Tribune Chief Reporter
A UNIVERSITY of The Bahamas student is in recovery after being struck by a car while crossing the street.
The student was struck by a Suzuki Swift while using the pedestrian crossing on University Drive, which leads to the Michael H Eldon Complex (MHE).
The accident took place on Wednesday at 3.15pm, according to UB, who confirmed on Friday that police are investigating.
“We wish to advise that the safety and wellbeing of UB students, faculty, staff and the public is of utmost concern,” according to a UB press statement.
“This is particularly important as they traverse the Oakes Field Campus.
“In recent months, UB has purchased and installed pedestrian crossing lights and the Ministry of Works has improved road markings leading to the MHE pedestrian crossing.
It continued: “We wish to urge drivers in the vicinity of our university campuses to please adhere to the speed limit, obey road signs and take extra precaution in pedestrian zones.”
“UB remains in communication with the family of the student involved in the accident and our community is praying for her recovery.”
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 1 month ago
Look out for the students yes, but they are old enough to use the street responsibly. They cross those roads like ants. They walk into the road without a break "expecting" cars to automatically stop. Pedestrians have a responsibility as well. Drivers can get distracted and you'll never win the battle between human bones and steel.
SP 7 years, 1 month ago
Where is the caution for students crossing the road? Some of these kids have a "knock me if you can attitude" and no respect for the motorist.
How stupid does a person have to be to get struck while using a pedestrian crossing? Had this student used the pedestrian crossing properly and waited for traffic to stop from both directions before casually wandering into the street, this accident couldn't have happened!
UserOne 7 years, 1 month ago
Were you there? Did you see what happened? I didn't think so.
carmichaelrdgal 7 years, 1 month ago
No matter how they (students) crosses the road, drivers must pay attention on the street. Most of these small cars are being driven like drunk fools. They have no concern for road safety. Not because they small they should speed or over take everything in sight. if you check the majority of them they have already been damaged. Now they have pay for medical & legal expense plus spend time checking on the progress of that child.
ThisIsOurs 7 years, 1 month ago
It's not a matter of whether or not drivers "should" get distracted, the fact is they do. As a pedestrian its your responsibility to look both ways, make sure it's clear or make sure the driver sees you, this is what we were taught when we when I was young, it seems like sense to me. Since people weren't driving as crazy as they are today it seems like even more sense. Now, it IS also the driver's responsibility not to get distracted, but again, in the battle of "who was wrong", the car will always win, so look both ways, make sure they see you and proceed with caution.
Those COB students are especially irresponsible pedestrians. That's a general statement, I don't know the details of this case, hoping she recovers completely.
sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago
It is high time that UB campus be FULLY enclosed ........ It is stupid to have such a haphazard university campus that is divided by a main public road - a so-called "University Drive"
But the PLP was only interested in opening a "university" and naming a road ........ either block the road at the junction of Moss Road and buy up the properties on the opposite side of the road and wall in the full campus ......... or put in an overpass to join the two sides of the campus.
bogart 7 years, 1 month ago
...not the first time. Overhead walkway or underground passway needed. Recover funds from alleged staff overpay and build one.
SP 7 years, 1 month ago
This is not a new problem. I recommended an overpass walkway to then minister Hanna Martin during a talk show and she completely blew the idea away with a frivolous excuse why they couldn't do it.
Only in the Bahamas!!
BahamaRed 7 years, 1 month ago
What's stupid is a motorist in a school zone not paying attention. Fact is pedestrians and motorists in The Bahamas don't know how to use the road.
Pedestrians crossing when and where ever they feel like with no indications, and to top it off sauntering like they own the road and daring anyone to hit them.
Motorist don't even recognize pedestrian crossings and you'd stand there all day for someone to let you cross. I've witness it myself....
Fact is on both ends Bahamians have a blatant disregard for road safety.
TheMadHatter 7 years, 1 month ago
Pedestrians not old enough to drive many times dont realize that just because a driver hits the brakes doesnt mean the car will immediately stop. Wet roads, bald tires, heavier than normal load due to more passengers or luggage. But they think the brake pedal is a magical thing that can make a car stop if you step right out in front of them. Add to this reality a STINK attitude on both sides of the fence and you a have a problem in the making.
That being said, i also pray for her full recovery.
licks2 7 years, 1 month ago
I agree that the students are given the right-of-way at that crossing. . .but I always look at how they "bum rush" the cross walk without making a "pause" to make sure the drivers are aware that they will cross. I have seen on many occasions that students students and drives both approaching the cross walk. . .the driver just a few feet from the cross and the student just a few feet walking toward the crossing. . .both moving at their usual walking and driving speed. . .the students tend to just "jump" right out into the street without a pause and the driver is too close to just "jam breaks" to avoid the student. . .with other drivers right up on their tails! So the "startled" driver cannot stop and the student just keeps on walking. . .driver and walker coming very close to colliding with each other! I have seen this "mix" time after time. . .myself had a few of them as well! Students need to get their collective you know what in a pile and use the crossing with some sense!
sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago
These are so-called "university students" ........ imagine the regulars out there.
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