complete demise of the PLP. And depending on how much fighting does go on in the PLP and for how long and depending on what the DNA does and if they continues as a a political party, the DNA can become the second political force, leaving the PLP out in the wilderness, yes to die.

banker 7 years, 10 months ago

Another contributing factor was Shonel. Not only is she a true Bahamian sports hero (Commonwealth, Carifta, Olympic Qualifier) but she is a STEM degreed graduate (Bachelor of Science -- impressive AND an MBA). She holds an MBE Honours for her Contribution to Bahamian Sport (one of the ones that deserve it and not the political crap) and she is in the Bahamas Track & Field Hall of Fame. She is an entrepreneur, an astute business woman, a volunteer, and sits on various boards past and present. On top of that, she is a gracious, graceful beautiful woman who works hard. Fweddy cannot compete, and you can bet Fox Hillians will enjoy a new, dedicated representation, of which the likes of they have never seen before. Fweddie AND BLT are not fit to even stand in her shadow (although BLT wouldn't fit in her shadow). She has the chops to become the first female Prime Minister of the Bahamas.

Franklyn 7 years, 10 months ago

the fag xMP has shown the depth of his hypocrisy, pettiness and the state of PLP's sense of entitlement. The fag goes on with his childish rant, criticizing our democracy by disrespecting the wishes of The Bahamian People - call the process "propaganda and rubbish”. The FNM won more than 50% of the votes in the May 10, 2017 General Election and the celebration displayed on public or in social media, represent will of the Bahamian People as it is afforded to us in our Constitution, the will of the majority and not wishes is an Evil system – known as the PLP. He should pray that his name will not show up in one of the scandals related to a department in The Ministry of Transport and Aviation.

proudloudandfnm 7 years, 10 months ago

Tell you what Tribune. Since Fred is no longer a part of our poltical landscape promise us you will never print another word he says. Ever.....

SP 7 years, 10 months ago

Mr. Fred Mitchell displays all the classic symptoms of an "Arrogant, Overt Narcissist"!


As former Fox Hill MP and minister of foreign affairs, this pompous, arrogant, jackass standing policy of not taking phone calls on talk shows was the most egregious insult to Bahamians who "hired and paid" this spurious asswipe salary and extraordinary expenses.

The PLP simply is incapable of learning. They do not need "professionals" (foreign consultants) to guide them through the process or reconstruction. They simply need to FACE REALITY and weed out all the old dead, self-serving, historically corrupt individuals that have long lost the trust of the electorate.

NOBODY, not even staunch, diehard PLP's will believe any of this hissy-fit jackass Fred Mitchell is running on with!

Truth is, the electorate was simply TOTALLY SICK AND TIRED of the massive, blatant, PLP corruption, smoke and mirrors, constant BULLSHIT and deceptions from Perry Christie and the PLP machinery!

gangof4 7 years, 10 months ago

I agree 100%.

However, I also believe that this little hissy fit/B.S. rant provides us with an excellent opportunity to see if the PLP really has learnt anything from this massive ass whuppin'! Now is the time to see if anyone in that party, ANYONE, has the back bone, social conscience and intestinal fortitude to stand up to this bitter little man and say, enough with this stupidity, let's start facing the reality on why the Bahamian people rejected us so overwhelmingly!!

professionalbahamian 7 years, 10 months ago

Please carry your A$@ Fred - enough of your racist, stupid, narrow minded, irrelevant, sick commentary!

...no seat to sit in! Yeah!

Gotoutintime 7 years, 10 months ago

Fred--- It's time for you to go quietly into the night.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 10 months ago

BOL ........... This is the prime example of a trapped screeching monkey that is terrified of the approaching predator .......... Soooooo long!!! ..... Bye, Bye!!!!!!!

Tarzan 7 years, 10 months ago

Fred, please just go to your favorite country, Cuba and play among the swinish commies over there. Just leave us alone.

aberylm 7 years, 10 months ago

Let it go, Let it go. Disappointment and hurt only lingers when you hold onto it. I extent congratulations to the New Minister for Foreign Affairs.

BaronInvest 7 years, 10 months ago

So happy for the Bahamian people that they finally got rid of this incompetent lying twat.

John 7 years, 10 months ago

At least Hubert Minnis was wise not to make Brent Symnonette Minister of Immigration, and it is surely on the advice of Hubert Ingraham. Brent left many unanswered questions when he last held this post and the queries were not about Haitians or Jamaicans.

SP 7 years, 10 months ago

@John - Totally agree! Brent Symnonette was a corrupt Minister of Immigration. We will never forget the charge that he kept secret files an apparatus in his car trunk!

The people need to demand an audit of Immigration so WE know what the hell level of damage successive fools like Brent and Fred has done to the country!

Fred Mitchell's gross arrogance and snobbish policy of not taking phone calls on talk shows were another reason he lost the people's confidence.

WE THE PEOPLE must keep a sharp eye on Brent. He has a history of piracy whenever given the slightest opportunity!!

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