FNM would have 23 seats if DNA voters ticked the torch

IF THOSE who voted for the DNA had supported the FNM in the general election, the former governing party would have won 23 seats in Parliament, according to the final count.

The PLP have been officially declared the winners of the May 7 election after capturing 29 of the 38 constituencies, losing only nine to the FNM.

Figures recently released by Parliamentary Commissioner Errol Bethel show despite the landslide in terms of seats, the margin of victory in most constituencies were not very large.

The PLP received 75,806 votes while the FNM secured 65,518 votes - a difference of 10,288. The DNA, despite not securing any seats, received a total of 13,186 votes.

The DNA vote was larger than the difference between the PLP and the FNM in: Southern Shores, South Beach, Garden Hills, Golden Isles, Marathon, Mount Moriah, Nassau Village, Marco City, Bamboo Town, North Andros and the Berry Islands, Carmichael, Sea Breeze, Fort Charlotte and Elizabeth.

In Mount Moriah, former MP and Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest was ousted by political newcomer Arnold Forbes.

Mr Forbes, the PLP's candidate, secured 249 more votes than Mr Turnquest. However, the DNA's candidate Wayne Munroe received 471 votes. If the DNA had never formed, those 471 votes could have gone either way, perhaps making the race even tighter.

Independent candidates secured 1,296 votes in the election. However because 626 of those were for Whitney Bastian in South Andros, these votes could not have made a difference in the outcome of the election.

More than 90 per cent of registered voters exercised their right to vote on May 7.


concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago

thank you dna ,you have now sent us back into the hands of the plp ....when the oil drilling starts we can thank you for that too ,,,PM CHRISTIE PLEASE NO OIL DRILLING IN OUR WATERS ,,ONE SPILL AND WE ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cecil 12 years, 10 months ago

It is silly to believe ALL of the DNA vote would have gone solely to one party, ie the FNM. Moreso, the DNA was formed due the ineptitude of Mr. Ingraham, and in essence how he treated his cabinet ministers. So if you wish to blame someone, blame the person who caused the DNA to be formed, that is Hubert Alexander Ingraham. More over, it is shameful to know that the FNM campaign was not able to convince DNA supporters that the FNM was the right and only way to go. They rejected that notion and voted green!

clarken 12 years, 10 months ago

Thats a lie and you know it. There is absolutely no society or economy which was eternally damaged by an oil spill. PossiblyThe largest oil spill in history occure in the Gulf merely wto years ago and none of the several tourist economies surrounding it were totally damaged. In fact noe have ever stopped doing business and now they are reporting that they are fully recovered.

grouperbait 12 years, 10 months ago

saying the bahamas wont be affected by a oil spill is a lie and you know it. Bahamians have no experience with digging oil. One oil spill and i promise you our country is done. Our clear blue waters is what keeps bring people back to this beautiful place we call home. Dont make a argument on your opinion.....

BoopaDoop 12 years, 10 months ago

These statistics will make it even more difficult for the DNA to attract FNM voters in the next election. But then again, some Bahamians have bad memories and may forget.

TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago

The dimmed Torch guards over the new "peep Show" left behind by an very embarrassed Hubert. The party can't say there were not FNM's warning them back in 2007 not to dare touch the toxic Ingraham. Like Hubert they too never listen. You know the FNM has been reduced to a "peep show" when the lead headline story for the FNM in today's tribune has Comrade Cassisus running to replace Hubert. If you don't see the humor in all this, well, you're as brain dead as all the remaining Hubert supporters.Don't be that surprised if they're dumb enough to do another Tommy back-stab, at Dr, Minnis?

TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago

would be so true had the FNM supporters been Solomon wise enough to give the rest of us a clear sign that they too during the 2012 General Elections were much too enlightened than to followed Hubert into the agony defeat.

Cc 12 years, 10 months ago

Do you have secret fantasies about our former PM? Honestly, you and Ortland Bodie can't go one day without this man all ova yall mind. Really makes me wonder. Anywho.......

242 12 years, 10 months ago

lol @ talrussel....u doin exactly what Reader want u to do. you still angry after the plp win. angry cuz Hhubert name still associated with excellence... lol

notsogullible 12 years, 10 months ago

The name Hubert Alexander Ingraham will ALWAYS be associated with excellence of the highest order (15 years of excellence as prime minister)and no matter what he does, PGC will never be able to match it. He's had 5 years already which literally went down the toilet because of its nature and this recent victory handed to the PLP by the DNA will very likely max PGC out at 10 years as prime minister. PGC's failure at this term is already shaping up with the likes of VAG, PBD, DSG at the helms of the varying ministries. Anyone else wondering what happened to the generation of NEW LEADERS that PGC surrounded himself with? Why are they suddenly not qualified to lead?

TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago

I see Hubert as a man who never did care about good management when he used budedgetary control excuses to attempt to bust the unions. He will be remembered as the man who did what his UP handlers instructed him to, get rid of unions in our Bahamaland. I find it so damn sad that this little man still has such a negative influence over the way his loyal supporters have been so blindsided by his lies and rhetoric over the past five years. It's pretty darn sad.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago

thank you notsogullible ,,HAI thanks for the roads etc etc ,,,,smallrussell don,t drive on the roads its a trap there no good lol...wow what a crew of gals heading up the ministries

John 12 years, 10 months ago

The VOICE of the people is the voice of GOD...how often have you heard that quote, especially in recent times and in relation to the results of this election. And persons would want you to believe that God has spoken in this election and that he wanted Perry Christie to be prime minister of the Bahamas and not Hubert Ingraham. But is that really the case? If we look back in the days of Samuel when he was old and up in age, the people no longer wanted him for their king. So they cried out to God saying they wanted a new king: a king that was young like tha kings of the other nations around them. God reminded them that He was their King and that if they got a younger king he would enslave their women, mothers and daughters, and send their sons and fathers off to war to be killed. But they insisted and so God allowed them to have their will..the voice of the people is the voice of God. Yet just as God had warned them it came to pass where their new king enslaved their women and sent their men off to war to be killed.

There is not doubt there are many prayer warriors in the PLP, many who have been praying for Perry Christie's return ever since his defeat in 2007. While we may not be sure if there was money in the neatly folded PLP t-shirts given out on election day, we know that God answers prayers...the will of the people is the voice of GOD.

Maybe GOD wants Perry Christie to have a second chance and learn from the mistakes he made during his first time as prime minister. Maybe God wants Bahamians to see what will happen when they reject the leader who he put in place to deliver them. We know that both men have the best interest of this country at heart, one, in they eyes of man, is just a more effective leader than the other...so now we have to wait and see..the people have spoken John 3:16

BahamianMinded 12 years, 10 months ago

You guys r silly to believe that the DNA handed this election to the PLP. FNM supporters r one in the same with their party, they think that Bahamians are fools. Get over it already. The FNM party seems to be more organize than those PLP fellows, but the FNM is not in sync with the Bahamian public. Some people want to talk about money giving out for votes, this is another insult to the public. And also PM Ingraham running without a deputy was an insult to the Bahamian People, who were we voting for if something happens to PM Ingraham? Why would anyone vote for someone that won't tell them who they are voting for? So what if the constitution supports PM Ingraham actions, it still sucks. FNM disappointed me with this blame game not realizing that its their approach to the issues of the last five years that gave them this beating. Transparency Transparency Transparency, I can't say it enough. Don't take the Bahamian public for fools. Oh yeah ya really think FNM country (Freeport) was bought out by the PLP? One man's petty politics help killed an economy. What a shame. Thank you PM Ingraham for your services especially in 92'-97' you were my idol then. I, like every Bahamian ought to commend you for your services and you ought to thanks us for giving you the opportunity to serve us.

Philosopher_King 12 years, 10 months ago

I concur with most of what you said, and would like to add that the FNM allowed Citizen Ingraham to corrupt their ideals of building a meritocracy based on fairness, putting Bahamians first and a society based on open discussion of the issues. The years between '92--97 were their best for the fact they had strong MP's and Cabinet Ministers who held his feet to the fire. I personally witness it all go awry by ‘99 when after he demanded his "own people" be brought in ’97 that his myopic view points, my way or the highway attitude and subservient demeanor to the financial benefactors of him and the party become the only way forward for the FNM. By '99 he had alienated me and many more like me began to follow; it led to crushing defeat in ’02 and so bringing him back in '07 was the biggest mistake they ever made (a short term fix for a long term problem). So now they have no one but him and themselves to blame for nearly 60% of the Bahamian public rejecting them at the polls,

concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago

uhhhh perhaps the world wide recession had something to do with our economy....

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