EDITOR, The Tribune
Former Minister Mitchell’s statement following his election defeat is an insult to Bahamians at so many levels.
Characteristically, he refuses to be gracious in defeat and accept that he is now politically irrelevant.
His tin pot dictator and sour grapes utterances are the babbling of an egotistical and narcissistic soul unceremoniously banished to the political wilderness by the electorate. He is raging to be relevant again.
Thankfully he is no longer in power; no longer a Cabinet Minister; no longer a Member of Parliament. He is now 65 and will, by effluxion of time, and the blessings of nature, soon vanish into political oblivion. He will be 70 when the next elections are called and will be way past his “use by” date.
He is once again making false, rude and derogatory statements about Mrs Carron, Mr Bacon, Mr Izmirilian and myself. In his pique, Mr Mitchell remains rude and ungracious; he belittles everybody.
Our nation will recall when I went down on my knees and prayed fervently to God that Mr Mitchell should never become Prime Minister and also that he should lose his seat in Fox Hill in this election. Thankfully my prayers were answered and manifested in the will of the people.
Mr Mitchell affirms his unbridled lust for power which he wielded so absolutely and despotically, governing by ministerial dictat rather than by the Rule of Law. He does not deserve to be treated seriously.
I urge the citizens of our nation, who have overwhelmingly voted for democracy, to ignore him, so that hopefully he will fade into obscurity where he belongs, sooner rather than later.
However, we must be ever watchful of Fred Mitchell, the consummate political opportunist. He must be monitored. He must never be allowed to get into a position of power again.
Let us remember that Mr Mitchell burned our Constitution. He has no respect for the Rule of Law. He destroyed our democracy for the last five years. As Minister of Foreign Affairs he was abysmally undiplomatic. As Minister of Immigration he abused people’s rights.
So we must be ever watchful of him to ensure he does not rise like a phoenix from the ashes of his own self-destruction. He is, at heart, a power-crazed despot who must never be underestimated.
As a human rights activist I urge the nation to ensure that Mr Mitchell never gets any power again. Recall that at the last PLP convention he proclaimed his intention to increase his army of “Mitchell’s Macoutes” from 300 to 900.
Mr Mitchell is a man who is committed to becoming the first Dictator of the Bahamas.
I say to our nation, be very wary of Fred Mitchell, he remains a danger to democracy. Don’t sleep on this man.
Freeport, Grand Bahama
May 15, 2017
realfreethinker 7 years, 10 months ago
Freddy boy C.Y.B.C
Socrates 7 years, 10 months ago
Mitchell has a gross sense of entitlement that feeds his arrogance.. he was at ZNS in case anyone forgets and that is one of the premiere institutions in the Bahamas for arrongance training..
Kayebj 7 years, 10 months ago
so does Mr. Smith. Never at ZNS, his comes naturally.
Porcupine 7 years, 10 months ago
No truer words have been spoken in this paper. I would only add that Mr. Mitchell is not just a danger to democracy, but is a danger to decency, as well.
Truism 7 years, 10 months ago
Okay! We all know about Mr. Mitchell, but, we also know about you. My belief is that you first have to be a friend of humanity to be an actual human rights activist.
watcher 7 years, 10 months ago
The coming days and weeks will be interesting to see just in what regard Freddie is held by the PLP. It would be no surprise if he is not shooed in to any bye elections, nor a surprise if he is overlooked for the Senate. Surely to goodness there are better and brighter alternatives, even within the depleted ranks of the party.
Those with cooler heads will have to take a long hard look at the reasons for the party's collapse in the election, and the finger of blame will be pointed squarely in the direction of the Old Guard - Freddie included. His political ramblings, both in public and under cover of pseudonyms, are worn out, tired and of no interest to the vast majority of Bahamians. He comes across as a disgruntled hack writer and self-publicist who still thinks that he has an audience.
birdiestrachan 7 years, 10 months ago
The Best revenge is living well, Some folks do not like that they want people to crumble and die. Life is not fair. But life goes on. and God alone knows what the future holds.
Honestman 7 years, 10 months ago
Not according to Perry! "God couldn't stop him" remember?
birdiestrachan 7 years, 10 months ago
Quote "Common sense is not common" The God of heaven knows what he meant. Man looks on the outside, but God sees the inside. Mr: Christie is a good man and nothing you all say or do will change that, Now try you all best to find others to hate,
Kayebj 7 years, 10 months ago
Mr.Fred Mitchell is a danger to Mr. Fred Smith's ideas of democracy as he counters them on every turn; hence Mr. Smiths descent to rambling buffoonery ( with whom shall he tango now?). Mr. Smith, methinks thou dost protest too much, and (it) begs me to wonder what skullduggery thou seek est to shield by pointing the finger and heaping coals upon a worthy protagonist?
Greentea 7 years, 10 months ago
Get used to Birdie- something tells me that after last week, he/she will have more time on their hands.
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