THE police have made an impassioned plea to young men to find a way to resolve their conflicts after five people were murdered in two days – three in drive-by shootings that police think may be related.
Inspector Chrislyn Skipping said Bahamians have a responsibility to do whatever they can to rid the county of the scourge of murder that is taking the lives of young men.
Two fathers, aged 26 and 30, were gunned down within an hour of each other yesterday afternoon, one at his parents’ house in Pinewood and the other at the carwash he owned in Chippingham.
A third man had been shot and killed just after midnight.
Inspector Skippings said: “This is so painful, I am appealing to all young men in our Bahamas. You have got to find a way to resolve your conflict, talk to your pastor someone in your community to get the help you need.”
Mrs Skippings also appealed to women to use whatever influence they have to help the men in their lives. “We have to stop this scourge.” she said.
Wednesday’s murders are the third, fourth and fifth to have occurred after Monday’s general election. A mother and son were killed on Monday evening.
The Christie administration made crime a major issue in its campaign and the Bahamas’ new Deputy Prime Minister vowed a “rapid response” in the wake of the bloodshed.
Philip “Brave” Davis, who was sworn in to office yesterday, said “we are not going to allow” the escalation in violent crime to continue.
“You would have heard the Prime Minister indicate today following my swearing in that he has already identified his Minister of National Security. We are concerned about it. We are not going to allow it to continue.”
Mr Davis added that he knows that Prime Minister Perry Christie has already met with the Commissioner of Police, Ellison Greenslade at least three times since he was sworn in on Tuesday “on matters of these natures”.
Last night, police were linking all three shootings. All three victims were known to the police.
McKeno John Brown, 26, a father of three young boys, who was married last year, was shot and killed while at his parents’ house on Sugar Apple Street in Pinewood shortly after 3pm. According to police, Mr Brown was in the front yard when he was approached by a man in a dark coloured vehicle. Following an argument, the man fired shots at Mr Brown who ran to the back yard where he collapsed and died.
His distraught father John Brown, had just returned home shortly after the murder took place.
He told The Tribune that his son had stopped by to help him repair his car. Mr Brown said he is devastated at the death of his oldest child and said that he hoped the killers would be brought to justice.
Neighbours also expressed shock that such a horrific tragedy could happen in their neighbourhood.
“I have lived here for 15 years and nothing like this has ever happened. This is the worst thing I have ever seen happen here,” said the neighbour who said she knew the victim and his family well.
Several other people said that they hoped the new government’s eyes would be opened to just how bad crime is in the country, saying that Nassau is the wild west.
It was while police were briefing members of the press at that scene, that they received reports of a second shooting, this time in the Chippingham area.
David De’Angelo Marshall, 26, was shot at multiple times while at the car wash he owned on Baldwin Avenue, police reported. He died at the scene.
Inspector Skippings said that Mr Marshall was at the scene with several other people when the occupants of a dark coloured vehicle pulled up and opened fire on him. He was also pronounced dead at the scene.
Family and friends were hysterical at the crime scene, with several having to be taken to hospital after collapsing in grief in the streets. Mr Marshall’s girlfriend, who gave birth to their child just three weeks ago, was inconsolable and screamed over and over that her baby did not have a daddy.
After police allowed the victim’s mother to see her son’s body, she screamed to God that she hoped that the “evil people” who did this to her child would be caught.
Newly elected MP for Fort Charlotte Dr Andre Rollins was immediately at the scene comforting the family.
Dr Rollins said that he is saddened by all three murders. In the case of Mr Marshall, Dr Rollins said that he had met him several times during his campaign.
“Here was a young man who had come into the community and started his own business. He was providing for himself and his family and had also employed a number of young men in the area. He bonded well with other persons. This is where we are as a country where young men are trying to turn their lives around and do positive things, they are unable to escape people who will do them harm.”
He also said that his campaign proposal to put closed circuit cameras in communities may be helpful in situations like these. He said the cameras may not have been able to identify the occupants of the vehicle, but may have helped to locate it.
Police have appealed to the public for any assistance they can give in the investigations.
• There were two more shootings through the night. The first incident reportedly occurred around 10:30pm on Wednesday and resulted in a 48-year-old male being shot to the neck.
Initial reports indicate that the victim was at Miami Street when he was approached by a male known to him and subsequently shot.
The victim was taken to hospital via EMS personnel where he is detained in stable condition.
The second incident reportedly occurred shortly after midnight on Thursday at Fifth Street, Coconut Grove and resulted in a male receiving a gunshot injury to the abdomen.
The victim was taken to hospital and is in critical condition.
1plpgovernment 12 years, 10 months ago
PLP ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bigdee 12 years, 10 months ago
the prime mister has his work cut out for him if i was prime minster i would read 15deathwarrant on the prisoners at death row he needs to show these persons who are killing like there is no end that these type of crime he would not accept i pray that our nation pray for him so can gain more knowledge and understanding he just need to deal very hard with these criminals
1plpgovernment 12 years, 10 months ago
To the lady that said, she can now go to sleep with her door unlocked-PLP has 6 murders under its watch. 96 days to go to see this 100 day plan implemented...........Oh, Mr. Rt HN. Oil Man, and Deputy "90" counsel. We the people elected you to carry out an agenda. You only have 5 years. Don't stumble.Time moving fast.................PLP----------ALL THE WAY!
carlh57 12 years, 10 months ago
So, your really that naive to think something would be turned around in 100 days? And that these murders were because PLP hadn't done anything? As a resident here i'm amazed at the mindset that you people have. To honestly think that things can be turned around in 100 days. Hey, i've got a bridge for sale and own part of the moon. You want to buy?
1plpgovernment 12 years, 10 months ago
And you must be minister of dumbness appointed to spread the dumbness and not see the irony(The PLP said under the FNM 490+ murders) That indicates that the FNM was doing them then according to my Great Deputy, so in all fairness I have to respect the facts as they did. Wasn't the one of the main reasons they won. And yes, how much for that bridge and I do need half and acre up there south of the eclipse to do some milk farming. Thanks..............PLP all the wasy!! 95 more days
bahamiangal 12 years, 10 months ago
The PLP's must deeply regret plastering those billboards around town. Because now the country is counting. They need to do what they promised and get the crime under control immediately. Not worry about settling all of their promises to those who donated funds for their campaign. Get the crime under control ASAP!!!!
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
the murders are yours now .....5 and counting ,,,,what you saying pgc or too bust swearing in the new minister of works ,lands and oil ....
Finesse 12 years, 10 months ago
We must give the PM some times to work his agenda and implement his strategies. Yes, there have been a few murders while he was sworn in but its a continuation of revenge. So just pray and be patience that change will come and that it will come in a timely manner.
ABC 12 years, 10 months ago
So now it's continuation of revenge. When former Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest suggested that, the PLP scorned him. BUT now that the shoe is on the other foot, we must give the PM some time to work his agenda. No way, not today. Youall made crime a potitical issue during the election campaign, so now take your blows. Youall said you would fix it, so fit it. 95 days and counting!
Finesse 12 years, 10 months ago
This is not about a Political Party being in power. Its about the well-being of the country. Whether PLP, FNM or DNA is in power, they still have to do the work that is necessary to combat crime, develop our country, create jobs and improve our education system. So don't point fingers. You are thinking with a one track mind. So think objectively.
henny 12 years, 10 months ago
To those who think they can leave their doors unlocked now.......the PLP are human beings NOT guardian angels!!
coachjunkie 12 years, 10 months ago
The only way that the government officials will do something about the crimes in the Bahamas, is when it starts to affect tourism, or their families ! Mothers, fathers,clergymen, teachers, and leaders! please talk to our young men and young women about self worth, self love and respect of others and themselves! What is wrong with our young people ? they are complaining about there are not enough jobs, when they are distrespecting the teachers, (who are underpaid) and are getting thrown out of school, knowing that without education, you cannot get a decent job, so therefore, the only alternative will be crime. I beg you (young people) to please stop the killings, and get your education. Pretty soon there will be people of a certain age group (missing) due to death or prison! Iam a Bahamian, (living in the U.S.A) and it saddens me when I read the newspaper and see the stuff that goes on in my country,that makes me not want to live there anymore, let alone visit, soon the tourists (that pays many people's bills) will do the same.So, get on your elected people's back , to make the place safe for everyone. WHEW !! THANKS FOR LISTENING AND HAVE A BLESSED DAY.
coachjunkie 12 years, 10 months ago
What Bahamians need to know, is that you don't have to be PLP, FNM, or DNA, to make the country safe. We also need to turn the mirror around and look in it, and stop blaming the government for the way our children turned out, when we know darn well that we should be our children's role model, and not someone else! We should take the blame for our country's downfall, because we are not there for our kids, sure we all have to work to pay bills, but that should not be an excuse for not being there and instilling morals, values , selfworth,honesty and respect of others in them. You don't have to be rich or smart, to do those things.
Finesse 12 years, 10 months ago
I agree with you strongly. WE meaning parents? That's where it all starts at home...And if there's not peace at home, how can we have it on earth? Parents need to take more time and consider the facts of them not been around. It affects the children emotionally, physically, spiritually and educationally.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
wheres talrussell ,,no comment on this one ?????????????????
spoitier 12 years, 10 months ago
You can't expect a government to come into power and crime stops the first day, that isn't reasonable and i'm not a PLP. Give them time to see what new plans are being implemented to see how crime is going to be curb, Dr. Rollins is on the right page on this one with CCTV and put them just about everywhere, this will help a great deal.
LisaG 12 years, 10 months ago
@Spoitier, Realistically no one expects the crime to stop in one day but during the whole campaign saga that was how the PLPs made you feel, Same as them actually blaming the government for the crime problem, well now it's their watch so stop the crime now. CCTV, yes it is a good idea but they only help with the identification of the criminal, our great police offices have been with out CCTV identifying and catching the criminals for quite some time now soooo while the idea is ok at this point it is only added expense
bahamamama 12 years, 10 months ago
No matter your party affiliation, when the PLP put up those 490 murders signs and your attitude was that they are simply stating facts do not have a fit because we are in fact now stating the facts whether you like it or not. Also was the 490 counted from when Hubert was sworn in or after the first day of parliament? Please let us know when they started counting so that we too may count.
spoitier 12 years, 10 months ago
It probably started from when he was sworn in but if the numbers did started to decrease it wouldn't have been a problem but it increase every year. If the trend stays the same with the PLP then it is a major problem but the first couple of weeks isn't the measuring stick and this was probably the FNM cry doing their first couple of months in power.
spoitier 12 years, 10 months ago
LisaG, in order for the PLP or any government to make you feel that way, you would have to be foolish from the jump start. Don't you want to identify the criminals? How many murders or other crimes are unsolve in the Bahamas? If it is a good idea for CCTV I would trade added expense for safety any day, when crime goes down a lot of money that have been spent on negative things like premature funeral services, overtime for policemen and other stuff could be use for doing positive things. The only market that is booming is the Mortuary in these cases.Really I don't want to get on you but most of your points weren't really good ones..
LisaG 12 years, 10 months ago
Spoitier, Sir/Madam i simply gave MY opinion with regards to your posting. You did not have to resort to being so rude as this is the primary reason why we have this whole crime problem right now. You have a great day
spoitier 12 years, 10 months ago
My dear I wasn't rude at all, I simply gave my opinion, if your opinion matter more than mines i'm sorry.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
talrussel still waiting for your ramblings on this one ???? talrussel , talrussell party of one your tables ready !!!!
BoopaDoop 12 years, 10 months ago
Dr. B.J. Nottage (Minister) and Mr. Keith Bell (Minister of State) will hopefully put a dent in crime and the murder rate. Mr. Bell had spoken previously about the poor number of convictions. Let's get rolling guys!! Make the people who voted PLP proud.
1plpgovernment 12 years, 10 months ago
Dr. Nottage help and your mass army of Bain and grants towners, violence free supporters and mentality. I just heard we had another murder (7) but the FNM say it only (6) because it was just after the election when they lost and still was the government. I say 5 days. You need to collaborate with our great Deputy and take a trip to the US because you can consult with crime fighters there. Don't worry about anything , When our great Deputy Brave is brave enough to believe his new found diplomatic immunity will keep him from be indicted the 1/4 of a second he touches US soil, everything will be OK. We elected you (after they say some of us were being purchased.) PLP all the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
ghristie is working on unemployment ,,5 ministries ,,8 ministers ,,,,,lol
notsogullible 12 years, 10 months ago
Yeah he's sure putting a dent in the unemployment rate
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
sorry typo ,,christie
Finesse 12 years, 10 months ago
This blog is not to bash each other but to have great intellectual conversations about the heavy weight of negative actions that is destroying our country. Our opinions and advice is our own and we want to be heard. WE meaning proud citizens of the Bahamas (BAHAMIANS). So lets do that and be respectful of each other. We all are adults and we can have a mature conversation without fighting.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
yes the blog is about discussing things of national importance to our country ,and pointing out what we percieve as the good or bad ,be it plp or fnm .....our problem with crime starts in the home long before it reaches the house of assembly..too many children with out a daddy around of our country wake up and start raising the children you father with morals and caracter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finesse 12 years, 10 months ago
Most definitely, I agree with you strongly. Broken homes. Cross blood contaminates the soul. Fathers suppose to be the head of house hold and they are the one's faltering. I hope one day that all the dead beat dads realize they serve a purpose in their children lives. Morals Ethics is very important in social living.
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