Perry Christie out of touch with the people

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I read and listened with interest to Perry Christie’s remarks about the recently-concluded PLP convention and he just confirmed for everyone how out of touch he is with us, the people. I am a 29-year-old Bahamian from a traditionally diehard PLP family.

I voted in 2007 and 2012 once each for the PLP and FNM.

As much as my family hoped that I would vote PLP this time, I just could not do so, disappointing them again as I did in 2007 when I voted FNM. I told my parents that the PLP they told me about since I was a child is not the same PLP that exists today.

Leslie Miller was 1000% correct when he said plenty PLP’s either voted FNM or just didn’t vote this time.

To read and hear Mr. Christie criticize Monique Pindling for saying what she said publicly at the Convention shows how out of touch Mr. Christie is and confirms that the country made the correct decision on May 10th.

He says that comments at Convention should be given “to inspire people”. As a millennial who has no allegiance to any party, but who voted PLP once before, I found Miss Pindling’s comments extremely inspirational. She spoke the truth and echoed the feelings of thousands of people in the Bahamas ….. PLPs and non-PLPs. Mr. Christie, why hide those comments and restrict them to internal sessions?

That way, those of us who aren’t delegates or in the PLP inner circle would never hear them. But clearly, Mr. Christie just doesn’t get it.

Then he said, she should have come to him to talk privately about it.

What a joke! My uncle told me he did just that two years ago and Mr. Christie totally dismissed him and stopped speaking to him after. Mr. Christie, you did the honourable thing after the election and accepted full responsibility for your party’s election defeat.

Your recent comments make me and others wonder if your apology was sincere.

Lastly, my grandmother was talking to me about his comments and laughed, commenting that Mr. Christie must have a short or convenient memory.

She then told me about the stinging criticisms Mr. Christie (and Mr. Ingraham) made of Sir Lynden in public after the 1983 NBC television report on the drug trade in the Bahamas. The same way many people agreed with Mr. Christie’s criticisms of Sir Lynden back then, is the same way many people agree of the criticisms of Mr. Christie today.

Plenty people are saying that the PLP just can’t change their ways and their thinking. If they do not do so, and listen to the Monique Pindlings and the Leslie Millers in their party, they will never see Government again.

In closing, a word to Dr. Minnis and the FNM Government.

Please stop telling us over and over how corrupt the PLP are or were; we know that and that is why we voted them out.

We voted you in for change and to improve our country.

Please let us know what your plans are for us because you know we Bahamian people don’t have much patience.

Continually bashing the PLP is now old and played out. Okay?

A Young, Educated & Thinking Bahamian


Grand Bahama,

October 30, 2017.


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 4 months ago

The writer's fondness for Monique Pindling and Leslie Miller trying to play the conscience of a political party that voters should never again consider to be an option in a general election is somewhat amusing.

sheeprunner12 7 years, 4 months ago

The children of die-hard SLOP supporters are the typical "sour grapes" of the Bible .... their teeth are on edge now


Perry Christie have let me down. I believed in him, I trusted him, but he made us a little weak as a nation. I am the only person in my family that is a PLP and I still believe in the party, because I can remember when they were so patriotic, they really did love the people. The PLP had something that is rare in governments, they were unique, they were bold and dared to care for the people of the Bahamas even if it upset others. Then it all changed. I hope that this party comes back strong again. They have made major mistakes but they once made me so proud to be a Bahamian. I still am, but the country has plenty of problems, we are slowly being changed. Yes some of them need to go away, and I don't know much about this Pindling lady, I am watching it, but I am still willing to give the PLP party another chance. This coming from someone who was once a true FNM before she changed.

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