THE Democratic National Alliance doesn't stand a chance of winning the upcoming general election, PLP leader Perry Christie declared last night.
Speaking at a rally in Abaco, Mr Christie said he wanted to make a "very special appeal" to all voters who are thinking about supporting the DNA.
He said: "You all know the DNA doesn't have a shot at winning. But some of you want to raise your voices in protest.
"I want to tell you tonight that in the PLP, your voices have already been heard.
"But let's be honest - if you vote DNA, you're only helping the FNM to stay in power. And if that were to happen, you'd spend the next five years regretting that outcome - you know you will."
This election, Mr Christie said, the PLP is offering up a new generation of leaders who will play an important role in helping him to govern.
He said: "This continues the Pindling tradition. Sir Lynden was the farthest thing from a one-man band - he always had the best and the brightest around him, and I do, too."
By contrast, Mr Christie said, the FNM does not believe in collaboration.
He said Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham "doesn't even think he needs a deputy leader anymore - that spot has been empty for a long time now."
The PLP leader went on to claim the Prime Minister never talks about his candidates, "because they don't matter to him" - as Mr Ingraham is a "one-man band".
Mr Christie added: "The PLP is already changing; a new generation is being lifted up. And we are ready to make big changes starting day one."
annicer 12 years, 10 months ago
People will be surprise at how many votes the DNA will take from both parties! Don't count them out.
mybiggerpapa 12 years, 10 months ago
Mr. Christie all those leglislative bills which the FNM delivered, delivered, delivered and delivered had you and your party's PLP collaboration. It is hard to tell the people that there was no collaboration including the passage of bills which it is claimed brought hardship to the people. Really, really now, If you can convince the people that if Her Royal Majesty's loyal Opposition was on vacation and not in Parliament then the arguement of no collaboration is valid. Let's face it you cannot pin any of the blame on the DNA party which has not yet been elected to the hallowed chambers of the people's office. When we are elected on Monday we hope you will correct the erroneous statements about the DNA not winning. Good luck at the polls for all Candidates and may the best party win.
Rontom 12 years, 10 months ago
In my humble opinion, you have just unwittingly underscored the Achilles heel of the DNA PARTY i.e. NO LEGISLATIVE EXPERIENCE but for Mr McCartney. In our form of parliamentary system (although it really is not reported on, or paid attention to), it really DOES require a collaboration with the Opposition to have Bills passed AND it is passing of BILLS that results in either a win or loss for the governing Party. REALLY. The DNA scares me because they either know better and are too ANGRY to govern by consensus, or, they really do not know and too naive about governance and the responsibility that comes with it.
Philosopher_King 12 years, 10 months ago
There has never been a PM or government that has governed by real consensus in The Bahamas. In fact the Dear Maximum Leaders and his spineless minions in ’07 won by the narrowest of margins by seats and was the first government with less than 50% of the popular vote ever and he force fed down the people of the Bahamas all the legislative and executive decisions he could pack in 5 years. What we have is virtual dictatorship form of government, and if the DNA can win 3-6 seats this time they may force a coalition or at least force both these relic parties to start realizing you can't take the people for granted while you serve only a select few interests in the country. You don’t need to win to be relevant in a true Parliamentary form of government, far to many people whipped up in to tribal fervor and will be voting against there own self interest just because they want to be backing the wining horse, rather than looking true representative government.
Victor 12 years, 10 months ago
The idea that King Ping was not a 'one man band' as Christie claims is laughable. Everyone knows that what he said in the PLP was what went. SLOP ruled his party with an iron fist and if anyone objected, they were made to 'get out of the boat'. It's true that Christie has a very different leadership style, but he's gone to the other extreme and he's a wishy-washy ballsless leader who no one respects. Mr. Ingraham seems to have the right balance to me.
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