PM pays tribute to 'nation builder' Sir Geoffrey Johnstone

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.


Sir Geoffrey Johnstone


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Hubert Minnis paid tribute to the late Sir Geoffrey Johnstone on Friday, lauding the former Cabinet minister as a nation builder.

In a statement yesterday, Dr Minnis extended condolences to Lady Johnstone and loved ones on behalf of himself, his wife, and the Bahamas Government.

"Sir Geoffrey was a nation-builder, who loved his country and served the Bahamas in both public and private life," the statement read.

"I express gratitude for his service to the Bahamas and to the Free National Movement."

Sir Geoffrey, 89, passed away early Friday morning.

He was a past president of the Bahamas Bar Association, and served as a partner at Higgs and Johnson from 1952 until his retirement from the firm in 1998.

Dr Minnis' statement continued: "He was a former cabinet minister and served as a Member of Parliament for 10 years. He briefly served as Leader of the Opposition. He became a longstanding and dedicated member of the Free National Movement.

"He served as Chairman of the Hotel Corporation of the Bahamas and as Deputy to the Governor General. He also acted as Governor General on a number of occasions."

The statement added: "He served as non-resident Ambassador to Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. He also served as an Elder at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Kirk beginning in 1962."


sheeprunner12 7 years, 7 months ago

Sooooooo, the PLP is correct ....... this story tells it all!!!!!....... the FNM is (partially) the old UBP

MassExodus 7 years, 7 months ago

Sheeprunner, I have lost a lot of respect for you and your opinion over the last several posts. Are you saying that Geoff Johnstone was racist?? What exactly are you suggesting?

baldbeardedbahamian 7 years, 7 months ago

sheeprunner12, of course the FNM was partially made up of UBP, this is not news, another part was the Free PLP, so what?

MassExodus 7 years, 7 months ago

Thank you! Sheeprunner making this seem as thou, this is some recently disclosed, revolutionary information... Further he needs to finish his thought and stop making suggestive remarks and be clear.

ReverendKemp 7 years, 7 months ago

DON'T GET IT TWISTED, I know you have to be" politically correct ". Mister Prime Minister, Geoffrey was NOT a nation-builder, nor did he loved this country. He along with the other Concky Joes wanted to remain with their racist counterpart, Britian when our TRUE NATION BUILDERS AND LOVERS OF THE BAHAMAS sought independence. The European led United Bahamian Party were the RACIST OPPRESSORS OF THE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE. I know these words were written for you to say by your speech writer(s)...perhaps this statement was written by the son of the RACIST OPPRESSORS, Brent Symonette and because you owe him and his kind a huge debt you had to say this. NO, Johnstone was not for the Bahamians, except those of his complexion. The UBP oppressed our people, it was only until our MOSES, Sir Lynden and many others stood up and liberal the masses...so, let's not get it TWISTED, HE AIN'T NO SAINT ! Truthfully Speaking, Reverend R. L. KEMP mymiraclemoment.com

OldFort2012 7 years, 7 months ago

There is no reasoning with you, is there? Historical facts are not facts and proof is not proof, unless it fits in with your preconceptions. That is what happens when you believe your pathetic and ill thought out opinions come from God himself. Yes, I know, the earth is flat, it is 4,000 years old, it was created in 7 days, we all come from Adam and Eve...and you are a "Reverend". Sure.

IRussell 7 years, 7 months ago

You know Rev. is speaking the truth. Yes that was the way it was before Sir. Lynden

Gotoutintime 7 years, 7 months ago

It's people like you that do nothing but stir up hated in the world. And you profess to be a Reverend??---What a sad joke!

MassExodus 7 years, 7 months ago

Reverend Douche. If us FNM's wanted to be disrespectful, we could have recently said Dr. Bernard Nottage was a racist PLP, and corrupt like the others, while many of yawl PLP's were saying we should name this and that after him. Don't be an internet gangster, or an ass.

jujutreeclub 7 years, 7 months ago

So who and what is bradley roberts, yall chairman. UBP to the core. Can't find another more committed to UBPism as bradley roberts. Don't mind him running on about the FNM and the UBP. He benefitted the most form the UBP.

Jetflt 7 years, 7 months ago

Yeah - get a life! The man died a hero to this country because of his steadfast leadership and contributions to the country. What have you contributed?? That's what I thought - not a damn thing l. You just like to run your mouth on this site. What will they say about you when you pass. That's what I thought - nothing! Get lost. Move on. Get a life!

Gotoutintime 7 years, 7 months ago

One of a kind---An honest politician!!

ReverendKemp 7 years, 7 months ago

WHAT A JOKE...Tell me you are joking, Mr. Ingraham. How quickly we forget, Geoffery Johnstone WAS ONE OF THE ORIGINAL Bay Street Boys...or, as they phrase it in the USA, " One of the good ole boys." Which is a subtle way of indicating racism. It is DISAPPOINTING, DESPICABLE and DISHEARTENING for both the present and former Prime Ministers to use " A giant of a man " and " A nation builder " when referring to Johnstone. What nation did he built? He along with the EUROPEAN U. B. P. were RACIST OPPRESSORS of the Bahamian people. THEIR MISSION WAS TO MAKE THE BAHAMAS AN EXTENSION OF THE U S RACIST SOUTH. Their GOAL was to make the Bahamas a shadow of South Africa Apathy. Afro-Bahamians could not go or live in certain areas...they had an unwritten law that no Bahamian could own any beach front homes.They refused to allow Afro-Bahamians to hold certain job positions, I could go on-and-on, but I won't. Thank GOD, he RAISED UP A OUR MOSES, Sir Lynden, who along with Sir Milo Butler, Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield, Sir Carlton Francis, Sir Authur Foulkes, Sir A.D. Hanna, Sir Randolph Fawkes and others who were the TRUE FOUNDING FATHERS and NATION BUILDERS. These were the ones who stood up and suffered for our liberty. It was these same RACIST U.B. P.'s and their off-springs who wanted to remain under the RACIST BRITISH when we got our Independence. The truth must be told and not sugar coated just because he is dead. I say to ALL who would try making Johnstone and his kind some kind of saint...'cause HE AIN'T...THEY AIN'T ! Unfortunately, the UNCLE TOMS are still among us. The House Negroes will always attempt to defend their white masters to the end. Labelling those of us who are free and speaks the truth as " stirring up hatred "...I expect this. Jesus, The Christ prepared me for such attacks when he said : ...If they hate me, they will hate you." TRUTH, whether you like it or not it is still TRUTH...WHETHER YOU AGREE WITH truth OR NOT truth remains TRUTH. You may deny TRUTH but TRUTH remains TRUTH. Truthfully Speaking, Reverend R. Larry Kemp mymiraclemoment.com

ReverendKemp 7 years, 7 months ago

From observation, none of my attackers ever refute the TRUTH which I spoke, rather they attack my person. That's like attacking the mail man because you don't like what you got in the mail. You know that's DUMB. Enough said. I am but a voice crying in the wilderness of IGNORANCE AND DENIAL. Since I know the TRUTH, I am FREE ! Johnstone and his kind were RACIST OPPRESSORS of the Bahamian People. THIS IS NOT WHAT I AM SAYING. THIS IS WHAT HISTORY SAYS, I am simply reminding ourselves of who they really were...and still are. " And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not." -John 8 : 45 Jesus, The Christ mymiraclemoment.com

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