Three held after $3.85m drug bust

Eighty-four crocus bags, with a weight of 3.85lbs and an estimated street value of $3,850,000 were recovered.

Eighty-four crocus bags, with a weight of 3.85lbs and an estimated street value of $3,850,000 were recovered.

THREE men are in custody after a multi-agency task force intercepted a go fast boat in waters off South Andros and recovered nearly four thousand pounds of suspected marijuana.

The $3.85m seizure was made on Thursday shortly after 3pm by the Drug Enforcement Unit, assisted by the marine support officers, US Drug Enforcement agents and the US Coast Guard.

A search of the vessel recovered 84 crocus bags, with a weight of 3,850lbs and an estimated street value of $3,850,000.

Police also recovered two illegal firearms in separate matters on Thursday, according to police press liaison Assistant Superintendent Shanta Knowles, who said no arrests were made.

“In the first incident,” she said, “shortly after 10:00am, South Central Officers, assisted by Officers from the Royal Bahamas Defense Force, were on routine patrols on First Street off Robinson Road, when they observed a male standing on the side of the street.

“The male upon seeing the officers, pulled an object from his waist, threw it to the ground and ran, making good his escape. The officers searched the area and recovered a 9 millimeter pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition.

Ms Knowles said: “In the second incident, shortly before 7:00pm, South Central Officers acting on information, conducted a search of an abandon building on Hutchinson Street off Poinciana Drive and recovered a .380 pistol.”

“Investigations are ongoing,” she added.


Greentea 6 years, 5 months ago

This is a bunch of foolishness. Release those entrepreneurs and send this batch as a goodwill gesture to Canada.

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 4 months ago

They're operating OUTSIDE the law. This is not a rose colored glasses industry. All these killings and drive by shootings are over drugs. Making it legal won't change that. These guys are not "innocent" babes. They weren't arrested for a "small" amount of marijuana for personal use.

If it's illegal, don't do it. Plain and simple.

paul_vincent_zecchino 6 years, 4 months ago

Since Colorado legalized marijuana, traffic accidents have increased markedly thanks to drivers incapacitated by marijuana.

Colorad has become a stupid-magnet, attracting all manner of new residents comprised of losers who move there for the sole purpose of smoking marijuana. Business owners who've hired them say they're unreliable and often quit soon after being hired or they must be fired due to petty crimes and their diminished mental state.

Canada will pay a price for little Trudeau's - castro's illegitimate kid - vanity.

DDK 6 years, 4 months ago

A good portion of Bahamian employees get stoned on the job daily, or have a smoke on the way to work. Many of our driving accidents are probably equally attributable to driving under the influence of alcoholic and/or weed pleasures. I still feel possession of small amounts for personal use and a few plants in the garden should be decriminalized, while at the same time strict fines and penalties should be applied for driving under the influence and the work place should set its own strict rules for intoxication on the job.....

concernedcitizen 6 years, 4 months ago

@ paul Vincent,,,you watch too much Fox news,,the same people that were smoking before legalization are still smoking weed ,the people that were driving high are driving now we just know how to test better ,By 14,15 years old most have tried weed and those who like it continue to smoke , some I know are successful people in their 60, and 70,s

Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 4 months ago

LMAO. You obviously have a warped definition of successful.

Porcupine 6 years, 4 months ago

With all due respect ThisisOurs, there is ample evidence that all of the web shop operators were operating OUTSIDE the law, up until the law was changed, albeit against our will, and being able to keep their illegal proceeds to start up "legitimate businesses". But, they are not in jail in our "justice confused" society, are they? 90%, no probably 95%, of the drivers in Nassau break the law daily. The web shops and traffic violators probably cause many more deaths than the drugs ever will. The killings and drive by shootings are not over drugs. They are over greed. Eliminate drugs completely, and we would still have killings "over money" to buy food for their kids. Until we can improve the social conditions in our society, this destitute group of people will do what they must to survive. It seems even the bible sanctions otherwise illegal activity in order to feed your family. In fact, that excuse is used every time someone gets caught with a boat load of "illegal" conch or crawfish. "I was just getting a meal." Works every time.

BahamaPundit 6 years, 4 months ago

Legalise weed and join Canada in prosperity!

TalRussell 6 years, 4 months ago

Kinda weird comments this story are allowed by media but not in the ridiculously charging and sentencing in the case of the comrade American sister - fined $3,000 for accommodating her brother to overstay his stay his visit in country by a mere" 20" days..... will face 6 months imprisonment if the fine is not paid. Really, are we that $3,000 starved for be levying fines overstaying but "20" days on one we Banana Republic cash strapped colony's of islands... Maybe the Americans need start fining we citizens $3,000 under penalty 6 months jail time if you dare be overstaying your legal arrival visiting time in their former British colony for but a mere 20 days? Sometimes we immigration officials shouldn't be asking we judges to participate in enforcing the most ridiculous cash generators criminal laws remaining on we books.

Bonefishpete 6 years, 4 months ago

As more states and countries legalize marijuana and these tourists visit the Bahamas and get arrested for smoking what IS legal where they come from, they simply will go elsewhere.

Bahamas should get ahead of this but most certainly won't.

Gotoutintime 6 years, 4 months ago

I guess that was their personal stash!

sheeprunner12 6 years, 4 months ago

Funny how US Coast Guard/DEU/OpBAT etc. can catch the drug dealers' go-fast boat ........... but cannot efficiently detect the slow moving Haitian sloops and the Dominican fishing fleets .......... Where are the satellites, drones etc ????????? ................Conspiracy??????????

DDK 6 years, 4 months ago

Interesting, isn't it?

PastorTroy 6 years, 4 months ago

Canada our friendly neighbor to the north is raking in the cash to pay off its deficit rather than taxing the crap out of its people like The Bahamas. We? not so much, "Massa is there anything else you need me to do?" MASSA REPLY: "Down boy, wait till I whistle before you approach the porch" --------- But then again weed is illegal so, LEO's are just following the law, which is made by Lawmakers. I THINK IT'S TIME TO......(((VOTE THEM OUTTT!!!)))

sheeprunner12 6 years, 4 months ago

Do you really want us to go down the immoral, liberal road that Canada is on ......... God forbid.

But many Bahamians are being attracted to the shiny object ......... God forbid.

DWW 6 years, 4 months ago

Why are almost all of these comments so completely inarguable assinine? You pundits are perfectly suited to draggin down the national intelligence level

Bonefishpete 6 years, 4 months ago

Yes we all know how much better the Bahamas is doing in business, housing, education, crime prevention, food production, manufacturing than Canada. Nothing at all can be learned from them.

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