Tribune Chief Reporter
Tribune Staff Reporter
THE US State Department released an updated travel advisory for the country yesterday, telling its citizens to stay clear of popular cultural restaurant hub the Fish Fry at Arawak Cay at night.
Tourism Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar told The Tribune the advisory was “odd and troubling,” adding he was “at a loss” over why the State Department would opt to target the area given there is an on-site police station.
The advisory ranks the Bahamas at ‘Level 2: Exercise increase caution,’ stating that violent crime, such as burglaries, armed robberies and sexual assault are common, even during daylight hours and in tourist areas.
The State Department maintained its stance banning embassy personnel from visiting the Sand Trap in Nassau or using Jet Ski rentals on New Providence and Paradise Island; however, its latest warning strikes a major blow to one of the city’s most popular cultural offerings, the Fish Fry.
In an interview with The Tribune yesterday, Mr D’Aguilar stressed there was no comparison between the safety enjoyed in the Caribbean with crime levels in major American cities.
“The Bahamas is a very safe destination if you consider in comparison with London or Chicago and New York,” he said.
“Some 6.3 million (guests) come to the country each year. This is an important area for Bahamian businesses, this is the first I’m hearing about it (travel advisory).
“The Fish Fry is visited by many guests every year without incident,” Mr D’Aguilar said.
“I would consider it a very safe place for our foreign visitors. I’m at a loss as to why they would specifically pick that out and in addition to that there is a police station there so the government has taken steps to ensure it’s safe.
“It’s very odd and troubling and I will investigate why.”
Yesterday, vendors on the strip underscored the critical importance of both local and tourist traffic, expressing major concerns over the advisory’s impact on eateries struggling to survive in the current economic climate.
Jason Burrows, proprietor of Deep Creek, called on the government to make an immediate intervention. The restaurant has been at Arawak Cay for 15 years.
“That’s ridiculous, why would they say something like that?” Mr Burrows said.
“Arawak Cay is a place that tourists and Bahamians alike come out and enjoy themselves. I can’t see the American embassy or any embassy in this country put out some kind of advisory like that because we’re so small, this is a cultural spot and I would hope that the government and everybody would put a stop to all of the nonsense.
“We have small businesses out here trying to advance themselves, trying to keep people employed and trying to do the right thing, so when you hear things like this… this is what they are trying to do is stop us from making a living. And I think that’s really poor.”
He continued: “Nights are important, right now we’re trying to do some other stuff out here, more cultural, to bring it together but we need help with people like the American embassy - if they would send more people out here and instead try to help us to make this a better place. This is the only cultural spot, so why do you want to put a black mark or a bad name on it?”
Mr Burrows acknowledged the area was not immune to crime or conflict, but said it was important to contextualise incidents as it was not representative of the business community.
In line with previous travel warnings, the State Department also advises its citizens to avoid the Over-the-Hill area.
“Violent crime, such as burglaries, armed robberies, and sexual assault is common, even during daylight hours and in tourist areas,” the notice said. “US government personnel are not permitted to visit the Sand Trap area in Nassau due to crime. Jet Ski operators are known to commit sexual assaults against tourists, including minors. As a result, US government personnel are not permitted to use Jet Ski rentals on New Providence and Paradise Island.
“. . .If you decide to travel to the Bahamas: avoid the area known as ‘Over-the-Hill’ (south of south of Shirley Street) and Fish Fry at Arawak Cay in Nassau at night. Do not answer your door at your hotel/residence unless you know who it is. Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.”
The updated advisory came as the State Department launched its new travel advisory programme - a revamp of its Consular Information Programme - that retires travel warnings and alerts in lieu of a streamlined four tier-ranking system.
Level 1 and 2 countries are reviewed on an annual basis, unless there are special circumstances, according to Michelle Bernier-Toth, acting deputy assistant secretary for overseas citizens services in the Bureau of Consular Affairs, during a press briefing on the new advisories.
Ms Bernier-Toth explained that local embassies are authorised to provide host governments with an advance copy of the final travel advisory for their country - “if they thought it was important;” however, she noted host governments did not have the ability to change the language contained in the advisory.
stillwaters 7 years, 2 months ago
Really????? You really, really don't see why????
Cobalt 7 years, 2 months ago
I totally agree. Mr D'Aguilar like so many government officials chooses to bury his head in the sand and pretend as though the crime situation in the Bahamas is not as grave as it appears. The US on the other hand realizes that the crime crisis in the Bahamas has reached fever pitch as they are the ones who constantly have to deal with the fallout when one of their citizens on vacation in the Bahamas are robbed, rapped, or assaulted.
The truth Mr D'Aguilar is that the Bahamas is NOT a safe tourist destination nor is it a safe place to live PERIOD. So stop pretending as though it is. The Bahamas is a filthy, corrupt, over priced, crime ridden dump. While it may be true that other major cities in the US have high crime rates aswell, we must also acknowledge that these cites are much larger than The Bahamas with millions of people in its populace. Nassau on the other hand is a seven by twenty one island with a little over a quarter of a million people yet we have a concentration of violent crimes that actually rivals mega metropolitan cities like Chicago, Washington DC, and New York.
Open your eyes and get real Mr. D'Aguilar.
John 7 years, 2 months ago
Jewelry stores in the Ritz Carlton Hotel in the heart of Paris, France were robbed when five men wielding axes rushed into the hotel and smashed showcases containing high end jewelry. Alert security guards were successful in activating the. alarm that automatically locked the doors to the hotel, trapping three of the culprits inside. But two escaped with what is estrogen be millions in stolen loot. . EVERY BAHAMIAN should be concerned about these travel alerts the US State Department is regularly issuing for the Bahamas. The alerts always seem to be timed just before a high travel season and what’s more troubling they seem to be telling Americans not necessarily to avoid traveling to the Bahamas but to avoid Bahamians as much as possible. The major hotels discouraged their guests from attending Junkanoo parades. There is the ongoing issues with hair braiders and jet ski operators. Then Bay Street has become so hostile and unwelcoming to Bahamians that many avoid going down there. And now there is an issue with the Arawak Cay Fish Fry. As you know the Fish Fry was originally created for Bahamians but out of their thirst for things native, tourists found their way to the fry and it has become a very popular AND SAFE tourist spot. So does someone in the US State Department have their hands deep in the pockets of someone who wants to totally Hogg the tourist dollar or is it their intention to totally exclude BAHAMIANS from getting their share of the tourist pie? With the regular release of these travel advisories against the Bahamas and more specifically against Bahamian operated businesses, what advice and assistance does the US offer in making the Bahamas more crime free and more safe for the millions of Americans that want to visit here? Did they make any statement at all on the two Americans that were evading customs and smuggling guns and ammunition into this country. There has to be more of a joint effort between two countries that claim to have most friendly status, than issuing advisories that basically amount to telling tourists to avoid Bahamians.
John 7 years, 2 months ago
When was the last time The IS donated even a bulletproof vest to our police department?
John 7 years, 2 months ago
ashley14 7 years, 2 months ago
John, Your right it is very unfair for the US to issue these warnings when your absolutely right they don't issue them against Chicago, Miami, Atlanta, San Francisco etc. We have numerous murders daily in all of our big cities, not in the suburbs. I have no idea how many. They don't tell us, but the stories are in the news daily. No one pays it any attention. We might have a school shooting anymore that we don't even hear about. They keep it quiet on purpose. Big business pays to keep things like crime or injury out of the news to their businesses flourishing. Yes, US. I'm sorry. Most tourist aren't like me and don't come for the beauty of the islands, the wonderful people and the islands culture. I really miss the day when you could walk down the street and everyone is friendly and welcoming. Anymore being a woman traveling alone everyone warns you not to go over the hill alone and that is sad. I walked most of Freeport thirty years ago and it holds wonderful memories.
Cobalt 7 years, 2 months ago
I don't know what you and John are smoking. Your sense of patriotism is blinding you. The US has millions of people. The Bahamas on the other hand doesn't even have a half a million people yet we have more murders per capital than the US. This is exacerbated by the fact that the majority of these crimes are taking place in one small area which is a seven by twenty one island. So essentially, tourist who come here to visit are unknowingly walking into a small war zone. So their government is placing them on notice. That's all. You cant argue against statistics. The world is seeing us for just who we are. Its embarrassing and instead of us taking responsibility for it we rather look for someone else to blame. Typical Bahamian.
dishway 7 years, 2 months ago
when we speak of matters like these and we use the term per-capitor we forget that for the person who is killed it does not matter where it happens or whether the city has millions or just 200 thousand so when the big city has 500 lives lost a year that is 500 families hurting but when the city with only 200 thousand have 100 people killed that's 100 families hurting, so in things like this I think both require the same amount of scrutiny. In conclusion it is hypocritical to only point out the small city who would be hurt more by your words and would never do the same where there are weeks when more than 20 persons are killed.
realitycheck242 7 years, 2 months ago
Mean while Five states in Mexico .... Sinaloa, Colima, Michoacán, Guerrero, and Tamaulipas have been issued a Level 4 warning (Do not travel ) the highest. putting the regions at the same level of danger as war-torn Syria, Yemen, and Somalia .
Dawes 7 years, 2 months ago
It is not the US state Departments job to warn people about US cities. That is the job of our Ministry to do. On them selecting Fish fry, i notice they say at night and not all times. I assume this means they have had reports of issues their with US citizens (which we may not hear about). Instead of us getting so defensive when this items are sent out by the US perhaps we should try and do something? They have been saying that the jet ski operators are unsafe for years, and to date it appears that our Government has done nothing, so you can assume the Government doesn't really care about these warnings.
ashley14 7 years, 2 months ago
If they don't care, then the tourists will quit coming. There are too many places to go if the tourists are in danger or unwelcome. The last time I was on Bay Street there we men just yelling at me. It didn't bother me, but most tourists (especially women) would be intimidated by this. If the men think your nice looking, the hooting and hollering will not bring them positive attention.
Cobalt 7 years, 2 months ago
I agree with your point here. At this point I think Bahamians as well as the ministry of tourism needs to realize that the Bahamas is simply not a marketable tourist destination. Its filthy, its overpriced, its dangerous, and its way too expensive.
ashley14 7 years, 2 months ago
Still Waters Run Deep
DEDDIE 7 years, 2 months ago
The American UN ambassador did threaten governments that there will be repercussions for voting for the resolution that condemn the American for moving their embassy to Jerusalem. Our government abstain but apparently that was not good enough.
DDK 7 years, 2 months ago
Most interesting.......... The U.S. IS well known for tit for tat.
ashley14 7 years, 2 months ago
Good enough for what? If Cuba was trying to take over the Bahamas or some other major need. America would be the first one's there.
ashley14 7 years, 2 months ago
I would not go to Mexico. I have lots of Mexican friends and believe me it is not a safe placed. I would not go to Cuba or Costa Rica. I think they are too dangerous. Cuba it's not the residents, its the government and Costa Rica is high crime. Armed guards are everywhere with machine guns. All businesses are secured with bars and armed guards in front of them. I mean all. Don't rent a car they'll steal it. It's awful.
Cobalt 7 years, 2 months ago
I agree. I wouldn't go to Mexico either. Its worst that the Bahamas. You're sure to get robbed and murdered there.
C2B 7 years, 2 months ago
That's our new selling line; "The Bahamas.....better than Mexico"
hollyheeb 6 years ago
🤣😂 Love this. I'll be laughing all day on this one. Thank you for that gem.
bogart 7 years, 2 months ago
Fully agree Dawes. It appears that many things are reported with credible information to the US authorities to warrant such a warning to their citizens. It is time that local investigation results are made public from these long outstanding conplaints plus immediate visible security and proof that counter measures are effected to protect our golden goose at Fishffy. Our legal punishments for accused and convicted offenders causing harm to our tourist should also be increased. Nice try Mr. DeAguiler at saying there is a PoliceStation on site at Fishfry. Its obvious that many things are not reported locally.
realitycheck242 7 years, 2 months ago
Crime proverty and drugs are intrinsically linked. The cartels control certain parts of Mexico. We are fortunate that the criminal elements in the Bahamas are in the minor league in the grand scheme of criminals. The US needs to issue a white collar crime level advisory on all cities beginning with its own. That would be very interesting .
ashley14 7 years, 2 months ago
Murder is murder. Dead is dead. I don't think I would call it minor league. Your walking down the street and the next thing you know someone is just shot in the back. I don't care if the shooter has never shot a gun before your still dead.
John 7 years, 2 months ago
No one should be surprised at what Cobalt posts because in all the years he has been posting, he hasn’t posted a single thing positive about the Bahamas or a Bahamian. And while he claims the Bahamas is not safe for tourists where is the evidence to prove such a claim? Only ignorance or prejudice can lead him to claim that D’Agular and other government officials are burying their heads in the sand about the tourist product. Even the smallest school child knows the importance of tourism to this country and are taught from an early age to do nothing to damage it. It’s an outright lie to say nothing was done about the jet ski operations as rules were put in place where the operators are no longer allowed to ride with their guests and the renters are required to stay within certain boundaries, among other things. But when you refer to Bahamians as subhumans obviously your problem is of a different nature. If there are genuine concerns with the Fish Fry the state department should meet with the proper officials to see how best to remedy them. A few years ago many tourists, including Bahamians, were robbed in South Florida because employees of the car rental companies were following them and using duplicate keys to enter their cars and steal valuables. The car rental companies responded be allowing customers to randomly select their vehicle rather than having a specific one issued by an employee. The car thefts stopped almost instantaneously.
Dawes 7 years, 2 months ago
The state Department has met with the officials time and time again and nothing has happened. So they put out the warnings. Yes they bought in regulations on the jet ski industry but they don't enforce them. A bit like you are meant to stop on a red light, but people keep going through for another 2-3 seconds after. It is not the state Departments job to help Bahamian business grow. It is their job to keep Americans safe. If that means giving warnings that hurt Bahamian business then so be it, and if it matters so much to the Bahamas then perhaps we should do something about it, rather then say how wrong they are.
Cobalt 7 years, 2 months ago
I don't know why yall bother answering John. His sense of patriotism blinds him and ushers him into talking bias rubbish.
banker 7 years, 2 months ago
A friend and his wife rented my condo in PI in December. The wife was carrying a wallet and not a purse. She was mugged at the Island Traders building at the end of the PI bridge. A punk brazenly grabbed her hand holding wallet, all the while looking her in the eye. This is at the end of the PI bridge. These poorly socialised punks make the Bahamas unsafe for tourists.
Emac 7 years, 2 months ago
Why are our officials so damn stupid?! If the Fry does NOT meet the requirements for visitors or is NOT considered a safe zone, simply clean it up! Jezus! Simply enforce the law, get the stall owners on board and make them see that it is incumbent on them to manage the area and report any crime. It is their business on the line! Better yet, the lazy ass Arawak Cay Association need to get into action and protect their investment and stop depending on government. Oh, and get rid of all the dam Haitians who work there- Especially the ones that make conch salad. This "Native" village should be manned by Bahamians. Next thing ya see them making plantain an ingredient of the damn salad. SMT
sealice 7 years, 2 months ago
What they probably meant to say is don't go to the Fish Fry cus the crappy fried food, in years old grease, will more then likely make you sick if the barracuda they calling Grouper doesn't first.
And whoever said the US doesn't do anything for Nassau needs to start selling that schit dey smokin cus it must be GOOD SCHIT!!!! Ask anyone in the RBDF - they got more funding over the past years from the USCG then they did the PLP.....
Mr. Burrows - this is the dump that you have created mayhaps you take some pride in it instead of britching about it every chance you get and God Forbid clean and fix it up yourself (it's your's after all) and why do all these Bahamians think it's ok to stand around and beg publicly? I know this would be a new thing... .trying to get business owners to clean up their own mess....
Seaman 7 years, 2 months ago
You on a roll E Mac.....don't stop....
John 7 years, 2 months ago
So is the State Department now going to issue an advisory warning tourist not to stay in the Ritz Carlton hotels?
Clamshell 7 years, 2 months ago
Totally bogus and typically ill-informed. The per-capita crime rate in US cities is nowhere near as bad as Nassau. New York City right now is enjoying crime rate that’s the lowest in its history. Not one city in the U.S. has a per-capita murder rate as high as Nassau.
Cobalt 7 years, 2 months ago
John is the only idiot who can't understand that. I really don't think he's been out of the Bahamas a day in his life. I guess he spends his vacation in Nassau Village or off Farrington Road or supm.
John 7 years, 2 months ago
With over 6 million tourists visiting the Bahamas every year, that's a total of 30 million, yes THIRTY MILLION visits over the past five years. Now for the record can you say how many tourists have been murdered in the Bahamas over the past five years? How many have even been seriously injured by a Bahamian? Or even slightly? Now see how ignorant your argument is? Totally and completely irrelevant and definitely misleading. but some startling records are soon going to be released revealing who is fueling the killings in this country and bringing the guns in.
Groidal 7 years, 2 months ago
Cabbage beach should be included on the "no go" list as well. As everyone knows the out of control sub human jetski "operators" will rape any female that sets foot on the beach
Violent crimes by these thugs go largely unpunished and it has made the Bahamas a worldwide joke in the eyes of all tourists
Cobalt 7 years, 2 months ago
joeblow 7 years, 2 months ago
In reality too many Bahamians are disrespectful, impulsive, unable to think rationally and foul mouthed ( it doesn't matter if children or the elderly are around). Whenever I see a group of them I generally go in the opposite direction.
All of our problems stem from a lack of proper home training. People lambaste the bible and hypocrites do abound, but when more of our people lived by its values, our society was far better off.
People used to come to the Bahamas for its warm people, now they come to look for opportunities to exploit our country!
Sickened 7 years, 2 months ago
Bahamians tend to be very pleasant and approachable one on one. However, when we get into groups we can be nasty, loud and extremely unapproachable.
OldFort2012 7 years, 2 months ago
I laugh at the very idea of the poor American tourist studying his map, desperately looking for "south of Shirley Street", in order not to go there. 99% of them are so obese they can hardly make it to the cruise terminal gates, let alone the end of Bay Street.
Therefore, they are in no danger whatsoever.
Clamshell 7 years, 2 months ago
Do you find their wallets too fat for your taste as well?
OldFort2012 7 years, 2 months ago
Considering the poor white trash that comes here, I would be surprised if they had anything but moths in them.
ashley14 7 years, 2 months ago
I love to walk. I do make a lot of friends along the way. Men do flirt. As long as they are polite I don't care.
Seaman 7 years, 2 months ago
No talk like that all know we are a godly set of people.........Amen....
Regardless 7 years, 2 months ago
....more than once I have not felt comfortable entertaining guests on weekends at Fish Fry. There are far too many " entitled ", badly educated ( socially and scholastically ), marauding thugs that proliferate the area. At times, one feels as if they are on the set of a " gangsta " music video except the bullets and knives are real.
Major attitude change is required otherwise these warnings will continue from foreign governments
bogart 7 years, 2 months ago
Fishfry was not originally a place for FINE MICHELLIN RATED DINING five star dining with knife an fork. Many go there to eat conch salad wid spoon and eat conch fritters wid yer hand, an some people eating da fish head and people talking loudly and some marauding thugs well dey ack fool cause dey cant drink an some aint hav broughtupsy. Good luck wid the major attitude change but the place does seem to be in need of more security. And the best partof da fish is still da fish head.
John 7 years, 2 months ago
The posts y’all make confirms that some actions made against the Bahamas may be racially motivated and economically driven. When you refer to people as subhumans and thugs and gangsters, you enter into the arena with a mindset to discriminate against them. Meaning since that is your intention then nothing they do as either individuals or as a nation will appease you. The fact is the American population in general does not have a mindset that most of you here portray. Selling barracuda for grouper? How ignorant can you get? The government claims it has no complaints or communication with US personnel that may have led to the advisory. So a long learned lesson is to not argue with fools.
joeblow 7 years, 2 months ago
Go to the fish fry with your significant other and make sure she is dressed casual classy and then come back and post your findings!
TalRussell 7 years, 2 months ago
Ma Comrade Bradda Charles Trevor Kelly and his UBP framers brainchild counterparts for the use intent of 'Kelly Island,' sure as hell couldn't have envisioned their man made prime island becoming a customs shed much less Nassau Town's harbour entrance waterfront shantytown. We certainly does knows how move backwards in our colony of islands.
Are all the rents, permits, VAT, National Insurances, licences and immigration - current with the public purse at Kelly Island? Once upon a time Kelly Island was built for cash and public purse mortgage debt free?
johnmcntsh 7 years, 2 months ago
We have been coming to Nassau every year for at least 12 years. Many times twice a year. I cannot count the number of times we have been to the fish fry. We have never had a problem I cannot imagine why the State Department is saying this.
Emac 7 years, 2 months ago
Thank you very much for your patronage! Unfortunately not all visitors are as accepting and as laid back as you may be. US Embassy usually issues warnings based on complaints. Where ever I go in the world I always like to feel safe and relaxed, especially in an area where natives hang out. Most Bahamians are genuinely warm people. It is the few bad apples that really misrepresent the majority.
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 2 months ago
This is exactly why I'm not going an African Safari, I don't care how many times they show the fairy tales on tv that the lions can't get inside the jeep.
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 2 months ago
Sigh, now everybody is upset about Donald's Trump really insensitive comments on immigrants. I thought about it for a minute, the premise of his statement is true, the countries he mentioned DO have very serious almost overwhelming problems with abject poverty. The Bahamas has challenges too. I believe in and of themselves the people know that, the outrage really comes from having an "outsider" point it out.
John 7 years, 2 months ago
And these ‘shithole’ countries in the Caribbean, South America and Africa need to use their purchasing power and stop buying American products. The think the countries have in common is they are all black! And you failed to mention that Trump cancelled his trip to London. He claims he doesn’t want to cut a ribbon to a new embassy built by Obama. Truth is London doesn’t want Trump!
John 7 years, 2 months ago
Many Americans are embarrassed by their president. They look at Trump as a family member who is alcoholic or on drugs that no one wants to talk about. But if Bible prophecy is being fulfilled Trump will either get a second term or he will do things in a very short time that will stun the world.
Porcupine 7 years, 2 months ago
The comments on this thread are indicative of why The Bahamas is in the state that it is in, and why nothing will change in the near future. John, you are a lost soul. A danger to yourself, because you believe you are smart. You are like one of the kids in school who held everyone back because you always thought you had something relevant to say. Not.
John 7 years, 2 months ago
A porcupine is a rodent with a body covering of sharp spines to protect itself against predators. Unfortunately the truth and revelations in this forum are getting beneath that covering of sharp spines and, in fact, under the skin of the porcupine who is not use to being challenged beyond the tips of his thistles.
John 7 years, 2 months ago
Then too porcupines may be related to the skunk, who has well developed anal muscles to release near toxic odors when it, too feels threatened. The skunk is known for making its home in nests built by other animals. oK then.
John 7 years, 2 months ago
They are known for making their homes in nests built by others...
John 7 years, 2 months ago
Interesting to see how the stock market will respond to President Trumps’s “shi..... nation’ comments will affect the stock market today. Interesting to see how Fox News still trying to defend Trump’s statement.
C2B 7 years, 2 months ago
John; hook a brother up. Where you getting the chronic? Respect.
observer2 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi John, stock market futures are indicating another record breaking day to the upside.
John 7 years, 2 months ago
Good to know my investments weren't affected
proudloudandfnm 7 years, 2 months ago
I would not go to fishfry. I won't let my kids go either.
ashley14 7 years, 2 months ago
Seriously if Bahamians think Fish Fry and other places that I've read in the past are unsafe, so where is safe. I'm a white American that loves all of the Bahamas Island's am I limited to Paradise Island in Nassau or are there different areas to avoid. Am I safe in the company of Bahamian friends. I love the people. I'm not the average tourist that checks into the resort and other than excursions stays put.
sheeprunner12 7 years, 2 months ago
You need to visit the Real Bahamas ....... islands south of New Providence
242gyal 7 years, 2 months ago
Place is dump. Fish Fry is disgusting. Walk around out behind any one of them to see rats and flies and filth. I don't know why a tourist would want to go. And asses hanging around cursing and sucking teeth. Not a place I'd showcase ever.
ashley14 7 years, 2 months ago
Most of the time when we have conch we go down to the docks in the morning, buy some conch and fish go home and make boiled fish for breakfast then conch salad for later. I have had fisherman offer to make us some of their awesome conch salad, and I'll say it's awesome.
xaminmo 7 years, 1 month ago
Tourism and spending is all about having a warm-fuzzy feeling. The MoT is likely just frustrated because this notice from the US State Dept reduces the warm-fuzzy feeling.
. On the one hand, it looks like a knee-jerk reaction to one crime event. The per-capita homicide rate in the Bahamas is six times that of the US. Having an escalation in warning after one event seems like a public shaming for lack of local police effectiveness. . On the other hand, this was spawned by a drive-by shooting with no one identified of arrested. There's already a police presence nearby. The Sand Trap has been under advisory since 2016. The implication is that the local police are losing ground with regards to safety in popular tourist areas. . My thought is that this is an economic factor. Some people see it as easier to scare off customers at a successful location rather than to build something better at another location. Perhaps someone is upset at one or more of the business owners, and the others are afraid to speak up. Alternatively, it could be someone resentful of these tourists/embassy people and their attitudes. . Any which way, I think a swift and decisive action by local police would go a long way to reestablishing confidence. This is definitely a risk to the economy to have an escalated warning like this.
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