Parties in row over 'tourism contract'


Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace faces probe.

A ROW erupted between the two major parties last night over claims the government has been fooled into signing tourism contracts worth more than $2 million.

The PLP, which raised the issue, claims to have uncovered a "major scandal", but the FNM called it a "wild allegation" that is completely false, and a "disgraceful" personal attack on Tourism Minister Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace.

At the centre of the issue is an alleged contract for marketing services for the ministry, apparently signed in August 2010. The PLP claims it has proof that the American company hired misled the government, never performed the services claimed, and ultimately had its contract cancelled.

But, Mr Vanderpool-Wallace said it is clear the PLP's source does not have all the facts, as the ministry's marketing efforts have saved the country millions.

He said: "These last minute accusations from the PLP are just a continuation of their strategy of disseminating overblown accusations or outright falsehoods.

"It is clear that the PLP has decided that since they cannot address the significant growth in tourism that the Bahamas is currently experiencing, nor can they deny the significant loss of air arrivals that came as a result of their ineptitude, they are now grasping at straws to attack the bearer of the facts."

In the PLP's claims, the party suggests that a US-based marketing firm purported that it had a qualified board of directors, and staffing to provide the Ministry of Tourism with its services.

However, the PLP claims that the company did not have any such directors or staffing and was only comprised of a single individual.

The contract with this company is reported to be in the amount of $1,650,000 - paid in quarterly instalments of $137,500 from September 1, 2010.

The PLP also claimed the Ministry signed a contract with a second company, Destination Solutions, to attract increased visitors and tourism revenue as well as to handle booking arrangements through Bahams.com and electronically driven bookings supported by a call-centre operation.

This company likewise was criticised by the PLP for having only been formed three days before it was awarded the contract by the Ministry of Tourism.

Additionally, the PLP said, the owner of the first company is a principal of the second.

Addressing these accusations last night, Mr Vanderpool-Wallace said: "The simple fact is that there is no contract with the company that they describe as Destination Solutions-LLC.

"It is also clear that their source of the information does not have all of the facts and if they did, they would recognise that the marketing services arrangements of the Ministry of Tourism are saving the country and the Ministry millions in fees compared to previous arrangements."

Last night, FNM spokesperson Tommy Turnquest said: "The PLP seems to think that making wild allegations and innuendo makes a scandal. The PLP should know better. The list of scandals in the PLP's administration is longer than the list of actual achievements.

"The people slinging these accusations are the same people who tried to sell off Mayaguana for next to nothing. The same people responsible for the Korean fishing boat scandals, the Harachi scandal, Anna Nicole Smith and a long list of other disgraceful acts.

"This shameless and baseless attack is just one more disgraceful act from a party desperate to regain power at any cost," Mr Turnquest said.

Before the row broke out yesterday, the FNM released a statement dismissing the PLP's promise to create Bahamian ownership and government support in the tourism industry

The governing party said: "The abysmal track record of the PLP regarding tourism investment deals shows that this party has a history of backdoor deals, which sell out Bahamians while benefiting a select few well-connected cronies.

"Perry Christie and the PLPs promised to 'give priority to Bahamians . . . in all circumstances and opportunities for development'.

"Instead, under the pretence of a joint venture and 'new model for the Family Islands', Perry Christie, Allyson Maynard Gibson and the PLP government tabled legislation to enable the 'greatest land giveaway of our time' to the Boston based I-Group, which openly supported the PLP's 2007 election efforts.

"The party slated for sale nearly 10,000 acres of waterfront and beach-front Crown Land as well as significant wetlands at prices well below market value. Imagine if foreigners owned all the coastal land from the eastern end of New Providence to Lyford Cay, relegating local residents and any future tourism development only to the interior sections of the island.

"True to character, the Christie administration ignored the 'small man', with citizens of Mayaguana protesting the potentially severe limitations to beach access and opportunities for land ownership for them and their children.

"They don't deserve a second chance and we can't afford the risk of gambling our future."


TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago

If the allegations of the going on's within the ministry turn out to be true, it could very well be the smoking gun to bring this FNM regime to its knees on General Elections Day? The PM was asked directly by a reporter of another major media source and he answered a lot but never did answer the question about the serious allegations put to him by the reporter. Comrades if this alleged questionable contract is in place under the always watchful eyes of this FNM PM, who just happens to be the finance minister, then he would have authorized payments. Comrades if true all hell will break loose, cause there is no possible way the PM/finance minister of the natives money, can charm is way out of responding truthfully to the media.

notsogullible 12 years, 10 months ago

What did PGC and the PLP do with $800 million in 5 years? Answer that and then demand answers from our PM

C_MonMan 12 years, 10 months ago

@TalRussell, you remind me of the comedic Iraqi Minister of Information during the second Gulf War, who as the Americans had already toppled Saddam's statue and were eminently marching on Baghdad went on TV providing comedy shouting quotes like " I triple guarantee you there are no American soliders within 100 miles of Baghdad. "We have them surrounded in their tanks" and "We will roast their stomachs". He was always a good laugh during that war. Likewise, your comedic posts have provided us with good laughs during this election, because you can't be serious.

TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago

Comrade c_MonMan you're excused for being the typical FNM who when confronted with the "truth" you attack the messenger. The reporter asked a simple question of the PM and he spent lots of time beating around the bushes about Prime Minister Christie doing this and that but he never specifically answered the question the reporter put to him surrounding what he knew about the alleged corruption allegations against the minister of tourism? Like all you blindsided FNM's on here, the PM cannot silence a reporter's mouth like he has successfully muted every cabinet minister for five long years, along with every single sitting FNM member of the House, and now every FNM candidate. Have you heard even one of the FNM Candidates speak anything about what their own convictions are? Let's see the PM try his charming intimidation techniques to weasel out of answering a reporter's questions of alleged corruption by his attempt at turning the tables on his former, trusted law partner Prime Minister Christie. Is there anything this PM says that has not included knocking PM Christie?

notsogullible 12 years, 10 months ago

Yes gosh MonMan you are right on with that. I almost forgot him already. TALRussell bringing back old arab ghosts. I know papa was right about those holograms! ha ha!

BigD1 12 years, 10 months ago

The burden of proof is always with the accuser. If you have done nothing wrong why respond to wild accusations. A critical error the leader of the PLP continuously tends to make, never make a statement unless you have all the facts. Unfortunately we are at the finish line so in the words of Mr. Hubert Ingraham.......LATE AGAIN!!!

notsogullible 12 years, 10 months ago

I just had to watch the PLP rally online at RMBailey tonight after JCN signed off on them. PGC started speaking exactly at 1:05 a.m. (late, late, late, late AGAIN!) and he was sure hallucinating - even say Long Island gone gold ... well I'll be .... Yeah, Perry gone

C_MonMan 12 years, 10 months ago

@TalRussell, typically I would enjoy your posts for the comic relief that it provides, however, it seem to me that you and your PLP leaders having dismally lost the substantive arguement of who is best to govern the Bahamas over the next 5 years are now desparately employing the same ametuerish debating tricks of exaggeration, personal attacks, generalisations, manufactured conspiracies and drawing unfounded and false conclusions.

The PM has a job to do and journalist and reporters have jobs to do. The principle duty and obligation of responsible reporting and journalism is to present full, complete and unbiased coverage and information. When it is obvious and clear that a reporter, who has a well documented history of bias, has not fact checked her sources and is being used as an instrument of propaganda, the PM will always be well advised to respond in a measured and responsible manner, which he did. This story is all about nothing my friend, IT'S OVER.

CatIslandBoy 12 years, 10 months ago

Why do you all dignify Tal Russell's silly, child-like rants, by commenting on them. Obviously this ignorant and mis-guided P L P would go away if simply ignored. In a few hours, Bahamians, of all stripes and colours, will march to the polls and make their voices known. Either they will voice approval of the advancements our country has seen over the last five years, or fall victim to the empty rhetoric of the opposition party who did nothing during their term in offices, but now promise to take us all to the moon and beyond. May God bless the Commonwealth of The Bahamas!

TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago

How could you not love that comedic Iraqi Minister of Information during the U.S. Iraq War? Give me Baghdad Bob over Comrade Tommy any day as a spokesman for this FNM regime. You confused Red Shirts can ridicule any message that reminds this wretched FNM regime that they will not win this General Election with the only message they have had for the natives is one of blaming all their many failures squarely on the shoulders of Prime Minister Christie. All I can say is the best argument against all the in-the-gutter personal attacks made by this PM, is for the PM and his FNM regime to have a five minute talk with the average native registered to vote in a matter of days. The natives only hope to begin to put an end to the crisis our tiny and beloved Bahamaland has been brought to under this FNM regime, is their knowing that it going be over in a few days time when they snatch power out of the hands of this FNM PM and his regime. Credible reports coming out of the FNM's own Mackey Street Headquarters has the PM walking mumbling to himself. What further proof does you FNM's need to understand that your PM has some serious doubts about retaining his own damn Abaco seat. PM you created the DNA as your reelection security blanket but now you know it was as misguided as when you wrote that $11 million check from the natives National Insurance Bank Account to hand over to those foreigners to make of all things, Beer. The DNA is posed to steal away enough votes form an already weakened FNM regime to inflict serious damage on the electability of at least five FNM candidates.

mybiggerpapa 12 years, 10 months ago

Bahamas Oil Company (BPC) says they have spent in exces of $50 million ($50,000,000) dollars. They were refunded their fee of $300,000. a few days ago. As public company they need to disclose how they have spent the balance of $49,700,000. for the years 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011, and 2012. Or an average of $6,000,000. per year ! Where and how was this money spent ? The power of the people is greater than the people in power.

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