Power cuts reportedly disturb Baha Mar restaurants

GUESTS dining at Baha Mar restaurants Friday were reportedly disturbed by power cuts.

According to complaints, eateries and bars throughout the resort were left without power at around 1:30 pm without any explanation.

At the time, the casino was the only area with running power.

The Tribune spoke to Baha Mar Senior Vice President Robert "Sandy" Sands, who told this newspaper the resort was conducting internal testing in a few of its restaurants.

Mr Sands also confirmed that the issue had nothing to do with Bahamas Power and Light.


bahamianson 5 years, 2 months ago

Is this a trick question? Why is this a.surprise? Welcome to the third world. The phones are.down every week, the internet is terrible, the electricity is crap, the bus system is crap, all government offices give terrible service, there are taxes upon taxes , crime is ridiculous,all policemen are out of shape, and the list goes on. Nothing to see.here folks.

geostorm 5 years, 2 months ago

Lol, what a sad commentary!

TalRussell 5 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, no. If we comrades could turn back time. If only we could find a way we once proud Loyalists takes back that word that have hurt we beloved Queen, and she'd be all forgiven of we for ever having spoken Independence word. If only we could find a way take back that word that has 46 years hurt we so much beloved Queen, and He Majesty say, all is forgiven my loyal English Subjects colony Bahamaland. You can't make up, you just, can't that only thing left is beg allover globe all we $7 Billion debt holders to forgive and forget all we colony's debts. Looks around your crumbling surroundings - then asks yourselves, where in the hell did we colony's - just that $7 Billion of debt - disappear to?**

TheMadHatter 5 years, 2 months ago

Bahamas needs to ask to become the 51st state of the union. Or we can just keep living like cavemen. USA keeps asking Puerto Rico (now bankrupt by the way ... like us) to become a state and they refuse every time. Let's ask to take their place. They must be the dumbest people on the planet.

TheMadHatter 5 years, 2 months ago

Let's hear it for caveman #1. I'll go pickup your badge from the printers and bring it on over to ya.

Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 2 months ago

Dream on! The U.S.A. would never entertain the idea of U.S. statehood for the Bahamas. Much more advantageous for the U.S.A. to give us the Cuba treatment and treat us like the satellite state of Haiti that we have in fact become. LMAO

TheMadHatter 5 years, 2 months ago

You make a valid point. We are certainly being treated that way - no ambassador since Trump (he won't renominate anyone since Doug). Then, of course, the really sad part is it seems the majority of Bahamians want us to become a second Haiti. Anytime you mention a Haitian they either rush to defend them, rush to hire them, rush to give them free food or shelter, rush to report any abuser to the U.N., or rush to lick their feet clean and wash them with expensive perfumes and dry with their hair - like in Luke 7 vs 37 & 38. Meanwhile, they tell their fellow Bahamians to go scratch. So as the Bahamas transforms into Haiti, it is really not a bad thing. It is a dream of the majority.

jamaicaproud 5 years, 2 months ago

You desire to become a welfare state getting leftovers from Uncle Sam. Instead of collaboration with your black brethren. But alas the darker skinned negroes of the Bahamas do not think their ancestry originates in Africa. They think they are Caucasian who got darkened by the tropical sun.

Let me let you in on a secret. For all the issues we have in the Caribbean, electricity generation not one of them. But will you import expertise from the Caribbean no. Because people are coming to take jobs that don't exist and get a ticket to heaven by virtue of getting anp Bahamaland work permit.

Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 2 months ago

@jamaicaproud: Play your tired 'ole race card if you must or watch re-run after re-run of brainwashing Roots in your own home country. We Bahamians have wisened up to how racism has been used by successive PLP and FNM governments alike to manipulate and divide us in order to get our vote and then keep the vast majority of us suppressed and struggling to make ends meet while the political elite and their cronies unjustly enrich themselves at great expense to our country and its people.

TheMadHatter 5 years, 2 months ago

Mudda is exactly correct. Not only his points, but also I would correct you and say that we ALREADY are just "getting the leftovers from Uncle Sam." If it wasn't for USA, people now in FPO and Abaco wouldn't have even water to drink. But long before the hurricane, you should be acutely aware of our imports from the USA, our television signals from the USA, our lifestyle very much (not exact) like the USA. We pay taxes here like CRAZY (not just VAT, but people are ignorant of how much tax is on vehicle fuels). We pay ALL the price and more, but we get NONE of the benefits.
After the USA realized just how incredibly stupid we are, they have no problem fanning the flames of media to encourage us to visit the USA and save up our money all year round and they fly over there and spend it all. In fact, one bank here (maybe more) - even has vacation loans. Only the stupidest person on earth would borrow money to go on vacation. But - they know that there are 10's of thousands of Bahamians who hold the title (as a tie breaker) for that title.

jamaicaproud 5 years, 2 months ago

Isnt it a shame an Island nation has to depend on USA for water to drink, and don't grow any of your own food.

Anyway I am not here to trade insults. I am simply saying you all paranioa about othe negroes coming to your beloved Bahamaland, when collaboration is the order of the day is crazy.

That goes for my stupid country too. We should be collaborating and have no need to be getting help from Chinese etc. For crying out loud, what do Chinese know about running Hotels? When there is so much expertise in the caribbean. Barbados has great systems all around. Trinidad has experirnce in manufacturing and energy.

Anyway deport the haitians and your problems are over.

stoner 5 years, 2 months ago

Things will improve once the New Hydro system comes on stream.Just hold tight.Things don't happen overnight in the Bahamas.We all know that having lived there.Just have patience.I don't think the United States would like to have the Country as a state at the moment.It would cost too must money to invest and maintain the existing infrastructure.The roads/hydro/sewage/crime/prisons etc.

TheMadHatter 5 years, 2 months ago

STONER - what an apt name for you. Fits perfectly. So we much wait "overnight", eh? How many overnights? So far we have waited approximately 17,155 (seventeen thousand, one hundred fifty five) nights since Independence. How many more do you want to wait? How long do you plan to live? If you are planning to live to be 200 years old, then I can understand your patience.

realitycheck242 5 years, 2 months ago

Baha Mar is Chinese built, what do you expect. wait till the horror stories from the plumbing system is revealed .

TalRussell 5 years, 2 months ago

Ma Comrades didn't the US government not just wholesale reject the claims of colony's first known be from fleeing Abaco refugees? You can't make up, you just, cant how I have written about the potential for we colonialists set sail on colony's seas - just as the financially depressed Haitian people been forced into doing many years. Are we not but one more Hurricane Dorian hitting Nassau packed winds and surging seas packing potential to witness mass fleeing entire population out colony's capital? This Imperialists red government is pre and post Hurricane planning bankrupt... a closer look the incompetency the political appoints whom the governing Imperialists reds put in charge post Hurricane Dorian, should scare hell out all we.

bogart 5 years, 2 months ago

Reataurants, bars etc left without power knowingly done by hotel to users guests is bizarre..!!! ...AFTER THE sovereign nation, Govt of the Commonwealth has bent over backwards and forwards to reassure, market spending millions of taxpayers money, going overseas to tell erryone that Bahamas is open for business....many more islands like Nassau, then the Baha Mar a major hotel shut down electricity upsetting the guests of the Bahamas in the Baha Mar Hotel..!!!!! Why do a mess like this to guests....???

Everybody who has customer service experience, running any business would have the right timing, created alternatives PRIOR ADVISORY SHUTDOWNS etcetc rather than knowingly organized this disaster to Bahamas guests, a stain on Bahamas, complaints going back to other countries.

This incident is terrible after the Bahamian Govt has bent over backwards and forwards to advertize the Bahamas back in business to be left in improper subpar run hotel. Suspend their business and slap them a huge fine to send message their intentional and disservice to hotel guests shenanigans will not be tolerated, especially when Tourism is our Golden Goose..!!!!!!!!

Clamshell 5 years, 2 months ago

If you want to “test” your restaurants’ power supply, you do that at 4 a.m., while the guests are all in bed, not at lunchtime. Really, this story smells funny.

TheMadHatter 5 years, 2 months ago

Be careful with that kind of talk. They will deduce that you have a brain and take your passport and deport you.

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