FNM to mark anniversary of 1992 victory with Grand Bahama activities


Tribune Freeport Reporter


THE Free National Movement will commemorate the anniversary of its August 19, 1992 victory at the polls with several activities here on Grand Bahama, including a church service, and back to school giveaways, starting this weekend.

According to a press release, back to school giveaways will be held on Saturday, August 17, in East Grand Bahama at the constituency Headquarters; in Marco City at the Sir Jack Hayward School, and in Central Grand Bahama at the Anita Doherty Park.

A church service will be held 9am Sunday, August 18, at New Life Worship Centre off Coral Road, Freeport, with Pastor Simeon Outten.

On Thursday, August 29, back to school giveaways will be held in Bimini; and on Friday, August 30, in West End; and on Saturday, August 31, there will be a Pineridge back to school giveaway and cookout at FNM headquarters.

David Thompson, chairman of FNM Council in Grand Bahama, is encouraging persons to support all events, including the FNM Torchbearers Youth Convention under the theme – “A Future Secured: Access Granted” at the Melia Nassau Beach Resort, Nassau. The evening sessions will be broadcast live over ZNS TV at 7pm.

"We in the FNM treasure our history and accomplishments as we work hard daily to shape our vision of a better future for every Bahamian and to make our country a new and better Bahamas for all of us," the statement read.

On the 19th August 1992, the FNM defeated the PLP at the polls and became the Government of The Bahamas for the very first time in the party’s history.

"Today as we celebrate that historic victory and as we once again enjoy your support and your confidence, we in the FNM promise that we will continue our labour to make our Bahamas a New and Better Bahamas,” Mr Thompson said.

"August 19, 1992 was a defining moment in Bahamian history, and Monday, 19th August 2019 will mark 27 years since the FNM under the leadership of The Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham, brought deliverance, transformation and real change for all Bahamians and filled us all with exuberance and hope as a new day had come!"

"Our celebration is a celebration of better governance, improved healthcare, better education, enhanced justice, greater economic opportunities, upgraded infrastructure, deepened democracy, ‘Freedom of the airways’, Family Island elected Local Government, social justice and the achievement of international respect.

"These achievements were and remain the result of great foresight, deliberate and careful efforts on the part of the FNM Government during four non-consecutive terms in office, including the latest opportunity given to us to serve you on 10th May 2017 under the dynamic leadership of the Most Honourable Dr Hubert A Minnis, Prime Minister and Member of Parliament for Killarney, and his capable administration."


Giordano 5 years, 7 months ago

Ok. Both parties PLP & FNM have been served the nation with so much "Wrongdoings than good doing" and this is because their leaders put their personal interests much more above the nation's interests so obvious . I invite anyone to go back,in time, and just "eyeball" parties leaders' behavior from starting to outgoing time then coming back and repeating a more severe cycle of abuse in detriment of futures ,innocent generations. All of these actions are committed under an apparent big time impunity so far because of ignorant people's complicity and lack of courage to combat corruption and establishing decency,dignity,respect,civism and nearing all moral values. Both parties shed overwhelming evidences of corruption during and after exercising elected and appointed public posts with all sticky fingers on action around "The Coockies' Tank". These parties leaders seem to perpetuate these ugly activities of abusing the public pulse without any remorse . Where are we going from here.? I would recommend :

1) To arrest,immediately, "The Gang of Four" and their immediate collaborators or accomplices. It's very easy to figure out who they are. Let's make them to bring the money back to the fisco or public pulse or national treasury.

2) Let's claim to "The Crown", this mean to The Qween Of England as The Head Of Estate,to do their part and HELP US TO STOP this perpetuation of wrongdoing : Corruption,murders,abuses,Humiliations,Victimisations. This list can go very long.

3)Let's do some political reform,starting by making SOME CHANGES about the composition of Bahamian Parlament and CREATE there,at least, FOUR SEATS ONLY FOR EMERGING LEADERS so we always have somebody in those seats,to challenge the PM and his government. Any well depurated,Bahamian citizen could be able to register and run for those seats even if they get very minimum amount of votes in a general election. Those seats will be reserved only for properly register Emerging Leaders. They don't necessarily need a party,they need votes.

4) Let's make it,constitutionally mandatory,for every six citizens living in The Bahamas,we would need one Police officer in order to keep The Bahamas Safe. This will be a ratio of 6 : 1. So we can have police everywhere exercising best approach to fight crime and taking illegal guns from the hands of civilians as well as illegal immigrants,drugs and all kind of criminals without any distinction. Let's get the country back !!. We deserve a real better.... Bahamas!.

proudloudandfnm 5 years, 7 months ago

That's roughly 60,000 police officers....

Where the money ga come from to pay them?

And what's this gang of four? Never heard of it...

TalRussell 5 years, 7 months ago

Wasn't the comrade MP for East Grand Bahama KP, not just referencing the Unions about putting flies in ointment?
Wonder if KP now knows that no less than 15 flies buzzing around bagels, cutlery kept in soiled water, sneeze guards that don’t work, improperly stored chicken, an ice machine with “black debris,” and brown water spewing from shower hoses in the medical centre ....... these are among the dozens of deficiencies that led the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to slap the Carnival Cruise Line (CCL) ship “Fantasy” with one of the worst sanitation inspection reports the Miami-based company has ever received.
The most recent lengthy list of infractions also includes accounts of a crew members experiencing symptoms of acute gastroenteritis that were not properly handled.
Sounds likes nasty operated cruise ship be sailing seas loaded likes 2000 passengers ......

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