New PLP Chairman Fred Mitchell (right) with (from left), Deputy Leader Chester Cooper, Leader Philip ‘Brave’ Davis and Deputy Chairman Robyn Lynes.
Tribune Staff Reporter
NEWLY elected Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Fred Mitchell has committed the party to meeting the governing Free National Movement “at every corner and on every street” as opposition party recommits to capturing an election victory in 2022.
In a statement released after he was declared the winner of the PLP’s chairman race at the PLP’s 53rd annual convention, Mr Mitchell served notice to the FNM and its Chairman Carl Culmer that they should conduct themselves in a certain manner and use language “at the level which matches their role in the country and not down in the gutter.”
Mr Mitchell, leader of opposition business in the Senate, in his critique of the Minnis administration, blasted the government for its press releases in response to the party’s convention, branding the actions “silly, childish invective” that showed the FNM as “a set of children in playing around throwing mud pies at one another.”
“The PLP is dedicated to the debate and the critique of public policy,” he asserted. “We want better laws. We want our people treated fairly. We want the FNM to stick to their promises to the Bahamian people. Their responses over the past week were disappointing.”
He continued: “Having said all that, the FNM should be assured that we will meet them at every corner and on every street, in every island in the nation in the battle for the supremacy of ideas and in the competition for the hearts and minds of our people.”
According to unofficial figures from the party, Mr Mitchell received 627 votes, former West End and Bimini MP Obie Wilchcombe got 419 and former Long Island election candidate Glendon Rolle received 261.
The convention’s final day was fraught with chaos and disorganisation. Voting, which was supposed to start at 8am, did not begin until about three hours later. Voting did not end until after 8pm, forcing the cancellation of the live television broadcast of the event and the planned line up of speakers. Newly elected PLP Leader Philip “Brave” Davis did not give his victory speech until after 11pm.
Mr Mitchell said the convention was in many ways a watershed event for the party.
He noted the process marked the transition to a new leader only the third time in the party’s 64-year history.
Additionally, Mr Mitchell said the process saw “historic participation” of supporters from across the Bahamas and cemented the party’s commitment to rebranding and rebuilding itself.
“Our party showed the country how to conduct an internal election without rancour and with grace. All of the candidates deserve the praise for the manner in which this election was conducted.
“Congratulations to the winners of the principal offices Leader Philip “Brave” Davis, Deputy Leader Chester Cooper, Deputy Chairman Robyn Lynes.
“Grateful thanks to Mrs Glenys Hanna Martin, Dr Erecia Hepburn, Mr Obie Wilchcombe, Mr Glendon Rolle and Mr Ricardo Smith, who were candidates in the competition for those offices,” he said.
Mr Mitchell said: “The PLP’s constitution says that its number one aim is to make the PLP the government of The Bahamas. In that aim, the party is recommitted coming out of convention.
“We thank all Bahamians for their well wishes and their desire to see the party once more take its place as that great influencer of public policy, and the defender of our national independence and sovereignty. There was also a renewed commitment to economic empowerment.
“In thanking all people generally, it is appropriate to say thanks to the outgoing leader of the party, the Rt Hon Perry Christie for his tireless efforts toward building a better PLP and country.
“I say a special thank you to my immediate predecessor Bradley Roberts for holding the fort as the defender of the PLP faith for so many years.”
Mr Mitchell also thanked Mr Davis for seeking him out to carry the mantle of chairman.
Mr Mitchell later thanked those who rallied to support him and the people of the PLP’s Fox Hill Constituency Branch, who continues to watch his back.
He also thanked his siblings.
Exuma and Ragged Island MP Chester Cooper emerged as the party’s new deputy leader, while former Senator Robyn Lynes was elected deputy chairman.
banker 7 years, 4 months ago
Here we go -- just like Donald Trump -- alternate facts from Fweddy-boi.
licks2 7 years, 4 months ago
What a waste of good time! Fred "last nail" Mitchell start to put the PLP to death. . .
baldbeardedbahamian 7 years, 4 months ago
The plps elected a chairman called Mitch. ...... Who had to scratch his political itch,............ Thrown out by FoxHill, .................................. And the popular will,..................................... Proclaimed "I'm back", so take dat,, b?????........
banker 7 years, 4 months ago
stillwaters 7 years, 4 months ago
Great limericks. Wow.....
CatIslandBoy 7 years, 4 months ago
This decision by Brave Davis to support Fred Mitchell as Party Chairman will come back to haunt him.
realfreethinker 7 years, 4 months ago
use language “at the level which matches their role in the country and not down in the gutter.”.This coming from Fred Mitchell,the "queen of the gutter". What a joke. If brave know what's good for him he will begin the process of undermining Fred right away,or he will totally destroy the chances of the plp being elected in 2027.
Honestman 7 years, 4 months ago
Brave Davis and his First Lady Fred Mitchell. What a dream team!
banker 7 years, 4 months ago
LMAO. Da first lady is oogly !!!
NassauBoy77 7 years, 4 months ago
This has to be a joke! Did he forget his predecessor in that office? Gutter politics is the order of the day for the PLP. It is impossible for them to school anyone on how to conduct themselves in any kind of office.
TalRussell 7 years, 4 months ago
Comrades! Wii be interesting to observe?
EasternGate 7 years, 4 months ago
This freak should return to hole from whence he came!
Emac 7 years, 4 months ago
So who is the only miserable person NOT smiling in the photo. People who are mean and bitter and miss living of the public's purse should NOT be involved with the people's business!
sheeprunner12 7 years, 4 months ago
Fweddy can create the plpuncensored website now ............ he is the official PLP spokesperson
scampi75 7 years, 4 months ago
Wants us to use proper language?? The same language the PLP used? Does it include using the finger?
scampi75 7 years, 4 months ago
Davis and Mitchell are the best thing that could happen for the FNM. Hard to believe PLP supporters wanted them back
Economist 7 years, 4 months ago
Davis will need to be looking over his shoulder "all the time". If the opportunity presents itself, Fred will try to become PM.
SP 7 years, 4 months ago
NEWLY elected Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Fred Mitchell policy was to refuse to take questions from the electorate on talk shows as minister of foreign affairs.
WE THE PEOPLE now want Fred Mitchell to know that we have no interest in asking him any questions now, so he can keep his established policy in place!
The_Oracle 7 years, 4 months ago
The PLP personalities always criticize others for its own direct and attributable vices! Never fails. It is like a tell in gambling. Blinking when lying.
Porcupine 7 years, 4 months ago
It is important to see the trends in life. This is not a good omen for The Bahamas future.
sheeprunner12 7 years, 4 months ago
The PLP politicians and Bahamians have a sadist relationship ......... like a fella who would beat his woman and then tells her he loves her ....... and she in turn believes him and says that he beats her because he loves her ......... That has been going on since 2002 .......... smt
stillwaters 7 years, 4 months ago
Fighting who? All of us Bahamians who fired his ass????
Greentea 7 years, 4 months ago
The PLP refuse to learn. You know what they say- if you can't learn ya ga feel. They need to get comfortable in the political wilderness for at least 10 years unless they catch sense. Current government don't even have to do anything too grand. all they have to do is not screw up.
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