Prime Minister Perry Christie has formally announced the final list of Ministers to be named to his Cabinet.
The Prime Minister also announced that Mr. Anthony Moss, the Member–Elect for Exuma has been appointed Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources and Mrs. Cleola Hamilton, the Member of Parliament-elect for South Beach, has been appointed Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Transport and Aviation. Renward Wells, the MP-elect for Bamboo Town, has been appointed Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Works and Urban Development.
The Prime Minister also announced that at the opening of the new Parliament on the 23rd May the Government would move for the election of Dr. Kendal Major, the member-elect for the Garden Hills constituency as the next Speaker of the House of Assembly and for the election of Dion Smith, the member-elect for the Nassau Village constituency, as Deputy Speaker.
Nassaugal 12 years, 10 months ago
I'm disappointed to see Shane Gibson and V. Alfred Gray in there. I thought Christie knew better...Shame and scandal, here comes the PLP.
Arob 12 years, 10 months ago
A spit in the face of the Bahamian people. Thank you inventors for the Internet, the actions of the past cannot be white washed.
Shame, shame, shame
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
thats 5 ministers of state already ,at least the new PM is doing something about unemployment ...PM Christie please no oil drilling ,one spill and our way of life is gone ,perhaps forever ..proud bahamian, although my party lost i,m proud of our democarcy and a violence free election,,,God continue to bless our little country!!!!..
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
in 2002 was the new plp ,then 2007 the new new plp ,then 2012 the new new new plp ,,,wow looks like the same old plp ,,what happened PGC the bridge from SLOP to the future collaspe ..young fresh plp canidates you got tricked by the old gals club ,,,,wait wait did a mom and duagther just book tickets to atlanta
effectsandcause 12 years, 10 months ago
Fred Mitchell as Minister of Foreign Affairs AND IMMIGRATION !?!?! This gatta be a typo. Mitchell is a sympathizer who will NOT be tough on this immigration problem. Christie obviously is not serious about Immigration and has prioritized it as low. This is mistake number ONE! Bahamians are watching.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
what about shame gibson , get ready hotel owners tax time comin ,,,,just saw him say how he is going to protect the workers pension ,,,tell us what kind ot return they got on the 19million the boys borrowed from the union to buy city markets ....zilch ,,nada ,,nothing
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago
I don't have a photo of Hubert over my bed and a copy of the FNM's 2007 regime's Manifesto. Because of the scarcity of their "valuable" 2012 Manifesto I was lucky enough not to own one. I couldn't begin to imagine sitting through the released as a campaign propaganda film on the "Roots of True Leadership, a so-called documentary chronicling the life and not so hard times of Hubert, to be forced-fed his General Idi Amin Dada laughter. And guess what my life is just fine without any of the three wastes of timers! Rumor on the street has it three weeks before the General Elections Hubert got measured for his General’s Defense Force uniform.…
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago
So Comrade you really think Hubert is gone for good, this time? Seems the FNM went through this act with him back after they, again because of him, were rejected by the natives.Maybe you need to first tell the FNM to stop picking PM Christie's cabinet appointments to pieces before you start telling me to get on with the important issues?
Cc 12 years, 10 months ago
You know, hopefully someday one of you ingraham haters will realise that while yall burstin a blood vessel lambastin him every second of every day, he is sleepin in late, watchin tv, playin wit his grandkids and chillin to the max. Try your best to get some semblance of a life, please.
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago
Is it a real possibility of Hubert rejoin the PLP and challenging PM Christie for the PLP party’s leadership? It sure as hell seems to be weighing on his mind. Watch the video and see for yourselves what all the reporters missed? The majority of natives looked to Jesus on May 7 to decide their votes and he saved them. FNM's choice to hung to the red lined pants of a man whose regime was too greedy to share the money and wealth of our Bahamaland with the poor and the underprivileged. Can you believe he actually told the natives that he had compassion and love for them? Many see him as a man always quick to judge the loyalty of friends, colleagues and foes alike. Hubert thought so little of his cabinet colleagues that he never bothered to thank them in his so-called second final farewell speech. Never had the time to show respect the heroic struggles the natives, he swore on the Holy Bible to respect and to serve. Truth is never once has he in any of his three administrations paid homage to the struggles of our tiny and much beloved Bahamaland. To him Bahamaland’s history begins and ends when came to power and only if his name was attached to it. This is a selfish man.…
notsogullible 12 years, 10 months ago
You should be careful how you are involving Jesus in your propaganda ... just saying ...
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
yawn ...papa bashing is getting old ........the PM now is Perry Gladstone Christie in case you missed the memo..over time we will get to judge his performance . Thank you Mr Ingraham , enjoy your time with your wife,kids and grands.
really 12 years, 10 months ago
I think shane gibson will do a good job in labor. I'm a bit concerned about mitchell in immigration though....should have had someone more serious there...anyway we'll see I hope he proves me wrong because immigration need some SERIOUS attention and we need to have that referendum on children of immigrants becoming citizens...also a complete transformation of government offices and workers are needed hire external persons who have degrees in business administration and project management and such to evaluate workers and get rid of those that are not productive, SEND HOME the pension ready workers young people need jobs!!! computerize and organise the government offices all kind of darkness and shady things be happening because WORKERS ARE NOT ACCOUNTABLE.. people treat you any kind of way when you go there and that is ridiculous..the government gat alot of work cut out for them and they better do it!!
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago
Comrade believe me when I say that I too was shocked by some of the names brought back from the 2002 Christie administration. I am going to trust PM Christie's call on this one with an ever watchful eye. Let them take just one stupid step to embarrass PM Christie and the party and believe me there are more than enough very influential people who will see them quickly escorted to the cabinet room's exit door.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
that is a very objective comment talrussell,,,, i too will watch and give them time ..PM Christie keep them in line ,loyal opposition keep thier feet to the fire ....
notsogullible 12 years, 10 months ago
Keeping our feet to the fire? Check!
C_MonMan 12 years, 10 months ago
@TalRussell, maybe you can begin your watchful vigil by naming and shaming those newly appointed Ministers, who as their first act in these difficult times, was to order new furniture for their government offices when they themselves can't afford new furniture in their own homes. Let the party begin.
deconch30 12 years, 10 months ago
You would think all the damage Mr. Shane Gibson did in the last administration one would stay far way from him and Leslie Miller.I wonder if PGC doesn't have a trick up his sleeve to get rid of them for good because he knows leopards can't change their spots?
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
oh yeah i,m sure PGC has a trick up ..not .. the best trick would of been not to name people mired in scandal to the cabinet whats his trick after they fleece us and embarass PM PGC ,then get rid of them ..i ,ll give you 10 to 1 there not going anywhere ,,the trick already happened and its on us......
deconch30 12 years, 10 months ago
At least id didn't take him upteen years to appoint a cabinet a positive start.
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago
At least PM Christie in 2002 didn't have the disrespect to sell the Prime Minister's physical office to the Chinese? I am pretty sure not all Hubert's cabinet ministers met with the approval of his party. We have to respect PM Christie's call on this one and save the criticism for if and when they screw up. Would I have liked to see a Loftus Roker type appointed to deal with the illegal Haitians, you bet you. Even Comrade Shane is a much better choice than say a Tommy who while he behaved himself personally while holding office, we do know that many of the photos of the just shy of 500 natives murdered under his watch have appeared on the front pages of our newspapers. But then again you FNM's never did look at those murdered as victims of a society spun out of control or bother to demonstrate much sympathy for their families. 500 murdered and the FNM regime just went about granting contracts to their friends and foreigners while their loved ones were scrapping for money to bury their sons, daughters, fathers and uncles. That is the red shirt face of a failed FNM regime the majority of natives remembered on May 7, 2012. Comrades my guess is that is why it was billed as “Decision 2012?”
notsogullible 12 years, 10 months ago
Gold rush was a much bloodier era ... you should try a little less ignorance ... red shirts have nothing to do with the crime among you natives
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
just when i thought you became a little objective talrussell.....please tell where do you think the DPM ,will get the ashpalt to finish the roads ?? comrade murder is a socail problem ,not political ,,too many children with no fathers ,no one instilling a sense of morals in our young men or women ...its us killing us not politicians ....
nassaubeauty 12 years, 10 months ago
No, but legislations put into place would have many thinking twice. When the government raised the cost of living in a recession with hundreds losing their jobs and many others getting pay-cuts, how could you say crime is not the governments fault. Maybe not fully, but it was a major factor.
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago
I have family and friends who although may have voted for the FNM regime on May 7 would be the first to tell you that Hubert’s 2007-2012 cabinet members were the weakest bunch of ministers ever to serve in a FNM, PLP or as far back as a UBP cabinet. The most press coverage of any FNM minister was when the media was reporting on some contact they had or were about to sign. More often than not it would involve a FNM insider, a former UBP, or foreign corporate entirety. We would have to go back to the first Pindling cabinet to find men with not only courage and backbone up their spines but actually held and projected a vision of where they wanted to take their ministry during their term in office. The late Comrade Cecil Wallace-Whitfield in Pindling’s cabinet was truly the most effective education minister ever when you consider how aggressively his vision on building modern new schools was put into action. I guess Hubert’s many rejected ministers will have lots of free time to think about why the lacked any backbone about anything that they were not dictated to by Hubert to pretend they really had some backbone when it was really something he wanted done. The sale of BTC the granting special Wallace groves “Freeport” type exclusivity contracts contained in Arawak Port deal and the writing of that check from the natives national Insurance bank account for a whopping $11 million to foreigners to make Beer comes to mind. Comrades Hubert signed an $11 million check even after the private and institutional financial markets said no to the share offering. You go figure that puzzle out?
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
new flash ,news flash ,HAI gone the fnm lost ,just in case some people missed it ...thanks again for everything Mr Ingraham ...Mamas proud of you!!!!
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
i don,t get the natives thing ,,i thought the Taino Indians were the natives and all the rest of us black ,white etc came on boats ...some by choice and some by force but none of us were the natives....
proudloudandfnm 12 years, 10 months ago
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concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
@proudloudandfnm don,t fret ,i hear ,not so pleasant bridgewater is busy writing the plps new code of ethics .....
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago
Look FNM Comrades I love to hear you screaming unfair, unfair. Finally after beating-up on PM Christie with your regime’s lies that defied common sense and decency here Hubert, Dion and Carl, the three Amigos created by that Spanish roadwork’s outfit, are trying to go on the defense over their ass whipping at the polls. If you couldn’t pull the rabbit out of the hat then what makes you think the natives will pay more than a passing interest in anything you three Amigos have to say now? Don’t you be surprised if even the potcakes on Mackey Street growl at you three in Spanish or Creole when you walk by them. Even the foreign potcakes among us got enough sense to know that On May 7 the majority of the natives showed up at their respective polling stations across our Bahamaland maybe not so much to vote for PM Christie, but as hard as it may be for the three Amigos to believe that the natives turned up in the thousands to deliver a humiliation defeat to the FNM's leader that is exactly what happened. The defeat was so decisive that even the live coverage of ZNS had to stop dancing around with their nervous attempts not to come out and clearly state the obvious, that their man Hubert had just been fired, fired as crudely as he had ordered the long time employees at ZNS to be summoned to the management offices to collect their pink slips. The same Ingraham loyalists who are so quick to come on here to attack me for reviewing why the FNM was defeated have never once posted a comment on the other Tribune blogs calling out the three Amigos to move on that the 2012 General Elections are over? The same crap of; it’s ok to attack PM Christie but not their beloved rejected party leader marches on. This time we want to make damn sure the demise of their Papa Amigo is final this time around. Some of you may be thinking that there is no way back for him this time. Don’t be so quick to count Hubert out of having a few more of his backstabbing the current FNM leader up his trickery sleeves. To you FNM’s in 2002 when your party was stuck in a far lesser rut he was the wrong man to bring back for the job. If anything his arrogance has only deepened since his return. You were before warned that his leadership would be short-lived and you got exactly what many in the FNM warned you that he would do to the party, complete his destruction of the FNM as a viable political force. Just you look at horror of shock in they eyes as even ZNS could no longer hide the General Elections results speeding in from across our Bahamaland. They eyes almost pop out they sockets long before 10 pm on May 7.……
CONCERNEDEXUMAIN 12 years, 10 months ago
this is truly a joke..... oh well let the 5 yrs begin,... i could care less of fnm or plp or dna to run this country .. all i wanted to see was progress for this lovely island i call home... now for 5 yrs we were on the wrong side of the river... now we voted to be on the right side and what did we get... a secetary....?. like seriously a damn SECETARY... mr moss has won this set for the plp 3 consec elections... he was winning his seat when every other plp candidates were being blown out.. and this is his reward.... mr christie said in a rally that he promise exuma a seat at the round table once his goverment won.. but instead we get to watch them eat at this table... exuma deserves a mp ... minister of something... by damn it make up a department but just give us a minister like you promised....
notsogullible 12 years, 10 months ago
Week one - broken promise - no minister for Exuma - Check!!
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
i still don,t get the natives thing talrussell ,,i thought the natives were the taino indians ,,everyone else came here by boat ,,some by choice and some by force ,,,
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
one ? how come all the bigots that rushed down to protest the gay cruiseship are not protesting outside the house of assembly tomorrow ,,,are only foriegn gay people bad ,but our own are somehow anointed aren,t our biggots hypocrites
Arob 12 years, 10 months ago
The role of politicians must be clear. Politicians do not run ministeries. Running/managing ministeries are the responsibilities of civil servants. So, what is the monthly cost of for these ministers, ministers of states, and parlimentary secretaries whose sole purpose is to convey the PLP government's Charter to the civil servants?
Unfortunately, effectiveness cannot be measured until these ministers, ministers of state, and parlimentary secretaries have had an opportunity to begin their political tasks.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago
i was sitting under the tree where we hang and debate both with PLP and FNM brothers and sisters...when the discusion of the new cabinet came up the more ardent and rum soaked PLP,s took to Ingraham bashing ,the more thoughtful PLP remaimed silent .I always thought PM Christie was a good man just a little weak ,now i,m not so sure ,There really is no defense of some of his choices .Before some people rattle on about none of them being charged with anything , wasn,t the new minister of state in national security the police inspector that was investigating the housing scandal when the PLP were in power ..Now a G Smith is asking PGC critics to give him a chance ..sorry Mr Smith i was not a hater against PGC and rather liked him until i saw his new cabinet ..there really is no defense ,you yourself Mr G Smith didn,t even want some of PGC cabinet as canidates.....
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