Minister of State for Grand Bahama Kwasi Thompson said he will consult with Lanisha Rolle, who is the minister responsible for Urban Renewal.
Tribune Freeport Reporter
IN his first day on the job, Minister of State for Grand Bahama Kwasi Thompson expressed grave concerns regarding Urban Renewal in Grand Bahama and has suspended certain operations pending further review.
In addition to having full control of the day-to-day operations of the Ministry for Grand Bahama, Mr Thompson also has oversight of Urban Renewal and hurricane restoration and repairs on the island.
“Last night, I began being briefed on the status of the ministry. Needless to say, there are some matters of great concern,” he told reporters at a press conference on Wednesday at the Office of the Prime Minister in Grand Bahama.
“In particular, I am reviewing what I can only describe at this time as unusual operations of Urban Renewal in Grand Bahama. I have requested that certain operations be suspended until a further review can be performed,” he said.
While Mr Thompson did not want to disclose any further details at this time, he said that he will have more to say once the review process is complete.
The Urban Renewal office in Grand Bahama was headed by Michelle Reckley under the former administration. Mrs Reckley - the Progressive Liberal Party’s (PLP) campaign manager in Grand Bahama - was appointed as assistant director of Urban Renewal by former Prime Minister Perry Christie in 2012 when the PLP came to office. Tirzah Cartwright, who had previously headed the Grand Bahama Urban Renewal office, was removed from the post.
When asked whether Mrs Reckley was still at the helm, Mr Thompson replied: “There are decisions that are being made with respect to the way forward for Urban Renewal. At present I have assumed responsibility for the operations of Urban Renewal in Grand Bahama.”
He said that a final determination with respect to Urban Renewal will be made by Seabreeze MP-elect Lanisha Rolle, who is the minister responsible for Urban Renewal.
“Once I have consulted with the minister, Lanisha Rolle, who is responsible for Urban Renewal and consulted with the Prime Minister (Dr Hubert Minnis), we will be able to give more direction in terms of what will happen with Urban Renewal in Grand Bahama,” he said.
Mr Thompson also revealed that the Ministry for Grand Bahama has now been incorporated into the Office of the Prime Minister.
“I want to make this point very clear, there is no dismantling of the Ministry for Grand Bahama,” he said.
Mr Thompson stated that an intentional decision was made to have it incorporated into the Office of the Prime Minister.
“Grand Bahama is very important to the prime minister who decided that he would be the substantive minister for Grand Bahama and I would be responsible for the day-to-day running of the office in Grand Bahama.
“It is also an important fulfillment of our campaign promise to ensure a smoother and more effective processing of investments for Grand Bahama. However, at all times, the prime minister has oversight of Grand Bahama.” he said.
Mr Thompson was the former MP for Pineridge in the Ingraham administration. He has also served as a Free National Movement Senator following the party’s loss in 2012.
He said it was a privilege to be appointed to the Cabinet to do the people’s business. “I again wish to express my gratefulness to God and to the Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis to do the people’s business,” he said.
“I have lived in Grand Bahama all my life, went to school here and started my career here and have practised law here for 20 years. I will, with God’s help and guidance, use my abilities to perform this job with excellence and integrity,” Mr Thompson said.
DonAnthony 7 years, 10 months ago
Please close this slush fund and prosecute.
cmiller 7 years, 10 months ago
I helped to vote out the PLP, but I want the FNM to go do their jobs without pointing out every little mistake the PLP made!!! Get to work, fix what needs to be fixed without the long rhetoric about what was done wrong We know.........that's why we voted them out.
banker 7 years, 10 months ago
It's worse than that. This is the thin edge of the wedge in what will be a tsunami of corruption, thievery, kleptocracy and theft from the treasury on an un-imagined scale. This is the small trickle that will soon be a roaring torrent. It is your money that they stole.
TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago…
birdiestrachan 7 years, 10 months ago
Come on this Mr: Thompson this is government in the sunshine let the people know what you have seen that you find wrong, and tell the people what you have suspended.
Honestman 7 years, 10 months ago
All in due course Birdiebrain.
DonAnthony 7 years, 10 months ago
Dear birdie, nice to see you have suddenly regained your voice to advocate for transparency and accountability. Strange that you were curiously hoarse the last five years.
DDK 7 years, 10 months ago
"Mr Thompson also revealed that the Ministry for Grand Bahama has now been incorporated into the Office of the Prime Minister. “I want to make this point very clear, there is no dismantling of the Ministry for Grand Bahama,” he said. Mr Thompson stated that an intentional decision was made to have it incorporated into the Office of the Prime Minister. “Grand Bahama is very important to the prime minister who decided that he would be the substantive minister for Grand Bahama and I would be responsible for the day-to-day running of the office in Grand Bahama. "
Just a little curious how this fits in with the PM holding no portfolio as such............... SUBSTANTIVE minister?
Kayebj 7 years, 10 months ago
Grave concerns? Until you know what is, please stop feeding the frenzy. Do your review; state what you find; and state the changes to be made with the checks and balances included.
Alex_Charles 7 years, 10 months ago
we always knew Urban Renewal was a load of horse shit and a slush fund. The audit carried about bu the auditor general confirmed that. Shut that garbage down and PROSECUTE.
TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago
Comrades! Eight-days have been used up of the reds five-year mandate, and not a single citizen - has been upgraded out poverty. Citizens are still being murdered and policeman's still shooting citizens, car payments, mortgages and rent going unpaid, cupboards remain empty groceries and peoples lights still remain discontented by BEC.
The reds are pretending not to have campaigned against mismanaged ministries, crown corporations and government departments - they acting all surprised what they finding their first eight days on da job?????
Comrades, don't be fooled by looks surprise on faces of ministers Kwasi and Lanisha - cause the red shirts past is going be the citizens 5-year future!
OMG 7 years, 10 months ago
You retarded idiot, you say nothing has been done in 8 days but the PLP had 5 years to get everything sorted. There is so much mismanagement and corruption let alone the national debt that has to addressed forthwith lest we get downgraded and the dollar devalued. Idiots like you are why this past government thrived whilst raping the country.
birdiestrachan 7 years, 10 months ago
Investigate all they wish then close it down, it is the desire of the people who voted for the FNM party. It is a vision of Mr: Christie BAMSI should also be closed. as well as all web shops. Hurry up doc do your job "It is the people time" remember,
birdiestrachan 7 years, 10 months ago
Again Thompson and the Babie doll are only fooling you all because they know you all love to be fooled. After all the thiings you allowed people to say about Mr: Chrstie. Barbie doll is to much. Then so be it..
UserOne 7 years, 10 months ago
"Barbie doll" - now I know birdiestrachan must be a sexist male. Remember, name calling says more about the name caller than anyone else.
Gotoutintime 7 years, 10 months ago
It took the former Government five years to get us into this disaster---It's going to take the new Government more than a week to clean up the mess!
TalRussell 7 years, 10 months ago
Comrade Gotoutintime, but should they at least be talking about moving on up the citizens living in poverty -not prioritizing the borrowing of even more money to settle election vote buying attempts by the former administration - it's not like the reds themselves didn't accuse the former PM of vote buying attempts???
Comrade, my issue is not that the policeman's shouldn't be paid but not if it requires the new cabinet doing what they promised voters to would not do - borrowing money to meet government payrolls. To me, this abuse creates a financial authority constitutional crisis for the red government.
Gotoutintime 7 years, 10 months ago
Tal---To a great degree I am happy to agree with much of what you are saying---However I would respectfully suggest that if the prior Government had not made such a financial debacle during their term in office it would not be necessary to borrow. In any event I'm sure we both look with great interest to the successes and yes, failures of the new Government over the next five years.
sheeprunner12 7 years, 10 months ago
The Office of The Prime Minister will act as the unofficial Ombudsman of the government, hey?????????? ............. Who has control over our Crown Land now???????????
DDK 7 years, 10 months ago
The OPM is starting to look a bit unhealthy. We the people must do some bud nipping.
This is why "SUBSTANTIVE minister" is ringing little alarm bells.
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 10 months ago
They would be better served if one consolidated statement was made "we'll do an initial assessment and we'll give your our first report in two weeks"
This thing with everyone popping up at odd times looks disorganized. They should have had this "first few days" plan ready from before election.
Does anyone know why those people took the computers from BAIC? Were they personal property or government property?
DreamerX 7 years, 10 months ago
When you label people as disingenuous/liars/paid, you sound like a Demagogue. It attempts to associate anyone outside of your view point, as disingenuous. A dangerous practice.
banker 7 years, 10 months ago
Only if it is not true. Tal has so much publicly admitted as benefiting in "business" from PLP associations.
Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 10 months ago
The election is over, but this little twerp (Kwasi Thompson) is behaving as if he's still campaigning! Will someone please tell this little twerp to just keep his mouth shut until such time that he is prepared to be transparent with the people about what he truly knows to be the facts. Pre-maturely wagging his tongue in order to sack known PLP supporters by people he considers to be his own loyal supporters is not the way to conduct the people's business!
gangof4 7 years, 10 months ago
I really wish you'd take that advise (keep your silly mouth shut)......twerp!!
Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 10 months ago
Let me guess the four - @banker, @Honestman, @MassExodus and the latest new comer, @gangof4.
banker 7 years, 10 months ago
You are just like Tal and Birdie. Just because you lie and cheat and have multiple personalities, you assume that everyone else does.
Unlike you, I have but one account. You mister detective, warned me about my IP address. If you can read them, check me out.
realfreethinker 7 years, 10 months ago
mudda is nothing but a fraud.I tell y'all a long time ago that mudda is Bran Mcartney.
Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 10 months ago
And I live in your constituency...LOL!!!
Reality_Check 7 years, 10 months ago
One of his/her weird friends on the very dark side of the internet has probably already 'checked you out'....they just love a challenge of almost any kind, especially one framed as some kind of threat to a friend....tread lightly and be careful what you wish for.....anonymity is not what it used to be thanks to hackers putting many of the intelligence agency trade secrets and tools in the public domain.
thephoenix562 7 years, 10 months ago
So true!
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