HUBERT INGRAHAM has told the nation he will resign as leader of the FNM, retire to private life and won't take a seat in the House of Assembly.
PLP leader Perry Christie gave a statement to The Tribune saying he is deeply encouraged by the support the Bahamian people are showing in this election. Saying he did not want to declare victory until he saw the full count, Mr Christie added he has "a great feeling of satisfaction that he ran a campaign that clearly people understood and they determined that the country needs a change of direction."
Mr Christie promised to make another statement when the full count is in.
Reports have reached The Tribune that Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham has conceded the election to the PLP. More news to follow.
WITH five polling divisions in, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham is down by more than 200 points.
Divisions 1, 7, 8, 9 and 10 have been counted, and unofficially, the PLP’s Renardo Curry has 1017 votes to Mr Ingraham’s 810.
The DNA’s Sonnet Lockhart has 24 votes.
Loretta Butler Turner in Long Island and V Alfred Gray in MICAL seem to be the first winners as final polling result roll in.
THE PLP seems to be pulling away in Fort Charlotte.
With five polling divisions reporting in, the party’s Andre Rollins is leading with 858 votes.
The FNM’s Zhivargo Laing has 780 votes, and the DNA’s Mark Humes has 235.
WITH two polling divisions in, DNA leader Branville is running a distant third in Bamboo Town.
He has 78 votes to FNM candidate Cassius Stuart’s 170 and PLP candidate Renward Wells’ 189.
WITH five out of nine polling divisions in, the FNM have a massive lead in Long Island.
Loretta Butler-Turner is leading her rivals with 401 votes to PLP candidate Alex Storr’s 158. The DNA’s Mario Cartwright has 86.
Two polling divisions have reported back in MICAL, where the FNM has 68 votes to the PLP’s 30. The DNA has no votes.
In Central and South Eleuthera, the FNM has 59 votes, the PLP 34 and the DNA 2.
Shirley 12 years, 10 months ago
Goodbye, Mr. Ingraham. We still love you. You're simply the best! Happy retirement.
paul_vincent_zecchino 12 years, 10 months ago
My family and I wish you the best, Mr. Ingraham, and thank you for all the good which you did for Nassau and the Bahamas. Your shining legacy greets us every time we arrive in New Providence and the Islands to our unending pleasure. Thank you and all the best,
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago
On this General Elections Day natives turned out to certified the failures of this man and his FNM regime. In his retirement let his conscious be his guide over the 500 murdered under his and Tommy's wretched regime. First order of business is to revoke all the contracts given to the families the UBP Bay Street Boys. Second order of business is to freeze all work permits and citizenship's.
abcd1234 12 years, 10 months ago
What good did Perry Christie do? Ingraham isn't perfect, but who was worse?
abcd1234 12 years, 10 months ago
Let's be completely honest, most Bahamians only voted PLP because they throw a great party. How many people actually think about what is best for this country?
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago
@ abcd1234 you are proof that the natives just got damn tired of the PM and his FNM regime's belittling them. Now, we may learn more about not only the rift in the FNM that was muscled by Ingraham and exactly what did the now five-time rejected at the polls Carl Bethel say to Brent Symonette to make Brent throw his hat in. I have a pretty good idea that Comrade Carl felt Brent thought he was Mr, Entitlement in the FNM,
abcd1234 12 years, 10 months ago
Well, aren't we so lucky to have PLP back!!!! FNM did more in those five years, than Perry would ever do. If you say different, whatever.
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago
Name one single new protect PM and his FNM regime was responsible for. They did not create one new job in their give years in power. The new Airport was PLP, Baha Mar was the brainchild of Christie.Ingraham over one billion dollars in the past two years, mostly to keep the government workers and their fancy pensions in place. PM Christie needs to appoint a Royal Commission to investigate the dealings of the now defeated FNM regime. Even Atlantis was a Christie project. Ingraham destroyed the economy of Grand Bahama and was on his way to destroying the economy of Nassau.
abcd1234 12 years, 10 months ago
Right, and Christie did a great job with the scandals. Many he has changed, I guess we'll have to see.... In case you didn't notice, the economy isn't exactly good. If he actually goes along with his ideas & his great intensions then, great he's changed, but how many people change like that? I'm sure you hate all the new roads, yeah, they took a while, but at least they are there. Everyone waits until election anyway.....that's when they start to care. Someone needs to care for the full five years, not just when their lifestyle is at risk.
lilbigga 12 years, 10 months ago
Rontom 12 years, 10 months ago
Congratulations PLPs. You ran a successful campaign. Thank Mr Ingraham. Your work in this country is meritorious. God bless The Bahamas
Philosopher_King 12 years, 10 months ago
Like a petulant little child after a scolding The Dear Maximum leader takes his ball and slinks back in to his hole to be taken care of by his financial benefactors whose hands he delivered in to country's wealth over the last 5 years. Good Riddance!!!
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago
I wonder how pathetic his former cabinet ministers and sitting MP's now feel about their lack of spine in never once saying a single word even though they must have known what the majority of natives knew, that this little man was slowly enjoying the status of becoming the Bahamaland;s first real Dictator. I hope Prime Minister Christie never thinks it's wise to hold out the olive branch to this wretched bunch of rejected FNM's. They simply cannot ever again be trusted by the natives. You have lo laugh when you know it was Ingraham's wicket arrogance which has once again brought his FNM party its knees. His first order of business was to kick his own Abaco constituents in their butts.
sammy1996 12 years, 10 months ago
@ TalRussell um, perhaps you should check your grammar and spelling in your comments before you speak badly about the FNM. Actually, grand bahama's economy was destroyed before the FNM even came into power. Atlantis was NEVER a Christie project. What did the PLP do in their last 5 years?? OH YEAH, that's right, they borrowed $800 million and no one knows or can see what was done with it. Doesn't that sound fishy to you?? and how can the PLP possibly be trusted??? People are using OUTDOOR TOILETS IN THE 21ST CENTURY and still voting PLP even though they never addressed the problem.....makes sense(sarcasm).
After couting the results, i found that if the DNA were not in existence, the FNM would have won 12 of the seats that they lost which they usually win. So, don't think it's the "amazing" PLP that won this's only thanks to the DNA. And please, make sure and research your facts before you type. I'm in high school and I know better than that.
Lerenda 12 years, 10 months ago
So what if the spelling and grammar is incorrect? What makes you certain that the votes gained by the DNA were in fact previous FNM supporters?Since you're in high school please focus of your BJC or BGCSE examinations. It's the FNM's Carl Bethel who cancelled the student guaranteed loan. It was the FNM's government who DECREASED the budget for Education. Go do your homework kid.
krystalclear 12 years, 10 months ago
Exactly, they better be grateful to the DNA party. I am about to sit back and watch perry them.
sammy1996 12 years, 10 months ago
Actually, I already got 5 A's on my BJC's, one of them being English Language. What do you mean, "so what if the spelling and grammar is incorrect"??? that's exactly what's wrong with our country now...UNEDUCATED PEOPLE and those who don't want to improve. The FNM INCREASED the scholarship budget from $5 million to $25 million. And Mr. Bethel had to REFINE the student guaranteed loans because people were getting the money and not spending it on school fees...My homework is done ma'am, maybe you should re-check yours. Young people need to get involved in politics because we are the future of this country; future politicians...If you're an adult, you should be happy that children are taking the time to know about this work isn't the only important thing in life.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
sammy 1996 congrats on your marks!!! i am pleased that the future of our country has a knowledgable young person like you..from a fifty year old that loves his country ,keep up the good work sammy 1996!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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