‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules

Dionisio D’Aguilar

Dionisio D’Aguilar


Tribune Staff Reporter


TOURISM Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar yesterday said the government must “get serious” on its plans to regulate the water sports industry, a day after a jet ski operator was arrested and accused of sexually assaulting a Canadian visitor near Paradise Island on Monday.

“We can no longer run from this or step around this particular problem,” Mr D’Aguilar told The Tribune when contacted for comment.

The Free Town MP warned that the country was “treading dangerous ground” when it comes to visitor safety, contending that successive governments have avoided implementing proper oversight and regulation to the detriment of the country’s overall tourism product.

He went on to call for an immediate “plan of action” to prevent similar cases from occurring; a plan he said he was prepared to organise himself.

Shortly after his interview with The Tribune, a statement released by the Ministry of Tourism and Aviation said “combined efforts by the public and private sectors will be stepped up to ensure that our visitors can enjoy our water sports attractions without fear for their safety or well being.”

The statement said the Ministry of Tourism is committed to working with the Ministry of Transport “to take extreme measures to implement stringent regulations for the water sports industry.”

Meanwhile, Mr D’Aguilar told The Tribune he would look to meet with both National Security Minister Marvin Dames and Transport and Aviation Minister Frankie Campbell in the next 24 to 48 hours on the matter.

“Everyone in the sector is worried when we see and hear of reports of this nature,” the tourism minister said. “While it is still an alleged incident, we have been down this road before and had issues of this nature before.

“We are fooling ourselves if we are not ready to get serious on the issue because we all know what tourism means to this country. It behooves this government, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of National Security to form a concrete plan once and for all because we are literally, and I mean literally, risking our economy when matters of this nature arise.

“We cannot let a group of individuals that operate on our beaches jeopardise the safety and security of our people and our visitors. That is a stain on image of the Bahamas, one that we cannot risk. We will develop a plan that will involve a lot more oversight. There needs to be more control on who has the privilege and right to service our guests,” Mr D’Aguilar told The Tribune.

He said his office intends to work with Paradise Island officials to erect the “necessary and essential” signage around the area to “better inform” visitors on what they may meet there.

He also mentioned plans to increase security and police presence in areas where visitors frequent and occupy.

On Monday, police said a Canadian woman was allegedly sexually assaulted by a Jet Ski operator. The incident took place shortly after 1.30pm on a cay near Cabbage Beach.

Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Stephen Dean said the victim alleged that a male Jet Ski operator took her on a ride from Cabbage Beach to Athol Island off Paradise Island where he allegedly sexually assaulted her.

Police said the man returned the woman to Cabbage Beach. He was arrested a short time later.

Claims of sexual assault and other offences against tourists have plagued the tourism industry in recent years.

In 2016, The Cove at Atlantis warned its guests against renting Jet Skis on Cabbage Beach, adding that doing so is “at your own risk.”

A copy of a letter to guests of The Cove noted: “We are also concerned about your safety and security and are therefore obligated to bring to your attention a matter related to the use of the beach.”

The letter told guests that water sports operators are not associated with the hotel and their industry is “minimally regulated.”

In March of this year, the US Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) cautioned US citizens travelling to the Bahamas for spring break to “avoid Jet Ski operators” because these individuals “continue to commit sexual assaults and other crimes against tourists, including US citizens.”

The OSAC also cautioned US Embassy personnel not to use Jet Ski rentals on New Providence and Paradise Island, including Cabbage Beach and Cable Beach. The department also “strongly” recommended they “avoid patronising Jet Ski rental operations.”

Last year, a 29-year-old Jet Ski operator was remanded to prison without bail after being charged with the sexual assault of a 24-year-old woman on Athol Island sometime on Saturday, January 2, 2016.

As a result of that incident, the US Embassy in Nassau also “prohibited” its employees from using Jet Ski rentals in Nassau.

In December 2015, police arrested a Jet Ski operator in connection with an alleged sexual assault of a female visitor. That incident allegedly took place at Cabbage Beach.

In 2014, an American woman claimed she had developed post-traumatic stress disorder following an encounter near Paradise Island with Jet Ski operators who allegedly tried to sexually assault her.


Asked what he thought needed to be done with the industry, Mr D’Aguilar called for more “responsibility and onus” on the part of operators in the industry.

He stated: “They are aware of what the industry means to them and their family. This is their livelihood and they are this country’s first line of defence in this fight, we need them to do the best job of policing themselves.”

He continued: “Like the government and the ministers respectively, those that manage and operate within this industry, they have to face some level blame if this continues.

“(Owners) are doing the hiring. Why aren’t they checking the backgrounds of the people they are employing? Why aren’t they ensuring that their businesses are in better hands? This is absolutely reprehensible.

“I’m not calling for the end of this industry. I am of the view that this sector can operate, but there has to be more oversight and management by all involved. There needs to be a regime in place to ensure that when people go out on the beaches and in to environments in this country, that they are not walking into the Wild West.

“We need to get a handle on this now, not later,” he said.


BahamaPundit 7 years, 9 months ago

Doggie want a bone! Legalize prostitution. Allow strip clubs. These rapes are on the heads of the puritanical Bahamian government. Gone are the days when white women flocked to these shores looking for dark meat. Now, most white tourist women want nothing to do with our grass roots young lads; the novelty is gone. Free the doggie!! and restore the ying and yang balance of human sexuality to these islands. Also, don't appease excon thugs and drug lords by allowing them to run the Bahamas jet ski industry.

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

The trouble with the jet-ski industry is that the former Minister of Transport had a hidden interest in the industry.

DDK 7 years, 9 months ago

Asked what he thought needed to be done with the industry, Mr D’Aguilar called for more “responsibility and onus” on the part of operators in the industry.

He stated: “They are aware of what the industry means to them and their family. This is their livelihood and they are this country’s first line of defence in this fight, we need them to do the best job of policing themselves.”


ThisIsOurs 7 years, 9 months ago

Actually I agree with him. Part of the issue will be them policing themselves, the authority won't be around in all cases. The other story stated that the operators saw this guy who had a bad reputation coming around and he's not normally there etc etc. if one of them had said something to the authority they could have approached the man before and even as he interacted with tourists especially single females. He did what he did because he thought no one was paying attention to him

DDK 7 years, 9 months ago

And if they are NOT policing themselves? Bad dudes don't police themselves!

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 9 months ago

The assumption is they're all bad, I don't think so. I'm out to the beach many days and many of them are regular business people, some a little ruff, but they're not all shysters and rapists. There are good people among them who could work with authorities to get it right.

DDK 7 years, 9 months ago

YADDA, YADDA YADDA. Mr. Minister, please tell us what sort of plans you actually have in mind, if at all, to deal with this issue.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

You have one or two incidents like this a year. Several million tourist visits each year. South Florida had 11 shootings on a beach in one incident. Exit interviews indicate that female tourists do come to the Bahamas and The Caribbean looking for sex. Then some cry foul. Consensual sex is not illegal. Give the young men more training. Teach them how to resist temptation. Then let them keep a copy of an agreement to be signed that says 'the sex was consensual '

Groidal 7 years, 9 months ago

You are an idiot. Nobody comes to the Bahamas to get raped by a sub human jetski operator.

Give your stupid head a shake

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

LOL @John - Exit interviews -- I don't believe you. The only Ministry of Tourism interviews are cards handed out in the international departure lounge. I was given one by a lovely Tourism employee, on my latest trip to Europe as I was departing Nassau. You have to check as to why you came. There is no SEX check box. You made that up. As Groidal stated, no one comes here looking for sex. That may have been true in the 1960's and 1970's but the whole world knows that we have a high AIDS rate.

My condo is on PI. I used to swim regularly at Cabbage Beach. The jetski operators are thugs. They roar by close to swimmers, especially Bahamian swimmers. I watch them pester groups of young females trying to chat them up. I watched women trying to get rid of them. They zoom out and run their machines up on the sand near them in a show of machismo.A few times I have intervened and they wanted to fight me. Jetski operators on machines numbers NP415, 425 and NP445 are particularly obnoxious. I once caught a fish off the rocks at the end of the beach near the Ocean Club, and one of them demanded that I give it to him. We should ban the jet ski operators and let the hotels run the concessions. Yes, more business for foreigners, but at least it will be safe for the tourists.

themessenger 7 years, 9 months ago

Better be careful Banker if you don't want to end up on John's most racist list.

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

Ha Ha Ha. The Daily Mail is a tabloid, aimed mostly at women, and the article that you found is from 2013 about Jamaica. About as credible as Trump.

From Wikipedia: The Daily Mail has been accused of racism, even of supporting fascism in the 1930s, and of printing sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research. It is the National Enquirer of the UK and that is your source. I think that you should accompany Trump to the Golden Shower yourself. LOL. Ha Ha!

John 7 years, 9 months ago

The law says all beaches are public to the high water mark. I use to go on the western tip of PI and anchor a boat with friends. Then the property owners started letting their dogs loose on us. Doberman pinchers. So we started taking 'snacks for the dogs. Not to kill them but to make them sick enough to leave us alone #diarreah

TalRussell 7 years, 9 months ago

Comrade Sweet Jesus, what's Dionisio doing staying 5 miles away from the involvement of various government people involved with the Fyre Festival scandal? The crookedness that occurred there would have been impossible to carryout without government people in the know "pockets"involvement? Minister, Scrub them dirty business out!
Has Dionisio even flown to the island to talk to those people ripped-off by the Fyre Festival's organizers and "local" agents and representatives? If not, why not? Does this rise, or not rise to the nation's tourism's credibility level to have caused the attorney general's/policeman's investigation matter - including what and whom locally did or stood to pocket monies?

John 7 years, 9 months ago

The problem is not only do we jump when America Hollers,but we always jump too high.

Groidal 7 years, 9 months ago

Actually the problem is that the jetski thugs are raping female tourists daily on Bahamian beaches. Nice try dragging the USA into it though.

Economist 7 years, 9 months ago

This has been a fly by night way of giving unscrupulous persons employment for too long. It needs to be properly regulated. Required: 1. Real License, for any one who drives a jet ski, that requires a certain number of hours of training and a written test. Limit the number of times the test can be written to 3 times. 2. Police back ground checks for any one who drives a jet ski. 3. Enforcement of the rules as to speed and how the beach is approached. 4. Large registration numbers on the jet ski so that it is clearly readable from 100 yards. 5. Compulsory liability insurance of not less than One million dollars.

That is for starters, they may be many additional items required.

DDK 7 years, 9 months ago

This is what I would like to have heard from the Minister!

TalRussell 7 years, 9 months ago

Comrades! I thought there was established a strict licensing procedure and a Jet Ski Association established. Is this an isolated alleged case of an unlicensed operator and if so - is it not unfair paint all Jet Ski operators with the same negative brush?

Groidal 7 years, 9 months ago

LMFAO! "strict" HA HA HA These criminals are allowed free reign to intimidate, harass, deal drugs and weapons right under the noses of the "strict regulators"

Jetski operators are a cancer on the tourist industry and need to be eliminated

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

it not unfair paint all Jet Ski operators with the same negative brush?

No. They are all thugs. I have run into them all. After work, I used to access Cabbage Beach at the Paradise Island Club access point with the steps down to the beach. One day I met this young boy (couldn't have been more than 12 or 13) trying a roll a joint. He thought that weed was legal in the Bahamas, and he bought some from a jetski operator. He said that he couldn't afford the cocaine, so he bought some weed. I looked at his stuff. It was brown and yellow. It was dried plant of some kind, and it was probably less than 10% weed. I told him that I didn't think that he should smoke it, as it wasn't weed. He didn't care. He rolled it up anyway and smoked it. I am willing to bet that the cocaine that the jetski operators sell is cut with baking soda. It is safe to sell fake drugs to tourists because you know that you will never see them again.

The odd time I was mistaken for a tourist by a jetski operator and he asked if I wanted to buy drugs. I asked him if he could get smack (heroin) and he said sure!

The thing that p*ssed me off most about the jetski operators, is that I swim along the buoy line, and they bring their machines inside the buoys to try and harass tourists into getting a ride. They zoom by me quite close, and when I flip them the bird, it only incites them to make a closer pass. They are all vermin.

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 9 months ago

Just listen to that little white-haired poodle yap away about a problem we've all known about for many years as if he thinks he's telling us something we don't already know. Why doesn't he just stop all the yapping, actually do something about the problem and then enlighten us as to what he's done. Listening to this poodle do nothing but constantly yap for the next five years is really going to test the patience of all of us!

gangof4 7 years, 9 months ago

Certainly not as bad as coming on-line and reading your posts.

Seriously "mudda", your bullsh*t to knowledge ratio is irritatingly high!

John 7 years, 9 months ago

@groidal. You are the ignorant one. Show me where I even suggested that tourists come here to get raped. Hence the multiple use of the word consensual. Of course you don't know what it means. So that makes you the dumb idiot.

Groidal 7 years, 9 months ago

Just because you say "consensual" a few times in a row doesn't stop these scumbag jetski "operators" from raping female tourists the moment they get off the cruise ship.

You obviously have an agenda if you are defending the crimes that these indefensible criminal thugs are committing

DDK 7 years, 9 months ago

Now, now, children.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

Yes regulate the industry across the board. You can go into the casino and buy high call girls with a credit card and the same illegal drugs that are sold on the beach. Let's regulate and police that too.

Groidal 7 years, 9 months ago

The casinos aren't promoting rape, violence, drug and weapons dealing on their premises. The scumbag, criminal jetski thugs are.

Get the difference? Or are you employed by these scumbag jetski operators?

John 7 years, 9 months ago

I don't argue with fools

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

I highly doubt that the Atlantis casino has hookers and drugs. It is relatively empty for a large part of the day. The only place where you can get a hooker at Atlantis is at the Aura nightclub. The goons at the door are friends with the Bahamian pimps and they let their girls in -- but the girls have to be dressed to the nines, and varnished and polished to high sheen.

Incidentally, I once went to Aura and was turned down entrance at the door. I guess that I wasn't hip enough. My neighbours are a yacht crew for a rich guy and I went and asked to borrow his yacht captain white uniform. Went back to the Aura dressed in that -- went to the front of the line, and they undid the velvet rope and let me in immediately. For the most part it was a letdown, except that Fergie (the singer) and Shakira were partying there.

ThisIsOurs 7 years, 9 months ago

You went in Aura in a boat captains uniform??? Did you wear the hat? rotfl

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

Nope, I draw the line at a hat.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

"I highly doubt that the Atlantis casino has hookers and drugs. It is relatively empty for a large part of the day."

And what time do the high rollers come out? Why are you in so much denial?

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

High rollers don't come to the Bahamas (with the exception of Michael Jordan who dropped at huge amount at the casino during his ten years as sponsor of the golf tournament on PI).

I've had high rollers as clients. The casinos in Vegas send private jets for them and comp them the rooms.

TalRussell 7 years, 9 months ago

Comrade (Red Shirt) Free Town (Montagu) candidate Dionisio D’Aguilar yesterday (April 5, 2017) called on long-serving PLP MP's to quit “making a career” out of politics. Dionisio said - all of the “pomp and pageantry” associated with public office has “gone to their heads”, to the point where some do not know when to step aside".
Words wisdom some in red cabinet to digest and so govern themselves by come the 2022 General Elections?
Here's a prickly one for a man's who will lives by he own words - whilst we await the Montagu MP's "tomorrow's" press release announcement - that he will NOT run for reelection come 2022?
One "follow ya own advice" red shirt MP down - 34 more to go?

SP 7 years, 9 months ago

MP Dionisio D’Aguilar's following the same useless script of all his failed predecessors!

What regulations "EXACTLY" can he point to in any destination anywhere that would have prevented this or any sexual assault? How the hell can "regulations" actually do anything?

Every state in the U.S. including Florida has watercraft "regulations" and not one of them has anything to do with sexual assault!


Jet ski operations in the Bahamas are made up primarily of 99% poorly educated, unsocialized hooligans, ruffians and obviously criminals.

The only hope of "upgrading" the jet ski industry is to "upgrade" the individuals involved in the business. Get rid of these low life, rude, ignorant individuals and demand operators and all staff are properly educated at a minimum with the BahamaHost program, and routinely policed and carded before turning them loose in our most prosperous industry.

We cannot continue "talking" while these less than desirable people that should never have been allowed to interact with visitors in the first place, continue to negatively affect the tourism industry.

Yes, that means revoking licenses for anyone incapable of passing the BahamaHost test, and yes, some people will be hurt in the process, however, this nonsense has to be gotten under control.

Extream problems require extream measures!

Enough talk D’Aguilar. GET IT DONE!

Economist 7 years, 9 months ago

Good comments. Your are right "Enough talk...Get it done".

BahamaPundit 7 years, 9 months ago

Save the tourists. Free the doggie!!!!

BahamaPundit 7 years, 9 months ago

I agree SP. The jet ski guys are the worst the Bahamas has to offer. Scary looking and thugish. It's often intimidating just to walk near them on the beach. Yet, we place these ferocious looking fellows front and centre, right next to our tourist product.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 9 months ago

Why is it that these Bahamian entrepreneurs are being so unfairly targeted???????............... These are the types of small businessmen that the country needs to expand economic opportunities to the "small man" .......... except these guys are only operating the jet skis for the real owners of the franchises (like taxis, buses and mailboats)

Groidal 7 years, 9 months ago

These scumbags are being "targeted" because they deal drugs and weapons openly on Cabbage beach, rape tourists and commit other crimes.

They aren't "small businessmen", they're criminals and should be in jail. They're jeopardizing the Bahamian tourist industry which is a main source of employment and income for the Bahamian people

Got it now, Einstein?

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 9 months ago

The only thugs scarier lookin' are the henchmen hired by the numbers' bosses to do their dirty work.

TalRussell 7 years, 9 months ago

Comrades! How are we to compete against our neighbour Cuba's fast developing tourism expansion when two terms governance under the PLP's Christie administration, three terms under Papa Hubert's red regimes and now into the reds"4th" governance mandate - and we seem incapable of straightening out the little operators the Jet Ski businesses?
Comrades, should I dare mention our Horse and Buggy tourist transport's - under fed and lack properly cared for - dropping dead on Bat Street horses?
Comrade Minister Tourism Dionisio - it's a lost cause to think that somehow the Bahamaland can parallel our in deep trouble Ski Operators and Horse and Buggies operators to compete with Cuba's aggressiveness?

ashley14 7 years, 9 months ago

I just left the island. Although I didn't rent a jet ski, the Bahamian men were more than gentlemen with me. They do flirt, but if told not interested they understood. Don't let a few bad incidents ruin it for everyone. Maybe a better background check, I'm not sure but crime is everywhere. Obviously I hate it for the victims. I love the Islands! I was there to enjoy the island and find a old friend from years past and let everyone know that and I was treated with respect. That was my experience, and I was traveling alone.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

Here's some more i made up @ Banker: . "Female sex tourism refers to sex tourism by females, who travel intending to engage in sexual activities with a sex worker. Female sex tourists may seek aspects of the sexual relationship not shared by their male counterpart, such as perceived romance and intimacy.[1] Women – especially wealthy, single, older white women – plan their holidays to have romance and sex with a companion who knows how to make them feel special and give them attention.[2] The prevalence of female sex tourism is significantly lower than male sex tourism.[3]

Female sex tourism occurs in diverse regions of the world. The demographics of female sex tourism vary by destination, but in general female sex tourists are usually classified as women from a developed country, who travel to less developed countries in search of romance or sexual outlets.[4]

Female sex tourists can be grouped into three types:

Traditional sex tourists, who have similar characteristics and motives as male sex tourists.[4] Situational sex tourists, who do not intentionally put themselves in a sex tourist position, but find themselves involved in a sexual encounter with local men. Situational sex tourists may fall into the category of either being businesswomen, students, women in overseas conferences or other women who have different agendas that are non-sexual.[1] Romance tourists, who plan to fulfil their travel with romantic experiences that they cannot experience in their native country.[5] Within the realm of female sex tourism, male sex workers are vital for the satisfaction of these women, whether physical or emotional. Without the employment of local sex workers, sex tourism for both men and women would not exist. Sex tourism is becoming a global phenomenon. With this movement of different populations to different countries, problems concerning health increase, especially ailments involving sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS. Women involved with sex tourism do not find themselves using barrier contraceptives during the majority of their visit, leaving them unprotected against STIs.[6]

Contents [hide] 1 Terminology 2 Destinations 3 Motives for travel 3.1 Traditional sex tourism 3.2 Situational sex tourism 3.3 Romance tourism 4 Sex workers 4.1 Background and intentions 4.2 Defined by the tourist 5 Health risks 6 See also 7 References 8 Major academic publications 9 External links "Some tourists travel for the “big banana” as promoted by this local Caribbean singer in song at a tourist hot spot."

OldFort2012 7 years, 9 months ago

I don't think anyone is disputing that sex tourism exists. It's just that this girl obviously was not one of them. Let us try to be civilised and not assume that the "girl led him on" or any such thing. Let the police do their work.

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

Sigh, once again you are confused. The sex tourism that you cut and pasted here about is engaging in PROSTITUTION with poor locals for money.

When we talk about sex and the jetski operators, they een charging money for sex. They are horny thugs trying to seduce young females, not the senior crowd.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

Present the evidence. You have THOUSANDS of tourists rent jet skis without incident, one case of alleged rape last year and another this year and you refer to them as "horny thugs trying to seduce females." Go wash your eyes with eye salve. Maybe you feel left out.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

and with this i rest my case: . "Several years ago, two female sociologists from the USA questioned 240 women spending their vacations in Negril and at two similar resorts in the Dominican Republic. They found out that about one third of them had sexual contacts with local young men during their vacations. At that, sixty percent of them agreed that probably the young men made love to them just to get money. All the respondents said they did not pay for the sexual services that men provided during their vacations at resorts. But many of the women explained that they paid money for sex as they treated it as economic aid to the resort staff or even the local economy. Some of the questioned women said they had started sex tourism by chance but loved to enjoy it regularly. Others say they love sex tourism not merely because of sex but rather because of the care and attention that local men give them. These women are even ready to pay for this type of temporary love. - See more at: http://www.pravdareport.com/society/sex…"

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

Once again the article that you quote is over 10 years old and it cites a study much older than that. Say 20 years ago ??? Here is something the whole world knows, from Wikipedia: There is a large degree of variation of HIV prevalence between the 21 Caribbean countries. Currently, there are two countries where the national prevalence is over 2 percent, those being the Bahamas, and Belize.[6]

I don't doubt that sex tourism exist. I don't doubt that pre-menopausal women who are love starved would like some Black meat. But it een prevalent, and you bullsh*tted about exit interviews. Show me the exit interview link.

The case at hand - the jetski operators do not sell sex -- they take it. That is the point and the sole point.

ashley14 7 years, 9 months ago

Ok! John I appreciate your information, but I'm a 56 woman that fell in love with a Bahamian Man more than 30 years ago. I have always had a place in my heart for him. Not too long ago I decided I'm singe again, I'm going to find him. Well I didn't say I didn't date, but not married. I date one man here and he's a wonderful man and takes care of all of my needs. Sexual contracts and paying for sex, are you making a joke. Ok maybe I'm not main stream. Anyway not all women fall into your categories. I haven't seen John (his name as well) in more than 30 years, but out of feeling for him and respect I would not date another man in the islands. I would want to give us a chance first. Call me a dreamer, I'm a believer in going for something you really want. I can honestly say I love him after all of these years. My experience in life is not as you described.

ashley14 7 years, 9 months ago

The Big Bamboo! lol That's not it either. I enjoy reading your opinion though.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 9 months ago

Sooooooo, who polices the straw-craft vendors??????? ......... hair-braiders????? ...... fish&conch vendors??????? ............... peanut vendors????????? ......... newspapers boys?????? ......... packing boys??????? ........... Get my drift??????? ....#protectyourjob

John 7 years, 9 months ago

This activity (sexual encounters between locals and tourists) is older than jet skis or even Atlantis. When I was in high school some of the boys would work in the hotels as bus boys, waiters or kitchen runners. Then you would hear them talk about "Watergates", a term that reffered to female tourists from the US. And yes at 16 and 17 these boys were having sex with adult female tourists and yes, they were getting money for the favors. And so were the older workers in the hotels and the taxi drivers. Jet skis were not around at that time. And even after the "Watergates" left the Bahamas some would stay in contact with their "island Joe" sending him money in the mail and planing their next vacation in the Bahamas. And some local guys would have 20, 30 40 women sending them money in the mail. they made a living of it...but then again i made this up.

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

Show me the exit interviews that you cite.

You can't. That is what you made up.

I am done arguing with a fool. You will beat me down to your level with your vast fool experience, you will Trump me.

For a minute I thought that you were getting sensible. That was a point that Tal reached as well, and then regressed to the mean. The only constant is birdie.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

You are demonstrating pure ignorance. If i told you I read an article about exit interviews of tourists leaving the Bahamas why would you expect me to produce the interview. I never said i had it in the first place. nevertheless the truth does not need a defense.

Emilio26 3 years, 11 months ago

John actually my uncle told me that back in the 80s his friends on Eleuthera would have summer job at the French Leave Hotel which was a popular vacation spot. However, my uncle said his buddies would brag to him about how they would see naked european women on the beach while they were working.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

Maybe that's where the idea fro 'time share' came about. You buy into the plan and continue paying faithfully until you realize you will not be visiting that place anymore or in the case of 'Watergate '. They will not be seeing Island Joe anymore. But even today some continues to maintain him.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

@ banker you try to discredit everything I post. The fact that one of the articles was written several years ago does not make it any less relevant today. In fact it is more relevant because, despite the prevelance of AIDS and other sexual diseases many tourists still come to the Bahamas looking for sex. Hence many young men are drawn to the jet ski, water sports and hotel industry with this in mind. While you do attest that there is a great amount of inter-personal, intimate and yes, sexual contact between tourists and locals in the Bahamas you, maybe be of who you are, are still trying to deny that sex is a big draw of tourists to the Bahamas and the Caribbean. You further demonstrate your narrow mindedness by claiming that the only information gathered from tourists leaving the country is restricted to little white cards they fill out that does not have a question for them to check if they had sec or not. Well despite your obvious ignorance on the subject, tourism is a multi-billion dollar industry and surveys are taken from time to time to determine what the interest of visitors are and how much of their expectations were met as well as their overall experience was. And the responses are not limited to checking boxes. Then the results of the survey are compiled and sent to various agencies, including to hotels, event planners, tourism ministers etc., While I will not comit myself to exactly which airline it was I read such an article in an inflight magazine. And what was even more surprising other than what was here before discussed, was that some women came to the Bahamas and the Caribbean for a sexual encounter as a birthday or even wedding anniversary gift. And they were accompanied by their male spouses. And most unbelievable, at least at the time I read the article, it was the husband who paid for the gift. The point is if there is such a vast industry for sexual tourism, not every incident of 'sex gone wrong ' is the fault of jet ski operations. And so the elimination of them from the equation will not solve the incidents of young and old tourist women seeking sexual encounters. As one of the previously quoted articles indicate, the young, native male element is the biggest input to this sex tourists phoenomen. And if he is eliminated off the beaches and off the jet skis, the female tourists will still seek him out. This may mean taking their vacations in countries other than the Bahamas.

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

The only things that I try to discredit, are "facts" that you make up due to a personal bias. You made up the fact that there were exit interviews. I merely pointed out that you can't point to a single documented exit interview in the Bahamas that points to a segment of sex tourism. I said that it probably exists, but you did not have to make up a stretcher to prove your point.

I wouldn't have an issue if you prefaced your claims with "It is my opinion that .... " but you don't. You present it as evidence of a study -- just like whats-his-face and his 4 accounts on here. That is fake news, even though the underlying facts may be partially true. Can you understand that distinction?

In the same manner, you cannot attribute your biases to real world world events. I would recommend that you read Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman's book "Thinking Fast and Thinking Slow" where he talks about the very confirmation biases exhibited in your statements.

Some of your posts are fascinating and informative (except for the "Look busy, Jesus is coming" ones) but please don't go presenting things as evidentiary facts when they aren't.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

And if you want to hear some more stuff I made up: The only city in the United States ever bombed was done so on allegations that a white woman was raped by a black man. The man was arrested but a mob of white men broke into the jail and lynched the young man, without a trial. They then went into the black community and looted and destroyed many businesses and homes and killed many with assistance from airplanes attacks. The majority black community never recovered. Is this what is now being done to our tourism industry? History doesn't repeat itself. People repeat history.

themessenger 7 years, 9 months ago

Now THAT'S the John we all know, can't make a point without referring to racism in one form or another, you must have been terribly deprived as a child.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

Go and call the Ministry of Tourism, not only in the Bahamas but also Jamaica and the Dominican Republic and Trinidad and check with major hotels here and in those countries and ask them if surveys are not conducted from time to time with tourists leaving these countries and leaving those properties. Ask them is the surveys are not subjective where the responses will be more than checking boxes, but written responses. Of course you would be niece to expect to see a question 'did you have sex whil in the Bahamas' followed by one that ask 'with whom ', but there might be one that asks 'what was your reason for choosing to vacation in the Bahamas', or what was your greatest expectation ' followed by one that asks if your expectations were fulfilled. The fact that you dislike the truth does not make the truth any less real. Rapes occur on cruise ships and sexual assault is prevalent in tourists destinations other than the Bahamas. So does an incident of rape give your cohorts license to refer wholesale to young Bahamians males as subhuman, scumbags, animals and the like? As a point of interest the mayor of Miami Beach is giving the residents there the opportunity to vote on a proposal to ban the sale of alcohol at 11:00 pm because of the noise and violence and lawlessness that occurs there. This came about after incidents of multiple shootings on the beaches in recent weekends. These incidents involved neither Bahamians or black people. Will your cohorts also refer to them as subhuman scumbags?

themessenger 7 years, 9 months ago

John, all rapists regardless of race or color, are subhuman scumbags including the American white boy prominently featured in this mornings papers. No one except you is taking this as an attack on black Bahamian males, this is strictly an indictment of Bahamian jet-ski operators many of whom fit the bill of subhuman scumbags.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

OK so now the Front Page of today's Tribune gives you the opportunity to vent your opinion against a male American tourist accused of rape. Should the Bahamas consider banning all American male tourists because you this incident...now you see how asinine and ignorant some of your comments are.

ohdrap4 7 years, 9 months ago

do not ban them. just regulate them.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

BANKER:> ".I met this young boy (couldn't have

been more than 12 or 13) trying a roll a joint. He thought that weed was legal in the Bahamas, and he bought some from a jetski operator. He said that he couldn't afford the cocaine, so he bought some weed. I looked at his stuff. It was brown and yellow. It was dried plant of some kind, and it was probably less than 10% weed. I told him that I didn't think that he should smoke it, as it wasn't weed. He didn't care. He rolled it up anyway and smoked it."

And this is the person(BANKER) who is asking me to produce copies of MOT exit interviews. Jesus wept. (for the sins of this world). you are a disgrace! A 12 or 13 y/o coming to The Bahamas wanting to buy cocaine. is that an indictment on the jet ski operators or his parents? What qualifies you to know what 10% marijuana looks like? You, an (educated) adult stood and watch a young boy smoke dope rather than trying to take it from him or contact his parents. Which bank this happened at again?

banker 7 years, 9 months ago

LOL! Look busy, Jesus is coming. According to you, he has tears in his eyes.

I am amazed at the certitude that you profess of things not validated.

Time to exit this convo. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him think.

John 7 years, 9 months ago

go ride a jet ski then and live your fantasy!

themessenger 7 years, 9 months ago

Banker, the recent comment you made about Birdie could equally apply to John. "No matter how smart you are you can never convince a stupid person that they're stupid."

sheeprunner12 7 years, 9 months ago

Sooooooo, who polices the straw-craft vendors??????? ......... hair-braiders????? ...... fish&conch vendors??????? ............... peanut vendors????????? ......... newspapers boys?????? ......... packing boys??????? ........... Get my drift??????? ....#protectyourjob

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