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Do you think Celebrity Eco Adventures' swimming pigs operation should be shut down?
- Yes, it should be shut down
- No, it should not be shut down
345 total votes.
Tribune Staff Reporter
AMID calls for the removal of a group of pigs from a west Grand Bahama “swimming pigs” venture over allegations of inhumane treatment toward the animals, two Cabinet ministers whose portfolios govern separate aspects of such operations have declined to address it.
Both Tourism Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar and Agriculture Minister Michael Pintard this week have skirted the issue, with the former deferring comment to the latter, who, when contacted yesterday said he was still waiting on a report on the operation.
The Tribune on Tuesday reported concerns related to Celebrity Eco Adventures which has come under fire for the way its 19 pigs are housed and treated.
Among the concerns raised and shared across social media this week is the “remote rock” the pigs are kept on.
The “rock”, which reportedly doesn’t provide any space for fresh water wallowing (the process of mud bathing) or adequate feeding, has led animal protectionists and activists to call for the outright closure of the operation. One such post by Canadian travel blogger Kennidy Fisher, the person behind the “Kennidy From Canada” travel blog, described a recent trip with Celebrity Eco Adventures as “heartbreaking”.
Accounts like this have reportedly poured into the Grand Bahama Humane Society (GBHS), according to executive director Tip Burrows, who this week said those concerns have been subsequently forwarded to the Ministry of Tourism, Department of Agriculture and the Grand Bahama Tourism Board.
Since Ms Fisher’s Facebook post, GBHS has taken to social media to call for other concerned citizens to bombard these government offices with “respectful, polite calls and emails” to advocate for the pigs’ removal from the rock and relocation to a “suitable enclosure on dry land, with ample space, shade, shelter and wallow area”.
A similar feat was achieved by the GBHS in the past, but only temporarily.
Celebrity Eco Adventures has faced negative criticism on social media over concerns about the treatment of its pigs. The company also had some negative reviews on travel website TripAdvisor.
When asked about the negative publicity, Mr D’Aguilar said the issue had more to do with the Ministry of Agriculture, which he referred The Tribune to for comment.
For his part, Mr Pintard when contacted yesterday confirmed that his ministry had dispatched officials to visit and review the site.
He said once that review is complete and a report is filed, a determination can be made related to Celebrity Eco Adventures.
“This isn’t the sort of thing that is resolved in one day, you know. I am waiting on a report related to that matter. When I get that, I will comment further,” he said.
ThisIsOurs 5 years, 11 months ago
They'll address it when an international animal rights groups starts asking people to boycott ALL swimming pigs operations in the Bahamas
Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 11 months ago
Or when the likes of Amnesty International start paying QC Smith to save and protect these swimming pigs. LMAO
truetruebahamian 5 years, 11 months ago
By now your A should have fallen O, but the treatment of these animals isn't funny and they should come up with an original thought rather than trying to crudely and cheaply 'piggy' back on someone else's idea. I hope that they are shut down.
BMW 5 years, 11 months ago
They should be shut down but there is a political connection by way of family. I know where this small barren piece of rock is and I will tell you those pigs are suffering. The winds are out of the southeast at approx.20/25 knots and the pigs are not secure or being treated humanely. We are a cruel people!
Chucky 5 years, 11 months ago
doesnt matter; "animals cant feel pain"
DDK 5 years, 11 months ago
Send the two ministers to the rock to camp out for the Easter weekend!
gangof4 5 years, 11 months ago
As the article suggests, this falls under the responsibility of the MoA, but as far as I know (and have observed in the past) the purview of the MoA is not to take into account whether animals in a commercial entity are kept in a "humane fashion" but rather to make sure that these businesses are following the basic "everyday" rules required to get a business license in order to operate.
The "humane" treatment of animals across the board in the Bahamas, appears to be generally left to the various animal-related NGO's that exists here (the Bahamas Humane Society, the Grand Bahama Humane Society, Baark, etc), but as the Tribune editorial of last Tuesday April 16th "You Can’T Get Lost In The Animal Rights Talk." Oh Yes You Can - And Must" points out, because the Animal Protection & Control Act has never been ratified/passed in parliament, then there is very little legally that these particular organizations can do in order to enforce the laws regarding the basic humane treatment of animals in our country.
I have observed countless examples both in the press and some personally - the various horse related issues in Harbour Island and Rock Sound in the past; the living conditions of many of our Surrey Horses here in Nassau; the condition of animals in some retail pet shop operations (one off Market Street in particular); and some animal-themed businesses like the one in question now - where the MoA has obviously gone along and approved these businesses in order to obtain a business license - the proprietor of Celebrity Eco Adventures clearly states this in a previous article. However, when it comes to the sorry condition of the animals in many of these particular situations, the MoA seems to have been mostly silent or paid basic "lip service" to these problems after an out-roar such as this occurs.
So I'm afraid that until the various governments of the day get serious and actually go the first step in passing this particular piece of legislation, in my humble opinion, these types of vexing issues will play out time and time again. .
sheeprunner12 5 years, 11 months ago
The pigs saga is just like the Fyre Festival saga and the pleasure craft explosion case ........ A little bit of hot air from the Ministers-that-be ......... then collusion and silence.
There is NO sense of Government culpability and accountability when these rogue operators and PEPs are caught red-handed doing all kinds of illegal, corrupt, and unethical activities that hurt our national image.
John 5 years, 11 months ago
How many Minister can actually swim? So the pigs beat them! Unlike slavery the pigs have an opportunity to swim away, ok then!
timchuck 5 years, 11 months ago
Free the pigs
licks2 5 years, 11 months ago
sheeprunner12 5 years, 11 months ago
Pindling and his cronies founded a Junkanoo group called "The PIGS" ............. Go figger
licks2 5 years, 11 months ago
Free the pigs on the cay. . .when ya done go down the road a buy me pound of ham. . .and don't forget that leg of sausage I need for selling 99 cents breakfasts!! Anybody for some fresh pork, white rice and cold slaw?? I am making sense yet? Free a few pigs from a cay. . .BUT KEEP THE BILLIONS KEPT AROUND THE WORLD FOR US TO EAT. . .WHERE? IN LITTLE PENS ONLY BIG ENOUGH FOR THEM TO TURN AROUND. . .WITH CONCRETE FLOORS. . .NO MUD TO ROLL IN. . .FROM BIRTH TO DEATH!!
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