This is unbelievable. Given the concern regarding juror intimidation, this is extremely reckless. I suggest everyone on this list file a formal complaint with the Data Protection Commissioner.
Here is what I would tell the judge if called on to give a reason why I believe I could not impartially serve as a juror:
"My Lord I must confess that I fear for my life and the lives of my family members because an arm of this Court has caused my home address to be made known to the defendant, his family members and friends thereby significantly increasing the possibility that I and my family members would be put in harms way through intimidation and/or retaliation tactics connected to my role as a juror. It is for this very reason that I, myself, have never caused my name and home address to be listed in any public directory."
The time for using a jury is almost over .......... Just use Judges ....... Juries get n the way of smooth flow of cases ......... Too much defendant threats, lawyer objections, public costs and jury leaks in this social media era. Administrators and Magistrates do their jobs solo ....... so why SC Judges cannot do theirs?????? ....... If appealed, three Judges will be on the Court of Appeal.
Carl needs to make some more changes.
Just set up a Bahamian-style Judge Judy show and get rid of all of those stupid minor cases in 15 minutes (each) ............ and the 100,000+ cases in the court backlog could be gone in 2-3 years.
There is a civil servant in a office somewhere,.. ,.............. ..........
Who cant be fired and so doesn't care,.. ........... ............. ......
Thought that to put the jury's addresses online, ............... ............. .....
Would be a brilliant idea, almost divine,. ........... .............. .....
It would bring the court system up to date, ... ... ... ... ....
And smart-phone owners would surely relate, .......... ... .. ...
Unfortunately not thought right through, ........ ........... ........... ....
Those picked for this duty really rue, ................. .............. ... ............
having their names and addressees so easy to find, ........... ............ ....
If ever empaneled they better watch their Be*.
Ma Comrade Braddas, if jury members going to sit in judgment of an accused's innocence or guilt - you damn-well need for the identity of jury members be known. Let's not forget if convicted, an accused can potentially lose his or her freedom for years. Every aspect trial should never go unscrutinized, and the courtrooms doors and all should be swung wide-open and the identities of jurors must be ascertainable. An accused has a right know if a jury member is hiding something that may be bias towards the accused. You can't just snatch away me freedom, and in secret.
242gyal 7 years, 2 months ago
Seriously?!? Published with addresses?? I for sure would not want to get in that jury box - I'd move first! Backward ass f&^#ing country!
seamphony 7 years, 2 months ago
This is unbelievable. Given the concern regarding juror intimidation, this is extremely reckless. I suggest everyone on this list file a formal complaint with the Data Protection Commissioner. (242) 702-1552 / 1534
Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 2 months ago
Here is what I would tell the judge if called on to give a reason why I believe I could not impartially serve as a juror:
"My Lord I must confess that I fear for my life and the lives of my family members because an arm of this Court has caused my home address to be made known to the defendant, his family members and friends thereby significantly increasing the possibility that I and my family members would be put in harms way through intimidation and/or retaliation tactics connected to my role as a juror. It is for this very reason that I, myself, have never caused my name and home address to be listed in any public directory."
sheeprunner12 7 years, 2 months ago
The time for using a jury is almost over .......... Just use Judges ....... Juries get n the way of smooth flow of cases ......... Too much defendant threats, lawyer objections, public costs and jury leaks in this social media era. Administrators and Magistrates do their jobs solo ....... so why SC Judges cannot do theirs?????? ....... If appealed, three Judges will be on the Court of Appeal. Carl needs to make some more changes.
sheeprunner12 7 years, 2 months ago
Just set up a Bahamian-style Judge Judy show and get rid of all of those stupid minor cases in 15 minutes (each) ............ and the 100,000+ cases in the court backlog could be gone in 2-3 years.
Gotoutintime 7 years, 2 months ago
Good ideas!
B_I_D___ 7 years, 2 months ago
I am on that list, and it is EXTREMELY disturbing that my address is published...NOT COOL.
hrysippus 7 years, 2 months ago
There is a civil servant in a office somewhere,.. ,.............. .......... Who cant be fired and so doesn't care,.. ........... ............. ...... Thought that to put the jury's addresses online, ............... ............. ..... Would be a brilliant idea, almost divine,. ........... .............. ..... It would bring the court system up to date, ... ... ... ... .... And smart-phone owners would surely relate, .......... ... .. ... Unfortunately not thought right through, ........ ........... ........... .... Those picked for this duty really rue, ................. .............. ... ............ having their names and addressees so easy to find, ........... ............ .... If ever empaneled they better watch their Be*.
bahamama 7 years, 2 months ago
What in the actual hell was the person who created this thinking?! This is essentially a hit list!!
TalRussell 7 years, 2 months ago
Ma Comrade Braddas, if jury members going to sit in judgment of an accused's innocence or guilt - you damn-well need for the identity of jury members be known. Let's not forget if convicted, an accused can potentially lose his or her freedom for years. Every aspect trial should never go unscrutinized, and the courtrooms doors and all should be swung wide-open and the identities of jurors must be ascertainable. An accused has a right know if a jury member is hiding something that may be bias towards the accused. You can't just snatch away me freedom, and in secret.
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